You are my medicine (ticcimas...

By Smol_Chara

185K 4.8K 2.6K

The first time Masky layed eyes on Toby, he felt a strange feeling. Over time Toby starts to fall for the man... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
End "Chapter"

Chapter 2

11.6K 272 147
By Smol_Chara

Toby's POV

I followed the masked man upstairs he stop and opened a door. "This is your room Toby" I walked inside it had brown walls like all the walls in this place, a small black rug and a bed with white pillows and a gray and dark orange blanket I smiled. "Oh and here slender found this in your room well what is left of it." He hands me a mouth guard, orange goggles, a brown hoody with a dark blue hood, jeans and a belt for my hatchets also, a bag of different clothes. I took the clothes from him thanking him in the process. I was about to leave when he grabbed my shoulder. I felt my face heat up I turned around to face him."My name is Masky by the way and Hoodie's and I room is right across the hall, if you need us" he lets go of my shoulder. "Okay Masky t-thank you" I walked into my room close the door behind me.

I changed into my hoodie, jeans and put on my belt placing my hatchets on the sides. I twitched and cut my self. I sighed "I really d-don't care" I mutter to myself as I threw away my burned clothing and put the rest away.

I walk downstairs to see a man with a gray hoodie a dark blue mask with some kind of black liquid coming out of wear is eyes should be. I walked over to the man "um h-hello" he turns to me "hello there Toby my name  is Eyeless Jack but call me EJ for short." I was shocked eyeless does he mean that literally or not.

"Umm ok E-EJ"

"you hungry" I shake my head slightly.

"no I am good thank for asking tho"

"well ok" EJ walk away from me as I walk and sat on the couch next to a boy with dirty blonde hair and a legend of Zelda outfit. He also had no eyes just red pupils and blood coming form his eye that ran down his almost pale cheeks.

"Oh hey Toby" I twitched "hello w-what is your n-name if you don't m-mind me asking" he smile

"it's Ben Drowned but just call me Ben" he continues to play his video game.

"hey do you want to play" he holds up a controller.

"s-sure" I grab the controller and stated play what ever this game was.

We were done with the game Ben won four rounds and I won two. "You not bad at this game Toby." he punches my arm lightly. "Th-thanks" Masky then walked over to me "hey Toby slender man wants to talk to you" I get up "about what" masky put his arm around my shoulder I blush and look at the floor "we will have to see." We walk down the long hallway to a set of double doors. He opens one of the doors. Slender man was siting at his desk. "take a seat boys" I see another man in one of the chairs. He was wearing a orange hoodie and a black mask with red eyes and a red frown. I sat next to Masky not wanting to be next to the mysterious man. "oh Toby this is Hoodie another one of my proxies" Slendy point to the mam and he waved at me.

"H-hi" I turned back to Slender man. "Toby how many people have you met today just wondering" I twitched

"EJ, Ben, Masky and Hoodie" I smiled

"well that's good. Anyways Masky will be training you" I looked at masky and he nod "train me for what" Masky laughed slightly

"Killing people of course and missions" Masky spoke not even show any emotion in his voice.I twitched "k-killing p-people" I look down at my hands. "yep you have killed someone before right." I look up at Slender Man and turn back to Masky "well I have b-but that w-was different I c-can't just kill in-innocent people" Hoodie laughs "well Toby I know your new and all but everyone does that here" Masky punched his shoulder as Hoodis pretended to be hurt. "Toby we will begin later today" Masky said before leaving Hoodie following him. I back at Slender Man. "Is this what p-proxy does" he nods "I send you on a mission and you do whatever it is."

I nod and leave the room I felt a tear go down my cheek as I walk to my room opening the door. I walk to the corner of my room and cruel up into a little ball. Placing my hatchets in front of me and just look at them a started to think. I can't just kill innocent people. I mean,I did kill my father but that's all I can remember."you can kill who ever you want" my voices stated to speak

"no I can't just kill anyone" I felt more tears go down my face

"don't you remember the people at school they called you names called you shit. That you don't deserve to live." i stated to sob quietly.

"I know they did that and I wish they just die"I smile a bit at the words that escape my lips.

"See you want them dead. You can kill them bring them pain and suffering like they did to you like you father did. Look he is gone forever now he can never hurt you again" I smile wider

"You're right he gone. I guess not all people are innocent. Everyone has hurt someone in there life time"

"You see now, who are we going to kill first" I stated to laugh

"I don't care anybody" I grab one of my hatchets and held it up in the air and continue to laugh.

Insane Toby yay I hope you peeps are enjoying. The book's next chapter to going to be fun to write anyways see you all in the next chapter.

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