Laylor in real life

By straightgayy

170K 3K 773

This is a story about real life Laylor situations. It starts off when the third season of Orange came out. Th... More

The morning after
Hopes and regrets
As long as you're here
A week in heaven
Excuses for love
How things turn out
Confessing feelings Pt.1
Confessing feelings Pt.2
Mistaken outcomes
Meant to be
Missing you
Loving you is my worst fear
Jealousy with a side of rage
Good times
Avoid me
I've missed you
The unspoken
Left questioning
The end is near
Fucking Apologize
The end is here

Making up for the past

6.7K 108 14
By straightgayy

{Laura POV}

I'm so happy Taylor and I made up. Those couple of weeks when we weren't on speaking terms were really tough. But now that it's all over we can focus on the positive.

Tash and I are throwing Taylor a late birthday party since I was in New Jersey for her actual birthday. I felt awful about missing it but I made sure to call her and such. That's what this party is for anyways; to make up for missing it.

Tash and I are gathering all of Taylor's closest friends and family. We're meeting at a restaurant and then going to an actual club. We have already booked all the reservations. Now we just need to find a way to get Taylor there without her knowing.

Laura- Natasha, meet me at the coffee shop by your apartment??

Tash- Be there in 5

I leave my house and drive down to the shop. I'm 10 minutes late but that's because I live farther away than Natasha. Me and her go over a plan to get Taylor to the restaurant. Now that we have a game plan we have to get decorations set up, considering the party starts in 4 hours.

Tash is taking care of the decor while I have to stall and get Taylor to this location. I hope this all works out.

I'm heading over to Taylor's to keep her occupied. When I arrive Tay is practically waiting at the door. I come in and we chat for a while.

"How ya doing hun?" I ask

"Still upset bit I'm getting over it"

"Yea, don't rush it. You'll move on soon. Besides this only happened last week"

" you said you wanted to hang out? What do yu want to do?" Taylor asked

"Um...let's talk about...our schedules" I said out of no where

"Schedules? I don't think I have any upcoming events planned. You?"

"Well I'm going to see the family again...soon. But they're coming to New York this time. And that'll be after filming"

"Oh yea, we start filming again. Isn't that like next week or something?" Taylor asked

"Yup. Filming starts again on Monday"

"Wow, so we just have the weekend before we go back to work"

"Well we still have today and Saturday and Sunday" I mentioned

"Eh, I'm not doing anything this weekend so I'll probably just sleep these last few days"

"What, are you too good to hang out with me?" I say sarcastically

"No I just didn't make any plans or anything" Tay laughed

"The good thing about me, you don't need plans"

"Do you want to do anything?"

"I have something in mind"

"What is it?"

"what time is it?" I ask because I'm suppose to get her there at 8

"7:30. Why?" Taylor said, checking her phone

"Just checking"

There was silence for a moment because I kept trying to stall but I couldn't think of any conversation topics.

"Do you what to watch a movie?" Taylor asked

"Nope. Lets go"

I pulled Taylor by the wrist outside and to my car.

"Laura, where are we going?"

"Nowhere, just get in" I say as I hop in the front seat

"What about what I'm wearing?"

"You look great. Now get in"

Taylor hesitated to get in but when she did I sped off the the restaurant. I had to tell Tash I ess on my way. I pull out my phone and call her.

"Pick up. Pick up. Pick up."

"Who are you calling?" Taylor asked

"Hold on" I shut her out as Natasha picked up the phone

"Hey, are you ready?"

"Um yea...just give us another 10 minutes" Natasha said over the phone

"10! I'm on my way right now!"
I said with concern

"Okay. We'll be ready in 5...I hope"

"Just hurry up please"

I hang up the phone and smile at Taylor who looked scared.

"What's wrong?" I ask politely

"Who were you yelling at over the phone?"

"Oh, ya know. People" I giggle


I turn the music on to keep her from asking questions and I drive in circles for about 10 minutes to use time. By the time we actually arrived it was 8:13.

"They better be ready" I mumbled to myself

"What is this place?" Taylor asked

"Oh it's" I stutter

"Are you okay?"

"Yea I'm just thinking about a lot of things"

"Do you want to talk about-"

I cut her off,
"No, no. This isn't about me, love. Now enough with the questions. Let's go inside" I said as I pushed Taylor into the building

Taylor and I walk up to a steel, white door. I gave the signal which is 2 knocks and a kick on the door. After I do that, the two of us wait patiently for them to answer. Someone opens the door and I lead Taylor into a pitch black room. Even I'm confused by I just go with it.

"Uh...Laura? Where are we?"

"Well ya see..."

And I waited for them to turn on the lights. The short pause was a tip off and when someone did everyone jumped up and threw streamers. Taylor's face was blown back in surprise. Her smile grew larger and larger by the second. She was completely surprised and I was happy that she was happy.

Tash came out from the crowd and hugged Taylor.

"Laura...Natasha...what is this?" Taylor said smiling

"We threw you a party for your birthday since we all couldn't be there the first time" Tash explained

"This is...its all..amazing" Taylor said speechless

"Well you have this one to thank" Natasha said pointing to me

"Laura, you did all this?"

"Kind of. I needed to make up for missing your actual birthday"

"You didn't have to do any of this but I'm really glad you did" Tay hugged me tightly

I'm glad I could make her so happy. She deserves to be happy after all that's happened.

{Taylor POV}

I was blown away by this amazing party Laura had thrown for me. Everyone was here. This was great. I can't wait to see what we're going to do tonight.

Everyone was gathered around this massive table. A huge cake was laid out in front of me. They started singing the birthday song. It was very loud since there was like 30 people in that one room.

We ate cake and danced to music. I didn't want to focus on too many people so I blocked everyone out. I only remember talking to Laura and Natasha. Dancing and dancing. I was getting exhausted.

"Hey, you alright?" Laura pulled my side to ask

"Yea, I'm just tired from the dancing. I think I'm gonna sit out for a bit" I say sitting down

"Taylor, Laura, come on! You're gonna miss the pictures!" Natasha called from the distance

"Are you gonna be okay for some pics?" Laura asked

"Yea I'll be fine" I reassured

Everyone piled up behind the giant cake table. Let's just say I was basically on top of Laura. Natasha was almost on top of me. It was amazing. I wouldn't trade any second of it.

We left the building after that. I was confused but I just went with it. We walked for only a couple blocks but with all the alcohol I had just drank, it felt like miles. Everyone kept stopping to take pictures in the street. Natasha was doing the same. We were all practically drunk but still had enough common sense as to what we were doing.

Natasha kept snapping pics and my head turned. I was looking at Laura. She kept mumbling so I couldn't make out what she was saying. She was smiling. The smile that always gets me. All of her beautiful features get to me. I don't mind looking at her anymore. Screw Carrie, and besides it's a party, I'll do whatever the hell I want.

Natasha snapped a pic right as Laura was laughing because she made a joke about all the picture taking. Natasha looked drunk in the photo, along with Laura. Me, on the other hand, looked as if my eyes were magnetic to Laura's. I try so hard to stay cool around her and not think about all the cute shit she does. Every time we touch I can contain my feelings. But silly me. I forgot that my eyes can speak the words I can not form.

These pictures of me went viral. They were all over Twitter, Facebook, and instagram. After the party was over and we went to this huge place and danced some more with more cast members. It was an excellent party. One of my favorites. But when it was over I went right to bed.

In the morning, was when I saw Natasha and Laura had posted those pics. My instagram blew up after that. I just left it alone and let it settle down. That's what I normally do. Instagram and Facebook are just too unreal for me, I like to do things with actual contact and in real life. Also, all the comments people leave. I never know if they'll be hurtful or something offensive but I'd rather not find out, so I just don't check in the first place.

I woke up in a bed I was not familiar to. I was kind of scared in the moment since I don't wake up in random beds often.

"Hello?" I say quietly

"Hey, you can come downstairs with me if you want" Laura said, appearing from the bathroom that was in the room.

"Oh, it's you. Yea sure, I'm coming"

I jump out of the bed and follow Laura downstairs. Her living room is filled with furniture and she takes a seat on the couch.

"I should offer breakfast, shouldn't I?" Laura said

"No, it's alright. I don't think I could eat a thing after last night. Oh yea, speaking of last night, how did I get here?"

"I honestly don't remember but I'm happy as hell we came back here and not some random dudes house" Laura spoke honestly

"Well that's funny" Taylor chucked

"Anyways, would you like a ride home?"

"No it's alright. I'll fetch a cab, you look exhausted. I'm just gonna grab my things and head out"

"Alright, have fun, be careful. I hope you enjoyed your party"

I smiled and grabbed my things. It took me a while since they were spread all over the house. Once I collected everything I said my goodbyes and headed out the door. I walked towards the city, looking for a cab. I caught one and headed home. The night was long and I was exhausted.

I stumbled over to my couch, dropped my things, and fell into a deep sleep. I was finally happy. Since Carrie broke up with me I haven't been happy at all. This party really put me back on my feet. I'm glad Laura could do this for me. She's so sweet. I'm excited to see what happens in the future. With me and Laura's friends of course. I just hope my feelings for her are away for good this time. I'm sure they are. Nothing to worry about.

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