Zodiac Signs


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The title says it all. And these are short More

Signs as Candy
The signs as cities
How problematic they on a scale of 1-10
Signs as apps
Signs comebacks to insults
Signs worst flaw
The signs who falls in love with
What the signs love more than them self
1 word to describe the sign
Things the signs need to shut up about
Thing the signs say two much
The signs in a horror movie
The signs as college majors
How much the sign cares about grades
The signs as a fandom
What the signs really hate
Why the signs are still awake
Signs As A Alcoholic Beverage
Sweet, Sour, Or Spicy
Signs as things
Signs reaction to someone liking them
The signs as battery %
Signs reaction when they see a ghost
partner in crime
Signs wallpaper on there phone
What the signs say when they stub a toe
The signs in one word
Signs when there tired
Signs as Disney princess
Signs common expressionso
The signs as Katie parry songs
Signs thoughts
Signs as supernatural creatures
What the signs want
Signs on a trip
Signs at school
Signs dealing with crying people
How the signs deal with stress.
Stereotypes of the signs
Way the signs show anger
Reasons to be friends with the signs
Signs when something goes wrong.
What the signs fears are.
The signs as a movie
Signs in school
How tr signs take to get ready in the morning
The signs hidden desires
The Signs first day at school
Why the signs are in the hospital
The signs you should never...
What the signs need more than anything
what your sign eats to much of
How long the sign can hold a grudge
Top 5 signs easiest yo annoy
Things people didn't know about the signs
How long it takes the signs to get over break-up
Pets for the signs
Why the signs have detention
The signs as childhood cartoons
When the signs reply to a text
The signs as High School cliques
The "Netflix over Studying" Squad
"She's cheer-captain and I'm on the bleachers"
Most awkward (The Signs)
The "Nice Body" Squad
"I Don't Make The Rules"
Natural Disasters The Signs
The signs in a friend group
The Signs As Mythology Creatures
The signs as power puff characters
The signs studying (?!)
Annoying things the signs say
Early, Late, Right on time (The Signs)
"I'll do it tomorrow" squad
Sarcastic Pairs That Will Out Sass You
The Signs Weakness
"Will not put up with your bullshit" squad
The signs and how energetic they are
"The picky eater" squad
Concert buddies
The signs when someone takes there phone
Feels (the signs)
"The professional blackmailer." Squad
The Signs Most To Least dirty minded
The signs as jobs
Netflix V.S Sleep
Why the signs didn't do there homework
The one thing the signs will not do
The signs as SpongeBob characters
The signs as fall things
When the signs wake up
"I'm not high, it's my personality" Squad
"My shower time depends on my mood" Squad
Most to least dirty minded (The Signs)
Good And Bad Drivers (The Signs)
Why the signs are a good friend
The signs on the weekend
The "I wish i had friends." Squad
Mind or Heart (The signs)
The "Looks sweet but is scecretly evil." Squad
The "Seems harmless but is actually terrifying when mad." Squad
Last day of school squad.
The "Not popular but cool as hell when you meet them" Squad
The "says there going to fail but actually passes" Squad
The "I tried to do my homework but there's my phone."
The "Queen" Squad
The signs as pretty little liars
I don't -
What the signs spend most there money on
The signs as fears
How honest are the signs
Inside, Outside
The signs and urban legends
The sign see a fight
The signs as pokemon
Horror movies for the signs
The signs as a smell
How long the sign take to shower
The signs from most to least organized
The signs reaction on "I love you too"
The signs scale 1-10 of evilness
The signs as a fandom (#2?)
The "Will not put up with your bullshit" squad
The signs reaction to a season finale
What the signs enjoy in October
He/ She isn't afraid of (The signs)
The "Cute but scary." Squad
The signs as favorite things
You wouldn't know I was hurting (The signs)
They'd make the best therapist
The signs as Olympians
They may end up exhausting themselves in a attempt to help others (The signs)
Most likely to regret their harsh actions
Top 5 most likely to be sarcastic
boiling mad but wont flip immediately
Most likely to be likable
The signs during confrontations
The signs as elements
The signs as The Hunger Games characters
The signs Hunger Games district
The signs as Supernatural Characters
The signs as Youtubers
The signs as soda
Who the signs have a crush on
The "Human Google." Squad
The signs when they hate someone
The Signs and sleep
Worst feelings for The Signs
Trust (The signs)
The Signs as trees
The signs as Once Upon A Time characters
The signs "in high school" squads
The Signs as the Avengers
The "Gets jealous easily" Squad
The signs in a superhero movie
The "Looks sweet but, it secretly evil." Squad
They like to keep a tough face..
I'm nice but my bit is pretty damn vicious
Most to least likely to have a random story to tell you
3 signs (The signs)
What the signs can expect from 2016
OMG THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
The signs when they find you attractive
The signs common thought
They can really scare others when angry or upset
The signs super powers
The signs in a classroom
The signs Harry Potter houses
The signs as decades
The signs as Sound Good Fells Good Songs
The signs as honeymoon locations
The signs have a lot of
The signs as musicals
The Signs as food network stars
The Signs as Christmas things
The signs cat people or dog people
I like the........ (The Signs)
The signs in a awkward situation
I just want you to... (The Signs)
I'm fighting for... (The Signs)
"I want to spend my hole life with you." (The Signs)
The Signs and marathons
The "Getting out of bed is to hard." Squad
The signs as baby animals
The signs soul mates
The signs as punk/emo trindy bands
The signs most to least likely to believe in aliens
How much sleep dose your/the signs need
What the signs got arrested for
The sighs as book series
The signs as Scooby-Doo characters
Most to least compatible (With each sign)
The signs most to least likely to have a pet
The signs you either 100% love or 100% hate
The signs when they find out *Aquarius* likes them
Dangerous placements (The signs)
The signs as Orange is the New Black characters
The signs and there best friend
The "can't make up their mind" Squad
The signs reactions to being insulted
The Old Souls and Youthful Spirits (The Signs)
The signs when they have a crush
The signs as Disney movies
The Signs and patience levels
The Signs Most Likely to Take Over the World
The "would give a shit even if they don't want to" Squad
Signs & Their Happy Place
Signs during a class lecture.
The Signs as Christmas foods
The Signs as meals of the day
The signs as Christmas songs
The signs when they're bored.
Who'll kiss who on New Year's Eve
The signs as female characters from harry potter
The "Has too high of expectations for themselves" Squad
The signs as food
The signs on winter break
The Signs as emotions
Rules of the signs
Hit Songs For The Signs
The Signs as annoying people on the internet
The Signs seeing best friend fight
The signs as star wars characters
The signs as things my friends have said
The "Early bird" Squad
The Signs as Canadian Prime Ministers
Star Wars The bright side or the dark side
Divergent Factions for the Signs
The Signs as One Direction Songs
The Signs & Their Favorite Holiday Movies
The Signs as My Chemical Romance songs
The Signs when they're with their friends.
The signs as food/drinks
The signs as Adventure Time characters
The signs that would make the best therapists
The "I'm always right and deal with it" Squad
Most likey to sing out loud (The Signs)
The signs as the Olympians
I like to try new stuff I'm not scared (The signs)
The "Shy about their feelings" Squad
The "I slept till 3 pm and stayed in my pjs the rest of the day" Squad
The signs most to least likely to be serial killers
Most to least likely to have a random story to tell you
Most to least likely to us sarcasm
One good word about the signs
They have mastered the art of using sarcasm
Top 5 most likely to stay young at heart
The signs in college
How to tell if the signs have a crush on you
The "kindest people in the world but can freeze hell over with a glance" Squad
The signs as weather
The "Masters of the silent treatment" Squad
I'm not mad i just need my space (The signs)
My humor is half funny, and half sarcastic
The "So emotional but hides it." Squad
I'm not greedy I just like to eat a lot (The Signs)
The "Cancels plans to sleep." Squad
My personality is often misunderstood (The Signs)
What the signs crave the most
The signs crazy meter
Donuts for the signs
The "I'm not stubborn I just like things my way" Squad
The "Best listener" Squad
The "Messy hair and don't care" Squad
The "Simple things make then happy" Squad
The signs in a zombie apocalypse
I'm nice and all, but don't try to play me (The Signs)
The signs as The Maze Runner characters
Most to least likely to hate school
The signs as doctor who characters
Most stubborn signs
Most to least likely to spoil their children
The signs as superheros
The signs as authors
The signs reaction to "Will you marry me?"
The "I'm always hungry, but that's okay I'm cute." Squad
Most to least likely to survive The Hunger Games
Slow things the signs hate
The "Will call you out on your bullshit" Squad
A quick thank you
The signs as Star Wars characters
The signs as Lord of the Rings characters
The signs as anime(s)
Is your sign a jerk? - 1/10
The signs as Tokyo Ghoul characters
The "I have a crush on you but I also hate you" Squad
Zodiac Signs that will get along in 2016
The "I notice everything, I just act like I don't" Squad
How gullible the signs are out of ten
Signs as One Direction songs
The signs as quotes from Drake and Josh
I became... (The signs)
The cutest Sign Pairs for 2016
The Signs' secret admirers
The Signs as the emo trinity bands
Signs' most noticeable features
You know the signs are broken when they say...
The signs as Gods/Goddesses
Signs as a (YouTube) OTP/ships
Most to least likely to go to Prison
The Signs Do When You Don't Immediately Respond To Their Texts
The signs as songs from Badlands
The signs as Mario characters
The signs and love
Why the signs are up a 3am
Things to never ask the signs
The Signs As Adele Songs
The Signs As My Chemical Romance Songs
The leader in the zombie apocalypse
The signs crying
The Signs as Fallout 4 Companions
The signs as punk rock bands
The signs when their tired
The Sign Dragon Ball Z Best Friend
The signs as types of cheese
I ship your sign with a
The Signs as songs from A Little Bit Longer album by Jonas Brothers
The "Oh wait... can you say that again I wasn't listening" Squad
The signs most to least likely to have a natural sense of humor
The signs as safari animals
What the signs are most likely to dream about
What the Signs hate more than anything about people
The Signs As YouTube Commenters
The signs as types of hot drinks
The signs and medical specialty
The signs Nutella or Netflix?
The Signs as Action Films
Signs as Crystal Gems and Homeworld Gems
The signs as bird
Signs as Melanie Martinez songs
The signs as South Park characters
What the Signs do in their free time
Ths signs and how they kill
The "I have no idea what I'm doing, but I won't admit it" Squad
The Signs as Times of Day
The "Will walk passed you like we didn't even date" Squad
The signs as Nicolas Cage movies
The signs as Hayao Miyazaki movies
The signs as fabrics of time
The Signs and their ideal boyfriends
The signs as TV shows
The "Yes, I understand your point, but I'm still right" Squad
The" Just 5 mins at home but already naked" Squad
The"My mascara is too expensive to cry over stupid boys like you" Squad
The "Goes to pet store, comes out with 20 cats" Squad
The signs as well known songs
The "Has a diverse yet pleasant taste in music" Squad
The title was to long read it below
The "Never gets off internet" Squad
The signs as SpongeBob Squarepants songs
The signs as Frozen songs
The signs as tea
The "Dark and sarcastic humor" Squad
The "I'm not smiling at you, I'm smiling at your dog" Squad
The "I just need my music and food" Squad
If the signs cam with a sticker
The "Never gets off internet" Squad
Most to least likely to like rainy days
The Signs Camping
The "I hate you" actually means "I love you" Squad
Signs most to least likely to be super deep in a fandom
The signs most to least likely to fall over nothing
The "Curses at inanimate objects" Squad
The signs as colors
The signs The Flintstones vs The Jetsons
The signs when insulted
Hell yea its spring break
The Signs as Bands
The Signs as Cities
The signs as dog breeds
The Signs as Youtubers
The Signs As Cartoons
The Signs with exams
the signs as boyfriends/girlfriends
The signs as Pitch Perfect characters
Most to least Possessive signs
The signs as Neko Atsume Cats
The Signs as Lion King Characters (1 & 2)
The signs as Disney movies
The signs insulting you
The signs and their twin
The signs as Grey's Anatomy characters
The signs and what they love
The signs as James Bond movies
The signs as Sims games
The signs as types of ice cream
The Signs "Can read you like a book" Squad
The Signs as Genders
The signs as Vampire Academy and Bloodlines characters
The signs as Shrek Characters
The signs as Pringles flavors
The signs described in one word
The signs as shoe brands
The" Just 5 minutes at home, but already naked" Squad
The "Never texts anyone first" Squad

The "I told you but nobody listened." Squad

581 14 4


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