The Real Deal (IM5/David Scar...

By IAmJustMeXD

9.8K 332 508

Six boys in Los Angeles go missing. They were kidnapped by an evil scientist. When the six escape they won't... More

The Real Deal Trailer
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Halloween Special Is Out
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Character Ask [OPEN]

Chapter 48

123 4 11
By IAmJustMeXD

Dalton's POV

"Dalton? Dalton! Wake up! Come on just wake up!" Somebody said while shaking me awake. I opened my eyes slowly and saw a panicked Will.

"You ok dude? You don't look too hot?" I said

"Hunter came in, said that the others sent Cody a message. They're coming Dal! They're coming!" Will said happily

"You're serious?" I asked, when he nodded I hopped out of the bed. "Let's do this thing."

"Wait, wait. How are we sure this is going to work? We're kind of taking a risk here. I mean, Luke hasn't contacted me in a while now and that means I can't tell him to tell Cole. They don't know the plan." He said

"Yeah, but we know them. Sure, Cody knows tactics and tricks but we know them personally. If this is going to work, then this is going to work." I smiled at Will, which seemed to calm him down, then my stomach grumbled.

"Hunter brought food, it's over there, by the mirror." Will pointed to a spot beside the mirror that had obtained the plate of food.

I headed to the corner and ate, Will watched. When I asked him he said he had eaten before I had woken up. He then added that he had also taken some of the stuff on my plate, which I laughed at. I finished my breakfast and engaged in a conversation with Will.

"So, we're going to do this today." I said

"Yeah." Will nodded

"Well, we have a siren on our side. That helps." I shrugged then Will seemed to remember something.

"Oh, that's right, Hunter also said that Cody is, immune to most of our powers. Plus he also suggested that Angela didn't come with them but I'm pretty sure the guys are definitely going to still be bringing her." Will pouted while saying this so I patted his back a couple of times

"Well then, what do you mean by most of our powers?" I asked the Asian

"He can't be burnt by my fire, he can't be controlled by Angela, Hunter can't control him either. That would've made life easier if he could though. And when you go into fast mode he's basically seeing you in slow-motion. Fortunately, he's not indestructible so he can be stabbed by Cole's claws, he can be harmed by Gabe's tools and Dana can bite him to give him rabies or something." Will explained

That makes sense, I guess. Well except the rabies part but whatever. I don't really want to become a murderer though so I don't think that's gonna happen in a long time.

Suddenly Will stumbled backwards.

"Whoa, bro, you okay?" I asked, going up to him.

"Yeah, just a little shocked. Luke, he just said they were here. Apparently Cole told him." Will shook his head and shut his eyes tight. "Have a headache though."

"Okay, if they are here then Hunter should open the doors soon." I nodded and we both walked up to the door.

It opened as if automatic and we ran out, Hunter following us.

"I can't stay and fight with you guys, I wish I could but I have to take away memories and put some into your siblings, don't want them remembering all this." Hunter yelled while we ran down the corridor. "They are just down here, Cody is there, but I have to warn you, those other guys on the list are too. Plus some he just recruited that you probably don't know. Everly, Grayson, Kim, Demean and Lowry. I have to go now!"

Hunter ran off in the other direction and we kept going. We finally reached the place where are friends were positioned in a line in front of Cody, Leah, Jason and a bunch of other kids our age.

"I knew this would happen. Never trust a traitor like Hunter." Cody smirked when he saw us.

Will and I looked over to our friends who looked conflicted in their emotions. Just like Will said, they had ignored Cody's suggestion to let Angela stay while the guys went. We both ran over to their side and got in fighting positions as well.

"It's over Cody, let us leave without blood." Dana said

"You think I'm going to do that? No, I'm going to kill all of you! I don't need you and you killed my parents!" Cody yelled hysterically, his usual calm front was no where to be found.

"Actually, your mom killed your parents. And you killed your brother." Cole scoffed, oh how I've missed his voice.

"You don't understand! You'll never understand! Now I have people to take your places and they can do what I say without the fight!" Cole gestured to the people behind him. "Now! Kill them!"

Somehow we all ended up fighting one-on-one. I was against this boy who seemed to be half robot. Must be Cyborg from Teen Titans. He was fast but not too fast. I ducked out of the way of his every punch and then hit him in the side of the head, the robot side where it really hurt, I think. I ran off to let my hand recover, the Cyborg boy didn't seem to see where I went but he would find out soon enough.

I looked around to see who everyone else was fighting. Dana was fighting a girl who seemed to be making water appear out of thin air and sea animals with it. Female version Aquaman I guess. Gabe was fighting a girl wearing all green and had vines sticking up from her hair and her shirt sleeves, which probably meant she was Poison Ivy. Will was fighting another Asian boy, which probably sounds racist but I'm not gonna think about that right now, he seemed to be Iceman from X-men. David was fighting a guy who was flying around with a full body suit, definitely Iron Man. Angela was going head to head with Leah, who was doubling that green Martian girl from Justice League, while Cole was taking it all out on Jason, who was Mr. Fantastic. Cody was watching from the sidelines, smirking.

We were being overpowered, the new guys must have been enhanced or something. Then I was knocked forward. The Cyborg boy.

"Hey, can we talk this out Cyborg?" I asked with my last hope, shuffling backwards into a wall. That seemed to make him angrier.

"I DON'T WANT TO BE CALLED CYBORG! MY NAME IS DEMEAN!" He yelled which caused all the fighting to stop for a moment. Then he pointed to his allies. "He, is not 'Iron Man', he is Grayson! She, is not 'Poison Ivy' she is Lowry! That other girl? Don't call her 'Aquawoman'! It's Everly! The boy right there? Not 'Iceman', Kim! It is a common Asian guy name! Not just for girls!"

He took a deep breath and calmed down. Guess he was sick of people not knowing his name? Then someone cleared their throat.

"Thanks Dem, so we going to-" Iro- I mean, Grayson said.

Then like a blink of an eye we started fighting again. I bought enough time for me to run out of the corner before Demean shot a ray of something at the spot I was previously in. I ran in circles around him but was soon stopped by a force that knocked me backwards. I looked around dazed and once again saw our team being overpowered. Angela being the only one not being overwhelmed by her opponent. Then I realized something.

If we switched who we were fighting we could overpower these guys. Will getting cold wouldn't be good for him, he would be more suited with Grayson, which would be more of a fair fight since David can't fly. David could go for Lowry instead since Gabe seems to be having a lot of trouble with the plants. Gabe could easily take on Everly, he could probably make sushi out of her. Cole could take on Kim easily, I'm certain he could make ice cubes out of him. Dana, he could take in Demean, he's sure smart enough too. Jason isn't that tough, I could take him on.

Then Demean appeared, holding a cannon to my face. The sound of the gun about to fire made me move faster then ever. I switched everyone out except for Angela and they all looked confused when they saw where they were.

"Switch!" I yelled out which made my team come out of their confusion and start fighting.

While fighting a nervous looking Jason I took a risky glance towards Cody. His smirk was gone.

I ran around Jason as fast as I could which made him stretch around and around until he had no rubber left in him and collapsed. He was unconscious. I looked over to see Angela and Leah growling at each other but Angela had this fight. I'm glad they decided to bring her.

I heard a loud groan and the sound of someone falling to the ground hardly. I turn my head in that direction to see Will looking down at the unconscious Grayson on the ground. He made eye contact with me, gave me a thumbs up and smiled. Then I saw Demean pointing his arm gun at him without his notice.

"Will! Watch-" Then the bang. I looked away and looked back to see that David had landed on top of Will, saving him. Now he was charging towards Demean and yanked out one of his wires. It knocked him unconscious.

"I had him!" Dana said

"Yeah, that's why Will almost died!" David growled.

Lowry was knocked out apparently. We ran to help the other two boys. Gabe was doing pretty well but not well enough. Cole was having a bit of trouble with the hard ice. Will and I went to help Cole while David and Dana went for Gabe.

Cole was shivering by the time we got to him. I ran towards the ice and prepared to go through the ice. It thankfully worked and the ice exploded like the sound of glass. Kim fell to the ground but got back up and looked ready to shoot more ice. That's when Will ran up to him and held his forearms. Kim screamed when Will set himself on fire. He came back with a grin on his face and horrified expression on ours.

"I didn't kill him, the right amount of pain can make a person faint." Will shrugged and we heard a female scream and a splash. The others had defeated Everly.

We all ran towards Angela to help but she already finished fighting Leah, she had won. Then we looked to Cody. He was holding a knife to an unconscious Alex's head.

"Alex!" Will yelled

"One step closer and I'll kill him! Do as I say or suffer the consequences!" Cody screamed.

"You listen to me crazy!" Cole yelled, about to walk closer but I pulled him back.

Will might lose a brother. This could've been Becca. I looked over at Will who was now clutching onto David.

"You're going to give me four of your boys and no exceptions for slavery will be m-" He cut himself of with a gag and then he fell forwards. Blood poured from the left side of his upper back, a knife sticking out of the wound. Hunter stood behind him.

"I-I have to go, bring Alex and Becca home, they won't remember anything." Hunter said and ran off.

"He a good guy?" Cole asked

"Yeah, now he is." Dana nodded and we all stared at the dead body in the floor

"I missed you guys so much." Will said, sobbing slightly.

We all entered the group hug.

It's over, it's finally all over.



Second last chapter!

There's a sequel, calm yourselves

Until Next Time! -CG

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