My Servant, My Princess

By nize143

6.9K 166 10

"We always thought we'd look back on our tears and laugh, but we never thought we'd look back on our laughter... More

How It All Started
The First Meeting
I'm the Boss
Hello Stranger, Nice to meet you
The Lost Kitty
Number 5 Rule

Lie To Me

534 13 0
By nize143

Chapter 3

Lie to Me

Kathryn saw how shocked the three were when she said she doesn't remember anything.

"Sorry, I don't have a choice. I don't want to lie but I have no where to go," Kathryn thought to herself.

"I don't see any major head injury but I guess this must be caused by a trauma. I'll have to get you to the laboratory for further test." Pat tried to check her folder again.

"A-are you sure? Maybe you need to rest a little bit more. You sure you can't remember even your name?" Daniel can't believe what he's hearing.

"Kuya, let us let her rest first. Maybe she hasn't recuperated yet from the accident." Arisse grabbed Daniel arms and lead him out of the room.

"I don't believe this! I haven't even rested yet and I have a meeting in an hour." Daniel can't believe the situation he got himself into.

"I'm sure Pat will do everything to make her condition better. I'll handle it from here. You need to head out to the office. Don't worry too much okay?" Arisse smiled.


Daniel knew he doesn't have a choice so he walked out and headed straight to the office. As he was driving to the office, he still can't help but think about the mysterious woman. The woman was filthy, she doesn't have shoes on and her hair is tangled by all sorts of garbage.

"Is she crazy? No, no... not likely... Though she looked like a mess, she seems to be sane. But what will happen now?" As soon as he arrived in the office, he called for Marco.

Marco is also one of his trusted friend and the head of Intelligence and Logistics Department.

"What's up? Did you just came directly from the airport?" Marco immediately said as soon he entered the room.

"Yes, I was not able to go home to change because we ran into a little problem. I was calling you a while ago but you're not answering your phone." Daniel answered.

Marco: "Oh that, I'm sorry but I was busy doing research. What's the problem you bumped into?"

Daniel: "On our way home, we accidentally hit a woman by our car. We took her to the hospital but when she woke up, she can't remember anything."

Marco: "Really?! Oh man, that's a big mess you got there. So what are you planning to do now?"

"I don't know either. I still need to speak to our legal counsel first. But at the moment, Pat is doing some lab test to make sure there is no major damage." Daniel explained.

"Oh I see. So what do you need me for?" Marco asked.

"I need you to ran a background check on the woman. Find out what where she lives. Try to find her family. We need to know her identity first and foremost."


Back at the hospital, Kathryn just got back from the laboratory. Pat had her X-ray and CAT scan. She also had to undergo some test to check if there's any internal damage.

She's alone in the room and she's still thinking what her next plan of action is.

Her identity should never be revealed. She's still nervous for letting them believe she has amnesia.

"What was I thinking?" she scolded herself.

"Now, I'm really in trouble. I can't let them find out who I am so I guess I'll just go with my little lie for a little while."

"I know its wrong but given the situation I am in right now, they are my only hope. I have nowhere to go, nor have any money left. I don't know how I can survive.."

"Sorry, but I think I have to stick a little longer with you.." she sadly said while looking at the shut door.

Arisse entered and walked towards Kathryn. She smiled at her while waving a plastic take-out.

"Hi, I know you must be hungry so I bought you food.," Arisse motioned her to take it.

"Hmm, I think its better if you wash yourself first before eating. Can you stand and walk?"

Kathryn nodded her head. Arisse helped her to get up and walked her to the bathroom.

"Do you need any help?" Arisse asked Kathryn.

"No, I can do it myself. Thank you," Kathryn answered.

"Okay, by the way, you can change to this, but I also brought you some clothes." Arisse gave Kathryn a clean hospital gown with pink prints.

Kathryn washed up while Arisse is waiting outside. She was so consumed in thinking about her current situation that she forgot how messy and smelly she was. She showered and bathed till all the filth is gone.

After she showered, she changed to the clothes given by Arisse. "It feels nice to finally be clean again," Kathryn thought.

When she walk out of the bathroom, she saw Arisse totally engrossed reading a magazine. "She's nice, I feel so guilty pulling off that "lie" to them," Kathryn walk toward Arisse with a shy smile.

"Oh, you're done? Whoah! I didn't know there was a pretty face hidden behind all those filth..," Arisse acclaimed.

"Thanks," Kathryn just smiled at her.

Arisse led her to sit down so she can eat. While eating she get to know more about Arisse. She's very bubbly and talkative. Kathryn can't share anything because she's supposed to be on "amnesia-mode" so she just listen and nod every now and then. She learned that Pat the doctor, and Arisse are together. She also learned that the man who took her to the hospital is Arisse's brother.

Arisse: "Pat told me that you may need to stay here for a couple of days. I always come here to visit Pat so I'll check on you once in a while, okay?"

Kathryn: "Okay, but you don't have to bother. You've already done so much for me."

Arisse: "Nah, that's okay. I like you and I have a very good feeling towards you."

"If you only knew..", Kathryn can just whisper.

"Wait, what should I call you? Since you don't remember your name I'll give you a new name, Kristyna" Arisse smiled.

"Kristyna? Why that name?," Kathryn asked.

Arisse: "Kristyna is the name of my cat who died when I was little."

"O-Okay, Kristyna... Yna for short.., I like it."

"So I guess I will be Yna starting today..." Kathryn thought while looking at Arisse.


Meanwhile, Daniel just finished his meeting and was back at his office. He's too exhausted. He needs to go home and change. He was on his way to his car when his phone rang. It was Pat.

"Hey, I'm just calling to let you know that the result of the tests are back," Pat started.

Daniel: "Oh? So how was it?"

Pat: "Well, there seems to be no indication that there are internal injuries and the CAT scan shows that there are no physical damage to her skull as well."

Daniel: "That's good. But how come she can't remember anything?

Pat: "Well, Amnesia is possible. The impact may not have cause a visible damage to her skull and brain but the trauma can sometimes cause this."

Daniel: "So is it curable?"

Pat: "We'll try to put her on medication but we don't really have a definite cure. All we can do is wait."

Daniel: "Oh geez, so what am I supposed to do with her now?"

Pat: "You haven't found any information about her?"

Daniel: "Marco is still checking but it may be difficult because she doesn't have anything with her when we bump into her."

Daniel ended the call and went straight to his car. He went home to change his clothes.


After 3 days.

Arisse found Daniel aka DJ ( to his friends) in the study room working on his computer.

"Kuya, Yna is going to be discharged today."

"Yna?" Daniel stopped what he was doing and looked up to Arisse.

"Yeah, I gave her a name. She doesn't remember her name anyway."

" I see.."

"I see? That's it? What are your plans?"

"What do you mean?"

"Yna still doesn't remember anything so she doesn't have a place to come home to."

"That's not my problem. We've already fulfilled our responsibility to her."

"Hey! We can't just let her out in the streets with nowhere to go. You really lack compassion towards other people."

"Look, the accident was her fault in the first place. Give her money so she can go her own way."

"I really don't know what to do with that attitude of yours. You didn't even bother to visit her at the hospital!" Arisse blurted out while stomping out.


Arisse and Kathryn were sitting at the back of the car when Arisse's phone rang. It was Daniel.

"Kuya? Has guilt taken over you already?" Arisse said while answering her phone.

"What? I don't have time for that! Listen, Pamu just called in and apparently she still can't go back because the burial of her Grandma might take longer than expected. I need you to find me a temporary replacement." Daniel blurted out.

Arisse glanced at Kathryn's direction and an idea popped. "I think I may have someone who can best take that position."

Pamu is the one managing the household affairs and personal schedule of Daniel. Her grandmother died so she needed to come home.

Kathryn is still anxious not knowing where Arisse is taking her. So she asked,"Where are we going?"

"Well, since you don't have anywhere to stay, you can stay with us for the mean time. Just until your memory comes back. So were heading home right now."

"But wouldn't your brother be mad?"

"Nope, don't worry. I guess he'll get angry at first but he'll come around."

They drove into a nice mansion. It was classic with a touch of modernism. Almost as big and as grande as their Villa in Japan.

Arisse led her to a bedroom upstairs.

"This is going to be your room while you are staying here. My room is right across the hallway." Arisse opened the door and push her in.

"Alright, Again, thank you. Thank you for everything."

"Hey! Just how many times are you going to thank me?" Arisse smiled. "I'll leave you for now so you can rest. I'll just call you when dinner is served."

Kathryn closed the door as soon as Arisse left. She roamed her eyes around the room. Not bad.

"This is going to be my home for now." Kathryn bitterly thought.

She climbed up the bed and laid down. Her thoughts are wandering what will happen to her now. She also can't help think about her brother. Kevin must have been looking for her. Ahhh.. so many thoughts are coming to her mind but after a few minutes, she fell asleep.

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