Love with Gangster!! (Complet...

By priyankachhabra

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Hi... Just to brief this is absolutely fiction story... Any characters or incidences resemble to anything is... More

Love with Gangster!!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8- Photo of Rose...
Chapter-9-Tulip Picture
Chapter 10- Edward's Picture
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter- 14
Chapter-15 Edward picture...
Chapter-16 Picture Of Jasmine...
Chapter 19
Chapter- 20 Photo Of Harry
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter-24 Picture of Zara
Chapter-27 Picture of Rose
Chapter- 33


790 11 4
By priyankachhabra

Chapter- 30

Edward POV

Edward- Rose I love you... Please forgive me Rose.. Please...

Rose- you broke my heart... Edward.. You killed.... I.. can never forget that... just be here for Tulip, Zara and Shawn...

And She left... 

She left, once again I have hurt her... I love her.. and I always will... I have lost many people in my life.. I cannot lose her... I understand completely what she must be going on.. How can one love the person who has killed one’s parent.. But I have done due to certain reason... That night I have to take very hard decision, our mother was on dead bed.. I have gone to each possible person for money but they have just turned me down, at last I have to do this awful work.. I have to do this to save my mother life, I have to do this for Tulip... for them I have killed.. I have become gangster... It was in my destiny I have not chosen this... for god sake.. why doesn’t she understand... why........

I was not able to sleep so I went to balcony attached to my room... The night sky was..

The peaceful night sky, luminous and a-glow---

Around each cosmic sphere, a fragile halo!!!

Shining down on us in incandescent streams

Bright silver starlight and lustrous moonbeams!!!

Sky was very beautiful.. Beautiful as Rose... there were many stars.. and in those stars I can see eyes of Rose... Her innocent smile....

I love you Rose.. I love you....

Tears of blood fall from my broken heart
I never thought we would be apart

When you held me you said "forever"
Now that you're gone I know you meant "never"

Saying you love me with that look in your eye
And that was a cold hearted lie

Your tender touch, a soft kiss
Two things about you I will miss

As I sit here thinking about you
My face is wet with tears past due

I should've cried a long time ago
But I loved you so

I know they say love is blind
But I had only you on my mind

A hurt so deep it cuts like a knife 
But wounds heal and I'll go on with my life

As I was going back I saw some lady figure sitting in lawn alone... and at one I know who she was...

Edward- Rose what are you doing here? Its 1 AM at night...

Rose- nothing I am not feeling sleepy.

(I know she is lying, her eyes were red, I know she was crying...)

Edward- Were you crying...

Rose- why do you thing I will cry and for whom...

Edward- I can see you have become good liar. 

 Rose- I don’t lie neither I hide things...

 Edward- Can’t you forget things which were done in past... Cant we have a new start Rose... Cant we... hmmm... Sorry for yelling...

 Rose- Do you think we can?

 Edward- yes we can...

 Rose- How we can?

 Edward- Just give me one chance.. please....

 Rose- Its very difficult for me...

 Edward- You can give a try...

She was quiet.... I don’t wanna push so I changed the subject...

Edward- so hmmm can we be friends?

She smiled..

Rose- yeah sure....

 Edward- so... hmm tell me what you did past 3 years and when did you come to know that you were pregnant... I want to know everything about Zara...

 Rose- well after that awful... hmm... well I will try to forget that night.. anyways... I had come to London with Priya.. because my dad has left his property on my name..

I was not keeping well... I went to doctor and he said that I am 2 month pregnant... at first I was not happy... I thought of aborting but... Priya made me understand... Than visiting doctor for regular check up  and listening to heartbeats of the child I fell in love with Zara.. And...

Tiny movements like tiny kicks
Tiny baby, a mother’s bliss
Can’t wait to give the tiny you
Huge hugs and lots of kisses too 

What tiny dreams you might have now?
I would understand someday, somehow
I dreamed last night, your tiny face
An angel indeed, made from God’s sweet embrace 

How else would mommy know?
How much her tiny little angel has grown?
How else would mommy guess?
If her little angel have some requests? 

I know that somehow you could now hear
Oh, what a thrill you will bring us here!
Now hush my baby, it’s time to rest
Inside my womb, your own calm nest

May God help me to keep you safe
And always keep you strong, I pray
I love you right before I planned you
And I love you more now that I have you

 Rose-And then the day has arrived when I had given Birth to Zara... she was so sweet,... she opened her eyes and I saw your eyes...  Then I remembered you want to name our daughter Zara.. Your mother name.. SO I named her... ZARA...

(We both were holding each other hands and had tears in her eyes... I can feel what Rose is saying...)

(After few minutes she just took her hands back...)

Rose- so what you did for past 3 years... and where were you?

 Edward- Well day before our reception I got an email from Jasmine to kill you.. I was not aware who Jasmine was and who was that girl...the day we got married I have promised myself that now I want to leave a normal gentleman life.. I don’t want to be gangster so  I didn’t respond to that email and when you went to Priya’s house to get ready, Mr. Chen had come to our place, he said he was undercover agent... I helped him... but I was not aware that it was you... and... well after you left me.. I didn’t have courage to face you.. so I was there for few months, then I went different places and later on I decided to teach music in school, I took some classes and then shifted to London.. and here I met Priya... And then i decided now I want you back......... But here I got my biggest surprise of meeting Zara.........

Later that day I decided I will do anything to get my family back.. But in meanwhile Got message from you and here I am..

Rose-  Well I don’t know whether should I believe you or... But yes you will surely get your family back excluding, me...

 Edward- But we are friends?

 Rose (laughed)- Yes we are...

Edward- I missed you and I love you Rose...

She was quiet.. she didn’t answer.. She was just looking at me,  finding something in my eyes...

 Rose POV

 He again said me that he love me.. and I am just staring him.. I am finding the truth... I can see he is saying truth but why I am not able to believe him... I want to believe but...

Rose- lets go and sleep...

Edward- yeah sure..

Rose- Tomorrow is Sunday so kids are going to go to park by 8.AM with Raj and Priya, if you want you can join them.

Edward- You are not coming?

Rose- No I have to take Zara for her doctor appointment, she is having some cavity issue so...

Edward- if you don’t mind can I join you?

Rose- Hmmm okay so be ready by 9.00.

Edward- goodnight...

Rose- Goodnight..

Edward- Rose..

Rose- yes..

Edward- I love you....

And he left...


(Source )

(Source: Tiny Baby, Pregnancy Poem )

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