Timeless Love (Ceil x Reader)

By xLKxNightmarexLKx

9.3K 198 76

Lady Elizabeth is your best friend and she tells you all about her new fianćee, Ciel Phantomhive. Your mother... More

When it started
~Chapter one~
*Chapter Two*
<€hapter Three<
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893 16 5
By xLKxNightmarexLKx

[Sebastian's POV]

Lady Elizabeth was explaining how we could make Miss (Y/n) welcome here. She explained her likes a dislikes so we knew what to expect. We all listened carefully before I heard the young master call out to me in worry. I looked up to Miss
(Y/n)'s bedroom window and I quickly went inside. The others followed close behind, as I reached Miss (Y/n)'s door it was slightly ajar. I pushed it open to see my young master looking down on an unconscious Miss

I picked her up bridal style and lied her in the bed.

"My lord what happened?" I looked up and noticed his eye patch was carelessly thrown onto the floor.

I stared into his eye for a moment as the pieces clicked into place. My eyes widened ever so slightly, and I looked back down to the unconscious female lying on the bed.

"Young lord?" I asked, never taking my scarlet eyes off Miss (Y/n).

"Sebastian?" He echoed my name.

"Did you let her see the contract seal on your eye?"

"I-i did. W-what happened? Sebastian?"

I sat silent.

'This is why I've been getting such an odd aura off her? That can't be, she can't just...turn.'

My mind raced with questions but all of them went unanswered.

"Sebastian! Please tell us what's going on!" Young master Ciel yelled.

"I am not for certain, we will just have to wait until she wakes to see if my suspicions are correct." I stood, still looking at Miss (Y/n).

"What exactly are your suspicions?" Lady Elizabeth ask.

"I do not feel as if you, of all people, would like to know My Lady."

"If I did not wish it I would not have asked of it!" She argued.

"I feel as if with the glance she got of young master's contract seal on his eye she has...turned."

"What so you mean "turned", Sebastian?" Bladroy asked.

"She has turned into a demon."

A soft gasp was hear from Lady Elizabeth. Nothing else emmited from the staff or young master.

"I am not for certain but when she wakes I will be able to check and draw a complete conclusion. Until then, we wait." I turned and left the room, wondering how she did it.

'How did she turn Into a demon?'

[Finnian's POV]

'Miss (Y/n) is now a demon? But how?' I asked myself.

Lizzy placed a hand on Lord Phantomhive's shoulder as he stood stiff. I've been watching him closely since Miss (Y/n) and her horrid mother arrived. He seemed a bit brighter, more energetic, almost as if he was happy.

She may as well be his significant other.

"A demon?" Baldroy whipered and scratched the back of his head.

"But how would looking at Lord Phantomhive's eye turn her?" Mey rin whispered.

We all left the room as did Lord Phantomhive. Baldroy, Mey rin, and I snuck into the garden and spoke.

"That can't be right. How is it that she's a demon?" Bladroy asked.

"I don't know but she's not scary like Sebastian. I wonder how that works, looking at young masters contract seal and instantly turning Into a demon." I mumbled.

Mey rin stared at the ground in silence for a moment then gasped. Baldroy and I jumped and looked to her.

"What is it Mey rin?" I asked.

"Ill have to ask Miss (Y/n) when she wakes up..." Mey rin trailed off.

I looked to the flowers decorating the garden and sighed.

"Maybe we should get back to our duties. Miss (Y/n) should wake later tonight." I suggested and went back to work on the garden.

Baldroy retreated to kitchen and Mey rin went to clean or fix something, this time not failing and being clumsy. My mind kept wandering to how Miss (Y/n) could just...turn.

[Your POV]

I tossed and turned, panting harder and harder every passing second.


The blood poured from my head. I wasn't dying, but I was woosy I couldn't stand correctly. The pain ripped through my body, bullet after bullet after bullet. One shot after another. One in my forehead, four in my stomach, two in each of my shoulders, three in each of my thighs, one In each of my knees. It hurt so badly, blood pours from my eyes and they become bloodshot.

I don't know what to do anymore. I can barely lift my head to see my attackers. Another shot to my stomach. The blood pours down my clothes and stains the wooden floor. Another shot and another. A high cackle sounds, as do multiple sounds of laughter.

All the voices echo in my mind, all of them familiar but I can't quite place who they belonged to. Finally. Finally I am able to lift my head and see my attackers. More and more blood pours from my eyes the harder and harder I cry. Mey rin, Baldroy, Finnian, Sebastian, Lizzy, Mother, and...Ciel. All of them had smiles dancing over their features, deep satistic twinkles in their phycotic eyes.

Harder and harder I cry, bullet after bullet, more and more blood. It won't end! Someone please help me! Make it stop! It hurts so badly, I can't handle it anymore! Just please kill me!! Another shot. This time it hit me in the left eye. I finally let out a scream of agony as the blood pours from that eye, an open wound painfully burning.

Another shot. This one to the right eye. The same burning sensation in the freely opened wound. I'm blind, but the last thing I saw, the last person I saw before complete blackness was Ciel and his ocean blue eye next to his purple, marked eye. His phycotic smile widening as he shot out my last remaining eye.

Now all that I could rely on was my hearing, but that didn't last long. With every bullet that entered my body my hearing fadded in and out. I was dying. My life was ending. One more shot, one more bullet, please just get it over with. The fire ceased and it was silent. Time stood still as I awaited that last shot. The final blow. The gun cocked and I felt the cold metal of the gun's barrel on my open forehead.

"You ungrateful brat!" The person spat.

It was the same line mother had used just before she tried to kill me, but it was Ciel who spoke the words. Ciel pulled the trigger and my ears rung. The dream ended.

~Ęńď øf ĎŕëąmŁâñď~

I jolted awake and screamed loudly. I clutched the bedsheets down by my waist, and I breathed as If I had just run a mile without breathing. I began crying and I furiously wiped at my tears, looking at my hands to see if it was blood but it wasn't. They were normal salty tears.

I jumped and looked into the mirror, cringing away.

"Oh god no!" I cried out!

I furiously wiped and rubbed my eyes hoping it would go away. A knock sounded and the door opened.

"Miss (Y/n)? Are you alright?" Sebastian asked.

"No! Sebastian go away! I'll...I'll be down in a moment. Please leave me be for a few moments please." I begged, not looking at him.

"As you wish." He answered and left the room, but he left the door open ajar.

Little did I know, Sebastian, Lizzy and Lord Phantomhive were just outside listening.

"No no no! This can't be happening! This is all a dream!! Just a horrid nightmare! Please just let it be so!!" I cried out.

I furiously rubbed my fists against my eyes. I looked back Into the mirror and cried out again. My wide blood red hues stared back at me, mocking me. I screamed in frustration before throwing a chair across the room.

"Wow! Very unlady like (Y/n)!" I yelled at myself.

I dropped onto the edge of my bed and placed my face in the palms of my hands. What am I gonna do? They can't see me like this! They can't see me as a..a..demon. I sucked in a tight breath and let out a sigh.

"I might as well just go greet everyone. They'll find out sooner or later." I whispered.

I stood and walked to the door. I looked at the floor while j walked but froze. Thanks to being a demon now it hightened my senses and I heard the soft click of a door shutting, and multiple footsteps retreating from my bedroom door. I became suspicious and opened my door, looking both ways. Nothing. I began walking down the corridor to the dining hall. I bumped into Mey rin but I kept my head down.

"Miss (Y/n)! You're awake!" Mey rin hugged me tightly.

"Yes I have woken up. How long was I unconscious?" I asked, keeping my head down and averting my eyes.

"You had passed out yesterday morning, it has been a full twenty-four hours, Miss."

"Thank you Meg rin. I appricate it."

"Miss (Y/n)? May I ask something?"

"Yes of course. Anything."

Mey rin looked at her feet.

"Did you ever meet your father? Did you know who he was?" She asked softly.

I stiffened up and stopped dead. My father?

"I..never knew anything about him. He wasn't there when I was born and nor was he throughout my life. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. Just...curious Ma'am." Mey rin ran off without even a farewell, but I just shrugged it off.

I retreated to the dining hall and Ciel, Lizzy, and Sebastian sat in there talking quietly uninvited themselves. Once the doors opened they looked at me. I cringed away, remembering the dream. It hurt to look at them when I had just witnessed them shoot me, and Ciel to murder me once and for all. Lizzy noticed my recoil and her eyes filled with worry.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright?" She asked.

"N-no." I responded.

I averted my eyes and found my intrests in the wooded floor.

"Please tell me what's wrong. You can trust me." She pleaded.

I kept my eyes down and spoke slowly.

"I had a dream...that...I was being shot over and over..." I began.

"Oh that jus-...." I cut Lizzy off by speaking again.

"I was on my knees. Shot after shot ripped through my body. When I able to look up and see who was killing me it was mother...and...Mey rin, Baldroy, and Finny, You and Sebastian, and Lord Phatomhive. All of you laughed at my suffering as I laid there and cried, begging and screaming for mercy. My eyes were shot out and I went blind..." I paused as a tear rolled down my features.

Lizzy, Sebastian, and Ciel looked at me I horror. Ciel was about to speak but for the first time this morning all the worry drained from my body and I looked into Ciel's eye.

"...and it you who shot my eyes out. And it was you who pointed the gun at my head and called me and ungrateful brat before pulling the trigger and killing me." Ciel looked at me in horror as more and more tears streamed from my blood red hues.

Silence filled the room as I told of my dream. Baldroy, Mey rin, and Finny must have walked in and they heard as well. Sebastian showed slight horror in his eyes as they widened. I turned and began waking from the dining hall.

"(Y/n) wait!" Ciel cried out.

"I-i just need a bit if fresh air to clear my mind. I'll just be out in the garden." I said and kept walking.

Ciel followed as I made it into the garden. He grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. I kept my eyes to the ground, not wanting him to see me crying.

"What in the world got your brain the conjure up something like that!? I would never hurt you!" Ciel said glaring slightly.

"I just can't get over how real it was. Every laugh, every bullet, even the pain felt so real." More tears streamed down my face.

I sniffled once before hugging myself and looking at the ground.

"I told you, I would never hurt you!" Ciel said.

I looked up and before I could speak his lips pressed to mine. My eyes slowly closed, forgetting about everything. Forgetting about Lizzy, the dream, about Mother, and everyone. It all just melted away as I kissed Ciel. It felt like an eternity as we kissed but it ended too soon. A small gasps was heard and I pulled away, a shocked look in my features.I turned my head and my eyes locked with emerald green ones. Lizzy stared back at me, a hurt look glazing her eyes.

[Ciel's POV]

As I pressed my lips to (Y/n)'s it was like everything fell away. All my stress, and the anger, and the pain just melted away. Right now it was just us. I could taste the saltyness of her tears on her lips, and I just wanted to make her feel special. I just wanted her to know how much I...how much I loved her.

A soft, almost inaudible gasp was heard, and (Y/n) pulled away, looking up. I did the same and my fianćee stood there, crying softly, a hurt look on her face. I let go of (Y/n) and we both turned to Elizabeth, looking at the ground.

"(Y/n)? Ciel?" Lizzy whispered.

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