Books, Bullets, and Peanut Bu...

By Azure_Zero

70 4 6

Oi! What's up! this is just a series I'll probably make daily so I can update you on what going on in my life... More

To my best friend And better bro
It only counts if you call it!
I missed out!? Well damn
Writers block be damned
Sorry just need another break...
Sup? -w-

Coming up next in Zeros mind

8 0 0
By Azure_Zero

-walking dead theme plays in the back ground.-

RWBY next gen
RWBY shadows
The hunt for red... Just red.
Dragon ball Xenoverse Zero line story

Michael 'rage quit' Jones:: "Fucking when he means red he doesn't fucking mean like his friend Red he means red vs blue kind of fucking red idiots!!!"

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