If It's Meant To Be - Continu...

By Its_not_everyday_xo

56.9K 3.5K 489

This story is continued from my other one, if its meant to be, wattpad said i couldnt upload anymore parts so... More

Chapter 624
Chapter 625
Chapter 626
Chapter 627
Chapter 628
Chapter 629
Chapter 630
Chapter 631
Chapter 632
Chapter 633
Chapter 634
Chapter 635
Chapter 636
Chapter 637
Chapter 638
Chapter 639
Chapter 640
Chapter 641
Chapter 642
Chapter 643
Chapter 644
Chapter 645
Chapter 646
Chapter 647
Chapter 648
Chapter 649
Chapter 650
Chapter 651
Chapter 652
Chapter 653
Chapter 654
Chapter 655
Chapter 656
Chapter 657
Chapter 658
Chapter 659
Chapter 660
Chapter 661
Chapter 662
Chapter 663
Chapter 664
Chapter 665
Chapter 666
Chapter 667
Chapter 668
Chapter 669
Chapter 670
Chapter 671
Chapter 672
Chapter 673
Chapter 674
Chapter 675
Chapter 676
Chapter 677
Chapter 678
Chapter 679
Chapter 680
Chapter 681
Chapter 682
Chapter 683
Chapter 684
Chapter 685
Chapter 686
Chapter 687
Chapter 688
Chapter 689
Chapter 690
Chapter 691
Chapter 692
Chapter 693
Chapter 694
Chapter 695
Chapter 696
Chapter 697
Chapter 698
Chapter 699
Chapter 700
Chapter 701
Chapter 702
Chapter 703
Chapter 704
Chapter 705
Chapter 705
Chapter 706
Chapter 707
Chapter 708
Chapter 709
Chapter 710
Chapter 711
Chapter 712
Chapter 713
Chapter 714
Chapter 715
Chapter 716
Chapter 717
Chapter 718
Chapter 719
Chapter 720
Chapter 721
Chapter 722
Chapter 723
Chapter 724
Chapter 725
Chapter 726
Chapter 727
Chapter 728
Chapter 729
Chapter 730
Chapter 731
Chapter 732
Chapter 733
Chapter 734
Chapter 735
Chapter 736
Chapter 737
Chapter 738
Chapter 739
Chapter 740
Chapter 741
Chapter 742
Chapter 743
Chapter 744
Chapter 745
Chapter 746
Chapter 747
Chapter 748
Chapter 749
Chapter 750
Chapter 751
Chapter 752
Chapter 753
Chapter 754
Chapter 755
Chapter 756
Chapter 757
Chapter 758
Chapter 759
Chapter 760
Chapter 761
Chapter 762
Chapter 763
Chapter 764
Chapter 765
Chapter 766
Chapter 767
Chapter 768
Chapter 769
Chapter 770
Chapter 772
Chapter 773
Chapter 774
Chapter 775
Chapter 776
Chapter 777
Chapter 778
Chapter 779
Chapter 780
Chapter 781
Chapter 782
Chapter 783
Chapter 784
Chapter 785
Chapter 786
Chapter 787
Chapter 788
Chapter 789
Chapter 790
Chapter 791
Chapter 792
Chapter 793
Chapter 794
Chapter 795
Chapter 796
Chapter 797
Chapter 798
Chapter 799
Chapter 800
Chapter 801
Chapter 802
Chapter 803
Chapter 804
Chapter 805
Chapter 806
Chapter 807
Chapter 808
Chapter 809
Chapter 810
Chapter 811
Chapter 812
Chapter 814
Chapter 815
Chapter 816
Chapter 817
Chapter 818
Chapter 819
Chapter 820
Chapter 821
Chapter 822
Chapter 823
Chapter 824
Chapter 825
Chapter 826
Chapter 827
Chapter 828
Chapter 829
Chapter 830
Chapter 831
Chapter 832
Chapter 833
Chapter 834
Chapter 835
Chapter 836
Chapter 837
Chapter 838
Chapter 839
Chapter 840
Chapter 841
Chapter 842
Chapter 843
Chapter 844
Chapter 845
Chapter 846
Chapter 847
Chapter 848
Chapter 849
Chapter 850
Chapter 851
Chapter 852
Chapter 853
Chapter 854

Chapter 771

227 19 5
By Its_not_everyday_xo

Dylan's POV
In school i couldn't find Amirah anywhere. She wasn't in the music department, the library, the study lounge, the private garden or the playground. I guess I'll just speak to her when she gets to our form room.

I sat in my seat and a couple minutes later Amirah came in looking as beautiful as every she sat down next to me and smiled
"You good?"
"Mmhmm you?"
"Yh I'm good, where were you this morning?"
"Oh I was on the roof"
"How comes?"
She went into her bag and took out her sketch pad and flicked to a page.
"Oh wow that's amazing" she drew the view from the top of the roof and it looked so good I swear
She smiled and blushed "thank you"

I stayed with Mirah all day and I really enjoy her company and she is so beautiful.
I walked her home again and she held onto my hand and I smiled to myself.

Amirah's POV
All day I've been thinking about whether I have feelings for Dylan and I-

Dylan's POV
We got to Amirah's house and she turned around to face me. She tiptoed and kissed my lips and I held her face with both my hands and kissed her back slipping her tongue into her mouth and I put mine in hers.

Amirah's POV
Omdz I really like kissing him like in makes my stomach feel all tingly and weird. It didn't feel like this when I was kissing Marcus...

Dylan's POV
She pulled away and I let go of her face and she stared into my eyes and I stared in her and I guess now was the right time
"Be mine"
She blushed and nodded her head "Yh I'll be yours"
I smiled and lifted her chin to kiss her once more.
I've finally got the girl of my dreams ☺️

"Why you coming home so late?" Kareem asked as I walked into the living room where the rest of the family was
"Yh?" dad questioned
Kacey ran up to me and I picked her up into my arms and kissed her cheek.
"Um I was with my girlfriend" I said sitting on the sofa
"Who's your girlfriend?" Mum asked
"Some girl"
"Nahhhh" they all said rolling their eyes I laughed
"What's her name?" Deondre asked
"KNEW IT" both Kareem and Deondre said
"I thought she was your bestfriend?" Mum asked
"Yh; she's just my girlfriend now aswell" I smiled
"I like her. She's pretty" Kacey smiled
And I chuckled

Amirah's POV
"Mum, dad, guess what?"
"Dylan asked me out"
"What did you say?"
Mum smiled "good for you baby, I like him"
I smiled and then looked at dad

Aaron's POV
"Dad are you okay with me going out with Dylan because if you're not I'll-" she rambled without taking a breath
"Woah Mirah, relax. It's fine, I like Dylan"
She smiled and then gave me and Jaydene a hug.
"Oh Yh mum, can I dye my hair, black's getting boring"
"What colour?"
"Like teal blue"
"Ooo that would look nice, we can go hairdressers now if you want"
Amirah smiled
"Yay lets go!!!"

Jaydene's POV
At this point, I'm doing anything to make Amirah happy, I don't want her to self harm again. I don't want. Her to be like me.
We got in the car and I started to drive
"You okay Mirah?"
"Mmhmm" she nodded
"Please tell me why you use to self harm"
"I don't wanna make you upset or disappointed in me-"
"'No no! I would be disappointed in you, I use to self harm myself..."
She sighed "I just felt alone I guess. No one was really there for me. Like school is hard for me, I don't have any friends apart from Dylan and a few teachers and people are always saying things about me when I walk past and giving me nasty looks and I didn't know how to deal with it"
I tried to keep my tears back
"Does it still happen?"
"No because when I told Dylan and he said if i carried on he'd stop speaking to me he made people on school stop treating me like that"
"Oh so is he popular?"
"The most popular"
I smiled and nodded and pulled up at the hair dressers

~later on~
Dylan's POV
I was on snapchat and Amirah made a snap for like two seconds and her hair was looking PENG my eyes nearly fell outta my face
I popped up to her
Dylan🖕🏾: babes x
Amirah✌🏽️: Yh x
Dylan🖕🏾: how can you put such a beautiful picture on snapchat for only two seconds? x
Amirah✌🏽️: 😳😳 thank you x
Dylan🖕🏾: send me that picture x
Amirah✌🏽️: why x
Dylan🖕🏾: because your beautiful b x
Amirah✌🏽️: 🙈 x
*picture sent*
Dylan🖕🏾: 😍😍😍x
Amirah✌🏽️: Dylan stop x
Dylan🖕🏾: it's not my fault your beautiful babes x

I dp'ed the picture that Amirah sent to me and put as my status
Ain't my girl beautiful 😍❤️ and I posted it on sc with the same caption
HELLA People popped up asking how comes I'm going out with her and if I'm really going out with her and I just ignored most of them.

Amirah✌🏽️: um Dylan x
Dylan🖕🏾: yes princess x
Amirah✌🏽️: so many people are asking if we're going out...x
Dylan🖕🏾: ignore them x
Amirah✌🏽️: okay...x
Dylan🖕🏾: what's wrong? x
Amirah✌🏽️: I'm not use to all the attention x
Dylan🖕🏾: oh I'm sorry about that x
Amirah✌🏽️: no no, it's okay x

Amirah's POV
I don't think you understand the amount of people that just popped up asking how I got Dylan to be my boyfriend and wondering if we're actually dealing.
It's quite overwhelming but I guess that's what happens when you go out with the most popular boy in school.

Vote and comment x
Ops on this new relationship?

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