It Is What It Is {A One Direc...

By HeartHazzaw

724 31 8

Alexis aka. Lexi, is just another normal 18 year old girl. Falling in love with one of the most famous people... More



58 3 4
By HeartHazzaw



"Hey guys!" I screamed making my way to the private area the boys had rented for tonight. They all looked up at Zayn and I and their faces all lightened up. Smiles crept on to Niall, Harry and Louis faces as they Niall and Louis ran mine and Zayns way.

"I missed you sooo much!!" Louis screamed in my ear pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"I missed you too" I replied hugging him back. His arms wrapped around my waist tightly as he lifted my feet off the ground still holding me tightly to his chest, spinning me around in the air.

"AH LOUIS! PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed giggling a bit at his childish behavior. With that he let my feet slowly reconnect with the club floor bellow me.

"Sorry, I just really missed you." he said shyly with bits of pink forming in his cheeks. "I missed you too" I said planting a kiss on his cheek wiggling out of his tight grip on my waist. 

"sorry" he said again lowly letting go and walking back to the table.

I turned my head to look at Zayn standing behind me sending death glares at Louis. I sent him a scowling look, as soon as he caught my gaze he sent me an apologetic smile.

Why does he have to get so jealous all the time? I thought to myself as I turned back to face a smiling Niall

 "What are you so happy about Horan?" I asked raising an eyebrow bringing him into a tight hug. 

"Nothing' he said laughing a bit. "I just really missed you, I haven't seen you in like 3 months" he said hugging me tighter and tighter with each word that came out of his mouth.

"I missed you too, now can you stop squeezing me so tight? I think you might have broken a rib." I managed to say gasping for air gripping my chest dramatically, grabbing hold of his bycep, once he let me go. 

"Sorry" he giggled slinging an arm around my waist helping me stand up straight.

 "Thanks" I smiled pecking his pink cheek.

I could still feel Zayns gaze on me, watching my every move. They were some of my best friends, I can be friendly. Why does Zayn have to be such a jealous arse sometimes?

"Lex" a familiar voice whispered behind me tapping my shoulder. I turned to face a curly haired boy with a giant grin spreading across his face showing off his cute dimples.

"Hey Haz" I said smiling back.

"I missed you so much" he mumbled bringing me into a warm embrace.

"I missed you too" I whispered in his ear, slowly rubbing his back in a comforting way. "so much"

He held me tight in his arms. God only knows how much Ive missed this boy. Out of all the boys in the band, aside from Zayn, I was definitely closest with Harry. This boy was literally everything to me.

 Backing away from our tight embrace Harry left a swet kiss on my cheek, which I gladly returned. I felt Zayn's stares burning holes in the back of my head. Why does he have to be so god damned jealous.

 I made my way back to a now angry Zayn. "You don't have to be so mad, you know hes just a friend" I whispered in his ear, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"I know." he responded wrapping an arm around my waist. "I just don't want to lose you"

"You wont." I assured him, pecking his lips.

He was always scared that I was going to leave. Leave him for someone better; but that's impossible. There is no one better. No one sweeter, kinder, more loving.


Of course...

There was,


Shaking that thought from my head, Zayn and I made our way towards the boys. 

"What's up with him?" I asked Niall motioning my head towards Liam.

"We don't really know" He answered taking a sip from his beer. "Probably has something to do with him and Danielle, we heard them fighting a couple of nights ago; but he won't talk to us about anything. Hes just been really quiet, in his room most of the time. I was surprised that he even agreed to come here tonight." he sighed.

"That's horrible. I'll go talk to him, yeh?" I asked looking up at Zayn, he nodded his head and let go of my waist. I quickly kissed his cheek and gave Niall a hopeful smile, walking towards the lonesome Liam.


"Hey there big boy, come here often?" I asked cheekily, hoping to lighten his mood.

"Hey Lex" He said simply, not removing his eyes from his drink.

"Hey Li, mind if I sit down?"  I asked motioning to the empty space beside him. He nodded his head, shifting over a bit to make more room for me. Studying his face, his eyebrows furrowed stared intently at his still full cup, as if he was thinking really hard about something. 

 "You okay?"  He hesitated but shook his head, still avoiding any sort of eye contact.

"Liam, you can tell me whats wrong." I said calmly, placing a hand on his back slowly rubbing it, comfortingly. He opened his mouth as if he was trying to say something, but quickly shut it and sighed. He looked up at me for the fist time tonight, the pain showing in his eyes.

It killed me seeing him, out of everyone, this hurt. He was always the one with a cheery smile on. He was always there to crack a joke (aside from Louis) that always brightened your mood. I've found myself needing him there for me, to comfort me when my ex-boyfriend broke up with me. Liam helped me get through some really tough times, him and his beautiful smile. So its understandable why I feel so broken at the sight of this boy in front of me.

"Do you want to go outside to talk?" I asked leaning close to his ear so that he could hear me over the loud music. He nodded his head and turned his gaze towards the rest of the boys who were deep in conversation.

I got up and reached my hand out for Liam to take. He hesitated but placed his hand in mine.

"Lets go tell the boys" I stated helping hip up from his spot at the table. He nodded his head and we walked hand in hand back towards where Zayn, Louis and Niall were standing.

"Hey guys, Liam and I are going to go talk outside, it's too loud in here." I said mainly looking at Zayn searching his face for approval. He nodded his head and looked me in the eyes. I can tell how hurt he was, it was written all over his face. I knew why he was upset, it was because of the fact that I would much rather hang out with a broken and distraught Liam, than my own boyfriend. That wasn't the case at all.

"Don't be too long" Zayn whispered wrapping an arm around my waist kissing my forehead lightly.

"I'll be right back, don't worry" I whispered in Zayns ear reassuringly leaving a small lingering kiss on his cheek. He removed his arm and with that Liam and I, still hand in hand the entire time were off.


"Can you tell me what's wrong now?" I asked letting go of his hand when we exited the building. Liam was now pacing back and forth in front of me. His hands rubbing his eyes, I could tell that he was on the verge of crying.

"Liam! Stop RIGHT NOW! and tell me what happened." He stopped and looked at me with disbelief that I would actually scream at him. "I'm sorry Li, just tell me whats wrong."

He shook his head and tears started rolling down his cheeks. "Oh no Li, don't cry, it's okay, I'm here, shhh It's okay" I cooed bringing his head down to my chest rubing his back trying to cam him down.

He looked up at me, tears no longer in his eyes. His face all puffy and red. I couldnt stand seeing him like this.

"Some--Something happened..." He trailed off, speaking his first few words of the night.

"What happened Li? It's alright you can tell me" I said concerend patting his back. 

"Ca--Can we sit?" He asked motioning his head towards the bench behind us, in front of the club.

"Sure Li, take a seat"

He sat down waiting for me to sit beside him. When I did he instantly rested his forehead on my shoulder. I felt the wet tears dropping on my dress. 

"Liam, it's okay. Stop crying" I lifted his head off my shoulder, holding his face in my hands. "Now tell me what happened" I said gently whipping away his tears with my thumbs.

"Dan--Danielle and I broke up. I don't understand w- what I did wrong. Why would she leave Lex? Why?" He whispered looking me in the eyes.

"I don't know Liam, I don't know..." I sad bringing his head back down to my shoulder, wrapping our arms around each other, he held me close like his life depended on it. He rested his chin on my shoulder rubbing circles in my back. Soft sniffles coming from his nose.

"Don't worry Li... you deserve so much better." I stated rubbing his back. He loosened his grim on me and looked me in the eyes.

"Do you really mean it?" He asked his sniffling one last time. I looked into his tear stained eyes and nodded my head, bringing my hands back up to why away the remaining tears. "Yeah... I do" I replied looking into his big brown eyes.

Next thing I know his large hands are cupping my cheeks, lips on mine, kissing me passionately. When I realized what he was doing, my first instinct was to back away and walk back into the club to my beloved boyfriend, But there was something stopping me. Something about the way he was kissing me, didn't let me leave. My eyes fluttered shut and I kissed him back, feeling as though that was the only thing my body was capable of doing. He was putting so much passion and love into the way he was kissing me, I could tell how much he needed meto be there for him anf=d how much he loved me. But these feelings aren't real, they CAN'T be real.

 'You're with Zayn, this is wrong!'  My subconcious kepT on reminding me. I knew it was right, but I couldnt stop.

Could I have made a mistake by being with Zayn in the first place?

His lips felt warm and soft against mine, much different than Zayns colder ones. How could something that was wrong, on so many levels, feel so right?  


A shocked whiper asked from beside me, pulling me out of my trance.



And there we go! Chaper 3 all done.....

ooohhh clifhanger!!  whats gonna happen next? i dont know! youll just have to wait and find out!!

Thank you for fanning if you did! It means alot that people are actually reading this!

Again if there are any mistakes that you think I should fix, please comment below! I really apreciate it! 

Lots of love! 



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