Do You Remember?

By jadeingtonn

386 24 1

Two past lovers cross paths as they head home for a few weeks. Having not seen each other since their high sc... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter Four

36 3 0
By jadeingtonn

Eleanor's POV-

We both get in the truck and he begins to drive me to my car. Once again, the car ride is silent. Neither of us say a word. I can't help but think about everything he said and I'm sat sitting in this leather seat, uncomfortable and in the mood to cry but cry over what? It was eight years ago and he isn't even a part of my life anymore. Why am I even still emotional about it?

I cross my arms feeling cold and out of my peripheral, I see him reach for the AC dial to turn it down. I don't acknowledge it, but instead stare and lean my head against the window. It's already dark. When I look at my phone, I see that it's almost nine.

Where has the time gone?

After about twenty minutes, we finally make it to the field and I get out, not letting him get the chance to be chivalrous and open it for me. I really just want to leave as soon as possible. I feel as though I will break at any moment and I'm not ready to do that.

I quickly feel around my pockets for my keys but remember I left them in his truck, along with my wallet. The minute I turn around, he is already getting out with them in hand. The steps he takes seem slow and the closer he gets, the more unbalanced I feel. I look down, not wanting to see the look in his eyes. When his hands come into view, I reach out and grab hold of them but he won't let me take them.

"El," I finally look up and I don't know what to say or think or do.. He finally lets go of my things and instinctually, my hands pull back, almost shielding my body.

"Please, don't be upset. You were right. That was eight years ago and it doesn't matter now but I can't help but feel like we met again for a reason. Yeah, its only been a day but regardless, I'd like to know what that reason is. I don't want us to be mad at each other and before the past blew up in our faces, I had a nice time being with you again,"

"Ezra, I-," I begin.

"No, please let me finish. I though long and hard in the truck about what I was going to say and I think I'm about to forget." He pauses, waiting to see if I will interrupt again. "Um, when you tripped the other day and I didn't know who you were, I almost passed you without helping. I was aggravated with my family and Anya kept calling and then when I saw who you were, I don't know. It's like a weight had been lifted off of me and I could breath," A small smile starts to play on his lips before he continues.

"I haven't felt this way in a long time and hell, it may not be you, it could be just the getting away from reality for a while but I'd like to think its you. You were my best friend back then and for a very good reason too. You took away all of my stress and worried with me, made me laugh and do things I never thought I'd do so yeah, maybe it's because of you that I feel like I can finally relax." At this point, I am smiling with him.

"Hold on, I had like two more things to say." He says shushes me with his index finger once he sees me open my mouth. "How about for these two weeks that we have, we forget about things and forget about reality?" He reaches forward and places his hands on my arms with that earth warming smile of his.

"Let's relive our best memories and forget about the rest of the world. Just us. You and me!" His smile is contagious and so I smile and nod my head.

"Okay." I say.

"Okay? Just okay?" He asks.

"Fine! Sure! Okay, yes!" I say but as soon as the words leave my mouth, I look to my feet and start thinking of how bad of an idea this is. Ezra reaches under my chin and makes me look up at him before speaking.

"No, no, no. No thinking."


"No 'buts'. We are doing this for both of us. We are taking a break. After all, this is a vacation and it starts now." He says, backing up and raising his arms out to his sides.

"What, now?" I ask, perplexed.

"Absolutely! Do you remember when we were 16 and you decided it was a good idea to go night swimming at the creek?"

"What? Ezra, we can't go swimming!"

"And why not? It's not like you have any plans." He winks at me before rushing to me and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Ezra! Put me down!" I scream while banging my fist against his back. Obviously it affects him none while he laughs and makes his way back towards his truck.

"No can do El, we are going swimming." He shoves me in the passengers seat and repeatedly presses the lock on his keys when he rushes to get in the drivers seat.

"Ez, I can't swim in jeans and a long sleeve." He looks at me and winks again before laughing and putting the truck in reverse.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask him in a stern voice.

"El, we are grown adults. Besides, I've seen it all before." The amusement in his voice is prevalent. I let out a frustrated groan and cross my arms before slamming my back against the seat.

"Oh come on, a few minutes ago you were just fine with the idea. Remember what you told me when we first met? 'Just live a little. You have nothing to lose'." I blink rapidly, wondering how he remembers that but shake my head and let it go.

"Yeah, when we were 14! We are 26 and we have everything to lose!"

"Shush, you are killing my mood. Besides, it's night time and do you really want to go back home?" I look down and then out the window. Of course I don't want to go home. "Exactly," He continues. Without another word, he turns the radio on and ups the volume.

We reach the beginning of the woods and he parks off to the side. I grow anxious, kinda like this is thrilling. I've done it hundreds of times as a teen but somehow it feels wrong to do it now, like I shouldn't. It's reckless and not something I do.

"You ready?" He asks when he turns the truck off and reaches in the backseat for a flashlight. Who carries a flashlight in their backseat?

"No." I say serious and quiet.

"Too bad!" He says. I knew he was going to say that. He gets out first and hesitantly, I open the truck door and hop out, forgetting I have scraped up knees and wince when my feet hit the ground. That's not going to feel to good in the water. He comes around the truck and grabs my hand before I can get back in and begins leading the way to the old dock we used to jump off of.

When we are halfway through the woods and I can literally hear the water. I stomp my feet on the ground making him just back.

"Ezra, I don't know about this." He laughs and walks toward me before squeezing my hand tighter.

"Honestly, me either but what the hell, why not?" He asks with a shrug. I almost smile because he feels the same way.

"Okay lets go." I say, completely unsure and squeeze my hand too. We both walk a bit further until we see the old dock we used to come to. Once we check to see if the wood is safe to walk on, we stop at the edge and silently contemplate what we are doing.

"Okay, turn around." I tell him. He smiles and turns around before stripping down to his boxers. I strip down to my bra and underwear and cross my arms over my chest.

I can't believe I'm doing this. I feel like a stupid teenager again.

He turns around and is careful not to look anywhere but at my eyes. He holds out his hand and smiles. Reluctantly, I take it and with a count of three, we both jump in together.

I scream until my head is well underwater. Coming back up we let go and laugh together and I mean a real laugh. I can't see much but the moonlight is enough to show that he is smiling the little boy smile that I remember so well.

"Mother fucker! It's cold!" He shouts while he treads water, trying to keep his head above water. I laugh and nod my head while doing the same. I swim further out until my feet can feel the disgusting mushy bottom.

I can tell he is behind me from the splashing of the water and when I know he is close enough, I turn quickly and splash water in his face.

Obviously I took him by surprise because the expression on his face became priceless but I knew what was next and so I move away from him.

"Okay, that was so childish!" He screams before coming after me. I don't reply, instead I laugh and run as fast as I can towards the shallow end. I know he is coming after me by the sound of the water sloshing behind me. When I hear that he is close, I squeal like a little girl and begin running faster.

He laughs when he has his arms around my waste and before I know it, we are both falling backwards, back into the water. I plug my nose with one hand and hold on to his arms with my other as we both become swallowed by the water.

I struggle to get from his grasp and when I do, I run to the grass then toward the dock. I look back to find him hot on my heels and I can't help but scream and run faster. I make it to the edge of the dock and look back. He holds a smirk on his lips as he begins to walk slower towards me.

"No, no, please!"

"Why not? You splashed me!" He laughs.

"And you dunked me under water!" I spit back with laughter in my voice. He doesn't respond but instead, takes more steps toward me.

Quickly, I put the best seductive look on my face and walk toward him when he is only a few feet away. Confusing him, he stops and a dumbfounded expression replaces his smirk. I put my hands on his broad shoulders and walk us backwards toward the edge. Unable to contain my laughter, I quickly push him off the edge emitting a loud holler from him as he hits the water.

I lean forward laughing and clutching my stomach but stop and scream when I hear a sound of wood cracking the moment my foot hits the last wooden plank at the edge and fall forward more. I wave my arms in circles trying to maintain my balance and hear him laughing a little ways in front of me. He jumps up from the water and grabs a hold of my hand pulling me into the water with him.

"No, no, no! I hate you so mu-," I shout before hitting the water. When I come up for air, he is laughing so hard that it's difficult for me to be mad. I laugh with him and pathetically splash water at him again.

When our laughter subsides, we get back on the dock and sit quietly. I use my clothes to make a pillow and lay back, not feeling shy that I'm in my undergarments. He doesn't seem to be shy either as he does the same as me. I begin to shiver, not only from the temperature that the water was but by the calm winds drying me off. After a few minutes of silence, I look at him to see that he's already looking at me.

"Thank you." I tell him quietly. He smiles with his eyes.

"Anytime." He replies in equal tone.

"I can't remember the last time I've felt like this. I mean carefree and full of life."

"Yeah, I know what you mean." He says before sitting up and pulling his arms on his knees. I decide to sit up with him and cross my knees as well as my arms, trying to warm my temperature. I watch as he stares up at the moon. The expression on his face is serious and I can't help but wonder what he's thinking so intently about. I scoot closer to him and put my hand on his arm, catching his attention.

"What is it?" I ask softly. He looks down at my hand that touches him but before I move it, he places his hand over mine.

"It's just that, I wonder where I went wrong. Why is my life the way it is? When was the last time I felt this way and why don't I feel it now?" I don't answer but instead, rest my head on his shoulder. He is warm. Hesitantly, he moves closer, removing any space between us and rest his head on mine.

"I don't know. Sometimes I just get a feeling like this isn't how I'm supposed to be living. I mean, I never really had a plan in high school but I don't know. It's just a feeling." He says.

"That feeling like something is missing? Like you even though you didn't have a plan you somehow knew how things would turn out but it hasn't happened yet?" I ask. He takes his head off of mine and I can feel his eyes on me. I look up at him and try to read his facial expression.

"Yeah..," He says softly. "Exactly."

The look on his face stuns me and it's as though I can't move. It's like every morsel of oxygen has left my lungs and I can't breath. Like every drop of water has evaporated and my mouth had turned dry. I can't blink. I can't speak. I can't do anything.

The moment he begins to lean forward, it's like all thought processes shut down. All that is left is the rapid beating of my heart in my chest. The beat rings louder and louder in my ears the closer he gets. It's like everything is in slow motion. First, his nose touches mine then his forehead rests on mine and then his lips graze mine. We pause until the cracking of leaves and tree branches snap us back into reality.

Instantly, we both turn to look behind us and see a guy with a flash light coming toward us. As he nears, we quickly stand to our feet and grab our clothes. Ezra stands in front of me while I hurry to put on my clothes. When the light is shone at Ezra, I hear loud laughter coming from the man.

"Ezra? Ella? Is that you?" Says the stranger. He shines the light down at the ground and comes closer.

"Nate?" Ezra says unsure. At this point, I finish buttoning up my jeans and poke my head from around Ezra's back.

"Oh my gosh, Nate!" I shout. He is wearing a police officer's uniform and wearing a hat with some kind of symbol on it.

"Oh wow! It is you!" He says. I lean down to pick up Ezra's pants and hand them to him. He gets dressed while I run forward and give Nate a hug.

"What are you guys doing out here?" He questions. I look back at Ezra and we both laugh before shrugging our shoulders.

"The better question is, what are you doing wearing that uniform. Isn't it illegal to pose as an officer?" Ezra says jokingly after he finishes getting dressed.

"Very funny.. I was sent out here because someone heard 'teenagers' playing around at the creek. Obviously, they were right."

"Really? Where at?" I ask, faking innocent. Nate and Ezra both laugh and we all head back through the woods.

"So how have you two been? Gosh, I haven't seen you both since high school graduation!" Nate says.

"Yeah I know! I'm doing good. I'm only here for a couple of weeks visiting my mother." I say.

"And I'm just here visiting family for a few weeks before heading back to Washington." Ez says.

"Wait, so you guys aren't together?" Nate asks, perplexed. We all make it back to the cars and stop in between them.

"Um, no. We are just uhh, friends." I say. I look to Ezra and he just nods toward Nate.

"Yeah, but what about you? An officer of the law! Who knew? Last I recall, you and I were smoking pot behind the school!" Ezra says, amusement clear in his voice.

"Hey! I have turned a new leaf... I am a sophisticated and well respected individual now.... but seriously, you should see the amount of shit we get in the evidence lockers!" Nate says.

"Wow, you haven't changed a bit." I say while laughing.

"Nope and I don't intend to. I gotta head back now. It was so great seeing you both! Ella, looking sexy as always," He says while giving me one last hug. "Ezra, man. Looking ugly as shit.. as always." He continues before giving that weird handshake guys do with Ezra.

"What ever, dude. Nice seeing you." Ezra replies.

We part ways and head back to the field so I can get my car. Once we get there, we both get out and the air turns awkward.

"Thank you for today. It was much needed and it is much appreciated." I tell Ezra. Honestly, today was amazing and I would have no problem doing it again.

"Anytime. The same goes for me." Once again, the air turns awkward and neither of us know what to say. Not knowing what to do either, I raise my hand for a hand shake. He looks at me quizzically and reaches out to shake my hand.

When neither of us let go, we both laugh and he pulls me forward, engulfing me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his waste and rest my head on his chest. We hold on to each other tightly for what feels like forever but I don't mind. I don't mind at all.

I feel cold and hot at the same time. My insides feel on fire but my skin feels ice cold. I don't want to let go. Squeezing my eyes shut, I relish in this hug.

"Somehow I feel like these two weeks won't be long enough." Ezra whispers into my hair.

"Right now, I don't think a year would be long enough." I whisper back. After a few more moments, we let go and I step back, needing to create space between us. There is no denying that I feel attracted to him. Not just his appearances but everything. I almost kissed him at the creek. We almost kissed. He has a girlfriend.

"Goodnight Ezra." I finally say. He smiles and I can't help but smile with him.

"Goodnight El." Neither of us move. We stand, staring at each other with childish smiles.

Unable to control myself, I give him one last hug. His arms quickly tighten around my back, holding me to him. We let go quickly and without saying anything else, I walk to my car and get in before quickly driving off.

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