I tried

By DarlingSmileBeHappy

1.6K 132 58

Life is a series of snapshots. Your memories are the photos, stored away. You often bring out the old, thick... More

Say Goodbye
Do You Know
You Left Me
It Is
I am fine
I am who I am
Love yourself
I have never
One Day
Let Go of It All
Seeing Beyond by Kaden Steele
Made It
I Fear
Just a Letter
Panic Attacks
November 11th
Why Not?
When Did You Lose Your Happiness
Imagine by Shelby S.
Imagine It
Separation by Sophie
I'll Keep it Hidden by Miika
Despair by Unknown
"Everything Will be Okay"
What Happened
Killing Me
This Rose
I'm trying..


34 4 5
By DarlingSmileBeHappy

You are the knife, cutting the noose holding me against my will.
You are the hand, reaching out to pull me above the drowning waves.
You are the rope, wrapping about me to save me from falling.

You are the reminder that I'm going to be okay.
I'm not alone in this.

I still have fight in my bones.
I still have hope pumping my heart.
I still have faith filling my lungs.
I still have you.

Xx sorry for not updating!!! Things going on, and yeah :/ But I'm back

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