Jikook // Skinship {COMPLETED}

By intojimin

193K 8.9K 2.8K

Basically large amount of Jikook, Vmin,Yoonmin and Jihope. . Let's say he's looking for something or someone... More

1- Fluffy present
2-Possessive hyung
3-Caramel macchiato
4- Just a lucky bi*ch
5- Bye
6- Weird and cute
7-Nutella tongue
8- Player
9- Not very well hidden feelings
10- Hug
12- Jung Hoseok
13- Min Yoongi
14- Kim Taehyung
15- Mistake?
16- Lap dance
17- silent threat
18- we can try
not an update
For you
Deal with ex lover
faking it
I didn't change.
take it or break it
I'm fool for you, hyung
I need to tell you something
He was sweet.
Runaway baby
pt 1- leaving it behind (Tae, Hobi)
leaving it behind pt 2 (yoongi)
le tag
baby boy
pls help the helpless me
minutes as forever
Ji and kook
love you to death
No Control
it's not fair
our penthouse
sex toys or not?
baby Ji for daddy
he called
I was blind
Two types of love
stay away
tag :)
see you again
you can fly
heh so.....new story?
I don't have tag book, sorry
T to the A to the G
accept me accept us
dare me!
was it worth it?
you're not him
let me show you
creative is not in my dictionary
i don't know love anymore
it beats only for you
And I Wonder If I Ever Cross Your Mind (Finnish)

11- Jeon Jungkook

4.1K 217 75
By intojimin

I'm gonna do Jungkook pov this time..

Hoseok is next and than we have Tae and our little Yoongi. 



"Is this okay?" My mom asked me when she handed me an old phone. "I can't buy you a new one. I'm sorry."

 I took the phone and smiled. "Is this your old phone?" 

 "Yes, I'm sorry. You will be so embarrassed in front of your friends." She sat down next to me. 

I placed the phone on the table and started eating my breakfast.

 "It's okay. I don't care what they think." 

 "Ah, Jungkook. I will buy you new one soon." She continued and put her arm on my shoulder as comfort.

 "I SAID IT'S OKAY!" I raised my voice and she moved her hand quickly. She sigh and looked down at her cup. 

 I looked at her and felt guilty. 

My mom. 

The woman who was here for me, she helped me to survive in this world, she learned me how to not care, and showed me what love is. With her by my side I never needed a dad. 

 "Make sure do took your therapy. I have to go to work." She said, her voice was almost a whisper. 

 "I love you." My mom gave me a weak smile in respond. 


This old Nokia is gonna ruin me. It's so hard to type on it. 

I lay down and put the phone on my nightstand, I ate, did the dishes, did my homework.

My therapy. I forgot to took it. I opened my nigh stand and took out a box of Trazodone.I just started taking it but I really hope this will help. Because going to that useless therapist didn't help at all.

 The thing is, when I got in any bad situation...I'm shaking and seeing red, I'm blacking out before anything is said, It's the fight I try to hide, the anger that rages in me, I am enraged I see red and black. I don't know what's happening , I want to fight to release my anger, I'm always the one who lose. And the beast don't want to run it wants to play. 


 ."Stupid Jungkook" i murmured while walking to school. 

I should be smarter. Fight against myself.Just do it.


 That's nothing special, I can control them. I will focus on myself more so I can be happy and normal, just like everyone else. 

 I took the lollipop from my bag and opened it. 


 I put the lollipop in my mouth and turn around to face Yugyeom and Bobby. 

 "Hey brat." Bobby had that smirk on his face and he gave me that two fingers salute wave.I gently punched him on his shoulder.

 "Are you like 5?" Yugyeom joked and tried to took the lollipop from my mouth. 

"Stop it. My mom buy this for me." I whispered and smiled to myself.

 They both laughed at me and I glared before walking to the school in front of them. Every day same story. 

I hate being made fun of, same as called mental or sick. Who are they to think of me the way they do?Who gave them the right to rant about me? Who are they  to stare and make fun and make me your next casualty? 

You silly little people what makes you think in anyway that you are better than me? Material things you may have more of but that is not what should label people. I shook my head and looked around the hallway.

 Secretly I was looking around for Jimin. 

I wanted to see him. His orange hair and that smile he always had, his high pitch voice when he called my name, or that adorable laugh that make my heart beat faster.How his eyes sparkle while he say hi to me with the most sweetest voice in the world.

He's so annoying.

  And since the day I first laid eyes on him, my feelings grew and grew. And now this is crazy.  


I had to talk with that annoying girl from my class because we're having some project. She asked can she come to my house to finish it.

 "Uhm, sure." I said.

 "Jungkook give me your phone I will type my number for you." Yeri said and moved closer smiling at me. I smiled awkwardly and shook my head. 

"No,no just wrote it on paper." She giggled and wrote it on paper with little heart next to her number. I rolled my eyes. Do I even look interested in her? 

"Thanks, I'll text you tomorrow." 


"Look how popular they are. Pff, they're not even that good." I talked to myself while watching some boys playing basketball and siting on the grass.

 My favorite time is lunch break. I like fresh air and some time to rest from all those stupid people in my class.

 It's so peaceful and I closed my eyes while  eating my sandwich. Suddenly I felt someone standing in front of me. 

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jimin smiling down at me. 

 "Move, you're blocking the sun." I said waiting for his "But I am the sun˝ reply that I never got. 

"Sorry." Was all he said and sat down next to me.

 I glanced at him before taking a bite of my sandwich. It was awkward sitting like this when no one is talking. 

Tell me with who you were yesterday. Now. I squeezed my eyes while thinking of Jimin in someone's else bed. 

 "Are you okay? I texted you and you never replied?" His voice was quiet and I took my phone from the pocket. 

O shit.7 unread messages and 3 missed calls from my mom. 

"What happened to your old phone?" Jimin lean closer and took the phone from my hand. 

I face palmed myself. How can I forgot that I have this phone, this is so embarrassing. 

"I broke my old one." 

 "Oh, but how?" Why does he need to know everything?

 "I throw it at the wall." I answered coldly and moved away from him.

 Jimin pouted and moved closer and put his hand on my tight. 

"Someone make you mad?" 

 "Yes, you!" 

 "Me? When?" He stopped and bit his lip. "About that, I...uhm. That's long story but I was forced to sleep there. Nothing happened." 

I got all my attention at him. I nodded and looked away.

 "Who is he?" I asked even I was scared of the answer. 

"Hoseok." And there we go. That irritating waiter is again in the picture. 

 "Cool." I said after some time. 

It's so hard not to yell at him and tell him to stay away from him. But I remind myself that I'm nothing to Jimin and he's nothing to me.

 Uhm, okay he's like, some crush. 

Or guy I like and think he look cute. 

Or boy that stole my heart from day one. That's so cheesy. 

 "Jungkookie, I asked you can you text me when you got home?" I blinked few times before looking at my lap. 

I don't have money to text him. 

"No." I looked at him and he pouted with his perfect pink wet lips that he love to lick every few minutes. 

I bet he's teasing me. 

Or maybe they really taste sweet. 

"Are you that mad at me? I really am sorry. And the fact that you wanted to sing to me." He pinched my cheek. "It's really cute." 

I groaned in frustration. 

"I don't have money on my phone, okay?" 

 I'm so sad. My life is so sad. And here I am telling how poor I am to the guy with huge house, maids and even that annoying bodyguard. 

 "What if you are in trouble and need to call your mom? Jungkook, let me buy you a new phone and I will put money on it." 

 WHAT? Is he serious?

 Or he's just stupid. I looked at that boys playing basketball not making eye contact with him. 

"Thanks, but no need for that." 

"But I want to. So we can text when we're not together." I felt my stomach turning and my face got really hot. Why is he doing this? 

 "I will pay you back." I spoke and he clapped his hands. 

"I guess you're not that stubborn." He ruffled my hair before leaving. "I'll call you later!" He yelled before running inside the school. 

"...and than he said he will buy me new phone so I can call you if something happened. But don't worry I will pay him back." I finished talking and looked at my mom.

 "Why are you crying?" 

She shook his head and sat down on the couch next to me. "

Such a sweetheart. Invite him tomorrow. I will make pancakes and you two can play in your room. Also I can thank him."

 I frowned at her and blushed.

 Playing in my room. 

Wow mom. 

"Uhm, okay. I will ask him." 


 I need to do that project with her tomorrow. Ugh. I will text her tomorrow.


I put my arms on my hips. 

 Jeon Jungkook, it's time to clean your room. 

I sigh and started. I removed everything from the floor and vacuumed. I clean my table and dusted. I changed sheets on my bed.

Why am I doing all this?

 It's just Park Jimin.


 "Okay, see you tomorrow. And yeah, my mom want you to come to my house tomorrow." I closed my eyes hoping he won't freak out.

 I heard giggling on the other side of the phone. "That's lovely. I would love that." 

I sigh and mouthed a 'YES' before clearing my throat. "Goodnight Jimin, and don't go sleep in someone else bed." 

 I turned the light's on and I was actually happy. 

It's first time that my crush actually want to spend some time with me. 

 'YAH!' I covered my head with blanket. Since when I am this cheesy. 

Love is actually a great feeling I never felt before . 


 And Jeon Jungkook fall asleep happy with cute smile on his lips and pink blush on his cheeks. 


THANK YOU FOR 800 reads 

i love you 

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