The Doctor's Nuisance

By TimeladyInitiate

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**BOOK TWO OF THE DOCTOR'S SERIES** Crystal and Bailey are stuck in the 1930's with a deranged Ginger and her... More

The Doctor's Nuisance
1» I Am Not Pouting
2» I'm Back!!
3» Panic and the One Word Test
4» Governess Inspector
5» Run, You Clever Boy. And Remember
6» Snog Box
7» Déjà Vu
9» Feed On My Memories
Tag Thing??
10» Explanation
11» American On A Soviet Union Sub AKA: Dead
12» Cold War

8» Queen Of Years

243 13 20
By TimeladyInitiate

"She coming! She's coming!" Becca sung, twirling around the TARDIS. "Now Crys has to spill her secrets."

"Oi! Not right now. I'm still kinda worried on how to do it."  I said staring at the top of the TARDIS. The Doctor is out stalking Clara because... well he's the Doctor.

"But you still have to because joins this episode."

"I know and I am so unprepared." I groan.

"I know." She laughs. "That's why I'm so excited."

"I hate you."

"No you don't." She sing-singed right when the Doctor and Caleb marched in.

"You don't what?" The Doctor asked. "Never mind I don't want to know. Come on. We're picking up Clara."

"Oh joy! Then I can spill all my secrets." I muttered sarcastically.

"Exactly! Let's go!" The Doctor laughed pulling a lever and pressing some buttons. "The one thing I don't get is that she's just a girl." He said after we landed. "How can she be?"

The scanner next to me pops up Clara's  ID from the Spaceship Alaska. I spin it towards the Doctor.

"She can't be. She is. She can't be. She's not possible."

"She's an impossible girl." Becca shrugs and walks outside. I follow her and ring Clara's doorbell rings.

She immediately answers. "Hullo Becca, hullo Crys!"

"Hello Clara. Hurry now we gotta big day planned!" I laugh and run down the steps and into the TARDIS.

Clara takes no time into asking questions.

"So we're moving through actual time?" I nod. "So what's it made of, time? I mean, if you can just rotor through it, it's got to be made of stuff, like jam's made of strawberries. So what's it made of?"

"Well, not strawberries." The Doctor says, his hands clapping about. "No. No, no, no. That would be unacceptable."

"And we can go anywhere?"

"Within reason. Well, I say reason."

"So, we could go backwards in time."

"And space, yes."

"I heard the Jurassic period is beautiful this time of year." I smile.

"We are not getting eaten by a dinosaur," Becca said.

"And forwards in time."

"And space. Totally."

"We could always go to New New York."

"Ten always liked it there." Becca muttered

"Don't mind them. So, where do you want to go, eh? What do you want to see?"

"I don't know. You know when someone asks you what's your favourite book and straight away you forget every single book that you've ever read?"

"Oh my gosh yes!" I squeak

"No. Totally not."

"Well, that's a thing that happens."

"And? Back to the question?"

"Okay. So." She begins to pace. "So. So. So I'd like to see... I would like to see." She says her back to the Doctor. "What I would like to see is, something awesome." She shouts turning around.

"Excellent choice Clara!!" I laugh and begin our flight.

"Where's the other boy?" Clara asks.

"Oh, somewhere." I reply vaguely.

"Something happened between you two, I can tell." Sighing, I step away from the console and towards Clara.

"There isn't much to tell." I say bluntly.

"Boys are usually the ones messing up, but it seems like you did something."

"Oh, stop while you're ahead."

"You know, Clara? What an excellent idea mentioning Caleb. He's been cooped up way too long. Becca, go get him."

Becca groaned but complied. Muttering who knows what while climbing the stairs to Caleb's room.

"Doctor, let's leave now. They'll catch up." I mutter in worry that I'll have to face Caleb. Plus we will be getting right back in the TARDIS anyways.

"Fine! Fine! Clara, close your eyes." The Doctor mutters as he guides Clara out of the Tardis with her eyes closed.

"Can you feel the light on your eyelids? That is the light of an alien sun. Forward a couple of steps. Okay. Are you ready?"

"Yes. No." Make up your mind. "Yes." Good choice.

"Welcome to the Rings of Akhaten." We were standing on a small ledge overlooking an asteroid belt circling a massive star. Clara gasped.

"It's..." She trailed.

"I know!! I just love traveling!" I smiled.

"It is. It so completely is. But wait, there is more."

"More what?" Clara asked, clearly confused.

"Wait, wait, wait." The Doctor says.

I grab the Doctor's wrist and consult his wrist watch. "In about five, four, three, two..." I trail as the asteroids move on to reveal a golden pyramid glinting on a rock closer to the sun.

"What is it?" Clara asked in wonder.

"The Pyramid of the Rings of Akhaten." The Doctor said bluntly. So, Clara looked to me for an answer on what the Pyramid was.

"It's a holy site for the Sun Singers of Akhat."

"The who of what?"

"Seven worlds orbiting the same star. All of them sharing a belief that life in the universe originated here, on that planet." The Doctor explained.

"All life?"

"In the universe." I confirm.

"Did it?"

"Well, it's what they believe. It's a nice story."

"Can we see it? Up close?"

"I don't see why not." I shrugged.

--page break--

"Ah, I love the wide range of alien species here." I smile looking at all the strange creatures in front of me. Clara begins wondering around smiling widely.

"Where are they from?"

"Oh, you know, the local system, mostly."

"What do I call them?" Clara asked. Aw, you're so cute Clara.

"Well, let's see. Ah! There go some Panbabylonians. A Lugal-Irra-Kush. Some Lucanians."

"There goes a Hooloovoo!" I tell them.

"Ah! Qom VoTivig." The Doctor says approaching the creature and giving him a hive five then shaking his face in front of his. Then they slapped they're hands together like school girls and concluded with a pelvic thrust.

"That chap's a Terraberserker of the Kodion Belt. You don't see many of them around any more. Oh! That's an Ultramancer. Do you know, I forget how much I like it here. We should come here more often."

"You've been here before?"

"Yes, yes, yes. I came here a long time ago with my granddaughter." He dashes off through the crowd.

"Oh, I love Susan!" I laugh following the Doctor.

He has found a basket of blue glowing globes. Yay!! I've always wanted to eat them.

"Exotic fruit of some description." The Doctor tells Clara. She takes one and so do I. The Doctor begins scanning. "Right. Non-toxic, non-hallucinogenic. High in free radicals and low in other stuff, I shouldn't wonder." Clara and I try it.

It tasted kinda like a bruised banana and a pumpkin. It wasn't bad it just tasted weird. I put it back and so did Clara.

"No?" And then Becca and Caleb showed up.

"Right on time." I smiled.

"Yeah, it took some convincing, but he's here now." Becca smiled as Caleb rolled his eyes.

"So, why is everyone here?" Clara asked the Doctor.

"For the Festival of Offerings. Takes place every thousand years or so, when the rings align. It's quite a big thing, locally, like Pancake Tuesday."

"Doctor, there isn't such thing as Pancake Tuesday. It's Taco-"

"Doctor?!" Clara calls. The Doctor begins barking like a Yorkshire terrier at the alien.

"What's happening? Why is it angry?" Clara asked.

"This isn't an it, it's a she. Dor'een, meet Clara. Clara, meet Dor'een."


"Very loose translation." I tell her.

"She sounds a bit grumpy but she's a total love actually, aren't you? Yes, you are. No, actually, she's just asking if we fancy renting a moped." The Doctor translates.

"So, how much does it cost?" Clara asks.

"Not money. Something valuable. Sentimental value. A photograph, love letter, something like that. That's what's used for currency here. Psychometry. Objects psychically imprinted with their history. The more treasured they are, the more value they hold."

"That's horrible."

"Better than using bits of paper."

"Then you pay." Clara told him.

"With what?"

"You're a thousand years old. You must have something you care about." Clara turns around and I follow her.

"Doreen scares me." I laugh.

"Same!" Clara laughs. She turns to tell the Doctor something when she runs straight into Caleb. "Woah you are not the Doctor. Where's the Doctor? Doctor?"

Wide eyed, I turn slowly in a circle. Oh crap.

"Crys? Where'd did the- umph!" A young girl runs round the corner and crashes into Clara. "Are you okay?"

The girl runs on. Then two tall men arrive running into both me and Clara.

"Have you seen her?"

"Who?" Clara asks.

"The Queen of Years."

"She's here? And you lost her? How dare you lose the Queen of Years!" I tell them being dramatic.

"Who?" The men ignore Clara and split up to search.

"Bravo, Crystal. Another dramatic performance." Caleb told me smugly.

"Yeah. Well, I learned from the best." I shot back.

"Oh come on." Clara groaned. "You two can argue later, we need to find that girl."

"Right. Let's go." I say forcing Caleb to the back of my mind, once again.


Please don't kill me... *hides behind protective shield*

I've been gone way too long and I'm sorry about that. In case you didn't know, I made a bet with my dad on how long I could stay off Wattpad.

My goal was until Winter Break, and I went way past it as I finally got back on this account on Sunday. Which I immediately went to work on this because I felt so bad.

So... Sorry??

But I'm back now!! Did ya miss me??

I missed y'all. I'm glad I'm back.

Vote, comment, and keep being amazing...

Ems out!🤘🏻

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