Snow White Eyes

By silverfire0

4.6K 139 7

My name is Blair I live in Beacon Hills. When I was five I watched my whole life get turned upside down my pa... More

The Bite
The Bite part 2
Moring After
Meeting the Hale
First Full Moon
Going Home
Pack Mentality
Magic Bullet
The Tell
List of Blair's Powers
Heart Monitor
Night School
Vacation Part 2
Author's Note Please Help!!

Vacation Part 1

153 7 1
By silverfire0

"What do you mean we have to take a break" Blair said

"After last night's events we are sending you guys to a nature retreat" the principal said to all of us

"What do you mean by after everything that happened last night?" Scott asked

"After the recent deaths and what happened last night, your parents along with the sheriff's department think it is best if you guys get away for a while." the principal said

"How long is a while?" Stiles asked

"A week" The principal replied

They all looked at him like he was crazy

"Don't look at me like I'm crazy. There will be three meals day, swimming, horse back riding, a sweat lodge, water course, jet skies, karaoke." the principal said.

The principal then handed out booklets of the places they will be sending us.

"You leave at noon, so be back by 11:30. Have a good time" the principal said

They all then got up and left his office and headed to there cars.

"Hey Blair can you pick Stiles and I up." Scott asked

"Sure." Blair replied as she got into the car

Blair's House and Pov:

I pull into my drive and remember the events of last night. I got out and walked inside to find a shirtless Derek. And when I say shirtless I really mean he only had a towel on.

"Hello sexy." I say

"Right back at you. Shouldn't you be at school?" Derek asked

"The principal and the sheriff thinks it will be a good idea for Lydia, Jackson, Scott, Stiles, Allison, Danny and me to get away from Beacon Hills for a little bit so they are sending us on a nature retreat" I say as I hand him the booklet.

"Jet skies, water course, horse back riding, karaoke, and swimming. I don't like the fact that Stiles, Jackson, Danny and Scott are going to see you in a bathing suit. How long are you guys going to be gone?" Derek asked

"I have lived with Stiles since I was five, Jackson is like my best guy friend, Danny is gay, and Scott is Scott. We will be gone for a week," I said

"A week. When do you leave?" Derek asked

"I have to be back at the High School at 11:30." I said

"So that gives you an hour to pack." Derek said

I look at the clock which reads 9:30

"Derek it is 9:30 that gives me 2 hours to -" I was cut off by Derek kissing me.

"Like I said that gives you and hour to pack." Derek says

He then pushes me up against the wall still kissing me. He grabs my leg and put it around his waist I automatically do the same with my other leg. I wrap my arm around his neck and start playing with his hair. I then speed us up to my room. He then lowers me on to the bed. He then rips off my shirt.

"I liked that shirt." I said

"I liked it too, but I like it more now that it is off." Derek said.

---------- little bit later ---------

"Great now I need a shower." I said

"Can I join" Derek asked

"Hmm, I guess you can, but no funny business. I still have to pack." I said

We spent 30 minutes in the shower so much for no funny business. I was getting dressed when my phone started ringing.

"Yello" I said

"Hey Blair we decided not to take a bus do you have a jeep or a truck?" The principal asked.

"How did you get my cell phone number? I will go check" I asked

"The sheriff gave it to me." The principal said

I walked down stairs and into the garage.

"Yes I have a jeep, truck, and SUV."

"Dang women how do you have so many car," The principal said

"My dad liked his toys, so which one do you want me to take." I asked the principal

"SUV if you could." he said

"Yeah okay see you soon." I said then hung up.

I then went back inside and upstairs to see Derek laying on my bed with a towel on. I walked over to my closet and started to pull out some outfits and some bathing suits. Then I got dressed. I had ten minutes till I had to be at the school, and I still had to pick up Scott and Stiles.

"Bye Derek, see you when I get back, and try not to burn down the house while I am gone." I said

"Bye Blair." Derek said then kissed me.

I got into the car and drove to Scott's house and then to Stiles'. Then I pulled into the School parking lot.

"Hey, Blair where did get this beauty at?" Danny asked

"In the magical garage that seems to hold any and every car known to man." I say

"Okay so Lydia is here, Jackson is here, Danny is here, Allison is here, Scott is here, Stiles is here, Blair is here. Okay so all we are waiting on is your chaperone. Here he is now." The principal said as a black sports car pulls in.

"No" Scott said

"It can't be" Stiles said

Derek then gets out of his car and walks over to us.

"What are you doing here." Scott asked Derek.

The Sheriff then walks up.

"This is a sorry gift from us because we did accuse him of murder." the sheriff said

"Blair where did you get that SUV?" the sheriff asked

"Dad or mom seemed to love they toys there were two of these bad boys and a truck and Jeep and lets not forget the bikes and the sport cars." I say

I look over my shoulder to see the Argent's glaring at Derek.

"So Derek are you going to leave your car here. The whole week we are gone?" I ask

"I don't want to, but." Derek said

I pull out my phone a dial a number

"Hey I need you come pick up a car for me and take it back to the house and put it in the garage." I say into the phone

A few minutes later someone pulls up.

"Milady how may I help you" Asked James

"James long time no talk, I will be gone for a week can you please take this car back to the house and put it in the garage and lock it up. Make sure the basements are okay and that everything is in order while I am gone." I asked

"Of course milady." James said then bowed

"James I would also like to offer you the same job you had with my parents." I said

He smiles then gets into Derek's car and drives away with the car he arrived in following behind him.

"So who is riding with me?" I ask

I then get into the car, with Derek in the passenger seat and Scoot and Stiles sitting in the backseats. I then type the address of the places into the built in GPS unit and we drove off with. Jackson, Danny, Lydia, and Allison following us in one of the Argent's SUV's.

"So when did you know that you would be coming on this forced vacation?" I asked

"While you were in the shower the sheriff stopped by to talk to you but ended up inviting me on this." Derek said.

"Wait Derek spent the night last night?" Stiles and Scott both asked

"Yes I spent the night you guys were attacked by the Alpha and I was healing, any other questions?" Derek said

As soon as he said any other question I knew he opened up a can of worms. I kind of just blocked them all out. Soon we were pulling on to the road to take us to our forced vacation.

We pulled into the place it looked pretty cool I mean there was a big lake, a sweat lodge, a spa and cabins. It looked pretty nice. And like had been here before. I heard Scott and Stiles get out and open the trunk. Soon Allison pulled up beside me. This was going to be a long week. I mean Scott and Allison just broke up. Jackson and Lydia were fighting, Stiles is Stiles, and then was Danny. Why was he even here I mean he was not even there? Derek then pulled me out of my thoughts by saying.

"Hey are you okay? I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I wanted to see your face when I pulled in." Derek said

"Yeah I'm fine, I just having this feeling like something was following us." I said

I then got out of the SUV and walked to the trunk getting my bag.

"Hello I will be your guide to this stress free week, please ask if you need anything. My name is Stefan." The guide said.

"Oh my god Stefan." I said running up and hugging him.

"Hey B." Stefan said

I could feel Derek's jealousy but I also could feel Scott's. Why was he jealous. He motioned for us to follow him and we did, the girls cabin and the boys cabin were connected and we each got are own room. We were really close to the spa and food hall which made most of the girls and guys happy.

"You guys have a few minutes to get everything unpacked, then get changed into a bathing suit and meet me at the dock in 10" Stefan said as he walked away.

We all went into our rooms and started to unpack, then we changed I walked out in a pair of pink vans, a pink top with a weird white and black top with a blue v on it and matching bottoms, a pair black shorts and mint green top. Allison walked out in a this orange outfit, blue jean shorts and white sandals. Lydia then walks out in a white top, and high waisted bottoms with stripes and black vans. Then the boys came out in normal bottoms with no shirt on.

"Blair why do you have a shirt on." Jackson asked

I froze I had a shirt on because the bite from the Alpha had not healed.

"I have a cut on my stomach from last night." I said

Scott and Stiles changed the subject as we walked out of the cabin and towards the dock. Is still felt like someone was watching us, I could feel their anger but I had no idea who it was directed at. We kept walking and when we got to the end of the dock I could see Stefan on a jet ski headed towards us I knew what he was going to do so I step to the side and let him get Jackson and Lydia all wet.

"Opps." was all I said

"Okay everyone pair up." Stefan said

Derek got his own, Scott was with Allison. Lydia with Jackson, I was going to be with Danny till I remember that Stiles had no idea how to drive one of these things. It was so much to just let go and have fun, Danny and Derek got into a splashing contest which Stiles and I, we won. Stefan then called us back to the shore.

"Okay you guys can go to the sweat lodge, and talk about your feelings." Stefan says he was serious.

We then headed to the sweat lodge. No one really talked about their feelings we all kind of just made fun of each other. When Stefan came back he kind of just looked at us wired then he took us to the showers, we all showered in our only little room , we were then taken to the food room, which made all of the men in the group happy. He then took us back to the cabin. The next three days went by nice and smooth nothing went wrong. We had two days left. That is when everything went to hell. That night I opened my eyes to see a pair of red eyes looking back at me. In the morning I woke up to see nothing in my room, dang I am going crazy. We got dressed and went to the food room as the guys had come to call it.

"Okay today you guys are doing the water course and going horseback riding. After you eat go get ready for horseback riding and then meet at the stables" Stefan said as he pointed to the stables.

"Oh and Blair I have a surprise for you." Stefan said then he walked away

We all walked over to the table and sat down. Jackson and Scott were talking about who was going to win the watercourse. Allison and Lydia sat as far away from Scott and Jackson as they were allowed. Derek sat down on my right and Danny on my left and Stiles sat down in front of me.

"Hey Stiles are you sure you up for horse I mean remember the fair last year?" I asked him.

"Yes Blair I am okay. And thanks for the reminder." Stiles say

"No problem, see you guys soon." I said as I got up and left.

As I walked towards the cabin I felt like some one was following I turned around but saw no one was there, so I turned back and walked back towards the cabins again. When I got inside I was hit by a wave of anger, rage, and pride. I walked towards where the emotions were coming from and saw the Alpha. It turned around and looked at me it walked towards me as it would take a step forward I would take one backwards, until I could not move backwards anymore. It leaned forward and opened its mouth almost like it was going to bite me... then nothing it was gone.

I heard the door to the front of the cabin open and knew it was Derek he was walking towards his room, but to get to his room he has to past mine so as soon as I could see him I pulled him into my room and hugged him.

"Blair what's wrong? Blair come on answer me?" Derek asked worried.

"TheAlphaheisherehewasinherethismorningandhewasjustinhereaminuteago.Derekhewasactinglikehewasgoingtobitemeagain." I said really fast.

"Blair slow down and say that again this time put some spaces in it." Derek said

"The Alpha he is here he was in here this morning and he was just in here a minute ago. Derek he was acting like he was going to bite me again." I said.

Derek then took out his phone and texted someone a few seconds later Sties and Scott are walking into my room. I could fell Scotts emotions he was pissed, and worried, and sad. Stiles had the same emotions but he was not so sad.

"Oh my god Blair are you okay?" Stiles asked worried

"Yeah I am but.." I said

"But what?" Scott asked

"He was so mad and I had this feeling like I had meet him before. And not like from the night at the school because he attacked me at the school I had the same feeling. Like when you shift Scott your scent changes. But I can still tell it is you and not someone else. I think I have meet him before when he was human." I said

All three boys looked at me shocked.

"You are not going anywhere by yourself anymore, just in case he comes back to finish the job." Derek said

"What are you talking about, all you said in the text was that the Alpha was in the cabin, Derek, Blair what else happened?" Scott asked getting a little mad

"You know how at the school I went with you but when the alpha attacked you I got his attention and he ran after me, he caught me and bite me when he heard the police sirens, he ran off. He was my room this morning, and a few minutes ago he was here was back up against the wall he was going to bite me again, but then Derek walked in and he ran off." I said

Once again they gave me a look like I was crazy.

"You never told us about what happened at he school, and for once I agree with Derek you are to be with either Derek or me at all times understand." Scott said

"You do not control me Scott, I will do what ever I want to do and there is nothing you can do about it." I said as I pushed Scott.

"Blair your eyes." Stiles yelled

"Oh my god Scott I am so sorry, he was just so angry so are all of you I guess I just tapped into it. We should get ready see you at the stables." I said then walked out of the room. Then turned around and walked back in "This is my room so can you guys please get out." I asked then walked over to the closet.

I got dressed in a pair of knee high black boots, beige pants, a white tank top and a black blazer. As I walk out of my room I see the Lydia, and Allison outfits look very similar to mine. We all walked to the stables I see Stefan getting the horse's ready.

"Hey Stef." I said

"Blair, close eyes and give me your hand." Stefan said

"Okay then." I say

I close my eyes and give him my hand we start walking and I don't know to where then we stop.

"Okay open your eyes." Stefan says

I open my eyes and see a draft horse as white as snow.

"Stefan is that who I think it is?" I ask as I walk up to the horse.

"Yes." was all he said

"Luna." I said

The horse turned its head so that it was looking at me then it walked over to me.

"I can't believe it is really her the last time I rode her was before my parents died." I said

"I remember that day you showed up in a all white outfit. Now that was a site" Stefan said

"Hey how long till we leave?" I asked

"We still have a few minutes. Why?" Stefan asked but I was already walking back to the cabin to change.

I changed into a pair of white boots, white skinny jeans, a white shirt and a white jacket, my hair was up in a pony tail but I took it down and let it fall so that it would blow in the wind. I then left and went back to the stables I saw that everyone was there horse. Scott was on a brown horse, Allison was on a paint and so was Lydia, Danny's horse was a blonde one, Jackson was on a grey one, Derek was on a all black horse which matched what he was wearing, and Stefan was on his normal black and white horse, I saw Luna didn't have anything on her.

"Thank you Stefan." I said in a whisper so only a few people could here me.

I walked over to Luna and got on her.

"Lets show them how it is done." I said to the horse.

Then we took off, we passed everyone Stiles, Lydia, Allison and Scott looked surprised. Jackson looked pissed that someone was going faster then him so he speeded up. Derek took it was a invite to chase after me so soon he was next to me, Stefan just laughed.

"Glad to see that some things never changed?" Stefan said

It felt so good to ride again I missed Luna she was my family. I forgot about everything when I rode. There was no Alpha, I was normal. My parents were still alive, there had been no murders. But just like everything in my life it was to good to be true when I saw red eyes. Me and Luna speeded up so that we could get away. We did we made it back to the stables it was after everyone else. As soon as I was off Luna I ran up to Stefan and gave him a hug.

"Thank you for letting me ride her again." I said

"She is your horse, plus like I would have gave her away. If did my brother would have killed me. He knows how much that horse means to you." Stefan said

"Okay everyone got get ready for the water course it will begin shortly." Stefan said

We all walked back to the cabin and got changed for the water course, it was just like the one from Pitch Perfect 2. It was fun, but the best part was watching two werewolves getting wet, note to self buy a spray bottle. It was going really great till Derek got pissed and "accidentally" popped it by putting his claw into it. We had spent at least two hours out there so it was dinner time when we finished.

"So this is your guys last night which means it is also karaoke night. So go get dressed and then meet by your guys car." Stefan said

We got changed again. Allison was wearing a blue short sleeve shirt, with a beige lace cover up that went over the shirt, a pair of black pants, blue ankle boot heals, blue sapphire earrings, necklace and ring. Lydia had on green skinny jeans, a purple tube top, a green blazer, and purples heels, and a purple crystal necklace. I had on white lace tank top, black skinny jeans, a red blazer, and red high heeled ankle boots and my normal necklace. We walked out to see Derek in his all black outfit, Scott, Stiles and Danny were dressed like they always do. We all then walked to the cars. Stefan took Derek's spot in my SUV and Derek had to sit next to Stiles who sat next to Scott. Jackson, Allison, Lydia were in my car as well because something was wrong with Allison's. Stefan then told me how to get to where we were going. We all got out and walked in. Lydia and Allison really wanted to sing first which surprised me. What surpised me even more was what the sang.

(Lydia Allison Both)

La, La, La, La, La, La.

Why am I always hit on by the boys I never like? I can always see em coming from the left and from the right

I don't want to be a priss I just try to be polite But it always seems to bite me in the

Ask me for my number, yeah you put me on the spot, you think that we should hook - up but I think that we should not

You had me at hello then you opened up your mouth

And that is when it started going south, Oh!

Get your hands off my hips fore ill punch you in the lips stop your staring at my hey! Take a hint take a hint No, you can't buy me a drink. Let me tell you what I think I think you could use a mint. Take a hint, take a hint. T- Take a hint take a hint

I guess you still don't get it so lets take it from the top

You asked me what my sign is and I told you it was stop

And if I only had a dime for every name that you just dropped

You be here and I be on a yacht, Oh! Get your hands off my hips fore ill punch you in the lips stop your staring at my hey! Take a hint take a hint No, you can't buy me a drink. Let me tell you what I think I think you could use a mint. Take a hint, take a hint. T- Take a hint take a hint. What about "no" don't you get? So go and tell your friends I'm not really interested its about time that you're leavin I'm gonna count to three and open my eyes and you'll be gone


Get your hands off my


Or I'll punch you in the


Stop your staring at my


Take a Hint. Take a hint. I am not your missing link let me tell you what I think I think you could use a mint. Take a hint. Take a hint. Take a hint. Take a hint. Ohhhh... Get your hands off my hips fore ill punch you in the lips stop your staring at my hey! Take a hint take a hint. T- Take a hint. Take a hint. La, La, La, La, La, La.

The whole time they were singing that song they were either looking at Jackson and Scott or random people in the club. But most of the time it was Scott and Jackson. They did a really good job and when they were down they made it their sole purpose for the rest of the night to try and get me to go up and sing. I finally decided I was going to sing...

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