My Little Dragon {Holiday Gra...

By SakaDaCocka

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This is a little collection I am going to make that will have a few small Gratsu fanfictions. They will all... More

Table of Contents
My Little Dragon: Part 1
My Little Dragon: Part 2
The Halloween Party
Halloween Day AU {A.K.A. Author's Universe}
The Mistletoe Mishap AU
Heated Christmas
All I Want For Christmas...

The Weirdest Encounter

357 11 12
By SakaDaCocka

[And today is the day I die huh?  Yep so anyways my excuse... Well it is something I like to call freaking out over high school, homework, writers block, new anime's, and role play (Yeah I know... XD).  It is to flipping crazy!  So anyways I have been really practicing my smut writing skills so if I fail this blame my RP friends.  This story, by the way, I got from a prompt I found on OPT Prompts on tumblr. Oh and this is like one of the best pictures of Gray I have ever seen so I am gonna use it whether you like it or not!  Lol anyways lets get started then!]


=<Natsu's Pov>=

"Lucy... what the fuck is this?" I yelled as we walked into a giant office filled with other people who all seemed to be either sitting around doing nothing or chatting to someone on the phone.

"Hehe, Natsu... Well ya see, you said you where looking for a job and..." Lucy stuttered out as she rubbed the back of her head, I continues to glare daggers at her.

"YEAH BUT I NEVER SAID THIS!" I yelled so loud that everyone that wasn't using a phone turned to look at me.

"N-Natsu calm down and listen to me, you only have to do this for a week or so okay?  Then I can try and help you find a better job..." Lucy whispered as everyone else went back to whatever they where doing.

"A week!?  Are you kidding me?!  Luce I don't know anything about this or how to even do any of this stuff!" I whisper yelled back to her with vein practically popping out of my head.

Lucy grabbed my arm and walked with me quickly as she continued to talk.  "Yeah I know that but maybe you could get lucky and make it through just a week.  We have been looking for a guy hat could talk to other guys and since you are gay, I think you will fit the spot well for the time being!" Lucy exclaimed while giving a slight grin which I did not return.

"I hate you so much Luce, you know that right?" I said before she pushed me down into a desk and got into her own chair that was right next to mine.

"Now, if you need help you can jut talk to me.  I can help you through it if you really need so please stop freaking out so much..." Lucy said before turning back into her desk and beginning to eat her sandwich.  What the hell did I get myself into.  I am no phone sex operator, I haven't even had sex,  let alone do I know what to do or say during it!

~ ~ Meanwhile, with Gray ~ ~

=<Gray's Pov>=

Today was valentines day and as usual, me and my friends (Levy, Gajeel, Erza, Jellal, Loke, Lyon, and Juvia) were all together and having our annual valentines party.  "WOOOOOHOOO!  LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Lyon (who was drunk, per usual) yelled while walking into the house.

"Wait so does that mean we are just missing Luce then?" I said while looking around the room and counting everyone already there.

"Nope, Lucy said that she was going to miss it this year.  Supposedly she took the late shift today at work because she wanted to help out a friend of her's that was joining." Erza said while sitting down on Jellal's lap and allowing him to wrap his arms around her waist.

We all slightly looked down sadly, missing our friend.  "Maybe we can suprise Lu-chan at her work tomorrow and still wish her a happy Valentines day!  Oh and we could meet her new friend too, from what she has told me he is super nice." Levy said before then giggling and whispering into Erza, Juvia, and my own ear "...Oh and she said he was really hot..."

All four of us began to go into full blown laughter while the guys just sat there in confusion.  "What were you all whispering about?!" Gajeel yelled a bit angrily.

"Sorry it is a girls thing." Levy said before taping Gajeel on the nose.

"And a Gray thing apparently." Jellal said while looking at me suspiciously.

I chuckled and pointed at myself while stating "Yeah, sorry but I am just more 'special' than the rest of you guys here!"

"You mean gay..." Loke said with a bored tone as everyone else laughed and I just blushed.

"Oh shut it lion.  I think you need your tamer back, she is the only one that can keep you caged well enough for my liking." I said with a slight smirk on my face.

"EVERYONE!  LET'S PLAY A GAME!" Lyon shouted making the room echo, "NOW GRAY~!  T OR D?"

I felt all eye's fall on me as I looked up in confusion.  "Um... Dare I guess..." I answered before sitting and waiting for him to say what my dare would be.

"I dare yoooooooou to call up Lucy's work.... and talk to one of the operators!" Lyon slurred while pointing straight at me.  I felt my face heat up slightly as the rest of the room went silent in shock.

"WHAT!?" Was the first thing everyone else yelled as they looked from me back to Lyon. 

I stood up while trying to keep a straight face and stared over at Lyon.  "Challenge excepted..." I stated while making my way to the room, getting some loud gasped from my friends as they whispered things like 'Wait is he really gonna do it?' or 'No way, he has got to be kidding right!'

When I got to my bedroom door I opened it up and closed it behind me (locking it of course) as I made my way to my bed.  When I sat down I quickly grabbed out the phone and began to dial the number. All he said was I have to talk to someone, that doesn't mean I have to actually do what they want me to right?  Ugh Lyon better be the one that pays for me to do this! my head screamed as I put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello, this is SPOC.  How may I help you?" {Oh my gerd I just noticed it's spoc!  That is amazing! XD}

"Hi, I am looking for one of your operators..." I whispered into the phone, a bit shyly.

"Okay so are you a male or female and do you prefer to talk to a male or female?"

"Well um, I am male and I am looking for another male..." I whispered again, feeling as if they may yell that I am disgusting at any second.

"Very well, it looks like our guy is open so I will send him to you right away.  This will only take a few seconds."

=<Third Person Pov>=

"Luuuuuuuuuuuuuce!" Natsu yelled as he lay his head on the desk in pure bordem.

"What is it Natsu?" Lucy said as he noticed the small bags forming under her eyes.

"Hey are you okay?  You look like you are about to pass out or something!"  the pinklette said while getting up and beginning to study her body for any problems.

She nodded a yes and closed her eyes while laying her head on the desk again.  I feel horrible, she probably would be home in bed if it wasn't for the fact that I am here right now! Natsu thought before being snapped out if it by the sound of a phone ringing.

When he looked over at his desk, he noticed the light on it was flashing as it rung for a second time.  "Oh shit!  Oh shit!  Lucy is asleep now!  How the hell am I supposed to do this!" the boy yelled while holding his head, "No you can do this Natsu, I believe in me!  You got this!"

Natsu quickly picked up the phone a put it up to his ear with a quiet gulp.  "H-hello there, i-is there something y-you need?"  Wow well you just sounded dumb as all hell. Good job there dumbass!

"Um, are you my operator?" Gray stated while slightly blushing at the other boys voice. He sounds like he is really shy.  Wait why the hell would he be shy, if you have a job like that you can't be shy... right?

I know it is only through a phone but his voice is reeaaallllly damn sexy.  I mean like on a scale of 1/10 I would give it a 11... WAIT WHAT AM I SAYING!? This is just a guy over the phone... Just a guy over the phone... Just a guy over the phone... "Y-yeah that's m-me..." I whispered while trying to actually talk normally.

"You sound cute." Gray whispered unconsciously into the phone causing him to stop and cover his mouth with his hand.

D-did he just call me cute!? Natsu's head stated as his face turned a bright red.  "U-um thanks..." Natsu said while his face slowly bloomed into a even darker red.

"I-I'm sorry that was probably weird I shouldn't-..."

"Oh n-no it's fine!  I am kinda new at this so I-I guess I don't really know what I am supposed to be doing yet..."

Wait, new!  Lucy... new guy... hot... God damn it shut up mind! "Oh no it's fine, my friends kinda dared me to do this anyways so I don't really know what I am doing either..."

"Yeah well I have no idea why the hell my friend got me into this.  I haven't even had sex yet, let alone can I do a job like this."

Friend... Virgin... Shut up mind, shut up! "Oh well that sucks.  Who is this friend of yours anyways?"

"Well I don't wanna give away to much info but her name is Lucy."

No way, no way, no way!  This is amazing, I can't believe this is actually happening! "Oh cool!  Anyways, I should probably go.  I think my friends will be pissed if I am here to long."

No, please don't leave yet! "O-oh okay!  Bye then..."

~ ~ Story Is Getting Too Long So Time Skip To The Next Day ~ ~

=<Gray's Pov>=

It felt like every step I took, the more my heart began to race.  Today is the day I get to meet him!  Why won't my heart just shut up already, ugh!  I thought as we walked right in front of the building.

"Well, here we are!" Levy shouted with a huge sigh.

"Yeah, back to work I guess..." Erza sighed while we all walked into the office.  People where piled everywhere on phones talking to one of there customers.  We only passed by them without a word as Erza guided us back to where we could see a blonde haired girl sitting and drinking some coffee.

"Lucy!" Loke yelled while running up to the girl and bringing her into a big hug.

"Wait guys?  Why are you all here!?" Lucy said while looking at us with baggy eye's.

"We came to see you since you weren't at the party last night!" Lyon (who was no longer drunk) declared while wrapping an arm around Juvia's waist and pulling her in closer.

We all nodded our heads together in agreement.  "Oh yeah and we wanted to meet that little squirt of yours that you had to leave us for." Gajeel stated with a straight face.

"Oh right, guys we gotta stay quiet for him.  We have been taking shifts of sleeping and being awake that way we could wake the other if there phone rings." Lucy whispered while pointing around the corner of her desk.

I was the first one to walk around the corner as I saw a pink haired boy sleeping on the desk.  He had his head laying on his arms and there was a slight bit of drool coming from the corner of his mouth. God damn it Gray, I know he is cute but I need to calm down before I do something drastic.  I could see Lucy smirking as my cheeks tinted with pink from just starring at him.

"Oh by the way," Lucy stated before getting close to my ear and whispering, "he is into guys too..."

Now it was my turn to smirk as I got close to her and whispering back "Yeah I know.  I happened to get Natsu as my operator last night..."

At that, Lucy's face shifted to pure shock as she yelled "Wait, what!?  You... You called us last night!?"

"Yeah Lyon dared him to, what's wrong?" Jellal said while tilting his head to the side.

"H-he... Natsu... Gray...." Lucy whispered while beginning to have her head flooded with the image of them having a sexual conversation together.  I continued to smirk as everyone else stared at us in confusion.  "They... Natsu... he is the one... the one that I told you was joining the boy love section..." Lucy whispered out making everyone else jump back in surprise.

"So you where on the phone with him then!" Erza shouted while pointed a shaking finger at Natsu.

Right then, we watched as the pink haired boys eye's slowly opened too see everyone staring at him weirdly.  He quickly noticed that we where all staring and began to blush and scoot away from us only to be stopped by Lucy grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and dragging him over.  "L-lucy let go of me!" The boy yelled while trying to escape her grasp.

"No, now tell me!  Why didn't you say that you talked to someone last night!?" Lucy screamed while setting him down right in front of us.

I could see him get a bit uneasy as he stared at his feet and was twiddling his fingers. "H-how did you find out?" He said while keeping any of us from seeing his face.

"Because the doofus right here is the one you where talking to in that call!" Lucy said while pointing at me angrily.

The boy looked up at me and we were then quickly locked into a hard stare. For a second or two no one said anything till finally both our faces turned bright pink and we looked away. "This... This can't be real..." Natsu whispered to himself.

"Sorry to tell you but yes it is..." Lucy said while slightly face palming, "Anyways, I guess we should go ahead and properly introduce you all now that that is all over. This is gonna be a long day..."


Sasha: Hehe I tricked you all! No smut shall be happening today! Sorry but I couldn't find a good way to incorporate it into the story so deal with it.  Oh yeah and sorry if the wording and shiz is bad, I was just really exited to upload and I am currently in a car getting sick as all hell...

Natsu: Wow Sasha... Just wow...

Sasha: *puffs out my cheeks and sticks my tongue out* Sorry you two! You guys can fuck some other time okay?

Gray: *face palms* See what you did Natsu...

Natsu: *pouts* Oh shut it Popsicle you know you wanna do it too!

Gray: *blushes* Shut it pinkie! *crosses his arms*

Natsu: IT'S SALMON! *tackles Gray before beginning to tickle him*

Sasha: Keep it PG for now you guys!

Gray: *starts laughing uncontrollably* N-Natsu stop that...

Natsu: *laughs also as he moves his head down and begins to make out with Gray, no longer tickling him*

Gray: *gasps in surprise but keeps his eyes tightly closed*

Sasha: *sweat drop* Nevermind, I guess I will just end it before this goes to far... See you guys.

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