The Island Girl's New Beginni...

By bri_ta_ney

103K 4K 1.7K

The Island Girl Series Please read The Island Girl before you read this one. This is the sequel, join Kai a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 Part 1
Chapter 35 Part 2
Chapter 36 Edited
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Thanksgiving Dinner Special
Christmas Dinner Special
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 13

2.5K 91 22
By bri_ta_ney

A/N: Y'all comments have me dying most of the time and I love the feed back that I get from y'all, cuz' y'all are my motivation to continue with this book. Keep the comments up baes ... I also wanna thank everyone who's been adding my books to there library or reading list, I peeps it all. If y'all wanna add the girl who plays Kai's snapchat, its MsLaniBlair .. Some of the things in here may relate to her snapchat.


Pull up in that all black if a nigga run up wrong we gon' lay his ass flat... 


Spade POV

"Excuse me brother Spade" Pastor Eton spoke while walking up my driveway.

The whole reason of me doing what I do is to keep the most hypocrite out of my yard. How are you going to watch a crack head sitting on my porch step, two hookers doing drugs, my gun sitting pretty on my leg and still invite yourself on to my property.

"Eye Pastor E" Booz greeted him.

Pastor Eton looked at him in disgust before forcing a smile. That's the same shit I can't stand right there.

"Ladies good evening" Pastor E eyed them which made them uncomfortable.

"Que necesita para obtener la cogida lejos de mí" One of the girls scold as I gestured for them to go inside. [you need to get the fuck away from me]

"What do I owe of having you grace my unholy palace?" I said a uninterested a tone. 

"I was just taking a short stroll down the block and I saw you and I thought I'll stop by" He smiled.

The lies you tell as a pastor are shameful.

"Your church is all the way over on 54th and 55th street, why come to the hood and get trenched from drugs off sins of sin sins" I exclaimed.

It was no secret the pastor did drugs but I found it weird for him to be on this side of the hood, more or less walking on my grass.

"You standing on my good grass" I growled before he can say anything "I cut those motherfuckers early every Saturday morning if I see a foot print of that shit, I'll hang yo' balls on my rear-view mirror. Understood?"

He nods "I must say, your grass looks well taken care of"

I grew impatient just by looking at him.

"I already know that" I said in a bored tone.

I watched closely as he drooled over the weed in Booz's hand.

"Let-let-le-let me get a hit ma-man" He stuttered.

"Na man" I chuckled before taking a hit "Booz why don't you go scope some shit out and let me deal with this pecador" [sinner]

I watched as Booz made it down the driveway with the two hookers I had over last night. I don't have sex randomly, I just had a couple of drugs I needed wrapped and I so happened to have seen them standing on the corner of the liquor store and gave them enough money than they make in a week.

"I don't like you E" I said coldly.

He chuckled "And why is that?"

I threw my head back in a fit of laughter "Fuck do you want? My hatred for you is about to show"

"I need money" He looked down to his feet.

"And why should I help yo' heartless ass?"

"Cuz we family and if I don't I'll be dead" He sighed.

The sound of you being killed is enjoyable. I gave him a look for him to continue.

"I bought some drugs from a dealer from Oakland a few months ago and I still haven't made the money back to pay him" He said lowly as if someone was listening to us.

"You left me on the streets to die when you found out about your own sister being dead along with her kids but you want me to help you still?" I questioned calmly.

I had no where to go before Ace's mother took me in. I went straight to the church just for my own uncle to say he doesn't know me and he can't help me.

"Your mother put herself in that position, I warned her about being with those hoodlums and look where she's at now. Hmm! She and that bastard of a man led her down the wrong path. She was stupi-"

"But your buying drugs from one of his connects. And the next time you speak ill of my mother and sisters, God rest their souls, I'll put in bullet in your head right on the altar of that building you call a church. Do I make myself clear?" I said through gritted teeth while holding the gun up to his temple.

"It's the truth. That stupid motherfucker took my sister away from me. She was suppose to marry a doctor or lawyer-"

"But she didn't, she married my father, neither of your parents had a problem with it even though they had high positions in the church fully aware of what my father was doing. If it wasn't for that stupid motherfucker and all the drug money he has, you won't be sitting on my steps asking me for HIS money." I eyed him.

"He's not here, he doesn't care about you. The bastard is burning in hell where you'll be right next to him" He argued back fearful of moving I'll pull the trigga.

I laughed "The bastard is fully well and alive, in a split second he can end your life so I suggest you don't speak loudly, he has spies in these streets and they won't hesitate to do what their paid to do. Continue to use the churches money and pay for your life"

I took my seat back in chair before opening up a beer. A trip to the gun range will be a good stress reliever.

"You're going to hell boy" He said before getting up to leave.

I took a hit of my blunt before letting the smoke out "Pastor E" I called as he turned around "Weed was given to us by God himself, the creator of all things. The weed is here to let us know that evil lurks"

He twisted his face and he stomped his way back to his not so holy church.


I got dressed for work before going and running Pumpkin's bath and getting for clothes along with her bag filled with her other clothes and a few of her toys. Shonee had a clothes over at her house for her, so it wasn't much stuff I packed, only a few stuff for the weekend I thought she might need

"Welcome to Stanley's world" I sang as Stanley was playing on the TV as Pumpkin sat and watched "Who takes you swimming with dolphins" I hummed "It's Stanley"

Every weekend Pumpkin would spend it with her Nana and her father. He was doing well for himself, it's been two months since he left the hospital and he was instructed to use crutches, to ease up on his leg. It's also been two months since I've last spoken to him. I've been avoided him in fear of me flying off the handle. I've been on antidepressants lately to deal with the strange dreams I've been getting for the last two years or so. 

"Come on mama I'm sure you're feeling cold" I said to Nia as she sat on my bed with her legs crossed only in her diaper and vest.

"Sta" She said while pointing at the TV.

"Yes Mami, Stanley" I said while picking her up "You have to be all clean to go see Nana"

"Nana" She said as her eyes lit up.

"You love you some Nana huh?" I clearly placed her in the tub along with a few of her bath toys.

"Nana, Mama, Dada" She squealed while clapping her hands in the water.

"Yeah you love all of us but what about your aunts and unc's?" I took the wash cloth squeezing the bath gel on it before wiping it on her.

"Stem" She smiled while I chuckled at the nickname she had for Slim.

"Yes Uncle Stem" I said as I washed her off before hearing my phone "Your all done Pumpkin" I grabbed the towel before taking her out.

I dried her off as she ran out of the bathroom with the towel over her. I then watched her run out of my bedroom and into the hall, she must be going to her room. My Ed, Edd and Eddy ringtone continued to ring.

I decided on this particular ringtone cuz, who doesn't like Ed, Edd and Eddy?

"Hello Good Morning" I greeted as I answered the phone.

"Look at you sounding all professional and stuff" Tatty said over the phone.

I laughed "What's up mamàcíta?" I soon went in search off Pumpkin.

"I'm good, I just thought I'll harass my little sister, what are you up too?" She questioned.

" I'm in search of mí híja" I giggled " I gave her a bath, dried her off and she's butt naked running around"

She laughed "Chris has that same problem with Caden as well. I just love pinching his butt"

"Chris or Caden's?" I questioned.

"Both" she said excitedly.

I groaned "Your to much"

"So guess who's coming up to turn up with you?" She questioned.

"Trey Songz fine ass cuz God knows how much I love me some trigga"

She sucked her teeth "No fool, but I'll be sure to bring a bottle of water for you"

"Bishhhh" I found Pumpkin playing under her crib "And why are you down there?"

"What's little mama up too?"

"She's under her crib" I bent down to try and get her "T I'll talk to you later"

"I'll just text you when" she said before hanging up.

"Okay Mamàs, why are you under there?" I squatted down to Pumpkin's level while she giggled and squrimed around.

"Te ta" she squealed while I grabbed her gently removing her from under there.

"Are you trying to get dirty?" I questioned as she made noises.

I set her down still holding a firm grip on her hand so she wouldn't run off. We both walked too my room where her clothes were as I got her dressed and she watched Sesame Street as I walked back to her room.

"And this is what you went for" I said as I picked up her custom made toy dog G got for her off his dog, that was under the crib.

Lately I've been thinking about getting a puppy for her because she got along so well with G's dog. I've grown up around dogs and they really are a mans best friend.

I got my bags together before getting Pumpkin out the house. I currently live in a gated community, in a three bathroom house. It wasn't as big as G's but its good enough for baby girl and I.

"Kisses for you" I kissed her as I strapped her in the car seat.

"Mowah" She said while placing her hand over her mouth as a gesture of blowing me a kiss.


I finally pulled up to Shonee's house, parking in the driveway, just sitting there as I listened to Pumpkin sing along to Tory Lanez Say It.

I thought it was the cute how she thought she knew the words.

"I'm on" I said while getting her out the car.

After getting her and her things we both made our way up the walkway to the door. I quickly rang the bell as I heard muffled footsteps towards the door. I kneeled down hugging and kissed Pumpkin before Mama Shonee swinged the door open.

Before I can say anything, she ran inside without looking back.

"I just packed a few more things even though-" I stopped talking when I was met with G leaning on the doorframe.

"Come back here and give daddy a hug and a kiss" he bent down to her level getting his hug and kiss.

His crutches helped him on as he looked me over.

"Hey" he said lowly.

"Oh Hi" I said awkwardly "I was expecting your mom"

"She's in the kitchen, I'll get her if you-"

"Oh no, she tell her I said hi. These are Baby girl's things, you can drop her off on Sunday" I handed him the bag preparing to walk away.

"Kai can I speak to you?"

"Um sure" I looked down at my feet.

He took a breath "I'm sure about how things went when we lost spoke-"

"I've moved on, I'm over it. I know where your heart is and I've given up on trying to work things out between us" I smiled weakly.

"We broke up"

Sucks for you.

"Okay?" I said bluntly.

He chuckled "The whole time she was playing"

"Hoelinda" we both shared a laugh.

"Can we go back to being just friends?" He extended his hand for me to shake.

"Friends" I shook his hand while smiling.

"So what's the plans for tonight?" He questioned.

"Girls night, might hit the club and you?" I shrugged.

"I got my fave girl with me so I'm good" he smiled.

"Thats- oh shit I'm late" I looked at my watch "Imma be a good friend and kick yo ass for making me late" I said as I left.

We both waved at each other while I got in my car and left.

YG POV {Zaddy}

"Aye lil mama way you going?" I said while tickling Pumpkin.

She continued to squirm her little body around.

"Keenon leave the poor baby alone" My mama yelled from the kitchen.

I've been staying at her house since I got out of the hospital. She really didn't like the idea of me being alone all the time so she said I should stay with her for the time being.

"Come on let's color" I grabbed her coloring books and pencils as we sat on the floor.

"Boo" she said while pointing to the blue pencil.

"Yes, its blue" I smiled.

I laid back as I watched her color the picture of the beach, while the TV was on ESPN. I started flipping through the channels as I stopped on cartoon network and all the shows were different from what I rememberd.

For the advertisement, it had the talking cow who'd say "Cartoon Cartoon" and then the words would close. Now they had kids doing videos, shit was crazy.

I picked up the remote just when a show with a kid and weird looking dog came on, I decided to change it when Lil Mama started whining.

She dropped the color pencil before woddling over to me, crawling in my lap and laying back on my stomach.

I thought that'll take a quick selfie of the both of us and maybe post it on Instagram but I went against it. I soon set it as my screensaver and I also sent the picture to Kai.

I put my phone away before wrapping my arms around her and laying my head back on the couch going to take a quick nap.


"KEENON GET UP" I heard my mama yelled while smacking me upside my head which caused Pumpkin to giggle.
So my pain amuses you?

I groaned while rubbing my head "So why you couldn't just wake me without laying hands on me?"

She sucked her teeth "Just get up, lunch is done" she then picked Pumpkin up "My little baby got a fool for a daddy. Yes you do, yes he is"

Who the hell choos stuff like that to a kid?

"I love you too mama"

"I ain't yo mama boy" she yelled while laughing in the kitchen.

"Ol ass" I mumbled.

"Care to repeat that? Cuz my ol ass still got them wolf hearing" she yelled.
"I'm sorry OG"

"Better be. You think you grown being disrespectful in my house"

"Mama I said I'm sorry"

"And I said you disrespectful now bring that ass here. You lucky I'm still giving you food to begin with"

"Yes mam" I stood up while walking half way into the kitchen, the doorbell rang.

"What you looking at me for boy? Go answer the door" she said.

"This ain't my hous-" she cut me off by hitting my back with the spoon.

Pumpkin started squealing and clapping her hands.

"Seeing daddy get beat up is funny to you huh?" I asked while pinching her chubby cheeks.

The bell rang once more before I could even leave the kitchen fully. I decided on taking my good ol time to the door.

"Boy if you don't walk yo cripple ass on" my mother said.

"Bripple ass blood" I blurted out without even knowing it.

Just when I turned around I saw a wooden spoon coming in my direction which made me run with a limp.

"You know better than to speak to me like those hoodlums you run around with" she folded her arms with that devilish smirk which revealed her bracers.

I flagged her off before swinging the door open. I was met with a unfamiliar light skin tattooed figure whom stood a foot shorter than my 6'3 figure.

Her hair was cut to her neck length, which covered the right half of her face. I took in her facial features from her greenish eyes to her bright red lips which held a small smile.

The gray short sleeve jersey dress she wore along with matching gray Adidas supercolor she had on.

I eyes trailed back to both gold necklace she wore and stood out the most for me. It was a pendant of a hand gun I lost a few years back, only until it all clicked.

"Cate?" I questioned while leaning on the wall.

"Hi Keenon" she avoided eye contact.

"Its YG" I said sternly "What you doing here blood?"

"Well I heard you was here and I-"

"Who you heard that shit from?"

"A couple girls by the corner store said you lived her-"

"And I don't" I said growing irritated by this conversation "That's all you needed"

She sighed "Kee- YG I'm sorry-"

"I'm over that shit. Good bye" I slammed the door in her face.

I limped my way back to the kitchen and took a seat a seat at the table.

"And was that?" Mama questioned.

"That was Cate" I said while her faced scrunched up.

"What the hell does she want? How does she even know I'm here yet alone you?" She rambled.

"Some ho-females were talking about me living here and she found her way over here" I stared off.

"She better stay far away from us, we can't afford for any thing to get out of hand again. We got others now that we have look after" she looked over at Pumpkin.

I already knew who she was referring too. I have to protect both Pumpkin and Kai at all cost.

"Wherever she's at, trouble is soon to follow" I said.

My mother hummed while picking Pumpkin up from her chair.

"Lil baby give a big baby a kissy" she said while Pumpkin held my face and placed a big sloppy kiss on my nose as they both left me alone.

I couldn't help but think about Cate. I was once in love with her. I also got love for her but it wasn't as strong as it use to five years ago.

She showed herself when she was only with me for the come up, said she was moving out the country but that was after she and a few others broke into my house, and she was brave enough to wear that chain in front of me.

Becca POV

"Shots, shots, shot shot, shots shots" Dena yelled as we made our way to the bar.

We just made it to Club Nitro (A/N: Club Nitro, I'm stressing on my Deception readers, take note of this club) and it was our first time coming out here. I over heard Tee speaking about the club and told the girls we should come here for girls night out.

"They wait until I got off the dance fall to play my song" I exclaimed as Justin Bieber came on.

"Ooohhh girl come on" Kai squealed while dragging me back to the dancefloor.

We started doing the bungo and a couple other moves from the video. We were familiar to the dance moves because its most common back on the island.

We both started moving our hips in a circular motion as we wined down low and came in the same pace.

I watched as Kai made gun gestures with her hands before rolling her upper body and hands to match her beat. This is the most I've seen her enjoy herself without Pumpkin being around. It was better than her being down and out about G's no good ass.

We were both the center of attraction as everyone made a circle around us and started recording us.

Soon after the song ended and everyone applaud for both Kai and I.

"You guys killed that shit" Leya complimented us.

"Y'all got me jelly right now, I wish I could dance like that" Nae pouted.

Kai laughed "I'll teach you its easy but ain't yo ass a ex stripper?"

"Yeah but I ain't know how to do non stripper moves" Nae responded with as we all broke into a fit of laughter.

"Where's the drinks?" I questioned.

"Dena drank them all" Leya said.

"They were calling me" Dena shrugged.

"Damn girl" I exclaimed "Drink shots like its water"

"I'm trying to be a better me" she said with a blank expression.

"Don't worry we love you just the way you are" Nae tried to cheer her up.

I peeped the look Kai and Leya shared.

"She needs this more than us" Leya whispered.

I'm guessing my little Dena cake is going through something.

"Well on that note" I slammed my hand on the bar counter "Bartender!" I called out.

"What can I get you fine ass group of women" he smiled.

"We need two rounds over here" I said.

"How many?"

"Its six of us-where the hell is Becky?" I questioned while I looked around.

"Ain't that hoelinda over there" I said while I pointed off to the far corner.

She was barely in any clothes bring felt up by a few men.

"She and G aren't together. She played him, its not my cup of tea so moving on" Kai shrugged.

It was our normal group which consisted of the six of us. The three Trini chicks, the ex stripper and the Jamaican sisters.

"She went to the bathroom while you and Kai were dancing" Dena chuckled while downing her shot.

After a few more rounds, Becky finally resurfaced.

"Where were you?" I questioned her.

She blushed "I took a wrong turn and ended up on this lonely hallway were I saw this fine ass brother standing in front of and we spoke"

"Girl he could have-excuse you" I said angrily as I was bumped as my drink spilled a little.

I watched as the dude didn't bother to acknowledge me as he continued to walk through the crowd as two guys who walked on either side of a slim woman, followed him out.

"He was so damn bloodclat rud-"

"Oh look look there he is, he's coming over here" Becky said excitedly.

The girls looked at her and laugh while I tired to turn around but she forcely pulled my head back.

"No no no don't look" she said lowly "Hey, you switched clothes" she raised a brow.

I took a step back taking in his tall frame. He had a mean look but he is sexy.

"I think that's who you're talking about" Kai said to Becky as she pointed to a figure behind the first guy.

Becky's eyes widen by the sight "There's two of you, oh my- this will make a good threesome story to tell in the future"

"Or better yet, a foursome" Dena said as she perked up.

Glad to see she's all back. I watched as the twins looked them both over before licking their lips and smirked as it soon left their lips. The first one nudged the other before nodding over past us, as they both walked off in the same direction the guy who bumped my shoulder did.

"Well okay then" Kai said as she sipped on her drink.

"Take care you choke on that tea" Leya laughed.

"Threesome? Really Becky? You don't even know him. He can have a STD or be a serial killer for Pete's sake" I said.
"But theirs a slim chance he isn't" she challenged back.

"Good evening ladies" a male voice said.

So all the fine niggas are just coming towards us tonight. There stood was, words couldn't describe his sexy high yellow ass.

Kai turned around annoyed "Funny running into you here" she folded her arms.

He chuckled "Why don't you ladies join me and the guys up in VIP, we can sure use some real women up there" he gestured to the VIP section up top where a few guys nodded down at us.

"Kai do you know him?" I questioned her.

"Yes but no-" Dena soon cut her off.

"I heard yes, let's go" Dena dragged us up to VIP leaving Kai with the guy.


"I would say that your stalking me but its a club" I rolled my eyes "You really didn't have to invite us to your section, we got money, we can pay for our bottles"

I watch him chuckled as I took in seat on the bar stool.

"I'm just being the kind generous man my mama taught me to be" he smiled.

He's smile, oh lordy lord.

"Generous men also want something in return, so what you want?"

I watched him closely as he leaned on the bar counter coming closer to me. He then pushed my hair over my shoulder as he leaned down to my ear.

"Dinner is all I ask for" I can feel his breath on my neck as he placed a kiss there.

He placed his on my thigh which made my body jolt while rubbing his thumb in a soothing motion. I crossed my leg over the other squeezing my thighs together, trying to think of anything but how moist he just made me.

I heard him chuckle before pulling back.

"How did you know it was me?" I struggled to say while a lump caught in my throat.

"I saw you strolling through the crowd after your little performance. I must say I've never seen anyone dance like that under than the time I was out on the islands" he told me.

"Well thank you" I said dryly.

"Enjoy your night miss, I guess you would like to be alone" he smiled before walking off before he stopped and turned around.

"Please join me up there, I'll be sad seeing you here all alone" he faked a sad face which made me laugh.

"Only because you look ugly like that" I chuckled so did he.

He guided me through the crowd with his hand on my lower back.


"Please dance with me" he begged with his hand extended for me to take.

"Come on Kai, he's been begging you for past half hour" Dena added.

"Yes girl go dance with him or I will" Becky laughed.

"If I dance with you will you leave me alone after?"

"Anything you want" he smiled as I took his hand.

"Woahhhh" I heard Dena yell.

I watched as he nodded at the DJ who soon played Chris Brown Back to Sleep.

I soon let his hand go as I found my rhythm to the beat.

Just let me rock.

I started swaying my hips while snapping my fingers.

Fuck you back to sleep girl...

I swayed my hips and diped low while singing along.

"That's my girl over there" Dena yelled.

Don't say a word no, don't you talk
Baby just hold on tight to me girl
Fuck you back to sleep girl, rock you

I grabbed on to his hand as he pulled me into him. I finally felt the security I've always been feening for. He followed my lead surprising me as we both danced together.

He soon pulled away, spinning me around I closed my eyes as my back was pressed against him, with his hands around my waist securely. The more I grinded myself on him, the more felt myself drifting away. I felt relaxed. I felt like Kai.

I soon opened my eyes locking instantly with his. I don't know what happen but our lips which felt like time had stopped. It was just us both and no one around. Here I am kissing and hugging up on a complete stranger.

Ain't sorry that I woke ya, I ain't sorry 'bout ya job, fuck you back to sleep girl
Call sick in the morning so I can get a little bit more of your love

Ain't sorry that I woke ya, I ain't sorry 'bout ya job, fuck you back to sleep girl
Call sick in the morning so I can get a little bit more of your love.....

I'm sorry for the late update but wasn't this chapter bomb as'f though?

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