Secrets Untold (OHSHC Fan Fic...

By Burple560

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Adelynn Rose. So many secrets, so many lies, so much betrayals. But can she do it again with her latest under... More

First Day
I Spy
New Friends
Strange Girl
Attack of the Renge
Somethings Wrong
You Can't Get Away
The Two Without The One
I Like It In It's Original Place
Valentines Special
Little King
Bikinis and Rose Bushes
Bruses and Battles
Sun and the Sand
Bazooka Club
Fujioka Family
Big Brother Neko!

Unpredictable Type

310 25 0
By Burple560

Chapter 8

Adelynn walks faster down Ourans long hallways with her bag slug over her shoulder and running her fingers through her long, let down hair.
"Oh, Adelynn. I almost didn't notice that was you." Haruhi said.
"Yeah, I decided to put my hair down today." Adelynn sharply turns a corner as Haruhi struggles to keep up with her.
It had been a week since Renge incident and Renge came back declaring herself and Adelynn best friend and that no one can break there friend ship. And soon Renge fell in love with Haruhi, yay. Note the sarcasm. Adelynn didn't exactly hate Renge, she could put up the annoying girl but her nerves where unusually thin recently.
"Do you know what day it is today Adelynn?" Haruhi asks.
"Um, February the 3th." Adelynn said walking into the host room quickly. Everyone was sat on the sofa looking like they were waiting for Adelynn and Haruhi.
"Well you guys look so happy to see me." Adeline drawls, dumping her bag down and sitting on the arm chair with her legs dangling over the arm. All the host club sat there staring at Adelynn and she sighs and looks at them.
"Is this an intervention?" Adelynn asks with bored eyes.
"Yes, I heard it what commoners do in these situations, so I wanted to try it with you." Tamaki said pointing at Adelynn obviously annoyed. Adelynn notices that Hikaru is holding the papers she gave him last week.
"Yonk!" She grins, grabing it and reading it over quickly. "So, what did you wanna say to me?" Adelynn said lying back on the arm of the chair and swinging her legs over the other side, staring up at the ceiling with an amused look on her face.
"We think there's something wrong with you?" Haruhi said, who was sitting closest to Adelynn on the sofa to her left.
"That's a nice thing to say to you friend." Adelynn said, raising an eyebrow.
"Try being serious Miss Rose, it's sometimes so unbecoming of you." Kyoya said pushing up his glasses, obviously annoyed with how lightly Adelynn takes the situation.
"Ok, serious face." Adelynn said moving her hand over her face like a mime.
"So what's with your behaviour?" Karou asks.
"Oh, you mean that I got one question wrong and the fact I look tiered." Adelynn said getting out the ball In her pocket and throwing it in the air and catching it with one hand and doing it continually staring straight in front of her.
"Well if you know, why aren't you doing anything?" Hikaru complains. 
"Because I'm sorting it out today, if Kyoya does what's asked." She said still throwing the ball in the air and points at Kyoya, still looking at the ceiling with a smug look now on her face.
"And what do I need to do Miss Rose?" Kyoya asks
"I need you to move Mari Shizuoka appointment to the last one today, and and say she's having a private session." Adelynn said smirking, pointing at him, but still not looking away from the ceiling.
"Are you planning something?" Kyoya asks
"Oh, I just want to spend more time with my pen pal." Adelynn said laughing a bit
"Pen Pal, is that something commoners do?" Tamaki questions.
"You could say that." Adelynn said then looks at her watch and stands up and throws the ball without looking and catches it. "Well The Host club should start in a second, so get to your places." Adelynn said moving over to the door. The host club soon starts and Adelynn treats her guest as normal. Haruhi goes over to Kyoya to ask some questions.
"Kyoya, who's Mari?" Haruhi asks.
"She's the daughter of a tea company." Kyoya simply puts it.
"Does she know Adelynn?" Haruhi asks wanting to get to the bottom of this.
"Well the only time I've seen them together is since we had the traditional Japanese session, Miss Shizuoka was only of Adelines guests. But other than that they haven't socialised together outside of club activity's."
"Do you think, um, that she seems. . . Off today?" Haruhi asks.
"She seems to be planning, and enjoying it. But then again she enjoys a numerous amount of things." Kyoya said as they watch her from afar, as she sat there smiling and laughing. Soon it's near closing time and Kyoya sends Mari over to sit at the table were Adelynn is sat with the chairs facing each other. All the guest were filing out by now as Mari took her seat.
"So, I heard you wanted a private session with me Adelynn-sama." Mari said smiling sweetly.
"Yes, you are one of my most regular clients. I thought you deserved extra time with me, and also with all the special food I've been getting, it's the least I could do." Adelynn said pouring a cup of tea and handing it to Mari.
All the host were sat together at the sofa, silently listening to the girls conversation. Adelynn sat there smiling throughout the whole conversation and Mari took a sip of tea, and her eyes widened with a shock expression.
"What's wrong?" Adelynn asks with obvious fake concern in her tone.
"I'm. . . What tea is this, may I asks?" Mari said placing it down with shaking hands and nerviness written all over her. Then Adelynn face had an amused expression as she chuckle darkly with her fingers laced together in front and she slowly she rests her chin on top.
"Valerian Tea." Adelynn said with iciness. Mari suddenly got up from her chair with shaking hands. "But you are a tea expert, aren't you?" Adelynn said taking a small device out from her pocket.
"Well my father owns very important tea company, and I spend my time cooking and picking what tea goes with which food. Did you know that some teas are very dangerous." Said a recording of Maris voice.
"I don't know what you're on about?" Mari said suddenly panicking.
"Sit down" Adelynn orders with venom dripping of her words as a sadistic grin is planted on her clear face. Mari sits quickly.
"What's the problem over here?" Kyoya asks standing next to the table.
"Discussing this tea, you know, the valerian I got you to order last week." Adelynn said still staring at Mari.
"Do you know Kyoya, what too much Valarian can do to someone? Because I do." Adelynn said with sternness with the last sentence.
"It can cause upset stomachs, thinking problems, dry mouths, headaches, feeling excited easily or uneasiness, strange dreams and daytime drowsiness. And if someone has too much over a long course of time it may cause death." Adelynn said in a surprised tone, staring at Mari's uncomfortableness as she riths in her seat. Then Adelynn hits a piece of paper on the table.
"Oh, and did you know I got one of the twins to get this filled out for me? Can you guess which one?" Adelynn asks leaning forward. Her amusement in Mari discomfort was clear as day.
"K-Karou." Mari stutters, unsure of her response. Adelynn hits the table with her palm, pushing herself up on the table, scaring Mari with the sudden loud noise in the silent room.
"No, I got Hikaru to do it. But did you also know that I've even getting letters in my locker recently and that amazingly, it matches up to your hand writing. But you already know that don't you Miss Shizuoka." Adelynn said standing up and making her way over to Mari.
"You have made many mistakes with your planning and execution, so many in fact that it would waste my precious time to ame every single one. So I will only name five that even an idiot like you should know." Adelynn said leaning on the back of Maris chair. Adelynn slowly started prowly around Mari as she was her prey and Adelynn was a beast that was going to demolish her in seconds.
"1) You made the note hand written, so I can match it up to your hand writing." Adelynn said as she started moving around Mari, making her on edge, as Adelynn runs her finger on the wooden structure of the chair Mari's sat on. "2) You told me your self what you are best at, tea, so I can connect the dots.
3) You made me aware of your existence, the very first day when you made that remark about me.
4) You told me your weakness, the twins. And last but defiantly not least, number 5) You picked me as you enemy, therefore losing before you even started." As she made her way in front of Mari with a smirk clearly evident on her face. Mari sat there shaking throughout all of this with tears silently falling over her face.
"You stole them from me! You took them! So I did what I needed to do to take them back!" Mari shouts pointing her finger at Adelynn.
"I did not steal them, they just found someone worthy of there time, and they weren't yours to beginning with, they are not toys. You call them yours, but you can't even tell them apart." Adelynn bordly sighs, pushing her finger away and sticking her nose up at Mari as Mari falls on the floor as it hits her that she has lost.
"You are from now on forbidden to talk to any members of the host club. And if you so much as think of doing anything to anyone ever again at this school, well, you won't know what's hit you." Adelynn said turning away from her and sat in the arm chair looking down at Mari with a smile on her face. Looking like an evil Queen. Mari quickly got up and ran out the room crying her eyes out.
"Well that was boring, I was hoping it would of been at least a little bit difficult." Adelynn complains placing her chin on her palm. The whole club, except Kyoya, was staring at Adelynn in shock.
"You didn't need to be so mean." Kyoya scolds.
"She deserved it, anyway, I was being nice." Adelynn counters.
"Nice?" Haruhi questions still staring at Adelynn.
"Well I could of told Mr Suoh and She would of been kicked out the school and sent to juvenile, and her parent business would of had to of been shut down." Adelynn said with a smile. "But then I couldn't of tormented her."
"Tormenting is mean! And so unladylike! Mummy she has your genes." Tamaki wines shouting at Kyoya pointing a finger at him accusingly.
"The Shadow Princess." The twins say. Adelynn sits there smirking.
"I like the sound of that." Adelynn contemplates
"But that's so unlike you Rose-chan." Honey spoke up.
"Well she did poison me, what do you think I would of done. Just let her kill me? No, I still have a job to do." Adelynn said leaning back in the chair
"I think we found your type." Kyoya spoke writing in his notebook.
"The Unpredictable type."

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