Just The Way I'm Not

By hannahsworld

22K 566 55

In greek Calista means most beautiful. Not many other people see her this way, especially not in high school... More

Just The Way I'm Not (An All Time Low/Jack Barakat Fanfiction)
Being Late Always Has Its Perks
A Forced Kinda Friendship
Some People Aren't So Pleasant
Makeover Part 1
Blonde Bimbos
The Deal
Love is a funny thing
Unexpected Visitor
British Accents Are Sexy
The Little Green Monster
Twitter Can Be A Bitch
Getting Closer
Makeover Part 2

Job Opputunities

1.1K 34 0
By hannahsworld

Chapter 6

Callie woke up with a banging headache. She looked at the clock and saw it was 7.30. She sighed and got out of the uncomfortable clothes she seemed to have slept in last night. She peeled off the black dress and grabbed a pair of denim shorts and a white tank top that you could see her black bra through, but at that moment she was too tired to care.

She walked down the stairs and sat in her kitchen, her parents were home, for once. Her father was on the phone and her mother was pouring some coffee. When her mother turned around she let out a gasp.

"Calista what happened to your hair?" she asked, looking like she was going to have a heart attack.

"I had it died" Callie shrugged, her head was too sore to be sorry.

"We did not give you approval" her mother hissed.

"Mum not now" Callie begged.

"What time is your interview today?" her mother asked putting a plate of toast in front of her and changing the subject.

"What interview?" Callie asked her mouth full out food.

"I wish you wouldn't eat with your mouthful" her mother said disgustedly.

"I don't have an interview today" Callie said confused.

"Yes you do, the one your father got you at the Law firm."

"Shit" Callie cursed and her mother gasped.

"Don't tell me you have forgotten" he father joined the table, looking at Callie disappointed.

"No" Callie lied. "I thought it was tomorrow" she lied again, when the hell he got her an interview.

"Always getting your days mixed ey" her father chuckled, ruffling her hair like she was five.

"Well I presume you have been studying for this interview for a week, so a day early won't be that big of a disaster" her father said presumptuously.


"Well go and get ready, you can hardly wear that" her mother eyed her up and down and wrinkled her nose.

Callie searched through her wardrobe. Shit.

Cassadee and Lisa had thrown all her old clothes away and she didn't get any clothes yesterday that would be appropriate for an interview at a law firm. She managed to find a white see through floaty blouse with a peter pan collar and put a pair of skinny jeans on. She borrowed one of her mother's black blazers and put on a pair of black dolly shoes.

As nice as her hair was she needed to look more professional so she put it up in a neat bun and put a tiny bit of concealer and mascara on.

"You hardly look like you are ready for an interview" her mother hissed.

"I think she looks lovely, very modern business woman" he smiled.

"Thanks dad."

"I can drop you off on your way to work, have you got everything you need."

Callie nodded.

"Good luck Cal" her father told her warmly as he pulled up. "You ready for this?" he joked.

"As ready as I will ever be" Callie gulped.

"You will do great. I can't pick you up, so you will have to make your own way home, call a taxi" her father drove off leaving her petrified and feeling like she was going to throw up from nerves and from her hangover.


Callie came out of the building in shame. She had thrown up all over her interviewer's floor. He did deserve the stench of puke, he was a right pervert - even when he was showing Callie around the firm his hands were wandering a little too much for her liking.

Her parents were going to kill her and she wasn't going to get the job. Before she had thrown up she had completely bombed the interview, she couldn't concentrate at all.

She got her phone out and rang Cassadee.

"Hello?" Cassadee answered.

"Cass do you think you can come and collect me?"

"Of course, Rian can anyway" Cassadee giggled. "Where are you?"

Callie told her the address and within ten minutes Rian pulled up. Callie got in the car and held her head in her hands.

"I just threw up all over my interviewers really clean pristine flaw" Callie told him, breaking the awkward silence.

Rian started laughing really hard.

"I'm sorry" Rian said in-between laughs.

Callie soon joined in. They pulled up outside Alex's house and walked in.

"You look smart" Cassadee complimented.

"Yeah, woke up to a lovely surprise this morning. My parents got an interview for me at a law firm, a really high up one at that."

"With a hangover, that's rough" Alex said sympathetically.

"Why would you be working at a law firm?" Lisa giggled.

"I have a law degree."

"Tell them what happened" Rian interrupted still laughing.

"I puked all over the pervert's floor."

Everyone roared with laughter.

"I'm glad you all think this is so amusing, do you have any pain killers?"

"Very left cupboard on the right, in the kitchen" Alex replied.


"What is so funny?" at that moment Jack walked in and everything from last night came back to Callie.

"I think I'm going to be sick" Callie said exiting the room to get the pain killers.

Callie re-entered the room at the wrong moment.

"This girl last night was wild" Jack grinned.

"This time I really I am going to be sick" Callie said inaudibly.

"That is great Jack, no one cares" Lisa said picking at her nails.

Callie groaned and took off her blazer and sat down next to Vinny, she lent her head against him tiredly.

"This is why I never go out" Callie groaned.

"Aww Callie, I heard about your interview" Jack giggled sitting next to her, he wrapped an arm around her and cuddled her.

"Get off me, you smell like sex" Callie grumbled.

"Yummy" Jack winked.

"Not unless you want me to puke all over you" Callie warned.

Jack quickly let go of her.

"I'm so pumped to be going on warped fucking tour!" Vinny let out.

"Especially with Hey Monday going" Cassadee agreed.

"And me as an atl merch girl!"

"When are you going?" Callie asked, knowing when they go she would be left alone again and she didn't want that.

"Two days, did you not tell her jack?" Zack shook his head.

"I forgot" Jack offered.

"Come with us" Alex said surprising everyone. "You could be our second merch girl, we probably need one with Vinny always slacking off!"

"You're a merch girl?" Callie asked giggling.

"Merch manager" Vinny huffed.

"Okay" Callie put her hands up jokingly in defence.

"Please come" Jack asked this time.

"Okay" Callie grinned excitedly.

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