Can I ask a favor?

By Xanthippe_dumbblonde

8.3K 273 229

A Flinx story <3 Some Impulse/Bart Allen x OC too! I only own Evie. The rest of the characters are not mine... More

Meet Evie
Meet Wally
Meet the team
Mr. Brightside
Not an update sorry
Bernadette the Waitress
La Danza: Parte Una
•I'm so sorry guys•
•Holiday One Shot #1•
•Holiday One Shot #2•
•Holiday One Shot #3•
Benjamin and Evelyn

La Danse: Deuxième Partie

431 18 10
By Xanthippe_dumbblonde

The Dance: Part Two

"Bernadette?" My heart started racing and I spun around to see Roxanne from the diner.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to see Wally mouthing 'Bernadette?' At me.

Oh my god, what do I say?!

"Uh-" my head spun as I tried to put together a story. Who knows what? How much did I tell Wally? I don't even think he knows I have a job yet, and this is not how I wanted to tell him.

Screw it, I'll make it up as I go.

"Hey, Roxanne!" I pulled her into a light embrace. "You look beautiful!"

Although she looked a little caught off guard by my sudden affection towards her, she smiled at me.

I have never seen Wally look more confused.

"So do you! I didn't know you went here, what year are you?"

"I- well actually, we're alumni." Good one, Jinx! Why are they both looking at me? "Oh! Wally, this is my friend Roxanne, and Roxanne this is my," *cringe*, "date, Wally."

I noticed a tiny smirk creep on to Wally's lips when I referred to him as my 'date'. I'll definitely be hearing about that one later.

They shook hands and said 'nice to meet you', and then it was silent, until Wally started running his mouth.

"So, how do you two know each other?"

Roxanne looked at me puzzled, because wasn't it obvious? We knew each other from work. Now I wish I told him about my job. But then again, maybe I'm just making this a bigger deal then it really is. He probably won't even care.

"We know each other from-"

Actually, better not risk it!

"AHH-" I shrieked as I fell on my ass, for the second time tonight.


Evie's Pov

Ugh. I sighed and looked down at my- well, Jinx's- shoes. A large group of girls were gathered around Bart, laughing flirtatiously at some of his weird future slang.

This is how it's been all night. It's like he knows every single person in this school! Even teachers stop to chat with him! He's only been here a few months, so how's he already a celebrity?

"Hey, sorry about that!"

"It's fine," I faked a smile, "I didn't know you were so... Popular."

He mumbled something bitterly under his breath that sounded like 'define popular'


"Never mind. Do you wanna dance?"

"Uh... I don't know, I'm not much of a dancer."

"C'mon, it'll be fun." He assured, pulling me on to the 'dance floor'.


Jinx Pov

"Ji-" I gave Wally a look as he started to say my real name.

"Bernadette!" Roxanne gasped, cutting him off.

"Uh, yeah- Bernadette!"

"Are you okay? What happened?" Wally and Roxanne kneeled beside me on the ground.

"I- I think so. One of those little brats pushed me." I nodded, indicating a large group of rowdy teenage boys behind us.

"Your ankles hurt." Wally stated, noticing me rubbing my right ankle. "Here, I'll take you to get some ice." He spoke in a monotone voice and didn't sound very concerned at all.

"Uh- alright," he helped me up and wrapped an arm around me for support, "I'll catch up with you later, Roxanne. It was nice seeing you!"

"You too, and take it easy on that ankle." I smiled weakly at her before Wally and I limped out. With help from a nice old chaperone lady, we found the kitchen, and Wally set me on the counter to get some ice.

"Why'd you fall?" He asked as he got the ice.

"What do you mean? A kid pushed me."

"Really, you let a 12 year old knock you on your ass and didn't say a thing?"

"Um- I.."

"And who was that girl? How do you know her?"

"Roxanne? I've- uh, I've known her forever."

"Is she from the hive?!"

"No! And you know what? it's not your business!" I huffed, angrily.

"I'm just asking for your safety."

"I can take care of my self just fine! I don't need your help."

I slid off the counter smoothly, but as soon as my feet hit the ground, I regretted it. I ended up doing the Miss Congeniality fall. My ankle was very sore by now, and I was waiting for Wally to laugh or make a smart retort- but he didn't. He just helped me up onto the counter again and put ice on my swollen ankle.

"Why," I questioned annoyed, "are you nice to me?"

"Because I like you, Jinx. Or Bernadette? Is that your real name?"

"No, my name is Jinx. That's more of my self proclaimed secret identity, I guess."

"So, you got to pick your own name, and you picked Bernadette?"

"Hey, I have been real nice, and so far I haven't cracked a single joke about your name, Mr. Wallace Rudolph, but that could change."

I smirked victoriously while he rubbed his forehead, and his ears reddened. "Who told you that?"

"Your favorite time traveling cousin."

"Are you kidding! His name is Bartholomew!"

(A/n: I envy people with names on souvenir keychains)

"Bernadette's not lookin so bad now, huh?"

"Fine, you win, this time. Can you walk on your ankle?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Ok, we should probably get back out there and check on the kids." He helped me down(carefully this time) and we walked back out into the dance. My ankle didn't hurt as much by now. As if on Que., the DJ announced that he was gonna play a slow song. I rolled my eyes, suddenly remembering how much I hate dances.

"I like this song! C'mon Jinx, let's dance!"



"nO Wally."

"I promise this is the only song I'll make you dance to all night!" He begged.

"Ugh fine. But this is the only one."

We walked a little closer to the middle, but not too close. Wally put his right hand on my waist and I put my left hand on his shoulder, and he held my right hand. I had only danced once before, and it was with Cyborg, or Victor Stone at the time. I immediately recognized the song that was playing. It was Vienna by Billy Joel, and it was in the movie 13 Going On 30. Evie likes that movie. I wonder what she's doing right now?

I didn't have much time to think about it though, because Wally started spinning me like we were on dancing with the stars.

"You can dance?!" I asked while he dipped me.

"Can't you?"


"Don't worry, you'll learn fast!"


Evie's Pov

Don't mind me. I'm only your date! I thought as I watched Bart dance with some random girl. Being polite is one thing, but dancing with every single girl that asks you.. I bet he wouldn't even notice if I left right now. You know what? I think I will leave.

I took one last glance at Bart and his 100th girlfriend tonight, before turning and heading for the back doors. I felt my eyes glow purple under my blue contacts, and the lock exploded in a burst if purple energy. The parking lot was almost pitch black. I sat on the blacktop and began to take the heels off my sore feet, as I pulled out my phone and called Jinx. No answer. I shoved my phone forcefully onto the ground and leaned my head back, rubbing my tired eyes. I could still hear the music inside. It was Vienna from the 13 Going On 30 soundtrack, one of my favorite movies. I closed my eyes and listened to the muffled lyrics.

You've got your passion, you've got your pride
But don't you know that only fools are satisfied?
Dream on, but don't imagine they'll all come true
When will you realize, Vienna waits for you?

"Billy Joel gets it." I mumbled to myself.

"13 Going On 30, am I right?" Asked an all too familiar voice.

My eyes shot open, and I looked all around, but it was so dark I could barely see. I must've imagined it. I'm going crazy.

"Long time no see, Evelyn."

I stopped breathing completely and I wanted to pass out.

"H-how did you find me?"

"I've known where you were this whole time."

"Well then what do you want from me?"

"We want you to come home."

"The hive is not my home."

"Well you're obviously not happy here, look at you. Evie, these people don't really care about you, but we do. We're your family, not strangers. You'll be safe at the academy."

That would show them, if I ran away. Wally won't be there to tease me, and I wouldn't have Jinx treating me like a baby 24/7, and Bart wouldn't be there to ditch me for other girls. But then again, I have no friends there..

"Everyone there hates me." I stated plainly.

"Are you kidding? Everyone misses you. They want you back."

"Really?" They missed me? Am I actually popular now?

"Yeah! Come on, let's get you home. I missed you, little sis." My brother swung his arm around me and led the way out of the parking lot.

"You're only older by 3 minutes!" I whined, as we approached a black mustang, which I recognized as one of the hive's cars.

He opened the door for me, then hopped in, slamming it behind him, "it's nice to have my parter in crime back."

A/n: yay for part two! My mind went blank and I could not think of anything to write, so my brother came up with half the plot for this, and I put it into words. So, he was logged in on his phone, then he refused to log out cause he's super annoying, and he was writing a bunch of stuff on my account, but he's gone now, so it's all good.

I keep telling him to get his own account, but he's 'too cool' for that. God forbid anybody on his football team found out he still reads comic books.

Lol, brother problems, am I right?


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