A dark figure that looked like a women appeared. "Tomiko, Tomiko", it kept repeating in a raspy voice
'What am I looking at and who in the world is Tomiko?'-Mai thought to herself
Everyone stared at the monitors.
"Monk there is something behind you"-Naru said
Monk turned around "What? Theres nothing in here Naru"-Monk said
"Damn, I guess he can't see it"-Naru said
Mai started running to where monk was.
"Mai wait!"-both Naru and Yumi yelled
When Mai opened the door she yelled "Monk look out!"
"Go, get out of here right now!"-Monk yelled
"But we can see the ghost on camera."-Mai
"Don't just stand there Mai, get out of here!"-Monk
"Come quick you're in danger"-Mai said as she started walking towards monk.
She felt a spirit pass her, and a dark voice said "No one can interfere with me." And it started to strangle her.
Back at Base
Yumi couldn't just stand there so she took off after Mai.
"Yumiko!"-Naru yelled
Back with Monk
Monk started to chant a prayer, after that the spirit finally let go of Mai. Mai let out a few coughs.
Yumi got there.
"Mai are you okay?"-Monk
"Lets get you out of here"-Yumiko said helping Mai
As they were walking out they heard the wood crack and break, all three of them turned around in surprised.
Later that Day
Everyone returned later to inspect what had happened.
"Looks like the house was built over this well, must be pretty old."-Monk
"Theres a spirit deep below, she's lurking deep inside the well calling out to the children's spirits and pretending to be their mother, the children want to return home, they're lost and can't find a way out"-Masako
"Is minnie there too?"-Mai
"Minnie who is actually Yuki Kachitimano, thats the ring leader of the children but in reality she's in so much pain and sadness that she just wants all of this to stop"-Masako
Everyone stared down at the well.
"It appears to me that this well goes deep into the earth, and at the very bottom are the spirits of the children trapped in the darkness."-Masako
"Who is this Tomiko?"-Naru
"Oshamas child, she is looking for her child, Tomiko is her daughter, thats why she's gathering the children"-Masako
"Now we're getting somewhere"-Naru
"I need to take care of something"-Naru
"Naru don't leave yet. Nauru where are you going! Why does he do this every time!? He does that so much its starting to get old!"-Mai yelled
"He does that so often, I just expect it now. How about we work on trying to get the spirit out while he's gone?"-Monk
"You're right. Okay guys who wants to go?"-Mai
"Which of you two is up to the challenge? I'm warning you its intense in there"-Monk said while grinning
Ayako and John looked at each other. John gave a nervous chuckle and gave Ayako a look as if asking if she could do it.
"Fine I guess I'll do it, but if I go one of you brave men will have to watch Ayami for me"-Ayako said sarcastically.
"Of course"-John
In the Afternoon
Ayako was in her exorcism clothes saying a prayer.
Mai and Yumiko were inside with her.
As Ayako was saying her prayer Mai and Yumi spoke through their thoughts.
"Ayako is so lame, the only reason we are here is because she was scared.And she calls herself a spiritualist"-Mai
"Chill Mai, how bout you, wouldn't you be scared after what you saw."-Yumi
"Well yeah but"-Mai
"No buts, just stay quiet and pay attention"-Yumi
Both girls gasped
"I just got the chills"-Mai
"Same, where did it come from"-Yumi
Ayako kept chanting her prayer. As she did that they suddenly heard a thump, and a bunch of noises all over the room.
"What did you stop for?"-Mai said in a panicky voice
"Take it easy"-Ayako
She was about to begin when she felt something touch her.
Ayako gasped, "What"-Yumi asked
"I just felt something touch me"-Ayako
"Just stay focused"-Mai
Out of the corner of her eye Yumi saw something about to grab Mai, so she pushed Mai out the way but was instead grabbed herself.
Yumi gasped, Ayako and Mai turned to look at her just as she was pulled hard across the floor towards the well.
"Yumiko!"-Both Ayako and Mai yelled
Lin burst into the room, trying to help Yumiko.
"Grab my hand"-Lin
As Yumi stretched her hand to grab Lin's, just as she was about to grab his hand she was pulled away into the well.
Yumi lost conscience as she fell.
Ayako, Mai and Lin quickly ran to the well and saw that Yumi was unconscience . Mai suddenly felt dizzy and fainted, luckily Lin was standing next to her and caught her.
Yumi's P.O.V
I started to open my eyes, I sat up, I saw that I was in a dream, so I quickly put up the invisible barrier.
I saw Mai appear, ' What, did she faint?'
Mai started to wake up. "Where am I?" she asked. She heard a tap-tap-tap sound she turned around and saw a little kid bouncing a ball outside.
"What's going on?"-Yumi
"That's not Ayami, who is that?"-Mai
Mai gasped as she saw that a stranger came up to the young child.
"No get away from that man, I don't know why but that man is dangerous"-Mai
Mai was about to go after the child but suddenly a women appeared saying "No! Tomiko don't go, don't you take Tomiko, Tomiko!"
'Is that the girl's mother?'- wondered Mai&Yumi
As the women got closer she saw the ball floating in the pond.
"NOOOO!!"-the women screamed
The scenery changed
The mother was crying in front of a well, Mai gasped as she saw her she knew what she was about to do.
"Don't!"-Mai was about to run towards her to try and stop her when suddenly dream Naru appeared and stopped her, "Naru?"- Mai asked. He shook his head telling her to just watch.
"Tomiko" was all the mother said as she threw herself into the well.
"Don't do it!!!"-Mai yelled
Mai woke up
Yumi P.O.V
I was still in the dreamscape, processing what I had just seen happen.
Suddenly I heard dream Naru say "I know you're here come out."
I froze, thoughts going through my mind, 'Is he talking to me? Does he know I'm here?"
Suddenly the invisible barrier disappeared, 'huh?', "So it was you, huh? You were here last time too weren't you?"-Dream Naru
"How did you do that? How did you know?-Yumi
"I could feel your presence."-Dream Naru
"Oh"-was all I said
"You know who I am don't you?"Dream Naru
"So you are him aren't you? Naru's.... your Eugene"-Yumi
"You can just call me Gene"-Gene
"Gene huh, you can call me Yumi then "-Yumi
"Okay, well then Yumi don't tell anyone about me"-Gene
"Okay, don't tell Mai I've come here"-Yumi
"Okay, you should go now, I know you have questions and things you want to say but you can do that another time, you have a case to solve"-Gene
"Yeah alright, till next time"-Yumi
"Yeah, see ya"-Gene
Yumi woke up at the bottom of the well, "You ok? Hold on Lin is coming back to help you out"-Ayako&Mai
They pulled Yumi out besides a few scrapes here and there she was fine.
They went back to base and Mai told them what she had dreamt about when she fainted.
"You have no experience with spirits or supernatural stuff so how could you just dream that is probably just your mind"-Ayako said jokingly
"There's a chance you've hit the nail"-Lin
"So you believe me?"-Mai
"I wouldn't go that far but it is a possibility"-Lin
Mai P.O.V
I laid down, I let myself fall asleep. I was in that dream again and sure enough dream Naru was there.
"So Naru, Ayami, do you really think we can save her before it's too late"-Mai
"She'll be fine"-Dream Naru aka Gene
Mai closed her eyes and relaxed a bit, "you're right, everything will be alright as long as we do our job.
I woke up
No P.O.V
"You sure that's a good idea Naru?"-Monk
Naru walked toward Lin, "Lin play back everything you've recorded this far"-Naru
"Naru you're back"-Mai
"Yes, thank you Mai I knew that already-Naru answered sarcastically
'Why can't he act like he does in my dreams'- Mai thought to herself
"Huh"- Mai said once she saw the whole gang in there.
"What do you mean hey shouldn't you two be watching Ayami she could be in trouble right now for all you know"-Mai
"Naru said there's no use guarding her anymore"-monk
"So we came back to help"-John
"Wait are you positive she's ok?"-Mai
"She's fine Mai, everything will be over tonight.