Scarlet letter, Crimson Kiss

By impecable

2.9K 26 1

Elizabeth McKinley is new to town with her tyrant mother and father. She is sent to a private school where s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 13

142 2 0
By impecable

Chapter 13

Meet the family


Love means never having to say you're sorry." Love Story, 1970

Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great." Comte de Bussy-Rabnutin

"A kiss is a lovely trick, designed by nature, to stop words when speech becomes superfluous."

Ingrid Bergmen

"My night has become a sunny dawn because of you."

Ibn Abbad

"She walks in Beauty, like the night

Of cloudness climes and starry skies,

And all that's best of dark and bright

Meet in her aspect and her eyes..."

-Lord Byron





I opened up my suitcase that was left on my bed and pulled out my laptop, logging into face book.

I scanned my profile, briskly reading the comments on my profile 


Dianna Charter- did I say something wrong???

Dianna Charter- why won’t you answer my texts?

Dianna Charter- I MISS MY BEST FRIEND : (

Stacy Henderson- I misss uuuuuuu!

Luke Masreth- Homerooms not gunna b the same with out u.

Lisa Webbers- Dear Elizabeth, I know you will achieve in your new school like you have in my class. Good luck. Love, Mrs. Webber.

There were a few others that I skipped but one towards the bottom from my ex boyfriend caught my attention.

Jake Pavoline- I miss you so my lizzy-boo. So much. I need you and I never realized this before. You may want to ignore my calls and texts but it doesn’t matter, I’ll come to you if I have to. You’re amazing Liz, you really are.

I sighed and deleted his message. He’s been trying for to long. I could only take so much heartbreak from one guy.

I heard my door open and someone jump on my bed.

“ hiya.” said a high pitched voice.

I turned around to see a girl laying on my bed with her chin resting on her hand and Jon leaning against the doorway.

“ hi?” I said confused. I glanced up at Jon and he just smiled. He smiled. He didn’t smirk. Weird.

“ I’m Victoria Valentino , Jon’s sister, In case your wondering. So now we are going to be awesome best friend and hang out all the time.” she hopped up from my bed, ran over and slammed the laptop lid shut.

“ Tori, chill out.” Jon said. He seemed annoyed already.

“ I am chill, Bozo.” she said looking over at him then back to me. “ anyways, you two can talk and Liz my room is down the hall and if you make the first right, it’s the first room.” she smiled at me and sauntered out of my room.

“ do I want to know?.” I asked Jon who had moved from the doorway to where I sat.

“ she insisted on meeting you right now.” he shrugged. “ she’s only visiting then she goes back to my mom and dad, who you will soon meet, one other sister and my twin brothers, who you will also meet. And most likely my cousin James will also be there..”

I nodded and glanced around.

“that’s a big family..” I said

“ yeah and actually, get changed, we’re going to meet them now.” he said walking toward the door. I started at him wide eyed.

“ are you crazy?”

“ obviously.” and with that he left the room.~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~**~*~*~**~

We pulled up in front of a huge mansion and Tori ran out of the back of the car.

I stepped out of the car and Jon walked beside me up the marble steps.

“ these must be terrible in the winter.” I muttered. He nodded and we continued walking in silence.

We reached the top and he opened the door to another huge marble foyer.

A stunning woman and man stood there talking to Tori.

“ mom, dad.” Jon said Grabbing my arm. I glanced up at him and raised my eyebrow.

“Jonathan!” the woman, I presumed was him mom, said walking towards him. she looked over at me.

“ excuse me for being so rude, I’m Elizabella Valentino, Jonathan’s Mother. You must be Elizabeth.” she smiled warmly.

Mrs. Valentino had bright green eyes and dark brown hair. She seemed soft and kind. I nodded.

“ dear would you come over here.” Mrs. Valentino said to a man who looked a little like Jon. The man nodded and began his way over away from Tori, who smiled and walked away.

The man looked like he was in his late twenties with a scruffy face and shaggy black hair. He had blue eyes that matched Jonathan’s. he smiled at Jon and gave him a hug then turned his attention over to Mrs. Valentino.

“this is Elizabeth, the one we’ve heard so much about.” she gestured toward me. The man looked over and smiled. “ And Elizabeth, this is Marcus Valentino, Jon’s father”

He stepped closer and shook my free hand, “ pleasure to meet you Elizabeth.”

“ you can call me either Lizzie, Liz or sometimes people call me Beth.” they nodded and his mother gave me a hug.

“ welcome, and you can call me Elizabella, or Bella or Liza, whatever you’re comfortable with.” she smiled and gestured toward Mr. Valentino “ and you may call him Marcus, or Marc or anything.” he smiled and nodded as they ushered me into a sitting room with large burgundy couches

Jon followed and let go of my hand that I didn’t know he was holding. They gestured for my to sit and I did, awkwardly as Jon sat across from me on a different couch.

“ anyway, now that you’ve met my parents.” he said gesturing toward then a they sat o a couch looking pleased, “ James and the twins will be home any minute.”

His mother spoke up quickly “ no dear, James won’t be back from his trip until tomorrow,” she looked at me, “ you can always meet him when he comes back”

Jon nodded and continued “ then you can meet Kaleb and Kyler.”

As if on queue, two men walked in wearing suits, talking.

“ there you two are” Marcus said “ we have someone for you to meet.”

Jon quickly got up and switched couches so he was sitting next to me. The two men raised their eyebrows and glanced at each other until their eyes finally landed on my and skimmed over to Jon.

“ that’s Elizabeth, boys.” said Bella, gesturing toward me.

“ so you’re the girl Jon was talking about.” said one of the men with a black suit on

“ I believe she is.” Jon said raising his eyebrow.

The man with a grey pinstripe suit on nodded. “ I’m Kyler.” he said smiling I smiled back and nodded. The other one stepped forward and took my hand and began to shake it. “ I’m Kaleb.”

Kyler rolled his eyes. “ this isn’t a business meeting, you don’t have to shake hands.”

“oh.” Kaleb said, his cheeks turning a slight shade of pink,

“ you only have one more person to meet, then we can leave.” Jon whispered in my ear, I could feel the chills down my back as I nodded,

“Tori!” Jon yelled. I heard it echo around the hallways

“ what?” she yelled back.

“ get Cat!”

“ cat?” I asked. He nodded.

“ fine.” I heard.

A few second later a girl with long black hair and bangs with bright blue eyes came hopping down the stairs.

you rang?” she asked smiling. I raised my eyebrow and glanced at Jon.

“ yeah, meet Elizabeth, Elizabeth, meet Catherine. We call her cat.”

Her face lit up and she ran over to me and hugged me. “ oh my god! I am so excited. This will be so much fun. My brothers a dummy but you seem awesome.”

“ cat, let her breath” Kyler said pulling her off me.

She nodded and pulled herself together.

“it’s great to meet you!” she said and she ran away back up the marble stairs.

This will be one interesting family.

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