(Updated) B1)Caught By A Vamp...

By Love-Saya-Chan

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Not Meant To Be is now Caught By A Vampire. The story follows Luna, a girl whose mother abandons her. Despera... More

0) Prologue
1) Fight Back
2) Bad Sarah
3) Luna's Encounter
4) New Student
5) Unlucky Day
6) The Kiss
7) Snow's Human Form
8) Sarah's Revenge
9) Upsetting
10) Angry Demitri
11) Caught
12) Dimitri's Hunger
13) Luna's Demon Side
14) Late Night
15) Intruder
16) Reunion Disaster
17) Long Winter
18) Christmas
19) Together
20) Temporary Home
21) New Life
22) Jealousy
23) Luna's Demon
24) Shopping for trouble
25) First Argument
26) Unwanted Heat
27) Temptation
28) Rainy Day
29) Missing Sarah
31) Guilt
32) Times Up
33) A Little Late
34) Confessions
35) Family Bonding
36) Siblings Bond
37) Complications
38) Too Early!
39) Redemption
40) The Angels
41) Last Day
42) Days
43) Enough!
44) New Beginnings
45) Epilogue

30) Lousy Encounter

60 6 0
By Love-Saya-Chan


For the past two days, Luna hasn't left home. She wasn't even allowed in the backyard. And it all thanks to the damn angel who was on the rooftop. Not only that, she senses a demon nearby and an unexpected smell. She senses Sarah. But that can't be right; Sarah is at the Rose Clan healing.

Either way, why is everyone after her? She's nothing special. They keep ruining her mood.

Now, she can go outside, but today, she woke up a little sore. Her back is killing her.

"Oh," Denny wiggles his eyebrows. "Are you sore?"

"Yes," she sighed.

"Omg, omg," Denny squealed. Everyone in the mechanic shop looks at them. "Did you and Demitri fuck?"

"Denny, keep it down," she blush from embarrassment. "It's not like that; Demitri will wait until we get married." Denny stuck his tongue out at her. "The reason why I'm sore is because we were playing Twister. I am flexible, but it's so hard I think I twisted my back trying to maneuver my way around Demitri."

"Aw," Denny pouted. "I was so excited for some details."

"Denny," she chuckled.

She's happy to have someone to talk to about this. Too bad she can't tell Denny about her heat. But is he human?

"I'll be back; Jack is calling me," Denny stood.

She leans back against the couch. She picked up the book she was reading and opened the bag of Skittles.

She wasn't half when someone approached her. "Can I sit here?" She looks up. It's him. Taylor. What is he doing here? It can't be a coincidence. "I don't bite, I promise." She kept quiet and looked around to see if he wouldn't do anything with so many people.

"So, do you remember the first time we met?" She nodded. "I'm Taylor, just in case you forgot." She looked at him. He had cut his long hair.

"Just because I remember you doesn't mean I trust you," she needs to be honest with this guy as much as she feels a connection with him. She doesn't know him. Plus, he's a demon.

"Careful what you say," he sat next to her.

Luna gowned. "Get out of my head."

'Luna walks away from him," Lunic said. 'He gives me bad vibes. Also, he smells like that girl Sarah.'

Luna glared. She closes the book shut, loudly. "What do you want?"

"I wanted to talk to you," he smiled. "I saw you, and I was, I know Luna. I promise I have good intentions." He smiled.

She narrows her eyes. "Why do you smell like a friend of mine?"

"A friend?" He acted dumb. This guy is getting on her nerves. He seemed so nice before it was probably all an act.

"If you'll excuse me," she put her book away. "I can't talk to you." She walked away and went into the bathroom.

As she washed her hands, the door opened, and Sarah entered. She looked well.


Sarah looked around and bit her thumb. "Why are you here? I mean, why did you let that guy kidnap you?" She looked nervous. "You should come with me. I can help you get  back home."

Luna frowned. "Why are you with Taylor?"

Sarah shifted from foot to foot. She was nervous. She glances back. "Be careful." She whispers. She entered the stall, used the toilet, washed her hands, and left.

That was a bit scary and the oddest encounter she had ever had. She one hundred percent knows that Taylor is keeping Sarah hostage. Somehow, he is going to use Sarah to get to her. Well, joke on him.

'I wanted to smack her,' Lunic said.

Luna sighed. 'You are not smacking anyone. I don't think Sarah is bad.'

'Fine,' Lunic said.

'Sarah has weakened,' Angel said. 'Her wolf is dormant, so I doubt she could've hurt us. And she has changed a bit. She's a bit calmer.'

'Yes, I sense it too; I still wanted to smack her off last time,' Lunic huffed.

'Calm down, little one,' Angel said.

Lunic gasp. 'Little? Who are you calling little?'

And that is when Luna blocks them as they continue to argue. She left the bathroom only to find Demitri outside waiting for her.

"Are you okay?" He glared. "It's that guy from the motel. What did he want?"

"Nothing," she didn't get much out of him. "Let's forget about him."

"Let me finish up, then we can go home."

She kissed him and went back to the couch. Denny was there. Denny wanted to know what happened. Luna told him. Denny was angry that he wasn't ever to smack Taylor.

For the rest of the evening, Denny never left her side.

At home, she lay on the couch. Her back still aches. Not as much as before, but still, she needs an icy hot.

"Flip over," he said.

She turned over and lay on her belly. Demitri lifts her shirt. She watched him open a bag and pull out an icy hot patch. Smiling, she blew him a kiss. He chuckled and opened the package. Demitri is so—thoughtful. She gasps, and the icy hot felt cool against her back. It felt nice. Then, it became warm, and it felt relaxing. It eases some of the pain.

He slapped her ass playfully. She looks at him. "Yes, I slap your ass."

She took a moment to relax. While she did, Demitri unpacked the food. They bought some spicy noodles, fried rice, steamed pork dumplings, chicken and veggies wontons, orange chicken, spicy orange sesame chicken, and mixed spicy pork with vegetables—and egg rolls.

"Dinner," he set two glasses on the table with a bottle of wine. She's gotten used to drinking wine. Of course, she doesn't drink every day.

Luna stood; she was more relaxed and less aching. Smiling, she sat on the chair. Luna loves dinner with Demitri. Using the chopsticks, she grabbed a wonton and blew on it. It's still steamy. "It's delicious!"

Demitri smiled. "So, can you tell me what else happened? I know you are hiding something else."

"Sarah is with Taylor," she munched on an egg roll. "I think Taylor kidnapped her. She was nervous and wanted to help me go back home. But then she said to be careful."

Demitri glared. "Do you trust her?"

"Yes," she held the wine glass as he poured her some red wine. It's her favorite. "I know, you think she's faking it. But I know Sarah. I have known her all my life. She has changed. And I want to help her."

Demitri sighed. "You are too kind."

She would rather be kind than hold hate in her heart. She wants to give people the benefit of the doubt. Maybe Taylor has an excellent reason to hold Sarah hostage.

"Don't do anything stupid," she pointed the chopsticks at him. "I sweet, I'll kick your ass and no more kisses."

He grinned.

She means it. She doesn't want Demitri going after them.

"Let's not talk about it," she sipped on her wine.

She turns the TV on, and she needs some background noise. As she ate, Demitri kept staring at the.


"Let's get married," he smiled. "Not so that we can have sex but because I want you to be my wife."

"Not yet," she said. "I want to wait. I want to fix things with my family. I want you to ask both my father's and my mother's. And my siblings."

He groaned. "Fine."

She smiled and stole a dumping from him.

She enjoyed dinner and felt happy. But there was this uneasiness in the pit of her stomach. Why does it feel like her happiness is going away?

No, she will be fine. Nothing is going to happen.

"Demitri, bubble bath together? I'll wear my swimsuit."

He smirk. "Sure, don't complain when I become touchy."

She giggles.



That guy Taylor is in this town, and not only that, Sarah is too. He didn't like that they were here. That Taylor guy is up to something.

He looks down; Luna is soundly asleep. She was tired out. They had a bubble bath, and she was extra clingy. She smells delicious.

But her clinging has him worried. It's like this: it's their last time together. He swears that if that Taylor guy tries to take Luna from him, Demitri is going to kill him.

He won't be able to sleep. He door and covers Luna up with the blanket. She cuddled the pillow he lay on. Kissing her head, he went to the kitchen to grab a beer.

He stepped into the sunroom and sat on the bench next to the window. He looks outside. It was dark, and the clouds were dark and angry. He breathes in the cool air.

Many things have happened since becoming soulmates with Luna. But what would happen if he lost her? He would lose himself, that's for sure.

But at some point, Luna has to go home. And he can't keep her from seeing her family. Demitri already accepted that. He will have to take her back. And he will face the consequences of his actions. But Draven has to give him some information. Draven has to tell him what happened with his mother.

He leaned back and drank the beer. He sat here for a while before getting up to go back to bed. He had this impulse to check outside. When he did, he spotted two figures on the rooftop of Jack's home.

It's Taylor and Sarah, he knows it. It's creepy that they are spying on them. He grabbed the baseball bat he bought a few weeks ago from the hallway closet. He bought it during one of their outing with Jack and Denny. They played baseball with Jack's family and friends.

He grabbed the baseball ball and threw it in the air several times. He needs to get a good grip. He opened the door and stepped out to the grass. He made sure to aim right. He threw the ball high in the air, and once it came back down, he swung. The ball went flying across the air, and it slammed against Taylor.

He heard Taylor curse and fall off the roof. Demitri smirk that'll teach him not to spy on them. Fucking creepy. 

He went back inside and closed the door. He set the baseball bat by the door.

He checked on Luna; she lay face down on the bed, sprawling out like a queen. Chuckling, he went to the living room. He needed to talk to Senna.

She didn't answer; Saito did.

"Great, why do you have Senna's phone?" Demitri asked.

Station growled. "Where is my sister, you fucking bastard."

"Where is Senna?" He asked. "I need to talk to her."

"She's in the shower," Saito said.

Demitri smirk. "Someone wouldn't like that you are sleeping with his wife."

"I am not sleeping with her, ouch!" Saito cursed. "I am not sleeping with your wife! She had a jar of honey thrown at her by Sarah's mother. I brought her home, and she got in the shower."

Maybe Saito is the right person to ask him about Sarah. "Speaking of Sarah, is she missing or something?"

"Someone kidnapped Sarah," Saito said. "A demon snatched her from the Rose Clan. Why? Did she show up?"

"Yes," he said. "The demon's name is Taylor. He is after Luna. But I am not sure why."

"Fuck," Saito sighed. "Bring her home."

"Nah," he leans back against the couch. "Look, I simply called to ask about Sarah."

Saito groaned. "How did she look?"

"I don't know," he didn't see her. "Luna was the one who saw her. She said Sarah looked nervous and a bit jumpy. It could be this demon is holding her hostage."

"Great," Saito sounded stressed. "Since you won't bring Luna home, let me speak to her."

Demitri should allow it. "She's asleep at the moment. I'll tell her to call you tomorrow. And maybe, just maybe, I'll bring Luna home. For now, be patient."

"I'll be patient when I talk to her," Saito growled. "Who's out there?" Demitri heard a door open and Saito growing. "Fuck." He seems to have slammed the door shut.

"May I ask what's wrong?" Demitri is genuinely curious.

Saito growled again. "Someone is spying on me. I think it is an angel. It's getting annoying. I'm starting to go insane. They have invaded my privacy."

"I understand," Demitri said. "One of them was here too. But the one that's visiting us isn't hiding herself."


"Oh yes," he sighed. "It's a female, and she's assigned to kill or capture Luna. But I think she's indecisive. We could bring her to our side, and let's see that Luna isn't a danger."

"All right."

Demitri has been planning this since learning about the indecisive female angel. He will try to get the female on their side. There must be a reason why she's so indecisive. 

"Give me that phone!"

Demitri chuckled.

"What? It was ringing. I had to answer it!"

He heard Saito and Senna arguing back and forth. Senna clears her throat. "Is something wrong?"

"No," Demitri chuckled. "I was only reading Saito about being close to you. I don't think your husband approves."

Demitri will keep meeting Luther a secret. Luther did sound like he didn't want Senna to know.

"So what about being hit with a jar of honey?" He asked.

Senna sighed. "Well, if you must know, today we held a market even. We sold vegetables, fruits, food, homemade goods, and jars of jams. You know, stuff like that. Sarah's parents were around, and they bumped into me. They didn't know who I was, and when I told them. Sarah's mother accused me of giving birth to a freak. And that she ruin Sarah's life." Senna scoffs. "I didn't take that insult. She could say anything she wants about me. But never talk shit about my child. I slapped her, and she threw the jar of honey. It did cut my chest a little. But she wasted honey."

Of course, Senna would be worried about wasteful food.

"I did kick her ass," Senna cackled. "I got her good."

"It was a mess," Saito said. "They were in wolf form and almost destroyed everything. We manage to stop them; we can't punish Senna since she's not part of the clan. And I won't. Sarah's mother insulted Luna and will receive punishment."

Demitri yawned. "Look, I'll ask Luna to call you tomorrow. And I'll let her talk to her family."

"Thank you," Senna said.

Demitri said goodbye and went back to bed. Once under the covers, Luna lay half on top of him. He stroke her hair.

This uneasy feeling, whatever happens. Demitri will make sure Luna gets to safety first.



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