
By Germangieforever96

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Germangie, Dieclari AND Diegia one-shots Enjoy ;) More

The Hotel In Sevilla
Lustful childhood friends: Part 1
Lustful childhood friends: Part 2
Wedding speeches
Notti Sul Ghiaccio
Teacher vs. Dancer
Enemies, or...?
Cofessions of a faithful aga
Fun night with the prince
Fun night with the prince: Part 2
How it should have happened
How it should have happened 2
How it should have happened 3
Stronger than anything
Violetta 2: Part 1
Violetta 2: Part 2
Love in the apocalipse: Part 1
Love in the apocalipse: Part 2
The seducer
First sensual meeting
The interview
The Pirate Captain's daughter
Stalker, or....?
Between life and death
The seducer 2
I can't live without you
Angie, or Selvaggia?
The flirty writer
"Love is hard"
The Sultan's Palace
Business 2
The "bodyguard": Part 1
The "bodyguard": Part 2
The "bodyguard": Part 3
The "bodyguard": Part 3 no. 2
A promise
What if...
Forbidden love
New story
Birthday surprise
A Break
True love
Missing you
Fear of loneliness
Ben Kösem/I am Kösem
Teacher & Student
Personal Trainer
Private Training
The Youtuber: Part 1
The Youtuber: Part 2
The Youtuber: Part 3
New Job
Na zdravie/Cheers: Part 1
Na zdravie/Cheers: Part 2
Na zdravie/Cheers: Part 3
Na zdravie/Cheers: Part 4
Na zdravie/Cheers: Part 5

Love is complicated

350 22 10
By Germangieforever96

A/N: Dieclari story, inspired by a good friend of mine.

Sorry, if I don't have a good title for this, but I sometimes suck at finding good titles.

But other than that... Enjoy ;)

Working together has always been a joy for Diego Ramos and Clara Alonso.

They were really close to each other, always having fun together even when they weren't working and since they were playing lovers millions of people started shipping them in real life too.

- Omg, Diego! - Clari shouted across the room, where they were in - Come! Look at this!

- Huh? What is it? - he asked as he went beside her to see her finding a picture of him and Clari together and the fans freaking out over "Dieclari" - That's a pretty good picture of us, don't you think?

- It is! But sometimes this shipping thing goes a too far - Clari laughs.

- Why? We look good! - he said right away, giving her a kiss on the head.

- Uhh... Yeah, yeah... - she mumbled, blushing slightly - Too bad we don't have much time to work together...

- Yeah... Too bad...

He then pulled her up from her seat and hugged her tightly.

- But we'll see each other even after this ended...

- Will we...?

- Yes - he smiled - I promise...

- Okay - she smiled back as she hugged him back also.

But what she didn't know was that soon someone else gets back into their lifes.

Or more like Diego's life.

----- TIME SKIP -----

A few months after they finished filming Violetta Diego somehow got into a band which soon came out that his brother Cristian started and both him, Diego and even Hernan and Maria Silvia Ramos was in it. (A/N: These are actually his real siblings' names :P)

With this Clari had no problem as Diego has an amazing voice, his dance skills are just perfect and so is his skills in playing guitar.

Clari sometimes went to watch them practising as well, until one time when another familiar person appeared.

- Carla?

Carla Pandolfi, from Violetta season 2 filming.

Her and Diego had a great friendship, but as they knew she's going home to Spain.

But she came back...

And she started being around the band so much that it started to irritate Clari and the members of the band.

- Why is she here again? - Clari asked from Maria - Doesn't she have something better to do? Goddamnit!

- I don't know, but calm down... Don't get upset over her - Maria replied - You know he loves you - she added.

- Loves me?

- Yes! He always talks about you! Sometimes it gets pretty annoying too - she laughed.

- Really... - Clari mumbled with a smile on her face now.

- Yes! I don't think him and Carla have anything for each other so... Don't worry!

But as much as she was telling Clari to not to worry it just made her worry even more.

- Hey, princess! - Diego greeted Clari cheerfully when he visited her to her house the other day.

- Hey! Shouldn't you be... Uhh...

- Practising? Hernan is busy so we start a few hours later - he said - Until then I thought we can spend some time together... Well... If you have time for me...

- Yeah... Yeah, sure! Come in! - she said cheerfully as she let him in.

They spend some time together.

Once Clari was in the kitchen to get some tea for both of them when she suddenly felt two arms around her waist and as she turned around she saw Diego behind her.

- D-Diego...?

- Sorry... I just missed you - he sighed while leaned his head on her shoulder.

- It's... It's okay... - she muttered, but her heart was beating really fast now.

She was afraid he might can hear it from this close.

But as much as they seemed to love each other Diego soon started dating Carla and this broke Clari down when she first heard about it.

- Clari, Clari... Don't cry, please... - said Maria, who tried to calm her down after she saw her beloved Diego kissing Carla before they werw about to start practising.

- I can't believe... I can't believe he just did that! - she cried - When did they even get together?! I thought me and him were good! What the hell happened??

Maria just awkwardly listened as she didn't know what else to do.

She talked to her brother about this, but he didn't listen to her at all.

It didn't matter what she said to him... He just didn't want to hear anything she had to say and either from Clari.

He stated he's madly in love.

- Madly in love? Bullshit! - Lodo groaned - Clari, he'll come back to you!

- And what if he won't?! - Clari cried.

- He will! - said Tini - We all know he loves you more than her and soon he'll realize that too!

- But what should I do until then?!

- I'd suggest you to keep your distance from him and Carla - sighed Cande - You'll have a movie to film in Italy anyway, no? When you go there just focus on work... But us, your friends too!

- Okay - she smiled a bit - I'll try...

----- TIME SKIP -----

Clari soon had to leave to Italy and what made her really sad was the fact that Diego didn't seem to care at all.

She was really sad about this, but she had to go.

So she left.

While she was working in Italy, meeting new people and getting new friends she was also keeping an eye out on Diego, but soon she realized it was a big mistake.

She saw an article one night about Diego making a video clip which wasn't big problem...

But she continued reading and soon checking the video, realising that it's actually ONLY about a love song and about him and Carla.

- What the hell?! - she snapped out loud, forgetting completely that Ezequiel, her old and current colleague is with her too.

- What did you see? - he asked as he hopped beside her to see what she's seeing - What is this jackass doing?!

- I honest don't know anymore... - she sighed as she stood up and walked away, holding her tears back.

- Clari...

- I don't care anymore!

- Clari, calm down...

- I'm calm! I'm so fucking calm!

Ezel sighed.

He knew only Diego could make her happy.

But again... He was way too busy with his girlfriend and somehow kept forgetting about Clari.

But as he was thinking about that suddenly Clari's phone started ringing in her hand and when she checked it her face went pale...

- Who's it? - he asked.

- Diego...

- Take it!

- Uhh...

- Take it, woman!

- Okay, okay! - she gasped then picked the phone up - Hello?

- Clari! I'm so sorry, I haven't called you in ages! - Diego started - But I've been busy with...

- With your video clip... I know.

- Have you seen it?

- Yes.

- And did you like it?

- Uhh... It was good.

- Good? Is that it?

- Well, I saw better videos! - she said, now on a joking tone.

- Oh really? - he asked back - Hmm-hmm... Alright then!

- Nah, I'm just joking!

No, she wasn't.

- Hum... Okay, sure. Anyway... How're you doing? How's work?

- Uhh... Everything's good - she replied awkwardly - How about you and Carla?

- We're good... Although we work so much... We barely have time for each other...

- I see... That's sad...

No, for her it wasn't.

- Yeah... And I miss you... - he whispered into the phone hesitantly.

- Uhh... I miss you too...

- Hope you'll come back soon... I want to hang out again...

- Me too... But I still have a lot to do here so I won't be back home for 2 months for sure... If not more...

- I see - he sighed - Well... For now I have to go... But talk later?

- Yeah... Sure!

- Okay...

After hanging up Clari felt weirder than ever.

First Diego wanted to hang out with her again after months and months of ignoring her.

This was just weird and didn't seem too real for her, but right now it didn't really matter as she was in Italy while Diego was back in Buenos Aires.

There was no way they could meet which right now made Clari a little happier.

----- TIME SKIP -----

But as the time was passing by Clari was soon finishing with the filming and only had a few interviews left before she can go home and rest, when she got an excited call from Tini...

- They broke up! - she said.

- Who? Where? What?!

- Diego and Carla!

- Huh? Why? They were happy, no?

- I don't know about that, but not so long ago Carla cheated on Diego which he soon found out as well and broke up with her just yesterday!

- And how's Diego? Is he okay?

- Honestly? I don't know...

- What do you mean you don't know?! - Clari snapped.

- He doesn't pick up his phone for me at all... I can't do anything at all - she whimped - I called you because he might will talk to you! I'm really worried though...

- Okay, I'll try to call him!

When they hung up Clari tried to call Diego, but she was also half way to the airport to get home.

But Diego didn't pick up.

- Shit... - she groaned - I need to get home quick!

She was truly worried as she saw how much Diego seemed to love Carla and her cheating on him must have hurted him badly.

And as much as it hurted her to be ignored by him she still wanted to help him.

Because she loved him after all.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Tini's call was on the morning and Clari arrived home around 10 in the evening and her first thought was to get to Diego's house as quick as possible to see what's up with him.

As she arrived she saw the lights were on in the house so she knocked right away.

- Go away! - she heard Diego shouting.

His voice was truly depressed.

- It's me, Clari! - I shouted back - Let me in! Please...

Just a few seconds and the door opened.

Diego opened the door and he looked awful...

- Diego... - she mumbled.

As she went in she saw he was drinking the whole day and just now she saw how awful and drunk Diego looked.

- Have you been drinking since the moment you throw Carla out?

- How do you know about that?

- By now everyone know about it.

- Great... Now probably everyone is laughing at me for being such a fucking idiot... - he groaned - I even turned against Maria and the others because of this... BITCH... Uhh...

- Don't blame yourself... You have been in love with her...

- I blame myself because I'm a fucking insensitive...

At this moment Clari slapped him on the face.

- Calm the fuck down! - she hissed - And go get a shower because you look and smell awful!

Diego stared at her for some seconds, but then he did how she told him to do.

A few minutes later Diego came out of the shower, seeing Clari sitting on his couch, waiting for him.

- Clari... - he muttered.

By now he was feeling a little better and less drunk and he felt extremely bad for making Clari worried about him.

- How do you feel? - she asked.

- Better... But...

- But?

- Why are you still here? I thought you'd leave...

- Why would I leave my best friend when he needs me? - she asked with a soft smile as she took his hand - Now... Don't you want to get some rest?

- No...

- Huh?

- I want to stay with you...

- Ohh...

Clari couldn't help start smiling at this.

She felt happy to be with him and she also knew he needs support the most right now.

- Clari...

- What?

- I love you...

She looked at him in shock.

- I'm sorry... But I love you, Clari...

- Enough, Diego! You're drunk... You need to rest.

- Maybe I am drunk, but I've always loved you.

- Diego... Just take a rest - she sighed - I'll stay with you, okay?

- Okay... - he muttered.

He felt like she doesn't take him seriously and this was exactly the case.

She couldn't believe him, even though she felt incredibly happy to hear that.

She wanted to believe him, but it was hard.

He was also quite drunk.

So instead of questioning him she decided to leave it, change the subject and stay with him while he falls asleep, but in the end she fell asleep too.

----- TIME SKIP -----

The next morning Clari woke up and she didn't see Diego anywhere...

But then he peeked out on the kitchen door...

- Good morning! - he said - I'm making breakfast!

"Breakfast? Is he doing this fine?" - Clari thought.

- Are you joining me too? - he asked.

- Uhh... Yeah, sure - she nodded, a bit awkwardly.

Although she felt a little awkward at the beginning in the end the morning went by quite well and Diego seemed to be perfectly fine too.

But in mind he had the biggest problems..

At this point he was sure he made a mistake when he completely ignored Clari while he was with the cheater.

He was sure she's mad at him for leaving her and as casual as he was acting deep inside he was terrified that once he lets her out on his door she'll never come back to him.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Since none of them had to work that day Diego made Clari stay with him after breakfast too and just keeping her with him for a while...

Or atleast until he finds a solution to his fear...

But she soon needed to leave...

- I really need to go... - she said while she was heading to the door - But I'll come back later, okay?

- No! - he snapped then jumped up, between her and the door - You can't leave...

- What? W-Why?

He hesitated for a second, but then he simply kissed her.

Clari was completely frozen, not knowing what to do as she couldn't even return the kiss.

She was way too shocked.

When he broke the kiss...

- I... I'm sorry... - he muttered.

This time Clari kissed him.

- Don't say sorry... For doing something you actually wanted to - she then said.

- I love you... - he whispered - Clari... I love you...

- Shhh... Stop talking.... - she smiled before kissing him again, this time with more passion while wrapping her arms around his neck.

Diego didn't ask anything more.

He wrapped both his strong arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him and kissing her more passionately on the lips.

A few minutes later she pulled him with her to the couch and there she pushed him down, but before she could do anything more he pulled her down too and quickly got on top of her.

- Hahh... Goddamnit, Diego! - she panted as she wasn't expecting him to do that.

- I'm not letting you leave me... - he said.

- Who said I wanted to leave you?

- Uhh...

- Just stop talking already! - she snapped then kissed him again, not letting him speak any more.

----- TIME SKIP -----

2 months later Diego and the band finally got back together and his siblings forgave him for leaving them behind for Carla, but they still didn't know about the secret he had.

The secret that this time will most likely make everyone happy...

- Good morning, sleepy head - the sweet voice of Clari woke him up every day since the day he broke up with Carla.

- Good morning, beautiful - he whispered as he kissed her on the head.

They both were laying in bed together, Clari had her head on his chest, naked after an... Action filled night...

- Hey! This is all I get? - she asked cheekily.

- Want more again? - he smirked.

- Well, of course! I want you to never forget what my kiss feels like - Clari said as she simply leaned closer to him, kissing him on the lips softly - I don't want you... To forget me again...

- I'm never going to... - he whispered - Mostly because everyone hated me while I was with Carla... And I admit... It was the biggest mistake of my life... To get together with her...

- It was... Indeed - she mumbled - But I didn't...

Diego smiled then kissed her again.

- I'm never going to leave you... I'm never going to let you down... And I'm never going to love anyone else as much as I love you... - he said softly.

- I love you too... - she smiled.

- Do you need to go anywhere today?

- Uhh... No... I guess no. Why do you ask?

Diego just smirked then he kissed her passionately on the lips while his hand was already wondering down on her body sensually.

- Hahh... Are you being serious? - she asked - Are you being horny again?

- Yes... So will you stay with me? - he asked while kissing her neck softly.

- Yes... Yes... I will... - she moaned softly as she slowly let herself get into another passionate hour, or two with the love of her life that she decided to never let go of anymore... Ever...

A/N: The end.

As much as I didn't know how to end it... It ended up pretty well, I guess.

But you tell me ;)

Hope you enjoyed!

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