Vogel Im Kafig (End Of Tears)...

By psgribbons

202K 4.2K 2.4K

I ran over to Levi, and threw my arms around him. I could see the tears running down his face, despite the ra... More

bittersweet introduction
xtreme bootcamp
Titan research: feild journal
my OCD is conking me
Words like Knives
Erwin's riding face: priceless
sunny daze
Slumber Party
All along the Watchtower
Mission: Impossible
Raining blood: and the shattered pieces of my soul
Grief stricken with a side order of Tea
Your blush is most beconing
It's getting to know you, NOT stalking
love is an open door
An Anxious Note
Hey! Its Clint Eastwood!!!!
Christmas Edition
breakin in the new gear... I mean year
Humanity's most worried
And the walls keep tumbling down
Dungeons and titans
shattered soul
The Good, the Bad, and the Fugly
That was unexpected
Valentines Day Edition
Shark bait (hoo-ha-ha)
In The End (Or is it?)
To End On An Even Note
It's What I Do
About Author chan
Scenario Book for AOT?

To You: Five years after the fall

4K 79 24
By psgribbons

Levi and I had gotten married in a quiet, backyard type  ceremony as soon as he came back from Shiganshina. Levi had called for a shotgun wedding saying that he didn't want to postpone our wedding any longer. We exchanged vows in a clearing in the meadow outside the old Recon Corps headquarters. We had relocated to be closer to the two remaining walls. I had been so ecstatic to see Levi return to me after the fall of wall Maria. He was tired looking, but still in one piece. I was also saddened with the loss of precious comrades.

Yes, Levi and I had children, a stubborn, headstrong little girl named Rivielle.  She looked and acted so much like Levi, his personal little doppelganger. She was four years old now. Levi gave Rivielle a piggy back ride to the mess hall. He set her down on the ground as soon as we got to the hall.

"Momma, can I visit Auntie Hanji?" Rivielle asked sweetly.

"You know how your father feels about that," I said, ruffling her waist length raven locks. Her cowlick was showing. She looked up at me and stuck her bottom lip out, flashing me silver puppy eyes. God, I was a sucker for puppy eyes. Who can say no when a child makes a face like that? I groaned, unable to say so.

"You can have breakfast with her, but no visiting Sonny and Bean," Levi said, compromising.

As if being summoned by a worshipper, Hanji appeared out of the woodwork. She picked Rivielle up and settled her on her hip. Rivielle threw her arms around Hanji's neck.

"What's shakin', sweetie?"

"Daddy said that I can have bweakfast wif you!"

"But no Titan experiments!" Levi added.

"Really!?" Hanji asked, acting surprised. "Wow! We could have strawberry pancakes with whipped cream on top. How does that sound?"

"Yay!" Rivielle clapped her hands together. "Stwabewy pancakes and whipped cweam!" Hanji set Riv on the ground, opened the door, and went inside.

Erwin walked up behind us.

"Levi? Rukia? You are needed to assess the training for the 104th cadet class. Keith has them training with the 3DMG. All you have to do is stand back and watch, then make a report. Dismissed."

"H-hey, wait a minute! I don't exactly have a babysitter, and I don't entirely trust Hanji to keep Rivielle out of trouble. No offense to her," I said, starting to worry. "Levi, you go. I will stay behind."

"By all means, I will take care of Rivielle. After all, I am her godfather," Erwin said. "As your commander, I order you to go with Levi and assess Keith's training. Like I said, I will look after her."

I had almost forgotten. Shortly after I had recovered from giving birth to Rivielle (really, I thought that taking a 3DMG hook through the thigh was painful), I had appointed Erwin as  their Godfather and Petra as her godmother.

It just so happened that Petra was passing by and overheard the conversation.

"Erwin, I believe that you still have paperwork to file. I will take care of Rivielle. Olou is still following me around and flapping his mouth and biting his tongue. Kind of gives me an excuse to get away from him."

Erwin rolled his eyes. "Alright Petra. You win this time."

Reluctantly I walked to the stables and saddled my horse. Levi was tightening the strap on the saddle as I swung myself into the seat. My mare nickered softly. Soon, we were headed to the training grounds.

Time skip brought to you by strawberry pancakes

Levi and I walked the ground, watching as the cadets trained. Some were practicing with the 3DMGs, some were blocking as they practiced hand to hand combat. A blond girl flipped a rather sturdy looking blond male over her shoulder and pressed the wooden training blade at his jugular. Needless to say, I was impressed.

I watched those on the 3DMG train. The 3DMG training was my favorite part of the entire training procedure. A boy with brown hair was lifted up, and his body struggled to keep upright. He flipped over and hung upside down. I winced. If this kept up, he would be kicked out of training.


A girl with a red scarf around her neck was hanging on the wires perfectly. She was every bit relaxed. Levi nodded his approval. She would make a perfect soldier. As for the boy called Yeagar, I was not so sure, but he could surprise me.

Shadis saw Levi and I and calmly walked over to us.

"Levi! Rukia! Long time no see! I heard you two got hitched."

"Yeah, and now we are a family of three."

"Really? I did not really strike you as someone to have a kid, Rukia. You should bring your kid by some time, let them see what they are growing up around."

"I will keep that in mind," I said, smiling.

"Old friends of yours?" A cadet asked as they walked by.


The cadet shrank back and ran to the training area.

"How can you constantly yell like that and not get hoarse?" Levi asked.

"Really, its simple. I do not yell. I make it seem like I am yelling, but really it's all in the vocal projection. I have had five or so years to work on this."

Some of the cadets were staring in our direction. They were whispering among themselves. They looked worried. I overheard someone say, "the Scouts? What are they doing here!?"

I walked over to the hand combat training area. I saw the burly male and addressed him.

"Name, cadet?"

"Reiner Braun!" He said, saluting.

"Reiner," I said. Show me what you've got as far as hand to hand technique.

He hesitated.

"If you don't attack me, I can't tell you how to improve."

He lunged at me, and I easily dodged his attack. I twisted his arm around and pinned it behind his back. He dropped the wooden blade.

"First of all, you hesitated. Is that because I'm a female? A commanding officer? On the battlefield, its do or die. You absolutely cannot hesitate. Second, your attacks are too direct. Plan ahead. Third, you study your opponent's body language. A person's stance during a fight says a lot."

Other cadets had formed a semi circle around us and watched.

"Again." I commanded.

Reiner studied me as I got into my stance. I came at him with a right hook, which he blocked. He swung a fist, and I lurched backward to avoid his massive hand.


I lifted a leg like I was about to kick him in the face, and dropped down, swinging my leg around, knocking his legs out from underneath him. He landed on his back and air rushed out of his lungs with a whoosh.

"Another thing: change up your movement so your opponent doesn't expect what will happen next."

I reached down to help him up. He dragged me down to ground level and twisted my arms behind my back, slightly pulling upward. He pressed the fake knife against my throat.

"Excellent, Reiner. You can let go of me, now."

He let go, and I brushed the dust off of my uniform as I stood up.

Levi scowled from outside the practice ring. "Let's show these cadets a battle with no limits. I need to brush up on my skills, anyway. I haven't exactly had do defend myself hand to hand for quite a while now."

"They're putting on a demonstration? Cool!" Some cadets said.

"Okay, your neck," Reiner said as he slipped the practice blade into Levi's hand.

"Show me what you can do," Levi challenged. Keith walked up behind the spectating cadets and crossed his arms over his chest. He watched as Levi and I took our stances.

"You are to give a report based on observations that you make. I want a Five page report, front and back." Keith told the cadets.

Levi lunged, faster than a blink of an eye. And I knew he was going easy on me. I lunged away from his advance, missing the tip of the wooden blade by millimeters. My hair swooshed upward in an arc. I attempted a right hook, which was deftly blocked. Levi twirled the practice blade in his hand, which whistled through the air.

He hooked a leg beneath mine, and I fell to the ground. I swung my leg around, and brought him down. We wrestled in the dirt, swapping the knife in a death match. He had my shoulders pinned to the ground, and I brought my knee up and made contact with those washboard abs. He grunted as the pain hit.

After what seemed like forever, our close match ended when Levi was straddling me with the practice blade against my throat. Sweat was running down our faces. My heart pounded furiously in my chest, and my breathing was ragged.

The cadets started cheering. Levi stood up, and pulled me to my feet.

"Almost, but not quite," He whispered into my ear. "You've gotten rusty, too."

I adjusted the wedding band on my finger. It was twisted so the facet was pointing down instead of resting on my finger face up.

" I've been too busy with other things to worry about training."

Keith clapped us on the shoulders. "That was quite a show. I won't be surprised that most of the cadets would write "dancing" in the report. "

The sun was in the middle of the sky. I started worrying even more about Rivielle.

"Look, Keith, it was nice talking to you, but we have to get back to HQ. Who knows what's going on with Rivielle " I said, turning away.

I swung up into my saddle, and Levi followed my lead.

Hello, reader Chans. I was playing Injustice:Gods among us, and I had a little Mortal Kombat phase. Can you imagine Levi as a father? I can, he would be really strict with his children.

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