Scomiche one shots;)

By sidemen_pentatonix

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The first one-shots can be extremely bad cause I didn't really know how to write back then, but I hope y'all... More

I'll see you in heaven
Truth or dare;)
Help me! ( not a one shot )
Truth or dare part 2
Celebration and Whipped cream
Unnatural part 2
Natural disaster
Somethings in our house (part 1)
Somethings in our house (part 2)
Somethings in our house (part 3)
Somethings in our house (part 4)
Somethings in our house (part 5)
Saved an angel
The doctor
stalker (part 2)
A/n (about stalker)
The cute angel boy barista
What are words
Beauty and the beast
Beauty and the beast 2
Beauty and the beast part 3
Beauty and the beast part 4
Beauty and the beast part 5
Beauty and the beast part 6
A/n Please help!!
Beauty and the beast part 7
New book!!
Chapters out!!
First kiss
Christmas reunion
Do you want to join our band?
New story!!
A/n another new story!
Do you want to join our band? part 2
The sweetest boy in town
I'm not supposed to feel like this, but I can't help it. Part 1
I'm not supposed to feel like this, but I can't help it (part 2)
I'm not supposed to feel like this, but I can't help it (part 3)
You're next Mitchie
War against you (part 1)
War against you (part 2)
New story out!!
A/n The first chapter is up!!
The bar
Betrayal (part 2)
Betrayal (part 3)
The swan prince
A/n just a quick question!!
Clown part 2
Mr: Hoying
Mr: Hoying (part 2)
Hunger games
Hunger games (part 2)
Hunger games part 3

Hunger games (part 4) (sad ending)

397 11 2
By sidemen_pentatonix

A/n sorry for taking such a long time to write this. This is the sad ending which means that yeah this won't be happy. I have some tissues and ice-cream that I'm willing to share and yeah I hope you like it! xx //Grace

We were all watching the TV, finding out which score we got.

We had to watch everyone else's score before we got to see our own and some of them were really good.

"Scott it's you!!" Effie shouted.

He got a 10!

"OMG Scott!!" I said and hugged him.

Then I showed up.

I got a 5...

I heard everyone sigh an I've never felt so bad. I've disappointed everyone.

Troye also had a 4 so I bet he feels terrible as well.

Everyone's eyes were at me and I just couldn't handle it so I walked away.

I heard Scott calling for me but I just ignored him. I didn't need his pity right now, it would only make me feel worse.

I sat down in my bed and sighed, tears slowly running down my eyes.

I heard the door open and I quickly wiped my eyes.

"Go away Scott" I said regretting my rude tone.

"Mitch... You know I will do anything to save you and I will let you win" Scott said and sat down next to me.

"No Scott! We already had this discussion... Your the one who's going to win. I will probably die the first day anyways" I said and sighed.

"No! Why would you say that!?" Scott shouted which made me flinch.

"DID YOU NOT SEE MY SCORE?!!" I shouted a bit too loud.

" Yes I did! But I don't care what anyone thinks!! I care about what I think. And do you want to know what I think? I think that you are the most kind, warmhearted, sweetest and the most beautiful person on this earth. I think that you are my world and that I will do anything to make you happy even if it means risking my own life." Scott said and then rushed out of the room.

I felt tears at my eyes and I started sobbing.

I started sobbing because Scott loves me and I'm just rude to him. I started sobbing cause these are the last days I'll get to spend with him.

I started sobbing cause I love him.

" I don't understand how you got a 4 when you hit the bullseye!" Effie said when we sat at the table to eat dinner.

"He may have hit the bullseye but they saw him at practices too so that's probably why he didn't get such a good score" Avi said and looked at me but I just looked down at my lap.

"But I hit the bullseye at a practice too!" I said and looked at Avi.

"Yes and that was one time... The others hit it all the time" Avi said and looked at me sadly.

Everyone thinks I'm a failure and that I suck, everyone except for Scott.

And that made me smile.

I saw Scott smile as well in the corner of my eyes and I noticed that he was staring at me.

I looked at him and smiled sadly. His smile turned into a frown and he started caressing my cheek as a comfort.

" well I guess everyone's done here... Go to sleep now! Tomorrow's the big day" Effie said and started to take away the plates.

Me and Scott had different rooms but I want to sleep together and cuddle.

"Scott?... Can we sleep together?" I asked and looked at him.

"Wait... Like the number after 5 or just cuddle and fall asleep together?" Scott asked and raised an eyebrow.

" I wanna cuddle..." I said in a baby voice and pouted.

"Well come then" Scott said and took my hand.

He dragged me to his room and pushed me onto his bed. He then laid down next to me and dragged me into his arms.

I then fell asleep peacefully for the first time since I came here.

"WAKE UP LOVEBIRDS!!" Effie screamed and woke us up.

Scott groaned loudly and then sat up.

"Why?..." Scott said in his raspy morning voice.

"Cause today you have to be on the hunger games talk show and then your actually competing in the hunger games" Effie said and clapped her hands excitedly.

I just sighed when I realized that I was probably going to die today.

"Yaay..." Scott said, sarcasm dripping of his voice.

We were standing and waiting for our turn to sit in front of the audience and talk.

I was up before Scott this time which made me nervous cause everyone's going to love Scott, but not me...

" next up we have Mitch Grassi from district 12!" I heard the man shout and that was my hint to walk in.

I can't say I was expecting an applause but I wasn't expecting complete silence either.

"He's so tiny!" I heard someone in the audience shout and laugh.

I shook it of and sat down on the chair next to the host.

"So Mitch... You're the tiniest and youngest one competing, how does that feel?" He asked.

I felt my throat close up and I didn't know what to say.

"Uhm... I don't really care to be honest, I mean it's not really bad to be small. You can much more easier hide from attackers and kill them without them noticing you. " I said kinda proud of my answer.

"Yes that's true but you got a 5 in rating" he said and raised an eyebrow.

The crowd started laughing and I tried my hardest not to start crying.

"You may think that there's not much hope for you but there is. A lot of people think your adorable and I bet that the one from you district has a lot of hope in you" the host said and that kinda made me smile.

"Have you made any friends from other districts?"

"Yes! Me and Troye from district 7 have become pretty great friends. We're the official twink team" I said and the audience laughed.

"Thanks for the talk Mitch! By the way you look stunning" he said and waved me off.

I smiled at him and then walked of the stage.

"Hello Scott!" The host said.

I was now watching Scott get up on stage.

"We must ask this cause everyone's wondering, are you and Mitch a couple?" He asked.

"Yes! We've been together for 2 years" he said and smiled.

"Wow! I have to say that the reaping for you 2 really brought tears to our eyes. How did you feel when you found out that both of you were competing in the hunger games?" The host asked.

"I've never been sadder and angrier in my life. When I got picked I knew that I would do everything to survive and to get back to him. But then when he got picked I knew that I would do anything to make him the winner" Scott said and it made my heart ache.

"That's the cutest thing ever. Does he want to win to?" The host asked.

"No.. He wants me to win" Scott said and smiled sadly.

"That's a problem... Well I wish you both the best!" The host said and then waved Scott of the stage.

This was it.

I was standing in a tube-like thing and I was just waiting to be released.

I've never been more scared in my entire life and I could feel my heart beating out of my chest.

The walls started closing in the tube.

The last thing I saw was Todrick smiling at me.

The walls in the tube were now closed and I got a bit claustrophobic.

I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was in the arena.

There was a lot of supplies and weapons in the middle and I had a path that I guess I had to run.

I looked around and saw everyone preparing to run.

I saw Troye and smiled at him. Then I saw Scott and we shared an intense and lovingly stare.

Scott mouthed the words 'run into the woods'

A loud horn rang out and everyone started running towards the supplies but I ran the other way.

I already saw 2 people get killed and I heard 2 cannon like sounds.

I saw Troye standing completely scared and not moving.

"TROYE!" I scared and motioned for him to come with me.

He started running with me and I continued to run into the forest.

I was panicking cause I hadn't seen Scott yet and a lot of people had died.

I felt someone touch me and I screamed in panic and kicked the person in the stomach.

"Ugh for fucks sake Mitch" a voice said with a laugh.

I realized that I had my eyes closed so I opened them and saw Scott bending over with his hands on his stomach.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!!" I said.

"It's okay wildcat but we need to run because everyone's now running into the forest with us." He said and grabbed my hand to start run.

I grabbed Troye's hand and we started running.

Scott had been able to grab some weapons and supplies for him, Troye and me.

We were at the moment sitting in a tree cause we heard some people running our way and I'm not in the mood to kill someone.

"I want to find Mitch and his little useless friend! I want to kill him so badly!" I heard a familiar voice under us and I closed my eyes in fear.

It was that buff guy, I think his name was Henrik.

Scott looked at me worriedly and I just looked back at him.

The first day was over and I'm surprised that I had survived longer than Kirstie had.

It was probably because of Scott's help.

We were walking around carefully cause we knew that we couldn't sit in the tree all the time.

If we tried to the leaders would probably put some deadly bees near us or something so we would die.

I heard a noise behind me and then I heard a scream.

Troyes scream.

I looked back quickly to see Troye with a knife in his stomach and a guy standing in front of me.

I was extremely angry and sad at the same time and I took my knife and tried to throw it into his stomach.

I missed and hit his face instead.

He fell down to the ground and I heard the cannon noise signaling that he was dead.

I then fell down to my knees next I Troye.

"Troye!?" I said in hope to see if he was okay.

"I'm sorry Mitch... I knew this would happen but I actually had a bit of hope when I was with you. You and Scott need to go and win this." He said and smiled.

I started crying and put his head in my lap.

"Oh and Mitch?" He said his voice getting weaker.

"Yes?" I said and my tears was falling into Troye's hair.

"Nice shot"

A cannon was heard and I started sobbing.

I looked down to see Troye no longer breathing with a smile on his face.

I started sobbing even more and I felt Scott's arms around me trying to comfort me.

"I want to pick some flowers to lay on him"I said and cried into his chest.

"We'll go together but we need to be quick" Scott said and took my hand.

I had picked some of the prettiest flowers I could find and laid them beautifully on Troye.

"Eyy I hear someone over here?!" I heard someone shout.

Me and Scott shared a look quickly and I quickly pulled my knife out of the mans face and then started running.

I felt my lungs start aching but I couldn't care less and I continued to run.

We shook the guys off and we were now hiding in a small cave.

I though we were safe but then I heard footsteps.

I don't know if it was the same guy or someone else. I don't even know how many people there are left.

I saw the persons legs and I quickly pulled out my knife to aim.

"I FOUND THEM" he shouted.

I threw the knife and the person looked down so the knife hit his face instead of his legs.

Why the fuck do I always hit people in the face.

"Nice Mitch now run!" Scott shouted and we started running out of the cave.

We hid behind a tree when we saw someone walk over to the now dead body.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! You get killed by them?! You fucking moron I'm better of on my own!" The guy said and kicked the other guys dead body.

I recognized the voice and it was Henrik.

Is he always following me?!

The words he had said to me in the training room started to repeat in my head.

'I'll show you disgusting later on in the hunger games. I'll take you away from your little boyfriend, and then I'll torture you until you beg me to kill you. And when you do I'll slam my cock into you so hard that you take your last breath. Your the youngest and smallest here boy so I would watch that mouth of yours'

He really wasn't a nice guy.

"Scott can we please run?!"I said in a whisper to Scott.

He nodded and we then ran away from Henrik.

It had gone 3 days.

3 fucking days!!

How am I still alive?

How many are still alive?

"MITCH WATCH OUT!" Scott's scream interrupted my thoughts.

I quickly ducked in panick and then realized that I had a knife thrown at me.

I looked to see Henrik with a smirk on his face.

"Well hi there Mitchie." He said.

Scott quickly stood in front of me and aimed a knife at Henrik.

Unfortunately Henrik was really good and ducked Scott's knife and then threw one himself.

I quickly realized that Scott was about to get hit and I pushed him away.

Ten I felt a incredible pain in my stomach.

I started screaming in pain and I fell down on my knees.

I then heard another scream and I hoped to god that it wasn't Scott.

I looked up to see Scott severely bleeding and my vision went red.

I could no longer feel pain, all I could feel was anger and hatred.

I screamed and threw a knife with all my force and it hit Henrik in the throat.

My vision went back to normal and I could hear a gurgling sound before I heard a cannon.

The pain then came back and hit me 10 times harder.

I tried not to scream but it was impossible.

I looked to Scott laying on the ground and tears were falling from his eyes.

I crawled over to him and laid my head on his chest and my arms around his body.

"I'm so sorry Mitchie" Scott said with a weak voice.

"Don't be sorry, why are you sorry?" I said and my voice was even weaker than his was and that made him cry even more.

"I failed to save you. I failed to protect you" he said with a shaky voice.

"You've never failed at anything Scott. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me. You've always been there to help me and I wouldn't be the same person I am today if it wasn't for you. I love you with all my heart" I said but my voice was getting weaker and my eyelids heavier.

The last thing I heard was 2 cannon noises and a weak 'I love you too wildcat'

A/n this was not how I was originally going to write it but yeah my mind went a different direction. There probably will be a happy ending as well! Thanx for reading! xx

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