
By jaureguihippy

252K 6.8K 1.9K


Depressing tweet
Dm me
Meet me?
It's her
We're hot
Are you serious?
Writer's note
Into you
You look beautiful
Your fabulous
Will you
We will soon.
I'll eat
Going home
Thank you
I'll never leave you
A lot has changed
The end

I'm here for you

8.1K 242 67
By jaureguihippy

Lauren's P.O.V

"Dinah what is it? Is she ok because I blew off a family meeting for this" I asked her stepping inside her house.

"She's bad. Like really bad. I don't know why she's doing it but I caught her making herself sick. She went to run away from me, so I grabbed her arm and she flinched. She's been cutting as well. And, well now she's shut me out, so you're my last option." I can't believe what I'm hearing. She seemed so happy, what could've changed her mood? I need to be there for her. I need to help and protect her.

"Where is she now?" I asked and you could sense the concern in my voice. I just need to speak to her and know what's going on.

"She's at her house. I think she's by herself, so take this key. It's for the backdoor so you'll have to go round the back. Please find out what is wrong with her."

"I'll try. I only want the best for her. I never want to see her hurt." With that said I drove to her house. It took me about 40 minutes to drive there from Dinah's house, but I didn't care. I only cared about Camila.

I step out of the car and make my way to the back of their house I manage to find their back door easily and unlock it. I make my way through their house making sure to shut the door behind me. I walk up the stairs and reach Camila's room. I stop to try and hear any noise. What do I even say to her when she spots me? What if she doesn't want to speak to me about it. What if we get into an argument because I want to know what's wrong?
Fuck it, I care about her so I'll happily take the risk.

I open the door and see her laying on her bed In shorts and a jumper. She looks up and her eyes go wide.

"Lauren, what are you doing here?" She asked now fully sitting up on her bed.

"I came to see you." I say, taking a step forward and looking her in the eyes.
"Dinah told me what happened so I wanted to speak to you about it."

"Don't listen to her. Dinah doesn't know what she's talking about." You could see the panick in her eyes.

"So pull up your sleeves. Show me that your arms don't have any cuts on. If they don't we can stop talking about it." She looks down but I manage to see a tear escape her eye. I quickly rush over to her and hold her in my arms. I rock her back and forward while listening to her sobs.
"Shh. It's ok baby. I'm here now."

We stay in this position for about 5 minutes before I feel her move slightly. I let go off her and place my hand under her chin lifting her head up.

"Whatever has happened I want you to know that I'm here for you. I always will be. I never want to see or imagine you hurting. Please speak to me Camz." I hear her take deep breaths.

"It's Austin. He's- He's be-been saying st-stuff to me."

"What has he said babe?" I ask stroking her hand.

"He said I'm ugly and fat. He said I was only a fuck to him and I should die. He said I don't belong here and no one will ever love me. He said I'm worthless and I don't deserve to be happy." She cried and my heart broke into millions off little pieces.

"Listen to me ok. Listen to every word that I say and please know that I mean everything." I say and see her nod slightly.
"Everything that he said is all false, wrong and absolutely disgusting.
You are truly the most beautiful person I have every laid eyes on. You are no where near fat, your body is a masterpiece that you should cherish. You belong on this world just like the rest of us do. You are the most precious thing ever and you deserve to be nothing but happy. He was also wrong about one more thing. Someone do love you. I love you Camila so fucking much that it terrifies me sometimes. You mean the world to me and I want nothing more than for you to be happy. I want to protect you Camz, I want to be there for you all day every day."

I finally tell her everything that I've been meaning to for so long. I thought that this would make her see herself the way the I see her, but instead she starts crying again.

"No please don't cry. I don't want to see you upset." I say and she immediately looks up.

"I'm not upset. I'm happy. These are happy tears Lauren. I love you too."

Writer's note

Hi guys!!
I hope that you like this chapter.
Camren is getting a lot closer, but soon they will be extremely close ;)
If you have any questions, suggestions or just want to talk feel free to message me anytime.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night❤

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