All I could hear was a loud ringing in my ear. Mama was speaking to me but I couldn't hear her. I couldn't feel anything. It was if my brain shut down and I was just a corpse standing there.
"June!" She said and I finally snapped back to reality.
"Moving?" I said quietly.
"I already called your school. They will be having you take your last tests online so you can complete the school year. We are leaving tomorrow afternoon. I tried to get us plane tickets for tonight but there were no flights. We'll be staying with grandma, it's safe there." She said to me as she started putting more things in boxes.
"We can't go." I choked out.
"June, I know you'll miss your new friends but this is serious." She said to me sternly. My eyes filled with tears as I ran to my room and slammed the door. How could she do this to me? I don't want to leave. I can't leave. My phone buzzed, it was Ryan.
Is everything okay? I'll come up there!
It's fine
That's all I could text back. My heart was in my stomach and I felt like I was going to throw it up. This isn't fair! I can't leave Ryan. I laid there crying for a bit and then realized how selfish I was being. Mama is right, we're not safe here. I don't want to go. How was I going to tell him?
The next morning I helped Mama pack the rest of our things. A truck came by and some movers helped us move boxes into the truck. We had to leave for the airport in three hours.
"Mama, I have to go see Ryan." I said to her. She nodded.
"Do not be late. June i'm sorry this is happening, but it's for the best." She said. I ignored her and grabbed my bag. I walked to the school and texted Ryan, Nora, and Brendon to meet me outside. I sat by a tree and took deep breaths. I wasn't sure how they were going to react. Nora got to me first.
"Hey! Why haven't you been at school? I've been worried about you." She said taking a seat by me.
"I have stuff to tell you guys." I said.
"What is it?" She asked seriously.
"I'll tell you when the guys get here." I said. She could tell something was wrong so she hugged me. Soon Brendon and Ryan showed up.
"Hey babe, everything okay?" Ryan asked sitting down and kissing me. I shook my head no.
"What's wrong?" He asked. I took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes.
"I'm moving back to Kansas today." I said. It was silent for a moment.
"What? You've got to be fucking kidding me." Ryan said getting up and walking off. That's not what I expected. I burst into tears and felt four arms wrap around me.
"Shh it'll be okay. He's just as shocked as we all are." Brendon said.
"You're not really moving, right?" Nora asked, her eyes swelling with tears. I nodded and she hugged me tighter. The three of us sat there for a bit until I stopped crying.
"We can all come visit you in Kansas, and you can come visit us. We'll stay in contact!" Brendon said trying to reassure me that things would be okay. I nodded, trying to believe him.
"Ryan hates me." I said.
"I'll go find him, he's just upset. He loves you dearly." Brendon said. He got up and went off to look for Ryan. Nora kept her arms around me as I told her the story of what happened two nights ago. I kept looking for Brendon and Ryan but couldn't see them.
"I have to go soon, I have to get to the airport." I said to her as we stood up.
"June, you're my best friend. I'm going to miss you so much." She said as we hugged again.
"Promise we'll text each other every day?" I asked.
"Promise." She replied. I waited a few more minutes for Ryan. Nothing. This was the saddest I had ever felt. He couldn't even say goodbye to me.
"I'll text you when I land." I said to Nora. She nodded and I started walking back home. I couldn't stop crying, my sleeves were soaked with tears. I was almost home when I heard someone yell behind me.
"JUNE WAIT!" I turned around to see Ryan running towards me. I let a sob out as he wrapped his arms around me, tears staining his cheeks.
"I love you so much." He said to me while squeezing me tight.
"I love you." I said to him. He kissed me hard and we stood there for what felt like hours, just kissing and holding onto each other.
"I'll come visit you as soon as I can." He said to me. I nodded and placed my hands on his face, pulling him in for more kisses.
"This is the worst day of my life." He whispered to me.
"Mine too. I have to go." I whimpered. He nodded and wiped his eyes. I held onto his hands and looked at him, taking in every piece of him. His swollen eyes, his quivering lips, his skin was paler than usual. He kissed me one last time before I went back to my apartment. I sat in the passenger seat, still crying. It's all I can do. Mama tried to comfort me and tell me there were going to be other boys and that she knows i'm upset now, but I will get over it. How can I get over leaving the love of my life?
I will never not miss him. He is my home. There is no place like home.
A/N Don't worry, there will be a sequel ;)