Mr. Postman

By iKaylaCM

304K 14.5K 4.4K

"Wait!" Stephen called and I puffed out a breath. I stopped but didn't face him, weighing out my options. I c... More

B e f o r e
O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
F i v e
S i x
S e v e n
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E l e v e n
T w e l v e
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n
S i x t e e n
S e v e n t e e n
N i n e t e e n
T w e n t y
T w e n t y O n e
T w e n t y T w o
T w e n t y T h r e e
T w e n t y F o u r
T w e n t y F i v e
T w e n t y S i x
T w e n t y S e v e n
T w e n t y E i g h t
T w e n t y N i n e
T h i r t y
Not An Update.
T h i r t y O n e
T h i r t y T w o
T h i r t y T h r e e
T h i r t y F o u r - T h e V i s u a l
A f t e r
This Fall

E i g h t e e n

7.6K 388 201
By iKaylaCM

{I listened to Real Life by the Weeknd and Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift while writing this}

((- - long a/n at the bottom!))

"Damn Baby" Stephen groaned once we clasped on the kitchen floor. Chocolate, whipped cream, and an array of different fruit spread around us. We had the tendency to get messy when it came to sex.

For the past couple weeks we couldn't keep our hands off one another. After crossing the thin line I drew to protect myself from getting hurt, I couldn't get enough of him. Morning sex turned into evening sex, which then turned into any reason sex!

'There's nothing in TV sex'

'Dinner sex'

'I just got off of work sex'

'Shower sex'

'Stressed out sex'

'I missed you sex'

And my personal favorite

'In my office sex..'

I didn't see how I was still able to walk. Not that I'm complaining.

"I can't get enough of you Kayla.." He said sweetly, kissing my left shoulder.

"The feeling is mutual!" I smirked moving so I could sit up. Reaching over to get my phone I looked at the time and sighed. It was nearing 3am and Stephen had to get some sleep if he wanted to be able to function at work tomorrow.

"It's getting late boo.." I informed caressing his long fingers that worked magic on my body.

"I know." He sat up and leaned next to me, naked body covered in smeared dried chocolate. Across his chest I could see the well defined scratch marks I created. The little lines bringing back memories.

"We should go to bed.."

"Can we just sit here a few more moments?" Stephen asked and I tilted me head to the side in confusion. Lately he's been more attached and cherishing little moments we spent together. He would hold my hand for eons and let his lips linger on mine a bit longer when we kissed. His hands would roam my body as if trying to memorize each curve in great detail. When he hugged me he would hold on to me for dear life, like he knew it could be his last time. I often found myself questioning why he did this, why this sudden change? It wasn't like I planned to leave him.. I love him. Maybe he just needed to hear me say it..

Stephen pulled me into his lap, my bare ass brushing his shaft. He wrapped his long arms around my waist and nuzzled his head deep in the crook of my neck. I sighed and leaned into him, enjoying our closeness.

The moon beamed though the kitchen window, only adding to this already relaxing state we were in. Sitting here listening to the thud of Stephen's heart beat brought butterflies to my stomach. With his arms holding me so tight I felt light headed and never wanted to leave his embrace. This is what love felt like and for the fist time in my entire life it felt real, honest. Nothing could compare to the swelling feeling I get when I was around him and at the moment I wanted to shout it! Scream it from the roof tops!

I was in love with Wardell Stephen Curry, my postman..

"Stephen?" I mumbled. Even though I knew I wanted to tell him I was still feeling nervous.

"Yea?" His grip only tighten, as he trailed kisses down my neck.

"I-I" the sound of his phone cried out, breaking my confidence and the comfortable atmosphere around us. Groaning he unhooked his arm and reached behind him on the counter. Sighing I place my head in my hands..

Why couldn't I just say it??

"Where is she?" Stephen asked in a panic. He was now pacing around the island, scratching the back of his head.

"Well is she okay? Is 'it' okay?" He asked stopping and turning so his back is towards me.

"I get that but I don't want-" I walked over to him and placed my hand on his arm. He relaxed, but only slightly. I tried listening in on what was being said on the other line but couldn't, the volume being to low.

"I understand." He groaned moving to the other side of the kitchen.

"Yea, I'm on my way.." Stephen hung up and darted to my bedroom. Beyond confused, I followed him and watched as he tossed clothes on rapidly.

"Where're you going?" I asked generally worried and confused at his sudden decision to leave.

"It's family stuff.." He answered stuffing his foot in one of his dress shoes. Scrunching my eyebrows together I paused. Stephen rarely talked about his family, saying he wasn't really close with them so I was lost. Why now did he care so much about what was going on with them?

"Is everything okay?" I advanced forward and grabbed his arm. Stephen locked eyes with me and the look he gave showed different emotions. I could see pain, remorse, love and regret shinning through but he covered them up and turned away from me.

"Don't worry about it baby.." He spoke. "Everything is gonna be fine." Though I felt as if I wasn't being told the whole truth I nodded. He would tell me when he was ready, and as long as it didn't have to do with Daphne I was ok.

Once he was dressed he came over to me and kissed my lips. "I'll call you before work tomorrow okay?" Pecking his lips once more I smiled and he left, leaving me to wonder what the hell just happened?


Annoyed I huffed at my desk and tapped my pen. I had just finished up with my last client of the day and I was itching to get home. It was Friday, two weeks after Stephen practically ran out of my house at 4 in the morning. I hadn't been able to get ahold of him or Klay for that matter, and it was worrying me! It wasn't like them to not answer my calls. I would call Sara but I remembered she was out of town on business and I didn't want to bother her.

Packing up my things and grabbing my keys I turned off the light and headed to my car. On the drive home I contemplated just stopping by Stephen's house to see if he was there, but decided against it. He would call me when he was ready. Plus I didn't want to seem smothering or clingy. I never wanted to be one of those girlfriend, but then again I wasn't even his girlfriend..

Inside my house I took my work clothes off and changed into something more comfortable. After, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a water then settled in the den. My phone sat next to me just in case I got a call.

Talk about needy...

Netflix played reruns of The Cleveland Show and I laughed here and there but my focus was else where. I couldn't get my mind off Steph no mater how hard I tried. I know I missed him but damn! It should never be this bad!

Halfway through my 5th episode the front door opened.

"Honey I'm home!" A voice called out and my stomach dropped. What the fuck?

Instantly I was on my feet and walked down the hallway. In the foyer I was met with the absolute last person I wanted to see.

"How did you even get in here?" I asked placing my hands on my hips. Brandon smiled wickedly and placed a hand on his chin.

"Picked the lock once I noticed it was changed!" He moved forward and I stepped back.

"Baby, don't be like that.." He cooed.

"Get out!"

"No, this is just as much my house as it is yours!" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Boy please!" Catching me by surprise he snatched both my arms and pulled me close to his body. Squirming in his embrace only made him squeeze tighter, he was actually hurting me.

"Quit it!"

"Where's your little boyfriend now?" He spat referring to Stephen.

"Fuck off!" I raised my knee hitting him square in the balls. He groaned and his grip loosened. Panicked I rushed for the door, only stopping to grab my keys that sat in the bowl at the start of the kitchen.

"You can't run from me love!" Brandon charges at me and I jumped when his hand grabbed my arm. Struggling I swung my other arm, rage filling my heated limbs. Knocking him in the eye he stumbled back and that gave me enough of a head start to get away. Shaking I started my engine and headed to the only place I knew, I just hoped he was home.


Pounding on his door I stood outside in the dark waiting. I knew he was home, I saw his jeep. After a few minutes the door swung open and there he stood. He looked tired and angry, and I didn't know why. Immediately I leaped into his arms wrapping myself around him, Stephen caught me with ease.

"What are you doing here?" He asked voice hardly above a whisper. His tight embrace comforting me to the high extent.

"Brandon broke in my house a-and.." I couldn't get the words out without crying. Though Brandon is an asshole he never got that physical with me, I was scared shitless.

"What?" Stephen set me down and scanned my body for bruises. I guess he figures the rest out, without me having to explain it.

"Are you hurt? Did he put his hands on you?" Stephen asked eyes filled with hate for my ex husband.

"He grabbed me but I punched him, I'm okay.." I confirmed and he settled a bit.

"Good gir-"

"Who's at the door Steph?" A women's voice called behind him and he eye widened.

He had a girl here?

"Uhh.." He looked down and I took that as an opportunity to barge in. Looking left and right my eyes damn near popped out my head. In his living room sat Daphne, Blair, Klay, and Sara looking back at me with shocked faces. Rendered speechless I ended up focusing in on Daphne, seeing a little smirk playing on her lips. My blood began to boil and I turned to Stephen for some sort of explanation.

"Kayla.." He started "I have t-to tell you s-something.." Stephen fumbled with words as my anger rose. Why was no one answering my phone calls. Why was Sara here when she was suppose to be out of town? Why is Blair so far up Daphne's ass? And why in the hell is Daphne sitting in just a t-shit on Stephen's fucking couch?

The silence in the room was deafening and no one dare made a move.

"What the fuck is going on?" I barked my hands trembling.

"Kayla.." Sara started but Klay held her back, nodding his head at Stephen. "He needs to tell her, should've along time ago!" He murmured loud enough for me to hear.

"Tell me what? And where the hell have you been guys?" I asked directing my question to both men in the room but still no one said anything.

"Oh for the love of God! I'll tell her" Daphne roared, raising to her feet. Upon her standing I noticed the slight swell of her belly and snickered. The only thing that crossed my mind was that she was getting a little chubby! Simultaneously Sara and Blair stood, Blair helping Daphne and Sara coming over to me bracing herself.

"Daphne don't"

"No I'm tired of her and all this bullshit. You're mine and so is this baby.." As soon as the word 'baby' left her lips all the air in my lungs left.


"What baby?" I managed to get out, room spinning.

"The baby growing inside me. It's Stephen's! We're finally gonna be a family!" She clasped her hands together in delight and my whole world came crashing down. I felt like someone punched my in the gut as I leaped forward to wring her neck but stopped mid stride. I couldn't beat a pregnant women! So I settled for the next best thing. I walked right up to her and she backed up against the wall. Real fear laced her features and she looked right and left for someone to help her but I was to quick.

"I won.." She breathed out, her breath fanning my face. She was really pushing her luck. Cocking my arm back I punched a hole straight through Stephen's wall right next to her head. Gasp could be heard from behind me but I paid them no mind.

"Just wait, nine months from now I promise I won't miss. That baby just saved your life." I spoke honestly. Ever since I met this woman she's been on my nerves. She so simply came and snatched everything away from me and I have had enough!

"Please, Stephen wouldn't dare let some easy slut lay a hand on the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with!" She spat before a familiar pair of arms wrapped around my waist and I swung my arms all over the place trying to get out.

"Kayla please calm down!" Stephen spoke as Daphne exhaled but smiling after.

"Fuck you, put me down!" I screamed.

"No!" He yelled. "Not until we're outside!"

He held me with one arm while I thrashed, opening his door. The cool air hit my skin easing my climbing temperature. He set me down and I turned swiftly and smacked the shit out of him!

"The fuck is wrong with you?" I asked while he rubbed his cheek. "How could you fuck her and get her pregnant?" I screeched. The volume of my voice was ear splitting and I was probably waking the whole neighborhood.

"It wasn't like that!" He pleaded and it only fueled my anger! He looked so broken, so stuck.

"Save it! It's always like that! Was I not enough for you? Did I not satisfy your every need?"Every emotion the mirrored sadness and rage laced my voice.

"Baby no I s-"

"Don't call me baby! We aren't together! God, we aren't anything obviously! Everything that happened these last couple months meant nothing to you, I was just some game. Someone you could use until Daphne came back!"

"Don't say that!"

"It's true! I don't mean anything to you!" My voice cracked. I was nearing tears but I was fighting like hell to keep them at bay.

"You mean everything to me!" Tears pooled in his eyes and I had to turn my head, I hated seeing him sad.

"Bullshit Wardell! You fucked her behind my back, then fucked me right after! You played me, charmed the hell out of me, swept me right off my feet, then got her pregnant!" Hearing it out loud made me sick to my stomach. How could I have been such a fool?

"No, Kayla it's not like, just please let me-"

"I don't want to hear it." I broke. Tears ran down my cheeks for the second time that night.

"Baby girl pleas let me-" I held up my hand and backed away from him.

"Just once I'd like to be someone's one and only. I'd like for someone to be afraid to lose me. I'm always the one getting hurt and for some reason I thought you would be different" I wiped my face with the back of my hand but it was no use. The tears still came. "But just like always I'm the one being played like a fool, no one could ever love me.. Right?" I blurted, loud sob racking my small frame.

"No, no, no.." Stephen reached out but before he could touch me I ran. I ran like a bat out of hell to my car, driving off into the night.


Girl, I've been so busy and I finally found time to write this. Now I have a few things we need to talk about before I post the nest chapter. I bed a few of you are wondering why I haven't gone into detail with the sex scenes and there is a reason. I wasn't really sure if thats why you guys wanted at first and when I finally do I want it to be special for Kayla and Stephen. I mean I want it to be when there are no more complications between them. Now before you all yell at Sara and Klay for not telling Kayla and not answering her calls. That was Stephen's fault. Klay wanted Stephen to be honest with Kayla and he held Sara back from telling her, but all that will be explained in the next chapter. Now I know all of you hate Daphne, hell I hate her but she is damaged and loved Stephen even though he may not love her.

On another note, tell me what you think. Are you mad, hurt, sad, or all of them. Let me know! 40 votes till next chapter only because I am swamped with homework. Junior year is no joke.

Oh and another thing, I want to try my hand at an interracial Harry Styles Fanfic but I'm not sure if anyone would read it. If you've read my NBA one shot book you'll come across a story called '876'. That was originally written for Harry Styles and it has a very detailed story line. I have the first few chapters written out but I just want to know if people will read it. Be honest, cause I don't want to waste my time lol. If you would I promise to deliver, it had one hell of a plot twist!

I'd like to say a massive thank you for the 6,000 reads and plus 700 votes and comments on this story! It makes my day when I see how well this book it doing!!!!

Anyway all the love


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