Blood-Lust -A 5SOS AU-

By ladsontour_

229 9 60

Life's fucked up even more so if you're a hormonal teenagers who's daily desires are to drink the blood of ev... More

;Chapter two;
3. ;Chapter Three;
;Chapter 4;

1. ;Chapter One;

65 3 33
By ladsontour_


Her long blonde hair was out and falling to just below her shoulder blades. She paused for a minute her eyes fluttering around the room as Ashton's  stayed glued to her every move.

"That would be Chloe Collins" Haliee Answered coolly. Ashton hummed slightly not wanting to miss Chloe's next move.

As if Chloe had heard her name she turned her head towards them locking eyes with Ashton for a split second, her face quickly resembling confusion her gaze quickly shifted giving a small grin. Then carried on sauntering to the "Collins" table.
Ashton's heart leapt had she just smiled at him? The way she gave him that side grin sent his whole body into a indescribable trance. "We're good friends" Haliee continued, Ashton's high droped as he realised she really hadn't smiled at him. I mean why would she, she barley knew the guy.

"Fit, huh? But we've all tried that one my friend and failed miserably" Connor nudged Ashton out of his trance trying to seem like he didn't care about Chloe's rejection; he did.

"Yep. Don't go there. It won't end well" James agreed chuckling.

Ashton nodded "Yeah, wouldn't dream of it" he spoke shaking his head trying to act as if he really wouldn't be thinking about it. All day.

Hailee and Molly had returned to a previous conversation which the Boys were indulged in. Ashton using the time to peek at Chloe, who had a frustrated frown on her face, it unnerves Ashton for a moment as he runs his hand through his hair; aspirated.


"Okay your just here" Molly said, flashing Ashton a quick smile. Her eyes fixed on, his.

"Thanks, Mols" he said scratching the back of his neck unsure of wheter to hug her, just walk away. What?

They stood there for an awkward couple of moments Ashton staring at his feet, Molly whistling.

"Well I should go now," Molly said breaking the silence as she went in for a hug.

Ashton shoved his hand out to signal a hand shake a Molly blushed in awkwardness, not quite the encounter she was going for. Ashton realising his mistake blushed slightly, he wasn't a social person.

"Me too" Ashton quipped practically sprinting away from the tension.

He jogged to halt outside the lab marked Ms. Halt, Chem, D3.04. He pushed the door open practically slapping himself about his conversation with Molly. The class room was filled with a bunch of teenagers throwing paper planes and calling each other pricks. He chuckled under his breath one thing that stayed the same where ever in the world his mum would live was the teenagers were always dickheads that was an international trait.

Strolling up to the teacher who was currently popping blue capsules into her coffee trying to look discreet, another thing that never changed all the teachers either were popping pills, smoking, or a alcoholic. placing his large hands sharply on the corner of her wood desk, he introduced himself, "Ashton Irwin, I'm kind of ne--" she cut him of with a eye roll, barely managing to croak out her sentence "Yeah, yeah i know. Your the first new kind since well..." she began to drown off as Ashton tapped his fingers against the desk in impatience  "I.. was in rehab ..5 years ago So that makes it," she cut herself of. Blushing at the revolution of her vices. "Well anyways you can sit" her eyes travelled around the now calmed down room her eyes landed on the only desk with a free seat there she smiled pointing t the right hand 3 seat back table. Ashton smiled at nodded dragging his unwilling feet to the desk, he plonked down pulling out his pens all of which the ink had either exploded or run out. He shook his head in the act of pure habit, carelessness. The teacher coughed slowly drawing the class's attention as she began to explain electron shells and atom arrangement.

Ashton lulled his head into his hand nodding every so often and scribbling fake notes in his book. To seem like he was working; a performance he executed with perfection after the multiple opportunities he had gained from the numerous schools he went to as a result of his mums work.

Just as he was supposed to be writing the amount of protons for boron. There was a soft knock on the door, chloe was resting against the door her elbow was propping her up. "I'm here" she announced ambling into the room. "Don't you have something to say? About being late" The teacher questioned. Chloe raised an eyebrow, at the teacher. "Something along the line of sorr--" "Oh yeah Sorry not sorry. I had better places to be" She winked and perambulated to the desk which Ashton was sitting at.

"Up" she said motioning with her fingers for Ashton to stand up. "And move" she finished flashing him a sickly sweet smile. Ashton furrowed his brows in confusion. She glared intensely at him, when he didn't budge she continued to protest. "Your sitting a t my table" she pursed her lips together in frustration, Ashtons eyes drew to her lips, the pale plumes of them, filling Ashton's mind with profanities. She snapped her slim fingers infront of his eyes "Stay on topic"

"Jeez, Chill just sit there" he replied pointing to the seat parallel to Ashton. "This was the only free seat"

"I dont do people" she cursed picking up her bag and swinging in on to her back barely missing ashton nose. She cursed under her breath and stormed out fuming.

Ashton was left speechless, in all the schools he had been to he had never meet someone so bitchy yet    captivating as Chloe collins. The Teacher called a discussion and Bradley shifted on to Ashtons table "Intensely Hot. Right?" "MmmTotally." Ashton agreed

"Just don't go there buddy. Promise . She'll rip your heart out threw your neck" Bradley said metaphorically, little did he know he practically meant it literally.

Ashton didn't nod this time he wasn't a believer  of breaking promises and if he could help it he really wanted to break that promise.


Chloe was breathing heavily, as she paced up and down the corridor. She needed to get out of here every time she looked into his mind all she could see was foggy, jumbled words she was practically reading mandarin when she looked at him. Scrap that she knew Mandarin, Ancient Roman scripture was more what she saw. She cursed running her fingers through the waves in her hear, she had to stop letting it getting to her.

She un-flared her nose, and straighten up barging past the students with free periods to the english class in which her 'Sisters' were, she shoved the door open it shock once or twice before, settling still as did all the 28 eyes on her. "Shaykai, Kesta Were going" she called a short brunette with pale contrasted skin and a tall slender strawberry blonde emerged next to her and nodded as they swung the door closed.

"Whats Up?" Shakai questioned carefully, Chloe had a short temper. Chloe  fumbled not wanting to tell them the truth "I'm...err hungry" she nodded reassuring her self of the answer

"Speaking of hungry, Luke is probably starving" Kesta chewed the inside of her cheek, "Mmhhm, and that doesn't mix well with a class room of blood malodorous juveniles" Shyakai added in.

Kesta nodded turning back to get him. But Chloe spotted them leaned up against Michaels Massarti. Lukes normally blue eyes were currently a exact reflection of Santan's read. Kesta rushed up to him worry pulsating of her. "Is he okay what happened?" she quizzed Michael tightly gripping Lukes broad shoulders. "Im sorry, someone brushed past him and he lunged for the kid. I tried to control him but you seem to be the only one that mange his NewBorn scents" Kesta nodded dragging him away. Shaykai wrapped her arms around Michael he was still deeply shaken, she buried his head on her neck. "I'm sorry, i tried to control him. I've never seen a NewBorn like that before he is so powerful." Shaykai shushed him pulling him away and attaching his lips to her she kissed him softly. "Its okay babes. I know he's really forceful"

Chloe turned they were visible by the whole school, of course they weren't drawing any attention to themselves now. But they would if Luke had another outburst.  "This isn't the time and place, if he flares up again we could be drawing are selves a lot of unwanted attention. Lets go" She said opening the car door. Luke and Kesta stalled as Kesta cupped his face, calming him down "Now" Chloe ordered shutting the door behind them.


"Drop us of here, I'm going to teach Luke how to kill deer" Kesta asked as Michael stopped the car outside of a small entrance into the woods. They jumped out the car, Chloe leaning back into the new space as the pair took of into the trees.

The car drove quickly along the dirt path to the modern exterior, of the Collins house. She could  feel an aura of tension, she could tell there was an argument brewing as they walked up the steps to the glass door.


"We have a Problem," Julia The Collin's 'Mum' announced as the trio entered, Chloe, nodded " I can tell explain" Shaykai and Michael gave looks of approval as they all sat down in the foyer Chairs.

Dr. Collins entered through the kitchen alcove and seated near the fire "We do, a big problem. Where are Kesta and Luke?" he asked realising the missing two, "Hunting" Michael added

"We'll brief them later" Julia said implying they needed to press on.

"We sense new, Vampires. If what we sense is more than a new born passing through we need to leave, there have been a troop passing through the state and murdering. They wiped out full towns in New Hampshire. We don't want to take any risks, What we sense is too strong for a singular Newborn. We think its the Group" Dr.Collins let that sink in looks of worry being exchanged around the group.

Chloe mind  began  to panic her thoughts settling on Ashton. They couldn't leave not know, she began to speak unsure of how to display her anger toward the idea of leaving without seeming like a crushing teen. But Stopped as Michael cut her off.

"We can't leave. This is our territory. We should stay and fight." Michael rolled his sleeves barring  his teeth.

"Now lets not be rash Mikey, this is whats best" Dr.Collins pressured

"I agree, i can't bare all these Mundane humans. Lets leave to a Vampire communities that way i won't have to continuously control my urges" Shaykai pipped in.

"No, No I agree with Michael we need to stay, its probably just a Strong Odoured Newborn" Insisted Chloe using the opportunity  to help argue her case.

"Maybe we are being Hasty, I was just beginning to like this place" Julia smiled flatly.

Dr.Collins nodded sofaning to his wife's plee. "Okay we'll wait it out but as soon as i get a feeling of anything more than a Newborn we are leaving, to Minnesota vampire community" he finished appeasing Shaykai slightly.

Everyone began to settle as the door flung open "What the hell have you done, Chloe?" Kesta screamed shouting as she stormed in, Luke in tow.

"What?" Chloe questioned confusion laced through her voice. "The human at our driveway" Kesta glared.

"If your talking about Haliee, i've told you before she's a Vârcolac. You don't have to worry--"

"I don't mean Haliee i mean the tanned, light haired  brunette standing eagerly by his Chevrolet" Kesta gritted her teeth in hate.

"Ashton?"  Chloe Breathed in surprise as she hurried out on to the porch.

"I have your homework. We have to do a project model together of an atom" he grinned earnestly, holding out a project brief

"I told you i don't do Science, People, Partners or Projects" She spat making away down her steps so she was now face to face with Ashton. "Now piss off before i punch you" she ordered clenching her fists.

Ashton raised an eyebrow, looking up and down Chloe's Slim small body. Chloe received the un-spocken message and threw a punch straight to Ashton's nose so quickly Ashton was unable to comprehend the connection to his nose.

"Bloody Hell" he howled in pain blood sprinkling out his large amounts.  

Chloe swung round as she felt the presence of someone else, Luke was on the porch nose flared taking in the smell of blood. His eyes a deep maroon, "I smell blood" he breathed in hunger. He sprinted toward Chloe, she caught him pushing him back with all her forces,

"Get in the Car. Now" she shoved Ashton in the ajar door slamming it shut still pushing back Luke his New born strength proving difficult to fend of. Ashton eyes widen in disbelief as he followed Chloe's orders and smashed his feet on the gas and reversed quickly away.

Kesta rushed out  managing to calm him down, "His hunger for human blood his fogging his other sent" Dr. Collins stated "We need to get blood from the Hospital, today. Its the only way to control it" Julia said, looking over to chloe "That is never to happen again" she added motioning at the previous encounter with ashton. When chloe didn't reply she reminded her with more force "Ever"


Ashton shoved cotton balls into his nostrils seating himself at his  adjacent from the door; desk.  He opened up the browser searching up 'Chloe Collins' nothing  appeared, he needed to find out more about what he just witnessed.  The thought of hear raspy voice demanding him to do things, her long legs in those tight ripped jeans, his breath got hitched at the remembrance of her ass shaking along as she strolling away as she left the classroom. He was beginning to feel something ungodly and quickly changed to the thought of ugly pigs and the feeling was lost. Once composed he kept searching nothing coming up, he finally found an image of her from the school website. He double clicked on the image accidentally sending him to a separate site called 'Un Canny Look a likes' confusion rippling through his mind as images of Normal people next to pictures of people from the 17th century. He scrolled down, "Holy shit" he breathed as an image of Chloe was situated next to a news paper article of a serial killer from the 1845 in London. He saved the image and dragged it as his wallpaper as a reminder to read  the article.

The door to his room flung open Molly appearing in the door way he tried to turn the desk top down but she saw the image of Chloe. Anger bubbling up, Why the hell did Ashton have an image of chloe as his screen saver?  she nibbled her lip "Just Came to see how your day went buddy" She crossed her legs over the other resting against the door frame. He began to blush immensely "Yeah, sorry it went well i guess" he said praying that Molly hadn't see the image. "Swell," she chuckled seeing an opportunity to get a chance alone with Ashton "Theres a Bonfire in the woods near our place your welcome to come" she said sending him a saucy grin Ashton felt swooned and he nodded blushing "I would love to" he grinned riddled with mixed feeling.

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