
By Pocahontas_41

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This is the second book to Red Wolf please read that one first if you haven't because you might get confused... More

From the Window Looking In
"The Meeting"
"Night one"
Time Together
"Close Enough"
The Village
"It's my Party"
The Talk
At the Office
"Going Out"
Little Prospective
Fight it Out
"To Mark or Not to Mark that is the Question"
Silent Call
Happy Birthday Baby
On my Why
Daddy's Girl
A Little Time Off
Shadows on the Wall
Don't go to Sleep
Sleepless Nights
Let's Play
Never Again
The Hunt
Time to Tell
"You don't Choose who You Fall in Love With"
Family Dinner
New Alpha?
A/N Please Read


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By Pocahontas_41

"Raven" I hear my name being called

I turn over not wanting to give up that last bet of sleep I hold on to.

"Raven, its time to wake up"

It is a woman calling me, I know this voice but in my sleep I do not understand who it belongs to.

"Raven, its you big day wake up girl"

My eyes flutter open, big day, holey fuck, I'm getting married. I set up on the bed that I had slept on that night. A night without Jace holding me in his arms. It felt weird at first being by myself, I had gotten use to waking in his arms every morning and falling a sleep in them every night.

"Will hello sleepy head" Reese says setting down on my bad

"Hi" I mumbled sleep still clinging to my voice

"You excited" she ask with a smile

"I am scared to death" I admit

Her smile only grows wider

"Come on your mom is waiting for you in the kitchen"

Slowly I stand from the bed, not yet ready to go down and face my mother this morning. I knew she was excited and right now I don't know if I can dell with excitement. I could hardly breathe at this time. At twelve o'clock I will be saying I do to Jace becoming his wife.

"Have you talked to Jace" I ask Reese as we start toward the kitchen

"Yes and he is excited, he told me he didn't know how much longer he could go without seeing you"

I smile as we step into the kitchen together. My mom wears a big smile on her face. She looks so young and beautiful in her white pant suite she wears.

"Raven" she says coming toward me her arms opened wide

I gladly enfold my arms around her in a tight hug. Mom always smelt of cucumbers, and I would breathe her in deep.

"Your father would have been proud of you" she states

A tear comes to my eyes at the mention of my father. I wished that he was here to give me away. But it was my mother that would be doing that. I knew some how my dad was watching over me right now.

"Oh mom" I sighed "If only he was here"

"His here baby and he is happy for you"

She holds me out at arms length

"Lets get you fed and ready" she tells me

"Where is everyone" I ask as I set down at the table

"They are at my house with Jace" Reese tells me

"Oh how did that work out" I have to ask knowing that Caleb and Holden has a issue with Zion

"They are doing it for Jace and you"

Mom put a plate in front of me, eggs, bacon, and toast. My stomach turned.

"I don't think I can eat" I tell her

"Its just your nerves sweetie, you need to at lest try to eat" Mom tells me

I picked at my food, eating little bites, it grew silent as we ate. After I am done I head toward the bathroom to shower. After my shower I set on my bed and looked at my wedding gown. My mother thought I was out of my head when I picked out the red dress with quarter length sleeves and a split clean up to my thigh. It has a deep v neck with a silver diamond shape below it. It is silk and the tarn long going just two or three inches below my feet.

"It's beautiful" Reese tells me now

"Thank you"

"I don't know why you had to choose the red one they probable had a white one like that" mom says shaking her head

"Because only virgins should get to wear white on there wedding. And I am not a virgin" I tell her

She shakes her head again

"Lets get you ready" she says

About an hour later I stand in front of the full length mirror in Reese's old room. My hear done up in a twist with loose curls framing my face. The shoes that I have picked out are clear open toe striped heels.

Mom said that they looked almost like glass the way they where made. I had put on little make up not to over do it. Just a little lip gloss and eye shadow, the shade I picked was an light khaki color. I had my nails done the day before they where just as red as the dress I wore. Then up in my hair I wear a silver butterfly comb that my father had gave to me when I was little. It had a ruby in the center of it matching my gown.

Reese had on a white dress that came to her thighs and fitted her like a glove. She was to be my matron of honor. She had her hair done up in a braid then twisted real neat on her head.

"You ready" she asked

"Yes" I smile "I am so nervous"

"You'll do just fine" mom tells me

There is a knock at the door

"Ladies" Holden says coming in "Are you all ready"

"Very much" Reese tells him

"You all look lovely" he tells us

"Thank you Holden" I give him a smile

"Shell we then" he asked

"Yes lets" I tell him taking my mothers arm to start out

We will be holding the ceremony right in the ceremonial clearing. I fidget a little as we get closer to it. Than the music starts and all eyes turn to me as I start forward. My eyes go to the man a head of me. He wears a black suit with a red cummerbund, a red rose on the lift side of his shirt. He looked all of delicious with his hair styled its usual way, like he just got done fucking. And yeah he pulls it off beautifully.

His blue eyes wash over my body before landing on my eyes. I smile and he returns it giving me the courage I need to take that next step.

I don't hear what is said when my mother and I get up there but I do hear as she states I do. Then giving my hand to Jace she disappears as does every one else but me and him.

"You're beautiful" Jace whispers

"So are you"

He licks his lips and I want nothing more but to kiss him right now.

"Dearly beloved we are here today to join this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony." The preacher starts

I don't hear any more until it come to the vows

"Please join hands" he asked of us

Jace takes my hand in his and a shiver runs though me.

"At this time Jace and Raven has wrote their own vows, Jace" he says

Jace smiles down at me "I never fully understood what it mint to have a mate, until I met you. Raven, you came into my world like a tornado and mixed it all up. You gave me hope, and helped me see things for the way they should be. For that I am thankful to have you by my side today and for eternity. You are my earth, my sky, my moon, and my sun. You are my Aphordite, I love you. With all my heart and all my soul.

I feel the tears as they slip down my face and I whip it away.

"And now you Raven" the preacher says

"I don't know if I can top that" I state whip another tear away there was a little laughter even Jace snickered "When I first met you, I told myself that this couldn't be real. That you couldn't........" I stopped as a sob escapes my lips "Sorry"

He bring his hand up and whips my tears away for me.

"Its ok" he whispers

"I told myself that you couldn't love someone like me. But even when I doubted you, you proved to me over and over again that no matter what you would always be here for me, you would always love me. And I am grateful to be yours, I am grateful for our children that we shear." I smile though my tears "I know that I am not prefect I am far from it, but you make me believe that I am. You make me believe that I am beautiful and smart and for that I love you."

"Do you Jace Heyward take Raven Collins to be your wife, to love and to cherish. For better or for worse, for richer or poorer. In sickness and in health as long as you both shell live" The preacher asked him

"I do" Jace says

"And do you Raven Collins take Jace Heyward to be your husband, to love and to cherish. For better or for worse, for richer or poorer. In sickness and in health as long as you both shell live" He asked me

"I do"

"At this time we will present the rings"

Jace took my hand in his.

"Repeat after me" The preacher says "The ring is my sacred gift to you"

"The ring is my sacred gift to you" Jace starts "A sign of my love and a symbol that this day forward and forever my love will surround you with this ring I thee wed"

"And Raven"

"This ring is my sacred gift to you" I repeat ever word that was said

"And now I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss your bride"

I smile as he leans down, calming my lips with his. I can hear the others clapping but I really don't care right now.

"I love you" Jace says against my lips

"I love you too"

"I know give you Mr. and Mrs. Jace Heyward" the preacher announced

We had a big reception then Jace and I said our good night to everyone. The children will be staying with my mom while Jace and I go on our honeymoon.

We will be flying to Sri Lanka in Asia, I set on the passenger side of the car my eyes on Jace as we head to the airport. This will be the first time in a long time that we got to go anywhere without the children.

"You alright" he ask glancing over at me


"They'll be fine"

"I know, I can't wait to see the room"

"I can't wait to get you out of that dress"

I blush, looking out my window. Even now Jace could make me feel like a school girl.

"You're beautiful you know that" he tells me

I look back at him

"Thank you, mamma liked to had a fit when I got this dress" I tell him


"Because of the color"

"I think you look sexy in red"

He reaches over taking my hand in his.

"Just imagine two weeks just the two of us" he says

"What will we do"

He looks at me with a wink, I can't help but to smile.

"You plan on keeping me in bed the whole two weeks"

"Maybe" squeezing my hand gently he smiles "I love you"

"I love you" 

The rest of our way to the airport was quit, then after we get on the plane we lay back enjoying the flight together. My head rest on his shoulder as we fly, my eyes closed. I know its going to be a long flight. 


I can't believe I am a married man now, we set on the plane taking us to the Sir Lanka island for our honeymoon. Raven lays with her head on my shoulder, I know that she's asleep I can hear her even breathing. Our fingers are intertwined together, and I set with a smile plastered on my face. 

I love this woman and now she is truly mine. I couldn't wait to get to the island and get her out of that dress. 

I think it shocked just about every one when she came out in that red dress, everyone but me that is. That's how she was like to keep people guessing. But when I saw her standing there in that dress I couldn't take my eyes off of her. And when she finally made it to me I wanted so bad to kiss her right then and there. But I waited like a good boy, now I am just ready to have my way with her. Looking over at her, I lean in kissing her forehead. Then not long I too am in dream land.  

I am woken by the plane jerking, I look out the window that Raven sets beside. I see that we are landing, I wait until the plane has come to a complete stop before I start waking her.

"Raven" I call to her "Come on baby we're here"

"Here" she mumbles

I smile

"Yeah in Sir Lanka"

Her eyes flutter open and she looks at me with a smile.

"It wasn't a dream then, we're really married"

I smile down at her

"Yes, my wife now come, lets get to the River House hotel" I get to my feet

"Why Mr. Heyward are you trying to seduce me" she asked crossing her arms over her breast

I lean down toward her with a smile.

"Always, now lets go" 

She smiles taking my out reached hand in hers, I pull her up out of the seat. When we got off there was a limo waiting for us to take us to the hotel. We rode in slant, Ravens head resting on my shoulder.

When we stop in front of the hotel I tell the driver and Raven to wait there while I go in and get the key. Walking into the lobby was like walking into a living room. There was two black sofas and a love seat right in the middle. They were set in a U shape and in the center of them was a square white marble  coffee table. To one side there was two tan colored chairs with black pillows on them. The floor was white marble, and there was two open windows on each side. One of the widows showed a beautiful view of the island the other a guy with dark brown hair stood behind.

I make my  way toward the brown haired guy.

"Hello welcome to the River House Balapitiya how can I help you" he asked with a deep accent

"I have reservations for the Walawe suite" I tell him "Under Jace Heyward"

"Ah, yes sir payed up front I see"


"Can I see some ID"

Reaching into my pocket I take out my drivers license showing them to him. He types in some information then reaches under the desk he sets a key card up. Handing them to me with a smile.

"Do you need help with your bags sir" he asked

"Yes please"

"I'll send someone to your suite, have a nice stay sir"

"Thank you"

I head back out, Raven looks at me as I get back into the car.

"Where we going" she asked

"To our suite"

"We're not staying here"

I smiled at her

"Yes, the suite is in a private  area to its self, giving us privacy"

"Oh" she looks out the window

As we pull up to the steps that will lead us to our suite I get out than reach in for Raven to take my hand. When she takes it I pull her out toward me. She looks up at the room above us.

"We're staying up there" she asked


"Its beautiful"

"But not a beautiful as you" I tell her

She looks at me, leaning down I give her a soft kiss.

"Mr. Heyward" a tall, slinky guy calls to me


"I am Akio your butler" he says with an ascent "I am here to help with your bags"

"Think you, they are in the back" I tell him

I watch as him and the driver take out our bags, then we all start up to the room. 

"We have a butler" Raven whispers as I pull her up the steps

"Yes" I smile at her excitement

When I open the door we are greeted by yellow walls a table for two with two kitchen chairs. And a king size, gray colored  platform bed with matching nightstands.  There was two windows on each side of the bed and a full length mirror beside on of them. A small table set in front of the bed. 

The driver and Akio set our bags on the table and I gave both of them a tip telling them think you. Than they left us alone.

"Its so beautiful" Raven tells me

"You want to look around" I asked her

She looks over at me biting her bottom lip.

"I think we have plenty of time to look around, I want" she steps toward me "To try the bed out"

I smile, grabbing her wast I pull her to me

"I like your idea" I tell her

She smiles

"I knew you would see things my way"

Tilting her chin up I kiss her lips this time hard and full of passion. She moans into my mouth as I let my tongue slip inside to explore. Her small hands tangling in my copper hair. 

"We're not ever going to make it to the bed" I say against her lips

She smiles

"It will be ok"

My hands grab the sides of her face holding her still as I kiss her lips again. 

"I love you" I whisper against her lips

"I love you"

Bring my big hands down I grab her ass pulling her up on me. Her long legs wrap around my wast, her long dress splitting where the split is. One of my fingers hook in under her panties. I play with the seam of them, my finger teasing her flesh.

"Are you planing on keeping these" I ask her

She smiles

"Why do you ask"

"I don't want to rip them if you plan to keep them"

"I'll frame them" she jokes 

Kissing her lips again I tear the fabric from her, my lips travel her skin.

"Oh god Jace please" she moans out

I smile again her throat, her legs come down and I step back undoing my pants and shirt. Once out of my clothes I look at her. She starts to peel her dress off and I stop her.

"Let me" I tell her

She smiles as I bring her sleeves down one at a time. I bury my head in her neck again, nibbling on her soft flesh as I continue to push her dress down. As it comes off her arms it falls to a puddle around her feet leaving her naked. Grabbing her ass once more I pull her up on me her legs circling my wast. I continue to nibble at her neck, kissing and licking at her.

"Now" she hisses

My hand going between us I push my hardness into her tightness both of us moaning in pleasure. I feel her nails dig into my flesh as I start moving inside of her. Her head tilts back giving me excise to her beautiful neck. 

All to soon I feel her tightening around me she comes up her eyes lock on mine as she moans out. And I feel her wetness cover my hard dick. Her body trembles in my arms as the orgasm rocks though her. 

I don't recall when I moved but I don't lose that connection as I crawl with her in my arms onto the bed. I start to pound into her harder as, she moans out her hips meeting mine as I fuck her.

Her back comes up off the bed and a scream slips past her lips as she tightens around me once more.

"Shit" I cuss 

And her liquids coat my cock once again. Her pussy tighten up again even before she comes down off the cloud she rides on. 

"Jace" she screams out my name

"That's right baby, say it again"

"Jace" she yells out again

I feel as she tightens over and over and her juices cover me. I feel her tremble in under me as orgasms take over her. And I hear the sweet sounds she makes as I fuck her harder and harder. Our sent mix together making that smell that I learned to love and  sound of our bodies hitting against each others echos off the walls alone with our groans. Sweat drips off of me into her eyes and mouth as she screams out. She licks it off her lips as I come down kissing her. And I taste the sweetness that is her. Her body beans as heat course though her.  

Her body bow backwards once again and I moan vibrates though the both of us. I can feel my body tightening as her pussy grasp hold of my dick. My hot liquids shot inside of her hitting the walls of her cave. And I feel as her own lava flows around me. Her body jerks as mine dose and as I settle so does hers  both of us gasping for air. I fall to her than wrapping my arms around her I roll over until shes laying on top of me.

"I love you" I breathe

"I love you" she says in a pant

We lay there quietly and before long I can hear her even breaths and know she is sleeping. I smile letting my own eyes close.  



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