40 days of septiplier!

By Fieldofginger

143K 5.5K 2.7K

Thank you to all my readers for sticking by me. This is the best I've got as a thanks. More

Nov. 24
Thanksgiving eve
Black Friday
Nov. 28
Nov. 29
Nov. 30
Dec. 1
Dec. 2
Dec. 3
Dec. 4
Dec. 5
Dec. 7
Dec. 8
Dec. 9
Dec. 10
Dec. 11
Dec. 12
Dec. 13
Dec. 14
Dec. 15
Dec. 16
Dec. 17
Dec. 18
Dec. 20
Dec. 21
First day of winter
Dec. 23
Christmas eve
Dec. 26
Dec. 27
Dec. 28
Dec. 29
Dec. 30
New Years Eve
New Years
Day 40

Dec. 19

2.6K 102 32
By Fieldofginger

One am is technically the next day soooo here ya go I guess.

I wake up with a blinding headache. What the hell happened last night? I came home from shopping and we decided to go out...

Oh god.

"Maaaaark!" I call.

He comes in the room with a playful smirk. "Does someone have a hangover?"

"S-shut up." I say weakly. "God how much did I drink?"

"Plenty. I tried to get you to stop but you wouldn't listen. You're lucky one of us is responsible."

"Please. You don't drink because you can't." I say and grab at my pounding forehead. "I'm gonna be sick." I say and cover my eyes. Mark hands me two pills and a glass of water I hadn't even noticed he'd been carrying.

"Good thing I thought ahead." He says and rubs my head soothingly. I swallow and groan helplessly. He looks at me guiltily and runs his hand through my hair. "I'm sorry baby." He says sadly.

"Fer what? I'm the one who drank to much."

He looked at his feet and sighed. "I should have stopped you. I just didn't want you to be mad at me and..."

"Mark? Is everything ok?" I ask worriedly.

"Yeah. I'm fine." He nods mostly to himself.

What is up with him? He's acted so weird since the anniversary...

My mind started to race. Thoughts of sudden disinterest in me after so long pounded worse that the headache. Was he bored of me? Did he suddenly realize he wasted a year on me? Is he feeling guilty?

"M-Mark? Baby?" He looks at me sideways and I feel like I'm downing. I can't make him feel guilty. "Y-you know I could never hate you right?" He sits up straighter and gives me a questioning look. "Even if you ever um... You know... Left... I wouldn't-"

I cut myself off as I saw his eyes widen to the size of platters. He grabs my hand and holds it in both of his protectively. "What?! No! No! What are you talking about?!" He grips my hand tighter and I see fear in his eyes.

"It's just... You've been acting kinda weird since the anniversary and I thought maybe you were like... Done... Or something." I look down and he grabs my chin a little roughly.

"No." He says sternly. "That is not it at all. Don't you ever think that. Ever. I am no where near 'done' with you. That's never going to happen. Do you hear me?"

I nod. "I just thought..."

"Jack." He sighs. "I'm not acting weird because I want to leave. I guess it's just that... We've been together a full year. That's a lot of time when you think about it. And honestly I haven't had many relationships that have lasted that long. I guess I'm just afraid of losing you. I'm scared that one day you'll decide that I wasn't the one and that you had to leave. I'm not saying I want you to be unhappy...."

I had tears running down my face as he spoke. "Marky..." I sigh and wipe my eyes. "You know how when you're young and all the adults tell you that one day you'll find that one person you want to spend the rest of your life with? That one day you would find someone you knew you were going to be with forever?" He nods unsurely. "I thought I knew what that felt like before. I really did. There were people that I was sure were the one. None of them have come even remotely close to the way I feel about you. The moment I saw you I knew you were special. After seeing you and hearing you, I knew that I wanted to be around you. I wanted to be your best friend. And then I met you, I got to talk to that perfect face and you got to talk back and I knew, you were someone I wanted to be around forever. I can't say I fell in love with you in that moment, but I can say I've fallen in love with you every moment since. You're my everything." I brought my hand to his face and wiped a few tears away. "I'm just worried that one day you'll be the one that got away."

He shook his head. "Please. Like I could ever think of leaving. There isn't a single person in this world I'd rather be with."

I pout playfully. "Are you saying that as soon as aliens show up in the sky, you're gone?" He laughed. A real, genuine laugh that I didn't realize I was craving. That one melodious sound that made worry and pain melt away like snow on the hottest day of the year. I brought my lips to his and kissed him softly and passionately. "I'd still love you even if you ran off with some pile of slime names Joshua." I say as I pull away. (Reference no one will get and I honestly don't know why I'm putting in here but whatever.)

"Don't worry. There's nothing in the universe to keep me from loving you."

What even is this? V(:/)V

Also, sorry about yesterday's uploads. It's a long story but I just couldn't write yesterday. I didn't have a whole lot of time to be "creative" if you could even call it that.

I'm fine though. I promise. Seriously, you guys should not be worrying about me so much. I really don't deserve it. I'm just some spoiled kid who complains to much. It's unfair to you to have to fret about someone who really doesn't deserve it. You guys are sweet but you don't need to be so nice to me. I'm sorry if that sounds mean but I really hate to see people so worried.

I love you guys to bits and I can't thank you enough. Ok you can go now. I'll shut up.

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