We Live Beneath

By lisavonwhitt

1.2K 72 6

I'm captured for my beauty - a cruse I wish I didn't have. Soon I will escape. Zander Lawson, controls every... More

Prologue / Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chatper 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.

Chapter 25.

64 3 2
By lisavonwhitt

© All Rights Reserved. 2013

"We need to go back."

He says to me.

"You know that's not fair. You know this is an opportunity, you said you'd help me escape."

He shifted uncomfortably and pulled on his pants while throwing me his wet boxers. I looked down at them on my lap. Oh boy.

"And what do you expect me to do with these?"

I ask.

"Put them on, unless you want to wear your cut up ones."

He flashed me a smile and then threw me his soaked shirt.

"Put that on too."

"And what do you plan on telling your brother? I'm in your wet boxers and shirt? No bra, no panties. God, Lawson, don't you think these things through? - I'm going to be tortured the second I get back!"

He shook his head.

"No you won't, I'll sign the fucking stupid contract - I'll be your Prosecutor again. Then no one can torture you but, me."

I angrily looked at him.

"What stupid contract?"

He shifted putting his knife back in its case on the loop of his belt.

".. I have a contract, I've been waiting to sign it, Maddox made me up another one. He thinks I'm the best fit for you, Prosecution wise - yeah - if I could stop fucking you."

He grimaced.

"You had a contract all this time.. And didn't fucking sign it!"

I exploded.

"Calm the hell down Ms. Brooks."

"Oh don't play that business shit with me - you're not my Prosecutor - not yet."

"I don't have to be, if you don't want me to be."

He says immaturely, It causes my anger to build.

"Why did you let me suffer with him!"


He huffed

".. Oh I highly doubt you suffered. You wanted him so bad when he was whipping you - were practically fucking cross eyed"

"Are you serious? What the hell were you watching? Obviously not me, because I was being brutalized and I didn't enjoy one bit of it!"

"You sure enjoyed it when he touched you though didn't you?"

I paused gritting my teeth.

"You. Know. He has some kind of magic with those hands of his."

"Doesn't fucking matter if its magic, you enjoy it."

"Yeah! How could I not? It feels amazing."

He hauled off and socked the dash board un-expectantly, I jumped.

"This is why I shouldn't be you're Prosecutor - shit like this."

"Cause of jealously?"

I ask quietly.

"Because he just - doesn't deserve you."

We sat for a long moment in the still of the silence. He had said that to me once before, and now I believed him, not because I thought I was better than but because me and Maddox were polar opposites. I was like the warrior of peace and he was like the warrior of destruction. We didn't deserve each other the stars were wrong.

"Ok. I'll go back but, only if you sign the contract."

He watches me as I pulled his boxers on.

"Alright June."

And then he made damn sure to clear my mind before going back.


When we arrived back to Glass City we went straight to The Commissioners office. Where we found him waiting, he didn't look very happy to see me, as I knew would be the case. Walking in I wanted nothing more but to hide behind Lawson, just go unnoticed, but that wasn't possible not for me.

"What are you in? - my brothers shirt?"

I was glad he couldn't see the boxers, the shirt was large and wet it hung just above my knees.

"Lift the shirt up."

He demanded. - Damnit June! - I did and that's when he laid eyes on the boxers.


He spat.

".. How did she end up in those Zander?"

"She got really wet."

He smirked, I nearly smirked too at his insinuating comment but held back.

"And she's still wet?"

He asked.

"Well, yeah, she got wet twice.."

Zander Lawson looked at me then back to his brother.

".. Look does it matter? she's back, I got her. Fuck. Nothing makes you happy does it?"

Maddox smiled soullessly

"One thing does. You're going to work down in the chambers tonight, we're short a man..."

My heart sunk.

".. Ms. Brooks will be joining me tonight. She needs to be corrected for her disobedience."

"I'll do it..."

Lawson spoke up

".. I'll punish her. I signed the P.A contract I'll bring it to you tomorrow."

"You sure about that brother?"

Maddox asked.


"Well then you'll do it now, I will watch - to make sure it is followed through."

He goes to his desk and I shoot a fleeting glance at Lawson, he told me I wouldn't get hurt - lair.

Maddox pulls out a remote and presses in some kind of code, I watch in horror as wood bars lower from the ceiling.

"I don't want to be beat again."

I whined, looking at Lawson with agony building in my eyes.

"You should have thought about that before you fucking ran for it!"

Lawson snapped.

What made him so mad? - I certainly hope he was putting on a show. Maddox pulled down chains from the wooden beams and commanded me to take my clothes off - once again. I did. And he cuffed my wrists to the beams, this guy had all sorts of sick torture devices in his office, it was like his own 'personal' chambers. I looked at Lawson as Maddox raised the beams just enough to have me hanging, the tips of my toes could graze the ground if I tired hard enough. I didn't like the way this was already going.

"Hm. What should we punish her with this time?"

Maddox said out loud digging in his drawers, he came out with a navy blue rod that had a sliver tip at the end of it. When he turned it on the rod hummed with electricity, it lit up in the middle like it contained bolts of lightening. I cringed, this was going to hurt.

"Here. I want to see pain on that beautiful face."

He hands Lawson the rod. Zander Lawson had never inflicted pain like 'this' on me before, I had some good ass spankings and chokes here and there but, never had he done anything like this. My body shook with terror at knowing I was going to be electrocuted by him. He walked toward me and my eyes became wild as I looked into his, I held back tears - because I always tried to stay strong in situations like these - and swallowed large amounts of air as he exchanged the rod from one hand to the other.

"This will hurt but it won't kill you. Try not to tense up."

Lawson said as his eyes fell over my naked skin. He waited a long time - as if he couldn't bring himself to do it. And then he shoved the rod into my upper thigh, I screamed mercifully, the snapping bolt charged through my body.


He said beneath his breath as he hit me with it again. I roared in my suffering, as the electricity surged atop my exposed skin. He pressed it to me again this time on my stomach, I cried painfully.

"Lawson. Stop!"

I welled. Tears washed down my face.


I begged, Fearing another shock would kill me, I slacked in the chains hoping for rest. Lawson stopped a moment.

"Your not going to stop!"

Maddox yelled as he charged over to his brother his face contorted by anger.

"Any other women and you'd be enjoying this! What makes her so fucking special?"

He tired grabbing for the rod by Lawson quickly snapped it away put of Maddox's reach.

"Don't push me, not right now, I'm serious."

Lawson says in a harsh tone.

"Give it to me now!"

Maddox yells.

"I told you - I signed the fucking contract - which makes me the only one who can punish her."

"I haven't seen it, and who's the one in control here?"

Maddox eyes me then looks back at Lawson, his lips pulling into a snarl.

".. You can't tell me you love this women?"

He asks Lawson.

"Of course not!"

Lawson laughs outrageously.

"Then I suggest you set her straight. You know what happened to the last women you loved."

I watched as Lawson exploded throwing the rod across the room- for some reason that set him off. He quickly grabbed Maddox around the throat and tackled him against the wall. He squeezed causing Maddox's face to turn a horrible redish - blue, he was struggling for air, air that he wasn't going to be receiving anytime soon.

"Don't bring 'her' up ever again, understand me?"

Maddox tried grabbing Lawson's face but he shrugged him off.

"Do you fucking UNDERSTAND me!"

Lawson yelled, Maddox shook his head the best he could and his brother released his tight grip. I watched him fall to the ground and breath for air - not so tough now - huh Commissioner? Maddox now stood to his feet rubbing his neck.

"How dare you insult me in front of my pledge!"

Maddox tackled Lawson onto the floor and rained down a few good punches. Lawson psychotically laughed beneath him.

"You think you can hurt me?"

He tested Maddox by licking the blood from his lip. Maddox then pulled the pistol from Lawson's holster and pointed in his face.


I screamed in horror.

"What about this brother - will this hurt you?"

"For a minute, maybe."

Lawson teased.

"Stop! Please Maddox don't!"

I yelled thrashing wildly within my restraints. Maddox put the gun to Lawson's exposed stomach and pulled the trigger.


The loud sound rang through my ears, my eyes were tightly shut and I quickly opened them in panic.

"No, no, no!"

I cried, I frantically looked at Lawson he was grunting from the bullet that blasted through his abdomen.

"You mother fucker."

Lawson groaned.

"What about now? I bet that hurt, want some more fucking led in there? - I'll be happy to give it to you!"

Maddox cocked the gun again.


I howled, fearing he would kill him.

"Is that the only way you can beat me? By some bullets, can't fight like a real man can you?"

Lawson said. Maddox punches him again and then Lawson turned his head back up to spit blood into his brothers face.

"Fuck. You."

"Not me, no - What slut you gonna fuck to fix you this time? You're the pathetic one who has to have sex with a bunch of whores just to build energy."

Lawson looks down at his stomach, his abs flared as he halfway sat up.

"I'm healing just fine."

He says as Maddox stood and helped Lawson up as well. They had the strangest relationship I ever seen.

"Don't make me kill you next time."

Maddox says.

"Same to you."

Lawson says. He then walks over to me and releases me from the cuffs.

"Go get clothes on."

He says as he hunches over and grabs his stomach. I wanted to touch him, comfort him somehow but I knew him to well he wouldn't except it, so I went to the spare bedroom to change. When I emerged back through the door Maddox as waiting for me in his bedroom, he stopped me before exiting.

"You know you belong to me right?"

I wanted to snap, tell him I belonged to no one, but I didn't care to fight - I just wanted to get back to Lawson and make sure he was ok.

"Yes. Sir."

"Good girl. Come see me tomorrow, your training will start."

As happy as that should have made me it didn't. I hurried from the bedroom and out into the office to see Lawson in the leather chair, his head thrown back in agony.

"You're not healing are you?"

I softly asked. I knew he wasn't it was clear for anyone to see.

"I will, it takes time.."

He stood confidently but, his face was turning pale already and his skin beaded with sweat, he had lost too much blood - it was everywhere.

".. Lets uh, go to my chambers."

I didn't argue I just went.

When we arrived he quickly went to the bathroom, I couldn't help but follow him, I was worried sick. I carefully watched him as he thrashed around his medicine cabinet.

"What are you looking for?"

He stop and turned to look at me, his breathing labored.

"Pain Pills but, you need to go. Anywhere but outside."

He tired swooshing me away.

"No, how about you go lay down, rest, I'll find the pills."

I walked in and grabbed his arm and spoke calmly to him..

"You have just been shot, most people would be dead right now, go lay down, I'll bring you the pills."

He surprisingly didn't argue and left the bathroom. I searched through the cabinet until I found the Vicodin and filled up a cup of water, I found him laying on his back on the bed - motionless.


I frantically said hurrying through the door way.

"I'm ok June."

He says reliving my stress.

"Jesus you scared me."

I said crawling beside him on the bed, he looked even worst and it made my insides turn.


I watched as he took the pill and I took the water from him and sat it down on the floor. I looked down at the entrance wound - it wasn't closing up and it worried me.

"Shouldn't I put pressure on that?"

I asked, trying to hide my worried tone but it was nearly impossible.

"That wouldn't help, I'm not your typical human June."

He cough and I seen his hand come back with blood.

"Lawson! Your bleeding internally."

I felt my heart drop to my toes.

"Shhh.. June - I'm fine trust me."

Ironically he was the one calming me.

"Can't you heal faster with sex?"

I asked.

"Yeah but that's my last resort right now, I'd rather not walk anywhere."

"What do you mean 'walk anywhere'? I'll have sex with you."

He laughed spilling more blood on his lips, making a lump form in my throat.

"June, I don't think your sex will help."

"What the hell do you mean?"

I frowned.

"Well honestly you have no idea how to get me hard, and that's going to take a lot as of now. Plus your sloppy, you'll end up likely hurting me more."

I stood, he had no idea what challenge he just gave me - but it was one I was willing to take. I slowly pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it to the side, I gently moved my hips as I stripped away my bra then shorts and panties.

He smirked.

"Give me a fucking chance."

I say as I grabbed hold on his pants, I took off his belt wanting to avoid the pistol that shot him and laid it on the floor. Then I unbuttoned them and pulled them down, he was somewhat already hard so I knew I was doing ok and I knew I could continue to do it. I crawled on top of him and he hissed as my knee came close to the wound.

"Jesus June."

"Sorry. I'll be more careful. Promise."

I whispered running my hands up his chest and then I softly kissed his neck, I licked and sucked on it and he began squirmed beneath me.

"What's wrong?"

I asked, sitting up.

"Nothing, keep going."

He looked into it so I kept going, he groaned now and I wasn't sure if it was from me or the bullet wound. He turned his head so that our lips were at each others so I kissed him and let his tongue come into my mouth to touch mine, I tasted blood but it didn't bother me. I reached for his hand and got a grip on one of his fingers, I moved it down to my burning heat where I forced him in. He grunted again as I moaned moving his finger in and out of me. Then I went down to fell him as we kissed and he was very close to almost fully hard. I softly stroked him as he would do me to get him all the way there.

"Fuck June."

He breathed as I broke the kiss.


"That was good."

I smiled feeling proud of myself but, I still needed to fully please him and that was my intensions. I moved his hand away and sat down on him like I did in the Sea Craft. He bucked his head back as I carefully moved up and down, his eyes tightly closed as I pivoted my hips. I let myself take every last bit of him without flinching and he moaned. I begin to move faster now enjoying his pleasure it set me on fire seeing him clench his jaw to keep himself from moaning more. He liked me on top.

"It's ok, you can let it out, I know you like it."

I tell him.

"Shut up June."

I look down at his wound and it was completely closed just the reminisces of blood.

"You're healed."

I say stopping.

"Did I tell you to stop?"

He grabs me and flips me around on my stomach then grabs my hips and pulls them up to his, he slams into me. Hard. I moan now and he keeps going - roughly taking me from behind. He slips a hand underneath me and rubs my clitoris as he fucks me. Making me explode with intense pleasure, the man knew how to have sex there wasn't any question. He shoveled in deeper making me cum.


I breath his name, as my body rages inside with heat. Gasping with sexual stratification as I collapse forward onto my elbows, as he pulls out and cums.

And the man with a hole in his stomach was no more.

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