Bad Boys Like Good Girls

By nenashlove24

967 20 11

On Allison's first day of high school she randomly bumps into a boy that changed her life. When they both sta... More

My First Day of High School
I Have a Boyfriend
Did Jack Cheat On Me?
Another Day Another Letter From.....Him
The Fight
The Talk
Sabrina Calls The Police and Tries To Kill Me
Just a Reminder
Police Situation!
The end

Her Face Was Priceless!

38 0 1
By nenashlove24

I woke up. I'm in a dumb hospital again! Why me?! I was in a bed and there was two other beds next to me. Sabrina and Zack were laying on the bed. I got up but I was connected to some cables. I didn't know if I should yank them off or not. Anyways I've been through worse, so what the heck! I yanked the cables off and went to Zack's bed.

"What's wrong with you?! Why would you do that to your own friend?!!"

"I'm dumb! I shouldn't have done that! I'm and idiot!"

"Where is Jack?!"

"I think he is at the police station saying his statement"

"Why are you here?"

"Because freaking Sabrina cut me on my wrist and I couldn't breathe. She is a total lunatic!"

"I know right."

I went to Sabrina's bed.

"Why the hell did you do all of that?! Are you crazy?! Wait YOU ARE!!"

"Shut up! He deserves it."

"For what dating me?!"

"Yeah! I got jealous and hurt all of us incriminating Jack."

"Hey, did you know that there is a camera over there GENIUS."

She looked at the corner of the wall and saw a camera. Zack and I high-fived each other. By the expression on her face.


That's when a police officer came in and hand cuffed her to the bed. Her face was priceless!

"Wait that was a lie!"

"No it wasn't a girl came to us showing a video of you hurting them. Sorry but now you are arrested by the state of law."

Sabrina started crying so hard the other room started complaining. I left to the main office of the hospital and asked if I could go. Surprisingly they said yea. I went to the police station and looked for Jack.

I found him hand cuffed to a chair. I went to the main office of the police station and said my statement to let him go. What they did was awesome! They let him go. Is today Opposite Day! I went to Jack and walked with him to his house.

We went inside only to see his aunt furious with anger.

"Oh my gosh I was so worried for you!"

"Don't worry I'm fine."

We went to his room and just sat there all quiet. After a few minutes we played on his play station. He had Metal Slug! Yay! I ended up living longer than him and winning 5 bucks because we started to bet.

It was already late and it was too dark to go to my house. So I asked his aunt if it was okay to stay.

She said yes and winked at Jack. His aunt's name was Alicia and she is 29 years old. That seems like a nice aunt! Jack gave me a t shirt and some shorts. I changed in the bathroom and went to his room.

He was already sleeping on the bed. I could hear his quiet snore from the door. He looked so cute! I went to one side of the bed and started thinking of Sabrina. What was her punishment? Then, Jack grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him like I was a teddy bear.

He was still asleep and snoring. I just went with it and waited for me to sleep.

Jack's POV

I can't believe she said yes and winked! Why?! But yay Ali is staying with me tonight! Ew that sounds creepy! I gave her my t shirt and some shorts. I watched as she went to the bathroom. Ew that sounds creepy again!

Ali started taking forever in the bathroom so I decided to lay on my bed. I acted like I was sleeping when Ali came in. I even made a small snore to make it real. She laid next to me and I felt great! Ew that is way more creepy.

I decided to wrap my arm around her waist but I acted like I was still sleepy. I'm a great actor. Then I believe she finally fell asleep. Then all of the sudden I fell asleep too.


Sorry it was short I had writers block!



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