Big, Bad Mate #wattys2016 (Bo...

By scarletraven23

327K 13.1K 615

This is the THIRD of Big Bad Series. COMPLETED. Alex and Kira have always been best friends. Their parents ha... More

A/N & Description
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16

Chapter 15

14.8K 638 14
By scarletraven23

Kira - a week later.

I had thrown myself into training the moment I was allowed out of that damned bed. I tried not to listen to the whispers, and tried not to pay attention to those who stared and what was even worse about this whole thing? I had body guards that stood around making sure that no one hurt me in my weakened state and also that no one got overly aggressive in spars.

I thought my aggression was bad when Alex stripped me of my Beta position and I don't remember that, but I was assured I was dangerous. If I was half of what I felt then that I do now I was a walking time bomb. Everyone babied me. Treated me like I was breakable and that infuriated me.

I punched at the bag hanging from the tree, trying my best to get the anger I felt building up out but it seemed the harder I tried to hit the more pissed off I became. It didn't help that I could feel twiddle dumb and tweedle dee watching me. I felt a growl making it's way up my throat and froze. I wasn't a wolf anymore and I suppose it was habit? Yeah that's what it was. I grabbed the bag for support, resting my sweaty forehead against it while I closed my eyes and breathed deeply.

"Are you okay Luna?" I heard one of my guards ask, and automatically my shoulders tensed.

Without looking at him I answered, "I'm fine." I lifted my head, and walked back to the pack house, trying my best to ignore all the looks. I swear my body felt like it was on fire, and I was going to explode any second. I walked straight to Alex's office not caring if he was busy or not and without knocking I barges in. My conscience side was thankful it was just his parents but another part of me, the angry, crowded, smothered part didn't care if it was them or another Alpha.

"Call off the two guys you have watching me! I can't take it anymore!" I raged, "I can understand if I were to leave the grounds but while I'm on pack territory I don't need watch dogs!"

Alex's eyes darkened as I simply glared and though any smart person would be afraid I wasn't. I was too pissed to be afraid, or to know my manners. I watched as Alex sent his parents a look and listened to them leave the room. While Alex seemed so calm, I was a raging ball of helplessness. I hated this feeling I had, and what made it worse is there was nothing I could do.

"You will keep the guards." Alex began but I cut him off, "no. I want them to stop following me Alex!"

Alex suddenly stood and growled loudly, but I held my head up. It only seemed to push him further, before I could process what happened Alex had grabbed my arm, hard and pushed me against the closest wall. "I'm trying to be patient, and I am trying to take into consideration what you may be feeling but the honest truth is I can't understand what your going through. I have an idea, but I know it's no where near what you really feel. I want you protected and if I have to listen to you yell, scream and cry I will. Your safety means more to me than anything else." He said.

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from begging him to let me go. I knew he didn't realize how tightly he was holding me but it was painful, I knew without a doubt he'd left a bruise. "And you remember you was taken off our territory so no where is safe especially not for you. Your weak, and vulnerable now."

I gasped and stared at him eyes wide as I tried to blink the tears away, feeling immensely hurt by what my own mate had just said. I already knew I was weak, I knew. But hearing the one your in love with say it to your face is hurtful. I lowered my head, unable to handle looking at him. "Don't you think I know that already?" I whispered, then I yanked my arm from his grip, ignoring his regretful expression as ran out of the room. I ignored his calls as he ran after me, but once I was in the safety of my room I locked the door and sat on my bed. I listened to Alex beg to be let in and that he was sorry but even if I knew he didn't mean it, it still hurt. I know I'm being childish, but I can't seem to think straight. I sighed as I listened to him walk away.

I rubbed my arm, and peeked down at the already forming bruise. I grimanced as I seen an almost perfect hand print or at least his fingers. "If I was a wolf this wouldn't have even hurt.." I muttered, I fell back onto my bed and stared at nothing. "I'm so pathetic...." tears slipped out of my eyes but I didn't bother to wipe them, I didn't see a point.

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