I Want Him

By MichaelBaxter98

262K 4.9K 137

Mila, a young actress who is sexually frustrated. She wants more out of life than a quick orgasm. In the long... More

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Chapter One: Fitness
Chapter Two: The Invitation
Chapter Three:Attraction
Chapter Four: Desire
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter 7 part 1
Chapter 7 part 2
Chapter 8
Chapter Nine: Lunch Date
Flipped Script
Old Flame
Chapter Twelve: Independence
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Author's Love

Chapter Sixteen

8.6K 160 13
By MichaelBaxter98

The Final Chapter

Oh gosh, I just now this has turned into a competition. Christian disappeared behind the stage and the lights went off. They came back on shortly, but now Dorian wasn't alone on stage. Standing right beside him is Christian, in camouflage pants and army boots. Watching from afar, Mila tried to hold in her laugh. But you had to admit it is kind of funny, and everyone is witnessing this. A small window into the life of Mila Amora.

The men danced around the women watching. Practically sexing every woman in sight. At one point they had Paris sandwiched between them grinding their junk on her. But Paris' freaky self was in heaven.

Before Mila realized it, her service men had move back as both Christian and Dorian made their way to her. She's frozen in shock. Dorian lifts her off of the bed and onto his shoulders, her legs on either side. Heavy black curtains close around the bed, and Mila finds herself alone with Dorian and Christian. Total darkness around them. Mila feels herself on the comfort of the bed again. She feels lips on her legs and on her neck. Then she heard the sound of her dress unzipping.

*I'll make the sex scene another chapter*

Mila finally limped through her front door at four in the morning. She could barely hold herself up. He didn't know which action she wanted to do. Sleep or walk. Just before she reached the stairs she tripped over her heels and fell. Making the best of it, she cuddled up next to the step and went to sleep. Although must would assume she's drunk off of liquor , they would be partially correct. This is Mila's first time being drink off of sex.

"Mila! Mila! Girl if you don't get your ass up off of that damn floor!", Morgan yelled at her daughter. Mila opened her eyes slowly. Memories from last night instantly flashed in her head. She pushes herself up on a step to sit. "Oh I see what the problem is." Morgan crossed her arms. "You done got dicked down! Awww my baby's growing up." Morgan said in a playful tone. "Mama, that's nasty." Mila defended. "You wasn't calling it nasty when you was riding that man down to the seams. Now was you?" Morgan laugh. Mila attempted to get up but she quickly sat back down. Her knees are too wobbly and she is too sore. She couldn't let her mother know that though. She was embarrassed enough as it was. In all the wide spaces and many rooms of her home, she was found sleeping at the bottom of the stairs. That's what some good dick will do to you. Have you so strung out you don't event want to climb the stairs to your own bedroom.

After some much needed rest, Mila was back to her regular self. Wendy Williams's people had asked her for an interview, she reluctantly accepted. It wasn't that she disliked Wendy, its just that she always seem to ask questions that nobody wants to answer on national television. Throughout her whole career Mila had managed not to be in any bullshit that the media had to offer. Well, except for her Twitter war with Lil' Wayne because of a question she was asked on an interview. Mila, didn't hide the fact that she wasn't a fan of the artist, but apparently the artist felt disrespected enough to lash out. That was the only time America ever heard of Mila Amora being anything but a lady.

"So I'm guessing the birthday party was good." Morgan asks smiling. "Yes, it was a night to remember. The guests were happy, a few of my friends came by to sing to me, it was a great evening to remember." Mila kept her facial expression content as she recapped her special night. Sweat, kisses, various positions, and just having her body catered to. The harmony on that bed was simply magical. Today was going to be a day of relaxation. Mila has to collect herself for her busy day tomorrow.

The following day, Mila was back in full swing. A lot of people wanted to know how the young woman spent her birthday and Her future plans. It's like America has raised her up a level on her pedestal. But this Hollywood star has a lot more going on than anyone could ever guess.

Mila's P.O.V

It's about eight o'clock and I have just gotten home. My feet hurt and I really would appreciate a nap right about now. From the looks of it I won't be able to do that. Both Dorian and Christian have found their way into my home.

"You have to choose sooner or later.", Christian said. I don't have the time nor the patience for this .

"I can't choose, so don't ask me to." is all I say.

"Mila, we both made love to you the other night. But I think we all know that one connection had to be stronger than the other. Don't keep us in suspense. As wild as it was for us, we don't want to share you. Who do you want, Mila? Me, or Christian?" Dorian speaks. His words knock down every thought in my mind. I can't lie to them about this. As hard as it is for me to admit, I have to say it. Because if I don't it will start weighing down my heart. I have to get this out now, rather than later.

"I want you, Dorian." I finally say.

The smile that tugs on his face is priceless. Christian just looks pissed off and disappointed.

"But I want him too." there I said it.

Dorian's smile disappeared as quickly as it came. Christian just looks straight up confused. I open my mouth to say something but before the words leave my mouth, my phone rings. Saved by the bell. It's Paris.


"Mila, turn to celebrity news on your tablet!", she practically screams at me. What now? I quickly get my tablet and do as she instructed. There was the big headline that made my heart drop.


The video already has over 20,000 views and it was only uploaded thirty minutes ago. My phone drops out of my hand as I look along with the world at my sex session with Christian and Dorian.

"Oh my God." is all I can say. Mom comes around the corner, holding her phone in the air.

"Mila! What the fuck is this!" her words hit me like a ton of bricks.

I hear the cameras flashing outside my house. I turn around to see a mob of paparazzi and reporters. All the flashing lights and loud questions being appointed to me from behind the wall of my safety.

"How long have you had two lovers?"
"How is it living as a shared woman?"
"Do you have any diseases?"
"Your the real life Paige Sullivan!"

How am I going to get out of this one? Tears she'd done my face. At this very moment,it seems the public has turned against me

*That's all folks

On another note, I want to wish one of my best friends a happy birthday. Your birthday wast recent so this is kind of late. I wanna thank you for looking out for me and being a true friend. We hit it off instantly when we met and nothing has changed. Although we've only known each other for a year I have so much trust in you. Sometimes I find myself feeling alone outside of class, but then I remember that I have you. Sure you can get by without friends, but I'm glad I don't have to. Besides my family and one other friend, you're the only one I can trust. I will forever be grateful. Happy Birthday!!!! And I wish you many more to come*

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