Love or Payne? [Niam A/U]


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Niall Horan, blonde, young , homeless, afraid, and deeply depressed. Niall was kicked out of his home , and w... More

Chapter 1: The Beauty in the Bully
Chapter 2: Trama.
chapter 3- Li and Nialler
Chapter 4- Protection.
Chapter 5- A Week of Payne
chapter 6- More then intended...
chapter 7- Hookups, Hatred, and hospitality
Chapter 8- the letter of Payne
chapter 9- going back in time
Chapter 10- gummy bears
chapter 11- Fun Day.
Chapter 12- One Condition.
Chapter 13- weeks of Payne, Acceptance will gain.
The Fanbook Project.
Chapter 14- closure
Chapter 15- Batman
Chapter 16- What goes around, Comes around.
chapter 17- crash
Chapter 19 - Mom
Chapter 20- Love Me
Chapter 21- Pale
chapter 22- Sudden.
Chapter 23- Safe Home.
Chapter 24- Maura and Bobby.
Chapter 25- Safe Haven.
Chapter 26- Steak Love and Burger Rings
Chapter 27- First.
Chapter 28- The Payne Train
Chapter 29- Run with me.
Chapter 30- Love and Payne (The End)
Bonus Chapter- Dear Journal.
Last Authors Note
Last Authors note-

chapter 18- Skinnny Love

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So you guys we all commenting ALOT of different stuff. about how you cried, and his you were happy I updated...and how my grammar was bad. yes it is but I am writing on my phone and kindle to make sure you guys get your new chapter by its due date so it can be am update every month with perfection....or updated every week week with a few minor mistakes! But as you know Nialls parents finally made an appearance so....SHITS ABOUT TO GO BE DOWN!

Liams pov~

I felt my fist clench as I watched the two adults stand in front of me, obvious that they didn't know who I was. "Mr, Misses Horan...." I addressed them with clenched teeth, trying not to explode at them.

"Oh, are you an.....well do you know Niall?" Nialls mother asked, her eyes showing no interest, no sadness that her son almost got killed.

"I'm his boyfriend....." I growled back at them, feeling my chest rise and fall in pure fury.

"ugh another one..." Nialls father scoffed as he looked at his wife. I took a deep breath, knowing that the officer was watching me, and said grabbing both of their hands "can I speak to you in the stair well?"

I didn't let them answer before I dragged them into the grey, paint fumed stair case.

"Don't touch me I don't want to get AIDs..." Niall's mom said as she took out a pink hand sanitizer from her purse. I got furious, so mad the room got a bit black.

"FUCK YOUR GOD DAMM HANDS YOU FUCKING BITCH." I roared at her as I snatched the bottle from her hands, squeezing it so hard the liquid exploded from it, oozing down my hands.

She gasped as Niall's father said "Dont talk to my wife like that o-"

"Or what? you'll fucking kick me out too? Your nothing but a fucking monster" I growled at him with a twitched lip. "Your lucky I don't fucking bash your God damm skulls in for hurting that boy, what are you doing here? huh?"

Niall's mom had a shocked look on her face, while her husband stood a bit in front of her "the police drove us over here...we had no choice but to come."

"Yeah? well you do now, get out." I said pointing to the stair case.

"why should we leave he's our son?" Niall's mother asked.

That's when I lost it, I didn't think anymore i just imploded. "you fucking kicked Niall out because he's gay you stupid cunt that's what, he almost died out their he got rapped, jumped, and beaten nearly to death All because you fucking monsters! He's perfect and your just filthy scum who I really want to rip apart."

They showed no sign of sorrow, guilt, or pain from my words, meanwhile I twitched in anger.

"Well that's his fault for being ga-" Nialls father began to say. I couldn't hold it in, as he spoke I slammed my fist into the side of his jaw causing him to fall to the floor. I shot Nialls mom a glare and said "Get out before I fucking kill you"

"Is that a threat? I'll tell the cops and they'll have you arrested!" Nialls mom exclaimed as she backed up to the wall, Nialls dad getting up, holding his cheek.

"no, it's a FUCKING promise" I snarled back "and I'll tell the Cops about what you did and not only will they take your house away for being unsafe for a minor they will also lock you up for negligence, hate crime, and you'll have to deal with me being in jail with you for fucking beating you to a God damm pulp!" I screamed, lungs hurting as I punched the wall next to Nialls moms face, causing her to yell.

"But....but who will take him out he needs a parent's consen-" Nialls dad began, clearly afraid of me, now with a red, swelling chin.

"he's eighteen.......he can legally get out by himself......Now for the last time." I grabbed Nialls mom purse, literally flinging it down the middle of the poles of the stair case, watching it land towards the bottom. I pushed Nialls mom towards the stairs as he she quickly walked down.

As Nialls dad went to go after her, I decided he couldnt get out that easily. I grabbed him by the shirt and punched him square in the nose, the world around me getting black as anger consumed my actions.

I watched blood spill from his nose, as I said "That's for Niall...ever hurt my boyfriend again you won't even be able to walk." With that I pushed Nialls dad down the stairs, the same way he did to Niall when he kicked him out. "And if I'm a faggot for being gay, that makes you the fucking devil for being a heartless monster. you and your fucking bitch of a wife...."

I walked back into the hallway, hearing shuffled noises and feet moving down the stairs, as I wiped Nialls dad blood of my knuckles on my pants. I never been so angry in my life,it was as if I was another person. Part of me want to just....kill them. kill them for hurting my baby. Niall is perfect and if they don't see that they don't get the right to be in his life.

I took a couple of breaths, as I walked next to a wall with a poster about washing your hands, the hall being empty for everyone was down it where they waited news for Niall.

I hit my head against the wall, letting out a small gasp, as I slid down the wall covering my eyes.

I let warm tears flow into my, now throbbing , hand as I sobbed softly.

"What if he dies?" I ask to myself in my mind "I didn't even get a chance to tell my parents about him, or take him on a second date......he's been living with me since October...that's five months......the best of my life and it could all just be over like that......."

I heard footsteps in front of me as I looked up, seeing the officer who I flipped at before. He gave me a sympathetic smile and said "you know...I can tell you care for him......" I wiped my eyes and said, sitting up a bit "He's....he's my everything...he is perfect..."

He bit his lip as he let out a small sigh. "Your strong OK? and if you believe In that he will be fine....he will be,ok but you have to help us out....we need to talk to you actually about what happened now, and what's going to need to help him mate, if you want him to be ok...."

I looked up at him and nodded, softly getting up. It was as if when I cried, it drained all of the life with me. I felt the officers arm wrap around me as he walked be back to the end of the hall where the boys all sat in chairs. texting frantically, and with sad faces. They all made eye contact when I walked into, and gave me a weak, ugly sympathetic smile.

I sat next to Harry and Zayn, pulling the selves of my rain soaked hoodie over my hands. I heard the squeak of the chair as the officer pulled one in front of us, as he sat down, facing us directly. I didn't hear anything but a loud ring in my ear, and the room seemed to lighten up a bit as I thought about when I first told Niall he was beautiful.

*flash back*

I watched Nialls eyes softly as I pulled the blanket over us, the lamp light behind me causing his blue eyes to sparkle.

"stop starring at me, you dork..." Niall said with a chuckle, causing me to smile very cheekily. I said "I can't help stare at you....cutie...." I felt a bit nervous saying the word, for at this point I knew Niall made me feel better then any girl before.

Niall made me want to fight for anything, and protect him, and love him.

I felt my cheeks tighten in a smile as Nialls cheeks turned a soft pink, resulting in an even softer giggle.

"You...You think im cute....?" Niall asked, as he looked down "are you blind....I'm ugly...."

I felt what ever pain showed on his face in my chest, and it made me more open, more willing to softly hint to myself that maybe I love Niall.

I didn't realize I had my hand resting on Nialls cheek, and that his chest was inches from mine. I smiled as he looked up at me with those, perfect eyes that had seen such horror, and I softly rubbed his tender cheek. watching the pink turn to red under my fingers as he blushed even more.

"Your everything far from ugly....Your sweet, talented, lovable, adorable.....and the most beautiful boy I have ever seen...."

I watched as his lips formed a smile, causing me to smile too. I knew I wanted to just lean forward and kiss him, but I couldn't...I just couldn't.

so instead I said, kissing is forehead softly "good night Nialler..."

I smiled as he turned around, and said "good night Li..."

I wanted to hold him in my arms as he fell asleep, to cuddle with him so when I woke up his face would be next to mine, breathing softly on my face....but I didn't....instead I turned around and closed my eyes.

*end of flash back*

I felt my eyes tear up from the memory as I hear my Name.

I quickly wiped my eyes and looked at the Officer who stood in front of me with a doctor, a very tall female with long black hair in a perfectly neat bun.

"What?" I asked, knowing they were talking to me.

"We need to talk to you about Niall...." The officer said as he walked away with the doctor, me standing up and following him. I looked back and realized that the boys were sleeping, making me furrow my eye brows for I was only day dreaming for a minute. As we walked down the squeaky white halls I looked at the clock, "3:24 am.." I've been day dreaming about Niall for an hour.

this made my heart sink, for I was unaware of the world for an hour....just sitting there.

I watched as they brought me into a room, the doctor sitting on a leather chair, behind a desk and in front of it two chairs that me and Paul filled. (the cops named paul...just saying)

"So umm...Mr.Payne, Niall is a very....very strong boy and he had shockingly made it through the surgery...and is recovering." The doctor said as he typed on her black lap top, causing my chest to fill with something, I don't know what but it made me smile.

"but...." of course, there is always a but.. "He was put in a medically induced coma so his body can heal....would you like to hear his injuries?"

I don't know why she would want me to know such details, nor did I know why I nodded my head in response.

She cleared her throat and said "He had two broken rips, a collapsed chest, umm...fractures in the knee, he had a cracked skull...and um.....he had very well managed to take the surgery well it wasn't to major the broken bones and cracked skull, so we just need some time for him to heal..." I let out a shaky breath knowing that my love went through so much pain, but smiled knowing he would be ok.

"Oh and umm....he needed stitches for his wrist...this isn't due to the car crash though...." Her words confused me , for I didn't understand what she was getting at.

Then it hit me.

like a punch in the jaw.

"Niall has apparently thirty self harm wombs on his body, and only 5 were major an d. opened due to the collision..."

I' felt my eyes water knowing that Niall was so low that he would do such a thing.

That he was so lost that he thought hurting himself would let the pain out.

I swallowed thickly and said "When...when do you think he will be out of the coma...."

She looked at me with a serious face. me knowing it wasn't a good one "Three weeks or more....if he wakes up before that...then two weeks latest, then he would go to some physical therapy....but the biggest treatment off all is the emotional stresses that come along with the aftermath of something so....horrific. Do you think you can do that? you would need to be patient with him, make sure he's calm....make sure he's not harming himself.."

I took a deep breath and said "I am all he has and he is the only thing that matters to me.....I will do anything and everything until I die to make sure he is ok."


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