My Little Vocaloid: Singing i...

By FluffyAlicorn12

19.5K 1.2K 939

This is the second installment of my random, immature take on Vocaloid and MLP. Of course, there's more cussi... More

I'm Sorry, What?!
Hide and Seek
That Awkward Moment When
Don't Even Try
Vanilla Cake
Rarity and Her Dresses
Time for a Test!
This Song Broke Us
Pinkie's Cooking Show
Racing. Again.
Capriccio Farce/Clockwork Lullaby
I Live For The
Oh God
The Main Six Genderbends
Aiko and Angelic Learn Something
Mikuo Is No Help Whatsoever
1, 2 Fanclub (Miku and Len Version)
Little Tip-Bit on Cursing In Equestria
A Princess Chapter
Tako Luka Tuna Fever
Kagerou Daze/Kagerou Days/Heat Haze Daze/Heat Haze Days
Hearts and Hooves Day
Mikuo Realizes Something
Triple Baka
Luka and Luki Made A Joke
Confused Gumi is Confused
Twi's Library
Stuck In A Freeze Spell
How Twilight Reads Her Books
EG Vocaloids
Len and Rin Part One
Len and Rin Part Two
Random Rin-Written Chapter
Piko? (And Mamoru)
Is It Dead.
caps lock
Glitching Piko
Fukkireta (Mischievous Function)
Alice Human Sacrifice
Servant Of Evil
April Foal's Day
Easter (Sunday)
The Equestria Games
Five Nights At The Castle 3
Just Because We Can
A Movie and A Book
School Of Athens (Plus Some Spartans) Part One
School of Athens (Plus Some Spartans) Part Two
The Kagamine Twins Analyze SoarinDash
The Kagamine Twins Analyze Shotas
Random Short Chapter For No Reason Other Than Filler
The Part When Cakes Fly
The Kagamine Twins Analyze Slice of Life
Air Conditioning in Summer
Just Dance 2016 Levan Polkka
The Fourth Day of The Seventh Month (4th of July)
Gaku-baka Gets His Own Chapter For Some Reason
Chess is a Sport
That Day When... (Part One?)
The Kagamines Analyze Ollie-chan's Origins or Something
PartyxParty (The Song Where Len is *insert Fangirl word here*)
World's End Dancehall
Magnet (The Cover Heaven Song)
Leek Ice Cream Got All Over My Remote Controller (Miku and Kaito Cover)
Love Is War (Miku Has Relationship Issues)
Romeo and Cinderella
Outer Science
Yuzuki Yukari...?
That Day When... (Part Two)
Gaku-baka Again (Gakupo's Birthday)
When Piko Gets Bored
A Filler Chapter Making Fun Of The Boys
Len Tries To Rant
Rin and Song Quotes
The CMC Ask Questions (And Ollie's Dragged In)
Happy Birthday Miku (And Mikuo)
Konoha's State of The World
The Kagamines Analyze Piko's Pudding Problem
Rin Can't Get Names Right
So We Left Rainbow In Charge
The Moon Princess
That Chapter Where Author-chan Can't Be Helped When Typing
Miki? Oh, oh no...
Happy Birthday Meiko!
Look At That Kitty Butt
That Turkey Day That Equestria Can't Celebrate Because of Cooked Turkey
What Happened in December (Wayyyy Behind But Read Note)
Piko Ended Up In The Hospital
The Kagamines Analyze The CMC's Cutie Marks
Equestria Inn Part One
Something For The 100th Chapter
Pohkimans Goop

How The Mane Six Go To a Party

113 9 0
By FluffyAlicorn12

~Flying in Twi's air balloon~ (The pegasai fly on their own)

Pinkie: Are we there yet?

Pinkie: Oh, look! It's a bird!

Pinkie: Dashie! I wanna hold a cloud! Get me a cloud!

Pinkie: Oh, oh! Is that the smell of cupcakes I smell?

Pinkie: Are we there yet?

Pinkie: Thou shall not pass the mountains! Oh! We already did! Hahah!

Pinkie: Ohhhhhh, more birdies!

Pinkie: Hey, hey Twi! Where are we?

Pinkie: Are we there yet?

Pinkie: Rarity, Rarity! Looookkk at the pretty skyyyyyy!

Pinkie: Ah my Celestia, the view is amazing!

Pinkie: I wonder if we'll be there in time for the party!

Pinkie: Are we there yet?

Pinkie: I'm so excited! When I heard there was gonna be a party at the Crystal Empire, I'd thought we'd have to take the stinky old train again!

Pinkie: But nope! We're taking Twi's amazing air balloon!

Pinkie: Flutters, are you ready to mingle yet?

Pinkie: By the way, are we there yet?

Twi: No Pinkie, we aren't be there yet. We won't be there yet if you keep on yapping about the party!

Rainbow: Pinkie, calm down, you're making our ears hurt!

Rarity: Darling, honestly, you may want to keep it down... You're starting to sound like Applejack.

AJ: Beg your pardon?

Rarity: I'm sorry Applejack, you won't get my pardon.

AJ: For the love of apple pies, I didn't even wanna go this time. Last time there was a party, we all got attacked by goop.

Rarity: I'm sure it followed us because of your smell.

AJ: Rarity, I understand that you're probably blind, but we are in an air balloon right now. As much as I'd love to fight you, we can't.

Rarity: We can still hear each other. That means I can say whatever I want to you.

AJ: At least I won't be using that fancy language you use all the time. At least I make sense!

Rarity: You unrefined excuse of a mare! I speak normally, unlike a certain somepony!

Rainbow: Should I tell them that they really need to work on insulting each other?

Fluttershy: Girls, girls... Calm down. We're almost there, so we shouldn't be so negative. Think happy! We'll get to eat a lot of food, and we'll be able to meet up with Cadence and Shining Armor!


Twi: No!

Rainbow: This is gonna be a long trip...

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