The Experience Of A Lifetime

By JessicaAnneChristie

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Featuring Rebecca, Imogen, Jessica (ME), Claire,Zoe, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Harry Styles a... More

The Experience Of A Lifetime

103 0 2
By JessicaAnneChristie

'Morning Rebecca and Imogen what you girls talking about?'said Jessica tiredly, 8am was far to early for Jessica, she'd rather be sleeping. 'HEY JESS!!!!!!' Rebecca squealed, she was jumping up and down her face looked as if she was going to explode with excitement, 'sorry Jessica, Becca is a bit hyper. We found out we are going to madam tussards when we go to London in the summer.' Imogen announced beaming proudly to us. After Imogen announced the fantastic news about madam tussards Becca stopped jumping and just clasped her hand together and screamed inside her head still grinning like the Chester cat from Alice in wonderland. Becca, Imogen and Jessica were heading with the school on a school trip to London in the summer missing the last week of the school term they weren't all that bothered about what they do there as long as they were aloud to go to madam tussards, well there was a new wax pop boy band created and placed in London madam tussards and the girls loved this boy band like they were family lucky enough they were getting to see them a week before the models get flown to LA. The band was... ONE DIRECTION!!!

Becca loved Harry Styles, Imogen loved Niall Horan and Jessica loved Louis Tomlinson. They all loved the others but they had a secret celeb crush on there favourite. 67 days had past and it was the 1st of July 2013 (Monday) it was the day they were heading to London they all gathered in front of the bus saying goodbye to family waving hugs all around, on the bus everyone was sitting with there headphones on and texting friends or family members. When they got to Inverness they all got on the train hurling there luggage on board they were all excited, I even think the teachers were excited, Imogen, Becca and Jessica got a table and sat down Jessica was on the phone to her mum telling her about the way here and how she is sad she's missing her wee brothers 7th birthday which was the 2nd of July (Tuesday) when she was off the phone Becca took out a batch of homemade cookies and they all snuggled up and ate cookies talking about madam tussards and looked at pictures of one direction, Claire and Zoe sat on the table next to them, they were sitting playing games on there iPods and eating some of Becca's cookies. Jessica and Imogen fell asleep on the train half way there, Becca sat playing on her phone, and called friends and her mum.


We stepped off the the train ran till we got to the doors and pushed our way onto the streets of London it was already dark and street lights were on we were going to walk to the London eye then take the midnight bus to the hostel we walked across the London bridge someone with a fear of heights went across to TRY and conquer there fear so one of the girls thought I'd be hilarious to tease her so she sang 'LONDON BRIDGE IS FALLING DOWN FALLING DOWN FALLING DOWN LONDON BRIDGE IS FALLING DOWN' then the poor girl got so frightened... Well lets just say it wasn't pretty for the fish in the water (if you catch my drift.) well we got to the London eye it's was fantastic Jessica, Becca, and Imogen got key rings that spun like the London eye so they attached it to there bags and got ready to go again they finally arrived at the hostel and they were just getting ready for bed when the stupid fire alarm went off ringing through their ears, apparently the chef down in the all night buffet kitchen set fire to his soup by burning it!

It was all safe to go inside now it was 2am everyone was sore and cold and wet (because it rained) they had to change pyjamas TOO! It wasn't exactly the best night ever but oh well....

It was Tuesday night they did so much through that day they did loads of London sight seeing, and at night they went to see Lion King On Stage they really enjoyed it. They got key rings, and other fabulous things to remind them about the show. It was Wednesday the week has been flying past all day, this was the day Imogen, Becca, and Jessica were looking forward to... The day they see the ONE DIRECTION wax models, (its their actual clothes FOR REAL NO JOKE). They were getting in their best clothes because if they were getting a picture with one direction they need to be PERFECT there make up was spot on, there clothes were barely crinkled they wanted it to b the best thing that they would NEVER EVER forget.

They hopped on a train to the subway a block away from madam tussards they were buzzing they were given a brochure on the train from Claire who had found it on the way here on the stalls of leaflets ect. So they were reading that and found one direction on the front under NEW COME AND SEE TODAY!!! The train stopped and the first out by shoving and pushing was Imogen, Becca and Jessica. They were called back to wait for the others still getting off the crowd from the train. They were jumping up and down giggling and just being super hyper. They went round the block so fast that they could of went round the whole of London in a hour by walking. The group went in together and looked around 'Wow this place is huge bigger than Buckingham palace' shouted Zoe wanting to hear her echo bounce off the walls. 'Zoe it isn't that big, buckingham palace is a lot bigger than this.' Claire said acting so smart that she got replace any teacher here. 'NEXT PLEASE' shouted the young English lady behind the counter said, the teacher got our tickets we got into 3 groups and split up in different directions and would meet again at the front desk. Jessica, Imogen, and Becca were together with Claire, Zoe, Catherine, Lucy, Toni, mrs Williams and 4 other S1's. They were dead excited. All of the groups met up (accidentally NOT) in the pop star celebrity area were one direction was everyone went on with the 3 girls behind looking on the map to see where one direction was in the celeb section. All of a sudden Claire shouted 'Becca, Imogen, JESS GET HERE NOW!!!!!' They rushed through it was dead no one was around one direction so the girls rushed forward and stared into the dreamy wax eyes of the boys from one direction as they posed for a photo (which was actually on record) Jessica sat in the middle of Liam and Zayn lent over and held onto Louis's shoulders she thought that he was awful soft to be wax but just went with it, Becca sat next to Harry and hugged him facing the camera, and Imogen sat hugging Niall facing the camera too. Jessica thought that harry had moved because he had his hands clasped together but when she looked down his hands werent even touching. The teacher said '3,2,1 Say ONE DIRECTION' all the boys shouted one direction and Zayn and Niall hugged Imogen, Louis hugged Jessica and Becca was being hugged by Harry and Liam. The girls screamed and all started crying tears of laughter. The boys were just put in front of there on models the curtain was pulled down and the real models were behind the curtain the boys gave there autographs to the girls and they got a real photo with them AND a video to prove they met them, the boys also gave there camera to the other teacher so they have something cool to have as a memo the girls had to say bye to them they had to leave to rush to there next concert place. After that they went to nandos and watched the video over and over again then they went to see Wicked Musical back to the hostel to sleep it had been an emotional, fabulous, amazing day for the girls.

It was Friday the week has went by SO fast they had seen 2 musicals, met one direction models and ONE DIRECTION in real life (with video evidence to prove it), they had loads of stuff in big shopping bags too. They got home at 11pm and went to sleep but before the girls went to sleep they skyped each other and watched it on there tv's (they got burned on to DVDs so they could have it FOREVER) they then all ended the Skype call and went to sleep.

None of the girls will ever forget this One Direction experience of a lifetime.

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