imagine that! (mindless behav...

By kendezalshae

115K 2.1K 279

"it's like being in a book, without even being in a book." mb imagines starring you! More

Mindless Behavior Imagines
Prodigy Imagine: Our Anniversary
Princeton Imagine: No Luck
Ray Imagine: Appearances Aren't Everything
Roc Imagine: Butterflies
Prince Imagine: PrincetonsFuture93
Roc Imagine: She
Ray Imagine: High School Reunion I
Prodigy Imagine: Make Up
Quick Update!
Quick Update!
Prince Imagine: 911
Prod Imagine: CrazySexyCool
Ray Imagine: High School Reunion ll
Roc Imagine: Banana Split
Ray Imagine: High School Reunion lll
Prince Imagine: Sunshine
Prodigy Imagine: Crippled
Myles Imagine: Recipe Gone Wrong
Roc Imagine: Christmas Eve
Prodigy Imagine: Talent Show
Ray Imagine: Big Brother
Prince Imagine: Death
Prince Imagine: Enemy
Roc Imagine: House Party
Prodigy Imagine: Snow Days
All-In-One Imagine: Jeopardy
Ray Imagine: Wedding Day
Prince Imagine: Shopping
Ray Imagine: Movies
Prince Imagine: Easter
Roc Imagine: Prom
Prod Imagine: Strong
Prod Imagine: Promise
Ray Imagine: Sick
Roc Imagine: Cookouts
Roc Imagine: Cookouts
Prince Imagine: 6
Prod Imagine: Dive
Online Dating
Prodigy Imagine: TOM
Roc Imagine: Go-Karting
All-In-One Imagine: Brothers
roc imagine: driving

Prodigy Imagine: Bloody Rememberances

3.2K 48 3
By kendezalshae

Have you ever seen a floor covered in blood?

At first, it doesn't immediately register that what you're looking at is blood.

Then slowly, a sudden stiffness appears from your lower back, finally comprehending what you actually see.

It's like a sudden nerve in your body is telling you to react in crazy ways,

But you kinda just stand there, not able to say a word.

Seeing Prod face down on the hard, worn out wooden floor was hysterical.

Not a funny hysterical, more of a 'I can't control my reaction' kind of hysterical.

As I stood there dumbfounded, a warm white, pink nail polish, hand appeared on my left shoulder.

I looked back, face still emotionless, as I was greeted by my best friend, Denise, side smiling.

"Everything will be alright, Sydnie." She murmured.

The words repeated in my head, blocking out the loud siren emergency sounds and police cars pulling up to the murderous scene.

I looked back at the lifeless body of my first husband, my everything, being lifted onto the gurney of the emergency van, rushed to the hospital,

The words kept replaying in my head,

"Everything will be alright, Sydnie."

"Everything will be alright, Sydnie."

"Everything will be alright, Sydnie."

I clutched onto my silk Coach purse, feeling like my whole life was sucked out of my like that,

Everything happened so fast.

I ran to my black BMW, yanking the handle many times, not opening.

And at that moment, everything, all my feelings and emotions just poured out on me.

I turned my back on my car, sliding down onto the pavement, bawling my eyes out.

I just couldn't think of anything positive at that moment.

"Everything will be alright, sydnie."

"Everything will be alright, Sydnie."

I pulled myself back together after about 10 minutes, still tears and tracks of my black mascara running down my cheek.

I grabbed my keys, unlocked the door, and got into the car, banging my head onto the steering wheel.

'Why me?' I thought to myself.

'Why me?' I said as I pushed the start button, wiping my now ruined eye makeup and rosy cheeks.

'Why me?' I said as I pulled into the emergency hospital parking lot.

'Why me?' I said as I was called into Prodigy's room, seeing his many bruises and scars around his body and face.

'Why me?' As I drove to the graveyard.

'Why me?' I said, as I watched Prodigy's body get buried in the dark ground.

'Why me?'

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