MithzanxRoss Oneshots {{Compl...


244K 7.6K 12.5K

"Why do I suck so much dick?" - Ross said in 'GTA 5 PC Online Funny Moments - PIKACHU VS PROXIMITY MINES! (C... More

Apology Accepted - Real Life
Most Wanted - Fallout 4 AU
Coming Home - War AU
Savior - R! Highschool AU
I gots Tagged! (not a chapter)
After the Warhead Challenge - MC/Real Life
Warning - MC / Real Life
HAPPY HALLOWEEN (not a chapter ;3)
Christmas/Halloween Special
Party - Minecraft AU
Voting *Closed* // Update
Make Up - MC / Real Life
An Immortal's Love - Myth AU
Real - HighSchool AU
I'm tagged - Wattpad Trend AU
Sick - Real Life
Doughnuts - Real Life
Tagged again - Wattpad Trend AU
Tagged Once More - Wattpad Trend AU
Drawing You - R! Highschool AU
Advice - MC / Real Life
Whoa - R! High School
Secret - Sleepover AU
Mad Max - MC / Real Life
Apples - Real Life
Us - Sex Slave AU
Angel - Minecraft
Guppy Love - Myth AU
A Dancer's Love - University AU
Klub Ice - MC/Real Life
First Date - High School AU
Basorexia - Minecraft
Pool - Real World
??? - ??? AU
Play Date (?) - Real Life
2 Faced - MC
Silent Rage - MC/Real Life
An Alpha's Mate - Myth AU
You're Not Alone - Crafting Dead AU
Lost - Fallout 4 AU
Monsters - R! Real Life
Blood Mate - Myth AU
That Boy - Minecraft
Bad Boy - 50's AU
Hey - Real Life
A Dragon's Gem - Myth AU
Mine - Royal AU
Why? - Broken AU
Hacker & Frenchman - Criminal AU
Surprise - Real Life
Temptation - Realife
Tattoo - MC/Myth AU
I'll protect you - Crafting Dead AU
Truth - University AU
Tattoo part 2 - MC/Myth AU
Coming out - High School
Found - Fallout 4 AU
Hypixel ^^ (Come and Join)
Hypixel Lobby 18
Baby Drama - MC/Real Life
??? - ???
Hug - Real Life
Baby Drama pt2 - MC/Real Life
Logophile - Highschool / MC
The Wolf and The Rabbit - CreepyPasta AU
Muggle Love - Harry Potter AU
Heart - University AU
Questions for QnA || Closed
100k Special
The Wolf and The Rabbit pt2 - CreepyPasta AU
Hello Again - Crafting Dead AU
Gone - Fallout 4
Bonnie & Clyde - Criminal AU
I'm sorry everyone o(╥﹏╥)o
Maid for a day - MC/Real Life
Redwoods - World AU
Heat - MC/Real Life
The Fiction Awards 2016
Tagged! // Update!
Friend - Kid AU
Silent - Hostage AU (Real Update)
Everything - Real World AU
Perfect - Real Life
** Small Life Update **
Ribbon - Soul Mate AU
Happy - Real Life
Message - Computer AU
Fire In His Eyes - Dance AU
Cut - Real Life
Red and Blue - TF2 AU
Malware - Computer AU
Argument - Real Life
Chp 100: Hidden Secrets - Myth AU

Bus Ride - HighSchool AU

5.6K 137 361

A/N: I have a lot on my plate with my college work, so that's why this is out late
My sleep schedule is also RIP so ye~ 😌


P.S I drew the picture :D so please do not steal it!! I worked really hard on it!!!!!

Word Count: 2094

Enjoy! :)

*~ Ross' P.O.V ~*

I stood on the sidewalk as I waited for my friends. I just got out of my last class of the day, so I stood there. It's kind of weird- a 10th grader afraid of crossing the street. Well it was because when I was younger I got hit by a car.
Suddenly my phone started to go off and I saw it's a text from Adam.

From Adam: Sorry buddy can't hang out today me and Barney got detention and have to clean up the cafeteria. :( We started that food fight during Lunch B XD

I chuckled, but then not a moment later a text from Cam came in

From Cam: I'm sorry that I couldn't walk with you. Parents picked me up. Got hit with a rock in gym today ;-;

Quickly I texted them back,

To Adam and Cam: It's okay I'll just take the bus.


From Cam: Alright be careful

To Adam and Cam: Will do

I put my phone away and stood there awkwardly. It was winter time so I made it worse to were the sun goes down quicker. But I wasn't bothered by the cold, even if it was 4:30 at night.

"Why are you standing here by yourself?" A voice asked from behind

I spun around quickly to find one of my bullies standing there, Max Mithzan. His hands were comfortably resting in his jacket pockets, as he looked down at me.

"I-I-I. . . I- um-."

He placed a hand on my shoulder and looked at me with a straight face, "Take a deep breath. Calm down."

I could feel my face heating up as I look at his hand that rested on my right shoulder. But I do as I was told and calmed down, "I was. . . Gonna take t-the bus home. . ."

He looked at me for a moment, his expression never changing, "I'll come with you."

"W-wait? W-what?! I-I-I'm-." I stuttered out of pure nervousness. Why am I stuttering so much?! Great now I gave him another reason to beat me up! The books I held in my arms, I brought them closer to my chest. And stood there waiting for him to hit me or to start make fun of me.

He replied, "My parents forgot about me again, so I need to take the bus anyways." I looked at him with wide eyes, as he walked off into the street, my eyes still following him. Max stopped and looked back at me, "Well are you coming or not?"

"Ummm." I nervously said my face was probably as red as a tomato at this point so I looked down quickly, taking in interest in my shoes. The next thing I knew was that he tilted my chin up so I could look at him. Max's face was literally maybe 4 inches from my face. I caught his scent and damn did he smell so good. His natural musk invaded my nose as did his cologne. My eyes rolled back as I was trying to get closer to him.

"Hello? Are you okay?" Max's voice suddenly pierced through my train of thought. I looked at him and realized what was going on. My body was touching his and I was softly moaning. Quickly I back away from him as my face was still red and I could hear him chuckle softly. I wanted to cry as I felt tears threatening to fall. Max grabbed my hand and once again I looked up at him with my blurry vision.

"You can hold my hand when we cross. If you're okay with that." He told me and I nodded in response. Hand in hand, we walked across the street and waited for the bus. Both of us stayed quiet and enjoyed to comfortable silence. As the bus finally came, we got weird looks from people when we payed and sat down. I felt a squeezing sensation on my hand an instinctively I squeezed back. The bus ride was long and comforting. Even though we still didn't talk to each other, we felt comfortable sitting with one another.

"Isn't that cute a little faggot couple riding the bus together."

I looked up and saw one of the seniors from our school. He looked at us with a smug look. My head whipped over to Max who glared at him. But I looked down and realized we were still holding hands. Max replied with venom and squeezed my hand, "He hasn't taken the bus before. Got a problem?"

"Yeah. The fact that I have to sit across and watch you two eat each other's faces."

"Don't listen to him." I told him as I tugged on his jacket sleeve, "Just ignore him." Max looked at me with anger in his eyes but he calmed down. But I felt myself being jerked up from my seat and the back of my head hit the window. With my vision hazy I looked at the guy who looked clearly pissed off.

"Look you little scrawny shit fuck. I was talking to your boyfriend not you." He growled as he held up his fist to my face.

"Leave him alone!" Max yelled as he shoved the guy to the floor and started to beat the crap out of him. Both of them were fighting like animals, and with my head hurting I ran to the driver. He immediately stopped the bus and kicked all three of us off. Before the guy could start any more trouble, I grabbed Max's hand and booked it to my house. Luckily It wasn't that far and once we got there I wasted no time in opening the door, but slammed the door behind Max. I looked at him and saw the aftermath of the fight. He had a black eye, a busted up lip, and a few scratches. I sat him down on the floor in front of the couch and quickly ran to go get the first aid kit in the Bathroom. Once I got back he was looking around my large house, clearly surprised. Both my parents are CEO's of rival companies, because of it they're hardly home but I don't mind. I quickly sat in front of him on the floor, and started to set up my makeshift station.

"Max. I know you're my bully and all, but I need you to remove your sweater and shirt. I need to see if there are any other external bruising." I told him and he listened to me with a smirk on his face. He lifted up his shirt to reveal bruises on his toned chest and stomach. I felt my face heat up but I quickly started to bandage him up. Once I was finished I left once again but came back with an Advil and glass of water. He nodded in thanks and swallowed the pill before have it chased with water.

"Better?" I asked

*~ Max's P.O.V ~*

"Better." I replied with a smile, "How about you Doctor Ross? You took a beating yourself."

His blush turned darker as he replied, "I'm okay. . . . Just a hit to the back of my head. . . Nothing I'm not used to." His trailed off at the end

'I have to. . .' I thought to myself before saying a loud, "I'm sorry."

"About what?" He answered as he tilted his head to the side in an adorable way

"For me beating you up." Apologizing wasn't my strong suit but I was trying my best. And he could clearly tell that I was struggling.

Ross placed a hand on my knee and he smiled genuinely, "It's okay."

"It's not-." Suddenly my phone started to ring, I glanced at the caller ID and quickly put it away. Shit. My dad's so pissed right now for me not being home. He's gonna really kick my ass after this. "Can I spend the night with you?"

He smiled happily, "Ye. Besides I don't want you to get hurt again. Plus My parents are hardly home, so we can order out! How does Panda Express sound?"

"Sure." I returned the smile

Ross jumped up and called the fast food restaurant. He was so happy to have me here and I saw glad that I was. Honestly his childishness is what makes him so damn adorable. About half an hour later the food came, and we sat at his dinning room table side by side. During this time we got to know each other better, and I loved every second of it. I looked over at the clock and saw that is was about 10:30 at night. Once we finished we went up to his room and grabbed some pajamas, but he walked out and went to down the hall.

"Ross? Where are you going?" I asked

*~ Ross' P.O.V ~*

"Oh I thought we could sleep in my parent's room. It's a lot comfortable then mine, plus it's big enough to share."

He chuckled, "Whatever you say boss."

He followed close behind me and once we got to my parent room I could tell he was impressed. It was a pretty big room. A large bed sat off the side of the room, it might as well be a XXL King size. Honestly he was the first one to ever visit my house, but it's good. At least I wasn't alone anymore. We quickly changed and got into bed, he stayed to the left and I in the center. Max slept shirtless so I had to keep my cool.

"Goodnight. . ." I mumbled as I yawned snuggling my head deeper into the pillows

"Goodnight princess." He replied and it made me giggle.

I couldn't sleep. I laid there and I couldn't sleep. I could feel eyes looking at the back of my head, so slowly I turned to see Max wide awake and looking at me.

"You okay?" I asked as I scooted closer to him

"I'm fine." He sighed as he wrapped his arms around my waist and scooted closer to me. "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah. P-p-perfectly fine." I stammered as my face heated up once again as my hands touched his chest. I felt him tilt my chin up so I could look at him.

"You're really cute you know that?" Max whispered in a husky voice to me as he leaned in and captured my lips. I was shocked at first, but I started to kiss back. My hands snaked their way to his hair, making it messy as we continued to kiss. He licked my bottom lip asking for permission, which I granted him with out hesitation. Our tongues danced together as he took the lead. His tongue explored every single inch of my mouth, getting me to moan softly into the kiss. When we parted for a thing called oxygen, he chuckled, "Damn princess you're a natural." His hands traveled upward and cupped my cheeks. Max planted more kisses on my face as I giggled

"Well. . . That was my first kiss." I mumbled, "Honestly. . . I didn't think I'd lose it to you." My voice trailed off at the end

He looked at me with determination and love, "Neither did I, but you know what?"

"What?" I asked as I looked at him

"I don't want to be your bully anymore or your friend. Those don't sound right." He paused for a moment and looked at me, ". . . But I like boyfriend more." He told me confidently with a hint of nervousness

My brain short circuited for a split second but quickly pieced back together. Did he just ask me out? Before I knew it I pulled him into a quick kiss, "I like boyfriend, too."

We stayed there, looking into each other's eyes. It sounds cheesy or something out of a fairy tail. But it was true. Slowly we slipped into a eternal darkness, both of us still cuddling, with smiles on our faces.

"I love you princess." He mumbled with one last kiss on my forehead

"I love you, too. . . Maxxy." I whispered as I snuggled deeper in his safe arms.

At that moment the darkness of a starry sky took us.

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