The Nerd's A Street Fighter

By kim_berlym

443K 11.3K 2K

Highest Ranking: #11 in Action // 12.25.17 I'm Lesley, you would think I'm this sweet innocent girl but, let... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Story Up!

Chapter 4

37.2K 982 326
By kim_berlym

My alarm woke me up and I groaned because a headache was forming. I got up and headed for the bathroom. I stripped of my clothes and got in. I finished my shower and got out wrapping myself in a towel. I looked in the mirror and saw that I had a long scar running from my cheek to my chin. I sighed and went to my closet and changed into a plain white shirt, my black skinny jeans, a pair of dark blue converse, and my black hoodie and quickly put my hair into a messy bun.

I went downstairs and ate some cereal with juice. I grabbed my backpack and my skateboard. I put my hood up and started riding to school. I got there and put my head down ignoring the people around me. I got to my locker without being pestered by Daisy and her minions. I quickly grabbed my things for class and walked to it keeping my head down. I got in unnoticed and sat down next to my regular seat knowing Austin was going to sit there. The bell rang and people ran in and Austin was with them. He sat down next to me and was gonna say something but the teacher started talking," Lesley you know the rule you can't have your hoodie up during school," I pulled my hood down revealing my scar. Everyone gasped even the teacher was staring at me. I raised my eyebrow and he went back to teaching. He said that we could work on our project.

"We don't have our things so do you want to go to the study room so we can research on it," Austin said. I nodded and we went up to the teacher. People were still staring at me. We reached the teacher and Austin said," Can we go to the study room to research our project,"," Yeah, let me write you a note," he wrote us a note and we left to the study room. During our walk Austin started talking," So you didn't have that scar yesterday when you left,"," I know,"," Where did you get it from?"," That's none of your business," he sighed and stayed quiet.

We went inside the study room and headed to the computers and started our research. When the bell rang we had enough research written down so we left and went our separate ways to our classes. Class just finished and everyone was staring at me with curious eyes but, hasn't anyone ever told them curiosity killed the cat. I'm walking towards the lunch room. I haven't been here since school first started I'm always either at the roof or at the library. Before I entered I put up my hood and opened the doors and almost immediately everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at me.

I kept my head down and walked towards the corner of the lunch room at an empty table. People around me watched my every move. As soon as I sat down everyone went back to what they were doing stealing a couple glances my way. I took out my phone and headphones and started listening to music. I laid my head down on the table and tapped my foot on the floor. The muffling of the people around me stopped and I soon felt a cold slimy substance on my back. I got up and turned around to find the culprit standing in all her glory.

"Look the bitch finally came here," Daisy said. I narrowed my eyes at her as she continued," Oh look she does have a mark were you abused by your parents? Do you have any bruises? Tell me where did you get this?" I kept an emotionless face and ignored her and started walking out of the cafeteria. As soon as I reached the doors she screamed back at me," You better stay away from Austin he's mine," I rolled my eyes and kept walking. Soon enough I cleaned off my hoodie and  the bell ran and I had to get to gym.

I quickly grabbed my things and headed for the changing rooms and changed into gym clothes. I got out and saw people arriving and going to the changing rooms. I took my bun out and put it into a pony tail. The boys all came out at the same time and a couple minutes later the rest of the girls came out. Some looked straight out slutty and some looked decent, although they wore really tight clothing. I on the other hand had loose clothing.

The teacher came in and started instructing what we were going to do," Ok so today we are going to be playing kickball I want Austin and Gabriel as captains and Austin picks first," I ended up being on Gabriel's team and I was his last choice but I could care less.

My team was kicking first and we ended up getting four points. When we got five outs we switched and I was going to be in the front right side. Since Austin was the captain he kicked first. The ball came right toward me and since I wasn't paying attention the ball hit me on the face. I got hit pretty hard but, I got back up and shook it off. They were all staring at me and the coach ran up to me," Hey do you need the nurse? She can clean you up," I was confused and I guess he must have seen it since had pointed to my cheek and I felt my cheek. My cheek was wet I looked at my finger to see it was a dark crimson red color. Blood." Yeah, I'll go to the nurse to get this cleaned up but, it's no biggie," he nodded and I started walking towards the nurses office.

" Hey Lesley wait up for me," I looked behind me to see Austin running up to me so, I stopped." Hey sorry I opened up your cut and made it bleed," he said," It's no biggie," I said," Are you sure?" I nodded and we walked in silence.

We arrived at the nurses office and I knocked. The nurse opened the door and looked at me," Twice. Already? You didn't have time to warn me," she said and I walked in. I sat down on the bed and she grabbed the first aid kit and cleaned up the cut ." Ok so you got to keep this clean and make sure nothing nasty touches your cut," I nodded and left the office, Austin trailing next to me. We walked back to the gym and we changed back and left. As I walk out of the changing room Austin asks," Are you going to my house today?"," I don't know let me check and make sure I don't have anything planned," he nodded and I grabbed my phone and texted Mitch.

Am I having a fight today?- Lesley

He immediately responded back.

Nope you're clear today- Mitch

Okay thanks- Lesley

"It looks like I'm going to your house," I said," Okay do you have a ride?" He asked," Actually I'm just going to skateboard there like yesterday,"," Are you sure because I can take you,"," Really? That would be great thanks,"," No problem I'll meet you outside," I nodded and went to my locker. I grabbed my things and went outside. I scanned the parking lot and saw Austin leaning up against a grey mustang which I'm guessing is his car. I walked up to him and said," Are we going or what?" He nodded and got in. I walked to the other side and got in the passenger seat. He drove past different houses until we reached his. I got out and followed him to his front door. He unlocked the door and walked in me trailing behind him.

"Mom I'm home!" He yelled out." I'm in the kitchen," his mom yelled out. We walked into the kitchen to see her in an apron covered in flour," You brought Lesley I'll make sure to make you extra too and I would hug you but I'm covered in flour," I nodded my head." Mom we're gonna be in my room call us if you need anything," she nodded and we left, heading towards his room. We got there and we saw James already sitting on Austin's bed jumping up and down.

"Hey lil man," Austin said,"Hi bubba. Hi lady," James replied. I waved and chuckled," Bubba?" I asked," Oh shut up and James this is Lesley," Austin said. James waved and kept jumping. Austin grabbed James and started tickling him. James laughter filled our ears," Lesley help me," James barked out." Don't worry Lesley to the rescue," then I jumped on Austin. He flipped me over and before I could say anything he started tickling me." James help me," I yelped," No help me tickle her," Austin said. Next thing I know I feel small hands tickling my sides.

"Stop stop- hahaha- guys- haha," I said between laughs." I'll stop tickling you if you say Austin and James are the best and coolest people out there," Austin said," Never," I said. They tickle me harder until I said," Okay, okay I'll say it," they stopped tickling me," Austin and James are the best and coolest people out there," I said and the only thing you could hear is our panting. Austin got off me and said," Okay we better start working," I nodded and we continued on making the little model Indians. James left not too long.

There was a knock on the door and James came in saying," Guys come on we're eating dinner," he grabbed our hands and dragged us downstairs. He let go of our hands in the kitchen and ran to where his mom was." Austin can you set the table," he nodded and grabbed the plates," Need help?" I asked," Yeah, can you grab the cups there on the left cabinet," I grabbed the plates and set it up on the dinner table.

Soon enough we were all set up and we had food on our plates." Ok children eat up," Melissa said. I grabbed my fork and started eating," So I can't help but be curious what happened on your cheek?" She asked. I was about to reply when Austin chipped in," She came to school with that but, during gym we were playing kickball and I accidentally hit her face with the ball and the cut opened up and started bleeding so that's why it looks red," I nodded," Ok but why did you have it in the first place then?" She asked. I shifted and replied," Well, I can't really explain how I got it," I said and she nodded. We went back to eating and we ate in silence." Mommy I'm tired," James said," Ok I'll put you up to bed I'll be right back," Melissa said," Actually I think it's time for me to go it's pretty dark I'll go get my stuff,"," I'll go with you," Austin said. We went up the stairs and to his room. We put everything up and I grabbed my backpack going back downstairs with Austin.

We went to the door and we already see Melissa there." Here's some dessert for you and your parents I'll see you next time sweetie," I nodded and grabbed the food and waved at her." Do you want me to drive you it's pretty dark,"," I would like that thanks," he nodded, grabbed his keys and went to his car. I followed behind him and got in the passenger seat. He turned on the car and I told him my address. We drove in silence and when we got there I opened my door and walked to my door, Austin trailing behind me. I grabbed my keys from my pocket and said," Thanks for the ride I'll see you tomorrow at school,"," No problem," I opened my door and closed it after he left.

I went to the kitchen and poured myself a cup of water. I drank it and right after I put it in the sink an arm wrapped itself around my neck. I panicked and elbowed them in the stomach. I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back. I grabbed my pocket knife and put it to his neck like I did with Austin.

"Who are you?" I gritted my teeth," Sweetie you don't even want to know,"," Don't call me that! Who do you work for?"," Boss,"," Who the hell is boss!?"," The guy we work for and you might want to watch out or that pretty little family of yours or they can be gone in an instant,"," I've had enough!" Then I slit his throat leaving him dead and lifeless.

After I took care of his body I took a shower and changed into some pajamas. I climbed into bed and thought over things. I have to make sure Austin's family is safe and by doing that I have to only work on the project and nothing else. With that I fell asleep.

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