Spotlight ... Jaden Smith Lov...

By _sayonce

247K 3.7K 528

Jaden Smith is Hollywood's most targeted teen. Whether its with his movie and music career to who he's dating... More

Ordinary Girl ... Jaden Smith Love Story
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Title your Story Part

Chapter 17

6.7K 103 16
By _sayonce

- Jaden

I can't take it anymore. I'm sorry, but it's too much. I'm confused. As much as it pains me to say, I GIVE UP! Throwing in the white flag. I surrendered. Madison needs help.

All I ever asked for her to give me a chance. Who'd thought she'd come with so much baggage. It's too much for one person to handle. I tried so hard, but it's not enough.

"Jay what's wrong?" Teo asks as I storm out, pissed to the extreme.

I don't respond. Although, I do see everyone's curious face look at me. I just keep my head looking straight at the door. As I reach the knob I twist it to the right and rush out. I really need some fresh air.

I sigh in frustration as the cool breeze from the ocean hits me. How can Zoey and Taylor deal with Madison? She is incredibly difficult to cope with. She is clueless to what she wants, and when someone truly likes her. Someone like ME!

I kick at the sand, letting my anger out.

"Bro, you good?" Moi asks as him and Teo approach me.

"I'm fine." I lie. I don't want to ruin their fun, this is for their sake. I'll be okay, I hope.

"Looks like it." Teo jokes. Okay, maybe lying isn't going to work.

"Seriously, I'll be decent. Go have fun. I'll be back inside soon." I persuade the two. I really need time to myself. JADEN TIME!

"We're going to talk about this." Moi informs me. "Keep your cool."

I nod as they turn to leave. Stopping the motion as my phone goes off from a text.

' Is your game over? You done? ' a text from Madison reads.

' What fucking game? ' I respond.

' Trying to get me to fall for you. Playing me. '

' I wasn't playing you. I actually like you! I didn't try to get you to do anything, but give me a chance. '

' My life was okay before you forced you way into it. '

' Cos' locking everybody out was okay. Letting yourself die with your mom was the right thing to do. '

I didn't mean to bring her mom up. But, I'm still livid and her lying to herself about my feelings aren't helping. I wasn't playing her. All my feelings for her are 100% real.

After five minutes, she doesn't reply. I began to worry. Did I take it too far? I'm an asshole; Madison is too.

"You don't know shit about my mom." Madison's voice yells at me as I get shoved by her.

"What are you doing?" I ask stumbling until I regain my balance. Did she really come out here to fight me? Her face is red, her eyes even redder. Please don't say she's been crying.

"My mom didn't have anything to do with this." She protests throwing punches at my chest.

"What's your problem?" I ask her, trying to calm her down. She is infuriated. I thought I was livid.

"YOU'RE MY PROBLEM! Stop acting like you know me and my mom. You don't. Okay! None of you knew my mom!" She sobs. "None of you!"

As much as I'm mad at her, I can't watch her like this. I can't. I do the only thing I know to do with someone as fragile as her. I hold her. I just hold her tight. I wrap my arms around her body and pull her close. Madison needs a hug. She needs somebody to help her.

- Madison

Livid is an understatement for how I feel. My mom had nada to do with Jaden and I. Why did he bring up such a sensitive subject for me? He's lost all my respect for him.

I'm such a cry baby. Here I am at my bestie's birthday party crying. All because Jaden had to talk about my mom. Couldn't he just realize how much that subjected pained her. Does he really not care for me?

"Madison." Jaden whispered, pain obvious in his weak voice.

I looked up at his handsome face. He was so gorgeous, any girl would be eager to have him want her. However, I just couldn't get my self to accept his fondness of my presence. His facial features where perfect. Eyebrows, eyelashes, eyes, nose, and mouth.

Stop drooling over him, you're mad at him.

The last thing that I remember is Jaden licking his lips before ours touched. I closed my eyes, I guess I thought that would stop the kiss. I didn't push him away nor did I kiss back. I stood there, our lips adhered together. His hand were on my waist; he wasn't going to give up. It felt as if he was waiting for me to kiss back.

Suddenly, I couldn't control the urge to give just as much affection back. I kissed him back. Putting a little bit less effort than Jaden, yet it didn't go unnoticed by Jaden. I felt his tongue on my lips, pleading for an entrance. I didn't deny him, for I was know yearning for him. Our tongues fought over dominance. Along with our mouthes moving in a perfect sync. Everything felt just right. I moaned softly at the greatness of this kiss. This resulted in him pulling me closer, if possible, to his body. The kiss was so heated and full of all the secret emotions we shared.

Jaden's erection didn't go unnoticed with our body's almost adhered together. He groaned as my arms found their way around his neck, messing with his high top. His hands began to run up and down my back sending chills everywhere. Both of us longed for some air, but neither of us wanted to break this moment.

I took the first step back, pushing Jaden off of me. Realization came to, and I felt like a drunk who just came back to their sober senses. Did I really just make out with Jaden? After he'd brought my mom into the situation, I'm insane. That was not suppose to happen.

"No." I said softly shaking my head as I backed up. His lips looked bruised, still recovering from the kiss. "I don't like you." I whispered.

"Madison, wait!" Jaden called, but I was already running to the house.

I wiped my face off with my hands before entering. I didn't want to ruin any fun that was going on for everyone else. Tay and Zoe can read me like an open book; I have to put on my best acting skills now.

"Where were you?" Zoe asked coming towards me. Her concern presented on her face.

"Walking by the beach front. It's really nice out there, have you seen the view?" I lied. Gosh I should be an actress.. Oh wait!

"Did you see Jaden out there? ... He stormed out not too long ago."

"Yea, he's out there." I can't just make it seem like I don't know where he's at.

She nods before walking away. I hope she bought that.

Two hours later, around 11:40pm everyone is still hanging out. A couple more people has came; not strangers. Just some more friends who commented on some of our photos we posted asking where we were? Eventually they joined us. It's about 35 people now.

I have been avoiding Jaden. Everytime he comes in a room, I leave. I don't know what to say to him? Hey, I really enjoyed our kiss and I may like you back. Nah!

Right now, I'm playing the 2K13 with Zendaya vs Vick and Noah. We are winning, by the way. I think they sometimes forget my brother is on the cover of this video game and that he teaches be everything. Malik insists that I be athletic like him.

"I didn't know you could play the video game too." Jaden's voice whispers into my ear as Zendaya and I celebrate our win.

"Oh. Well, yea Malik taught me." I shrug. I am so uncomfortable talking to him now. It's just awkward!

"Look. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have did that. I understand if you want nothing else to do with me....-"

"Chill! Its done. We all make mistakes." I say nonchalantly.

"Mistake?" He questions and I can hear how wounded he is in his voice.

I sigh before walking away. I really don't know what it was. At the moment, I'm trying to figure it out myself. I just need time to think, yes that's it.

For the next 19 minutes I keep my self distracted. I chat and take photos with Zack. Him and I have always like each other. However, I prefer to be best friends with him, a relationship could seriously ruin our friendship. Everyone knows how we feel and always tease us, but we ignore them. Zach is always there for me but not too clingy, sweet, aggressive, intelligent, and funny. We've kissed and it was good, but we can do that without having to wonder what it meant. We both know what's up and our relationship is just how it is.

Three guys that I've kissed in the same house; Jaden, Zack, and Nick. Awkward!

"Happy Birthday baaaaby!!!!" Zoey and I scream as we give Taylor a bear hug leading to us falling on the couch. We always have our the first to tell each other happy birthday.

"YOU'RE 19!!" I exclaim, we've came a long way.

"Thank you!" She chuckles. I love seeing my best friends happy.

Zoe and I both gave her a kiss on the opposite cheeks before telling her we love her. It's tradition, like she can get her present until her dinner tomorrow.

Subsequently, everyone else tells her happy birthday. Blah blah blah. Now we're all on the beach front, siting in a circle around a fire. Tyler on my right and Jacob on my left, the twins.

"It's already 1 in the morning." Tyler states.

"Times moving fast." I reply. I like talking to Tyler he's very understanding and reliable.

"Aye Zoe. Can you take our picture?" I question my friend sitting two people over to the left.

She stands up and comes over. I hand her my iPhone 5 for the photo. "Me and my twins!" I say.

Each of the place a kiss on my right and left cheek for the photo, our signature pose. While I look shocked! It comes out perfect.

I glance up for a second to none other than Jaden staring at me. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under. He obviously doesn't like our pose. He's not my problem at the moment, however.

It's about three in the morning when we finally all get ready for bed. China, Imani, Audrey, Nia, and I are all in one room. Gotta make room for everyone!

Before calling it a night, we just chilled under the fire. Everyone sang while I played the acoustic guitar. I don't want Jaden to know I can sing still, so I hummed. We all just talked and played in the sand. Just a real laid back, private party!

- Jaden

It meant everything to me, but was only a mistake to her. Do you understand how much that hurts? Well, it does A LOT!

There was no enjoying the rest of the night after that. Maybe I shouldn't have kissed her, but I couldn't help myself. It just felt right. BUT, she kissed back! You don't kiss back someone you don't like, I sure don't.

I want to get in the car and drive far away watching her take pictures and laugh with everyone. Letting the guys kiss her cheeks and put their hands on her waist. Yet, she avoids me. Keeping space in between us wherever we are.

Teo and Moi obviously noticed my change in behavior. I don't want to talk about it with them, but I need to just VENT! Let it out. Who to?

Currently, I'm laying on the couch in the living room of Taylor's beach house. We let the girls get the rooms. My idea, the gentleman inside of me.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Moi asks off the floor right next to the couch.

It's around 4 in the morning and I'm the only person woke. Well, now Moises.

"I'm not, but I don't want to talk about it now. Not yet." I say.

"Let me know when you're ready." He assures me.

That's what I like about Moi; he knows when the time is to pester someone about a situation or to drop it. I appreciate him for that.

"Thank you." I say abruptly. He doesn't reply and we just have that friendship. He knows exactly what I mean.

The entire night, I struggle to find sleep. I only got about forty minutes in. Madison probably hates me now. I don't regret it though. I like her, and I kissed her. I enjoyed it, overall. In contrast, I don't want that to be the last time we talk.

I hear movement and noise coming from the kitchen. Not being able to go back to sleep, I carefully walk towards the kitchen. Making sure I don't step on anyone.

I know it's Madison from the back. She has on gray yoga pants, black socks, with a white crop top on.

"Hey." I speak soft; I don't even know what to say to her other than apologize.

She jumps, startled. Then, she turns around and sees it me. "Oh, hi." She replies with her head down.

"What are you doing up?" I ask.

"I was just going to make breakfast for everyone." She says motioning to the skillet in her hand.

I nod, "Need any help?"

She shakes her head. "I think I got it."

I smile before turning to leave. This is awkward. Moreover, I hate it. I don't want to have an awkward relationship with her. We got over that. I'm not going back, no!

I quickly turn back around and stride towards her.

"Please don't start again." I plead. She's going to go back to not talking to me, being rude, and all that after we were just making headway.

"I can't act like it didn't happen."

I grab ahold of her hands. Small and delicate. "I understand. Just don't Madison."

She stays quiet for awhile. Too long for my liking. "No promises, it's harder than you think."

That's all she says before escaping my hold and continuing to prepare breakfast.



This is way overdue, sorry guys. My schedule is just all out of order. I'll make it up to y'all with an update before Tuesday. No promises :)

Anyways. BWKDHAODB JADISON KISSED, my feels! Do you understand them?

Poor little Madison. She is just so broken and hidden. Hmmmm.

Comment, VOTE, Fan.

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