Just a Bit of Comforting (Mur...

By banana_senpai

5.9K 223 41

She's heartbroken and he's got all the things a young, grieving girl needs when she's frustrated with love. A... More

Love is a disease And it's either bliss Or it tears you down
Life is like a roller coaster. It has unexpected twists and turns.
Sometimes, We Need to Hold on to Another to Let go of the Past
Misunderstandings Are Annoying, Yet Entertaning Complications
10 Minutes as Long as a Million Years
When You're Smitten With Someone, Everything Can Seem Like A Dream
New Experiences: They're Frightening Yet Exciting

Nobody is Perfect Everyone has at least one flaw

550 22 6
By banana_senpai


The teen groaned as he shifted his position in his bed.


He responded with another groan.

"Onii-chan, wake up!!" A different voice began to call.

The purple-haired boy groaned again, but even louder than before.

"NII-CHAN!!!" The high-pitched voice rang through the teen's ears.
He could feel two, small pairs of feet moving up and down his back.

"Stop..." Murasakibara whined in a lazy tone.

"You'll be late for school, onii-chan!!"

"Okay..okayyyyy!!" He exclaimed.
He heard two thuds on the ground and moved so he was facing the ceiling.
Slowly, he opened his eyes.
He tried to sit up, but he couldn't feel any strength in his body to do it.

"What's wrong, Nii-chan?" The little purple-haired girl asked as she looked down at her older brother.

The boy thought back to what Riko had said to him, causing him to be conflicted.

"Nii-chan? Do you want the plain ones or the barbecue ones?"
After a moment of silence, he finally spoke up.
"I don't want it..."

The two siblings looked at their older brother in shock.
"O-onii-chan said he doesn't want snacks?!?"

Loud thuds could be heard throughout the house as the woman raced up to her eldest son's room.
"What's wrong?!"
"He said he doesn't want any of these chips!!" Murasakibara's little brother showed their mother the two large packs of chips.

"I don't think he ate any snacks last night either!!" The little girl exclaimed in worry.

"Are you not feeling well, Sushi?" His mother asked, nearing the large boy.

Murasakibara yawned, his long, purple locks falling in front of his face.
"I'm fine."

"Sushi, why aren't you eating snacks? Not that I want you to keep eating snacks..." She mumbled her last sentence, coughing a bit right after.

The three stared at him curiously.
"Ri-chin said not to..." He simply answered.
The boy rose from his bed and dragged his feet to the bathroom to prepare for the day ahead of him.

"Ri-chin?" The three asked in unison.

Later at school...

Himuro walked down the hall with Murasakibara. He was used to people staring because of the boy's height. Eventually they stopped staring. However, the eyes of strangers pierced him once again.
And he knew exactly why.

They all were wondering,
"Why does that giant first-year not have any snacks today?"

Just earlier, these two girls had nervously approached the ace duo.

"Himuro-kun...I-I got these for your friend.." She stuttered, her cheeks beginning to warm up as she performed the usual, if she's nice to him she's probably pretty nice too routine.
The raven-haired boy smiled, a drop of sweat rolling down his forehead.
"I...I don't want it!!" Murasakibara yelled. Then he disappeared before he could give into temptation.

"I'm really proud of you, Atsushi-" He began, but immediately stopped once he saw the tall teen giving a death glare to a student with maibou.

'Well...at least he's keeping his promise.'

"Hey, Atsushi..." Himuro said, grabbing Murasakibara's attention.

"We need to get to class."

"I know..." He pouted, refusing to look at anything but the ground.
His stomach growled loudly, causing people around them to stare in shock.

Himuro sighed, only now realizing that this would be a long trial.

Later, at Seirin High...

The end of the day was nearing, and all Riko was thinking about was the meal she was going to make.
In fact, that's what most of her thoughts were orbiting around the whole day.
She had been challenged by her teachers who had noticed her "off" attitude, but Riko being...Riko, she easily solved the questions given to her.

Once the bell rang, the coach was already heading out the door and went towards the home economics room where she could make this "nutritious meal."
The girl happily skipped down the halls, receiving some strange looks from the people she passed by.
Her boys that happened to see her only shivered and cowered in response, for they knew that when she skipped, something was up.

It may seem great for her, but it could mean a challenge or hell to people she knew, usually the Seirin basketball club.

"Coach is skipping..."
"Isn't she going to the home ecs room?"

Riko tied her hair back and put on an apron. She pulled up her sleeves.
"Alright! Time to make a delicious parfait!" She declared aloud as she set the ingredients she bought and the book on the counter.

"Hey...s-someone stop her..."
"Someone's going to die if this continues."
The boys turned to the tall redhead who was completely clueless as to why all the attention turned to him.

"Get in there!!!!"

His teammates pushed the boy into the room, causing him to stumble forward.

"Oh Kagami-kun!!"

"H-hey coach..."

"Look at this! Doesn't it look delicious?" Riko held up the bowl with many...anonymous ingredients mixed together.

Kagami gaged a bit and turned away. He turned back to his coach who still had a bright expression on her face.

"Be honest~~"
"Well...I think...you should start over."

Riko sat in the corner gloomily.
"I knew it looked weird..." She mumbled.

Feeling some pity for her, the redhead emptied the unknown mixture into the trash and took a look at the ingredients she had.

"Are you making ice cream...?" He asked as he examined them.

"..alright, I'll help you...Coach."

Riko perked up and stepped out of the corner.
"Ah! Don't cry, Coach!!"
"Thank you!!!"

//About an hour later\\

"We really have been coming over here lately.." Himuro sighed as he and the 'purple giant' walked onto Seirin's school grounds.

"Ri-chan is making something sweet. We had to come."

Himuro looked up at Murasakibara who seemed drained. He hadn't eaten any snacks at all, not even a bit. But now he seemed irritated but a bit hopeful as he mumbled what seemed like a mantra.

"Atsushi? Are you okay?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes~" The taller boy tried to say enthusiastically, but his lazy tone  failed him.
"Ats–oh I'm sorry." Himuro looked down to see what he bumped into, yet there was no one in front of him.


Himuro blinked twice, suddenly realizing the blue haired boy in front of him. The shooting guard froze in shock.

"It's alright. Are you two looking for Kagami-kun? Or—"
"Ri-chin owes me."

The purple giant picked his ear with his left pinky as he stepped forward and looked around.

"Coach is in the home economics room." Kuroko replied while pointing in the direction of the classroom.

The unlikely trio walked to the classroom. The moment Murasakibara saw the sign to the classroom, he picked up his pace, quickly entering the room.

"Hey! Kagami-kun, look it's good!!" The young coach exclaimed, her eyes sparkling in excitement.
Kagami stared at the desert she had finally–after many many quick failures–created. It was definitely better than her previous creations, yet it wasn't looking that great either.

"Good job, Coach." Kagami said with a now more confident grin. As long as she was satisfied and it was edible then it was fine.

The ace and coach looked up at Murasakibara. Kagami was in shock while Riko seemed to light up even more.

"Murasakibara! Look! It's finished!" She exclaimed as she put her hands out to the fruit sundae she made, of course with the help of her ace.

The dark expression on the "purple giant's" face lightened.
"Ri-chin made this?" He asked, grabbing the desert.

"Yeah and with the help of Kagami-kun." She lightly punched the redhead's arm.

"...Thanks." Murasakibara pouted before taking a bite of the sundae.


"It's good.."

"Great! Keep it up and there'll be more!"

"I can't do that...unless you make it by yourself..." The taller but younger boy rested his head on the shorter yet older girl.

Kagami and Kuroko exchanged uncertain glances.
"Uh..Murasakibara-kun, I don't think..." The phantom cut himself off after seeing a gloomy aura surround his coach.

Kagami shook his hands and let out an awkward laugh.
"No no Coach! What Kuroko meant—"

"It's alright, Kagami-kun, you've done so much for me already..." Riko sighed, digging deeper into the dark hole of silence.

The 'purple' giant glanced down at Riko's dark expression.
"Well, then we can make something sweet together next time." He mumbled in her ear, soon nuzzling his face in her neck.

"Besides...Ri-chin smells sweet. So it's okay if you can't make sweets by yourself."

The coach's cheeks slowly exploded into dark red.
"Okay! Just..." She stepped forward and moved away from the tall boy, causing him to stumble.
"I'm not some stand!"

An awkward silence filled the room until Himuro decided to finally break it.
"Well...we should really be going. It's getting late. Thank you, Aida-san," Himuro bowed his head then turned to his brother "And I'll see you soon, Taiga."

A smirk crept up onto Kagami's face.
"Yeah, Tatsuya! Let's play one-on-one sometime!"
Himuro smiled and turned to his brother's current partner, Kuroko. He bowed his head in acknowledgement.
"Thanks for always watching this idiot for me."

A small smile appeared on the usual expressionless Kuroko.

"Ehhh. Kuro-chin, what's that supposed to mean~" Murasakibara lazily whined, once again leaning against Seirin's coach. "Don't lump me together with Kaga-chin."

"Hah?! What's wrong with that?!" Kagami yelled, clearly offended.

"Alright! Alright everyone!" Riko cut between the growing conversation.
"You can argue all you want another time! It really is getting late so we should get going.
And Murasakibara-kun, again I am not a stand!"

"But Ri-chin is comfy..."

The two awkwardly walked out the room as if they were trying to match each other's heights while lightly arguing.

"Hey...Kuroko, Tatsuya...is it just me or is that giant getting really clingy with Coach lately?"

The two usually calm boys stared at Kagami in disbelief.

"Kagami-kun, you...do you always have to ask obvious questions?"

"What?! I—"

"You don't change, Taiga."

"What?!?! Why are you sighing like that?! I...I was just wondering..you don't have to..hey! You guys!!"

[ XD poor dense Kagami. And guess who finally updated!!! (≧∇≦)Hai hai! Nana-senpai is here to update as much as she can during SUMMER VACATION!!!! Yey So now I am accepting any REQUESTS  you guys (if my followers are still active X"D ily for not unfollowing) just message me and I'll see what I can do! OuO)b Anyways! Thanks for reading this Ch! Vote, Comment (especially plz XD), and Request! Before I get lazy! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
| Date: 6/5/16 |

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