Eight Months On A Tour Bus ~H...

By HellishHoran

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~I was blinded by the light and sucked away by the dark~ From Three To Two To Me ~Prequel~ The Sixth Member ~... More

1:Loueh Is A Spidah Monkeh
2: Is It Cus I'm Irish?
3: You Jelly?
4:You Look Like A Little Squirrel
5: Dandy
6: I've Missed My Faggot
7: I'm Kidnapping You
8: I'm Not A Baby Harry.
9: Out With The Old
10: We Were At The Traffic Lights You Moron
11: My Face Needs Serious TLC
12: Are You A Fortune Teller Now?
13: Talk Of The Devil
14: Could You Drool Anymore?
15: Sex On The Beach Ey?
16: You Look Like Death
17: You're A Ninny
18: He's Just On His Meriod
19: I Woke Up At A Bus Stop
20: Put Your Knickers On And Think
21: Just Act Normal?
22: Somebody's Me
23:I Had Cried Enough For A Life Time
24: I Shouldn't Have Skipped Gym
25: When Did You Get So Deep?
26: Don't Be Stupid Lad
27: Peachy ~Final Chapter~

Prologue: Shamrock Boxers

16.4K 97 29
By HellishHoran

Disclaimer: All the people, places, and personalities in my book is completely fiction, the characters in no way represent the people who are playing them other than names and looks. Please do not take anything related to them in this book seriously, it is all strictly fiction. Thank you!

My works are protected under the federal copyright law to me, please do not steal them or the ideas otherwise legal action can be taken place.

That being said, enjoy the book!



Cassie’s P.O.V

“They’ll leave you soon” A voice whispered in my left ear, causing me to jump right

“What?” I yelped

“They won’t put up with you any longer.” A familiar voice whispered in my right ear making me stumble left

“Who are you?” I panicked

“You know who I am.” The voice spoke with a dark tone.

I was surrounded by blackness, not a blink of light. Then, a bright white spot light lit up to my left, causing me to turn and blind me in the process. Underneath it stood Zayn.

“We don’t want you Cassie.” The boy hissed

“What?” I whispered

This time a spot light lit up behind me, I span around, and stood under it was Liam.

“You heard him, You’re nothing to us.” He smirked evilly

“Liam how can you say that?” I asked, my voice croaking.

Another spot light lit up, to my right, which I turned to, under it was Louis.

“With pleasure, no one wants you here”

“Louis, I thought we we’re friends?” I asked, my lip trembling.

The another spot light lit up, to my left. Niall.

“Friends? With you? Don’t be stupid.” He laughed.

“What? Stop this.” I screeched

Another light lit up, underneath it was Harry.

“Why would we want you around? You’re pathetic.” He sighed shaking his head.

“Harry, I thought we had something…” I yelled

Each of the boys took a step forward surrounding me

“You’re pathetic” Zayn smirked

“Zayn, stop.” I yelped

“You’re useless.” Liam laughed

“Liam, How can you-”

“You’re worthless.” Louis chuckled

“Louis, please-”

“You’re nothing.” Niall yelled.

“Stop.” I screeched.

“You’re alone.” Harry roared.

“Stop!” I yelled one more time.

They all stood there, laughing at me, laughing at the pain. I fell to my knees and bought my hands over my ears to try and block out their menacing whispers. I couldn’t, they were inside my head. I screamed, I cried.

My eyes shot open. I was on my bunk of the tour bus. My body was drenched in cold sweat.

“Cassie?” Someone’s voice whispered.

The light flicked on to reveal a very concerned and tired Niall laying on the bunk next to me.

“Did you have another nightmare?” He frowned.

I didn’t say anything.

“Is everything okay? Cassie, you were screaming again.” Liam mumbled from the top bunk above Niall as he sat up.

Again, I didn’t say anything.

“Cassie.” Harry’s groggy voice spoke. Footsteps were heard  as he got off his bunk at the back and walked over and stopped so was standing by Niall’s bunk. “What’s wrong?”

I don’t know what to say.

“Cassie!” Louis yelped, his face appeared over the side of his bunk that was above mine as he hung upside down. “Are you alright?”

I blinked as I registered where I was, The tour bus with the boys. It was a dream, a very bad dream.

Zayn let out a grunt.

“Cas’, please, are you okay?” Harry mumbled as he moved his mattered curls out of his face.

“I’m fine.” I croaked. “I just need some fresh air.”

I flew my legs over the side of my bunk and looked around. Zayn was asleep on his bottom bunk under Harry’s at the back, Louis was staring down from the bunk above mine on the left, Liams eyes were locked on me as he lay on his top bunk on the right, Niall wore a look of concern as he laid on his bunk under Liam’s, and Harry stood by Niall’s bunk, a mixture of emotions on his face.

I gave them all reassuring smiles before walking towards the bus door. We were stopped at a drive in. I opened the door and the cool air of the night whipped my skin as the big bright moon illumined the dark blue sky. I took a step out and my bare feet came in contact with the cold concrete ground. I let out a sigh and drew in a deep cold breath as I sat on the step of the bus.

The nightmares have to stop. I can’t keep waking the boys up every night. I’ve got to stop being so scared. Scared they will leave me after we get close.

“Cassie.” An Irish accent spoke.

I turned around to see Niall in shamrock boxers and a grey tank top. He smiled lightly at me.

“Are you okay?” He asked, his eyebrows raised as he looked at me.

“I’m fine.” I nodded

“Are you sure?” He asked taking a step out to join me.

“It’s just a bad dream.” I sighed.

“It’s happened the last four nights in a row… Do you want to talk about it?” he mumbled taking a seat

I shook my head. “I’ll be okay Niall, thanks for asking though.”

He nodded as he flung an arm over my shoulder. “You can talk to me about anything. You know that right?”

“I know Niall, Thanks.” I smiled

He pecked my forehead lightly. “It’s a nice night out.” He smiled

“It is.” I chuckled, but a frown soon took over.

“What if he finds out?”

“Who?” Niall asked confused for a moment.

“Harry.” I whispered. “What if he finds out about what we’re doing.”

“He won’t. I promise.” Niall nodded.

I let out a deep sigh. “We better get back in.”

“Yeah, We should really sleep, we’re meant to be up in a few hours.” Niall agreed

“I don’t think I’ll sleep… I’ll just read with Chu on the sofa for a bit.”

“Okay, well, suite yourself.” Niall groaned as he got up, offering me a hand.

I took it and he pulled me up, He gave me a smile before planting another peck on my temple. “Night Cassie.”

“Night Nialler.” I grinned.

He walked into the tour bus and was soon out of sigh. I took in another breath of the night air before letting it go.

Tours been going on for a two weeks now, and we’re on our way up to Manchester to start playing. Not to mention we have plenty of time to kill tomorrow. I just hope Harry doesn’t find out about what Niall and I are doing, if he does it can ruin everything.

A little bark took me out of my thoughts. I looked over to my Great Dane puppy, who was now the size of a very very large cat. His tail was wagging. I smiled at him and decided to forget about it all. I took a step in the tour bus and closed the door behind me.







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