Misguided Mornings// h.s

By Justeen_96

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Fourth Book in the Sleepless Nights Series "Don't. Okay? Just.. Don't." "You know I can't help myself." Harr... More

Just Like Old Times
Natural Disasters
Dinner and A Show
Something Great
Little White Lies
Right Now
The Hardest Part
You and I
The Heart Wants What It Wants
This Is Us
Little Black Dress
Does He Know?
One Last Time
Alright Goodnight
Final Book!!

What? Who? Where?

132 6 0
By Justeen_96


"Umm.. Guys." Liam said, staring at his phone confused as we waited for our baggage to come around on the carousel. "Something.. There's something weird in this message that Terra sent me." He said looking up at all of us.

"Weird how?" Niall asked.

"Well the first bit says.. 'Hey! Can't wait to see you guys when you land! Meghan, Hunter and I will be the ones enthusiastically waving signs..' Which all sounds fine but.."

"Whose Hunter?" Zayn asked. My heart was pounding in my chest with anticipation. Somehow I already knew who Hunter would be. Her boyfriend. Her god damn boyfriend. She had moved on. Would me collapsing and dying be justified right now?

"That's what I thought to and then she says a couple things about fans and asking how they know when we land and then she says.. 'Anyways, Meghan my boyfriend and I will be standing by ready to pack you all into the cars!'" Liam's pauses and looks over at me. In fact, they're all looking at me but I'm staring at the carousel. Where's my damn bag?

"I guess it makes sense right.. I mean Terra can drive but she doesn't have a car. I wondered how we were all going to get into Meghan's car. It's not that big but.." Niall said trying to divert everyone's attention from the fact that Terra had moved on when I hadn't. My throat was dry and my eyes were wet. The contrast was stunning. I ran a hand through my hair.

"You okay Harry?" Louis asked, touching my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said before clearing my throat. "I'm fine." I repeated just for the hell of it. I wasn't fine. But I couldn't let them see or the paparazzi or the fans. Everybody would ask too many questions that I couldn't answer. Terra, why didn't you tell us?

"Okay well.. There's our bags." Zayn said pointing out the different colored ones falling down onto the roundabout. I sighed and grabbed up the red duffle of mine and waited for the boys to grab their bags.

"Shouldn't keep them waiting." Liam said as we stood around after grabbing our bags.

"The fans will be out there too." Louis pointed out.

"I know that's why we're going out a back way. I've informed Paul about Meghan and Terra who are picking us up, he's told them where to go." Liam replied. Airport security found us and directed us out a back way where fans would not see us or be able to greet us. I felt bad that we were missing them but I wanted to see Terra.. Even if this Hunter guy was with them.

"Guys!" Was the first word we heard as we stepped outside. Looking up, I found two cars, Meghan, Terra and a tall guy with short hair who I assumed was Hunter. Terra ran to Liam first because he was the closest one to her. Meghan went and hugged Niall which I was sure he was pleased about. "I've missed you guys so much!" Terra continued, moving to Louis who set down his bag and hugged her tightly.

"We've missed you too." Louis said, smiling widely.

"I can't believe you're all finally here." She said, moving to Zayn as Meghan hugged Liam. I stood back and watched all this. I didn't know if she wanted to hug me, touch me. We had been talking for a week now, finally but.. That was all for nothing. She was with Hunter. We were just friends.

I looked over at Hunter now to find him staring at me. I stared back at him not because I was trying to intimidate him or because he intimidated me but because.. He looked angry at me. Like I had done him some sort of wrong. That could only mean one thing. He knew about Terra and I. Without meaning to, I smirked. Then she was in front of me.

Her smile was wide and her eyes were bright. Terra's hair was longer now and she no longer had her bangs. They looked good on her. I smiled back slowly. Had we been staring at each other for too long? Or was everything just moving slower in my mind. She looked happy but was that because of us or because of him?

"Hi Harry!" She said loudly, enthusiastically before throwing her arms around my neck. Surprised, I hugged her back, putting my chin on her shoulder. "I've missed you." She said in a quieter tone.

"I've missed you too." She pulled back as everyone began talking around us, excitedly talking about our plans for the two weeks we would all be out here.

"You can't keep doing that you know." She said, lightly hitting my arm.

"Doing what?"

"Stop talking to me."

"I thought you wanted space."

"You're one of my best friends Harry. I'm still going to need you. I'll always need you." My smile widened and Terra nodded slowly before turning to everyone else. "Guys, I want to introduce you to my boyfriend, Hunter. Hunter this is Harry." She began, gesturing to me. "Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn."

"Hey mate, nice to meet you." Liam said, holding out his hand so Hunter could shake it. Hunter took his hand.

"Nice to meet you guys too. When Terra first told me she was friends with you guys, I thought she was just another obsessed fan." Niall and Louis started snickering.

"But that doesn't make sense because while I have your guys CD's, I don't have any other memorabilia of you guys in my room." Terra explained.

"Exactly so.. This was all very confusing to me. But I believed her and here we are." Hunter said with a smile. He glanced down the line of us before settling on me. He held my gaze a bit longer than everyone else's.

"So, who is going in whose car?" Meghan asked, clapping her hands.

"I'm going with you." Niall said, throwing his arm around her. Meghan rolled her eyes and shook him off as Liam said he would go with them too. Louis opted for Meghan's car as well before anyone else could say anything. Terra smiled.

"Looks like it's you, me and Zayn in hunters car then." She said gesturing to me and then Zayn. "Come on, let's get you guys packed up." Terra said motioning for Hunter to unlock his car, which he did before tossing her the key to open the trunk.

"This should be exciting." Zayn murmured to me as we walked toward the back of Hunter's car.


God I was so worried. My stomach was twisting in knots. It was bad enough that Hunter was glaring at Harry but now we would have to be in the same car together for thirty to forty minutes and I really wished Harry had just spoken up and gone with Meghan. Maybe he wanted everything to be awkward.

"Okay, there we go, get in guys." I said, gesturing to either door before joining Hunter up front. As I slid into the passenger seat, I glanced at him, buckling up. His face was a bit grim and his lips were pursed. But I smiled and he slowly smiled with me. "Buckle up you two." I said, glancing back at Harry and Zayn.

"Yes mum." Zayn joked, grinning at me. I laughed and watched Harry smile as they tugged at the seat belts.

"So where are we going?" Hunter asked as he watched Meghan pull away from the curb.

"Just follow Meghan and if you lose her, I know where we're going." I said, touching his shoulder. Hunter nodded and smiled at me before I turned back around in my seat to look at the boys again. "So how have you guys been?"

"Alright." Zayn said with a small shrug. "Just kickin back at home, being on the road." I smiled.

"Can't wait to see you guys in concert. It'll be fun. I haven't been to a concert yet this year."

"It's April." Harry said, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I know. I suck. It's been awful."

"What was the last one you went to?" Harry questioned. I pursed my lips, tapping my chin.

"When was the Take Me Home Tour?" I asked meekly.

"Terra!" Zayn and Harry both exclaimed.

"That was last year." Zayn sputtered. I started laughing.

"Yeah I know! I can't believe the last people I saw in concert was you guys and you're the ones I'll see first this year." I rolled my eyes.

"You love concerts." Harry reminded me.

"Yeah I know but I just haven't had the time or the money to go to them. I go to your concerts for free and thank god I do because if I didn't, I wouldn't go at all."

"What? Seriously?" Zayn demanded.

"Have you seen your guys ticket prices? They're expensive. Especially when other places buy up all the tickets and sell them for a higher price at a profit." I said, rolling my eyes.

"It's how we get paid." Harry pointed out. I sighed.

"Terra, I've lost them." Hunter said, getting my attention. I looked up and realized that this was true. We had gotten stopped at a red light and Meghan and the others blew through the yellow one.

"Okay, easy-peasy. Just make a turn on Orange, keep going until 2nd street..."

"Oh are we going to that fancy ass hotel in downtown?"

"Yup the tall one with blue doors." Hunter nodded.

"Yeah, I know where that is." I smiled.

"So how long have you two been together?" Harry asked. I swallowed hard.

"Almost three months." I said, glancing back at him.

"Do you guys go to college together?" Zayn asked, diverting the conversation a little ways away Hunter and I.

"Yeah but we didn't met there. I actually first saw her in a coffee shop not far from the school. She was working on a paper and her table was the only seat left in the cafe so I asked if I could sit with her." Hunter smiled and took my hand. I squeezed it lightly and turned away form Zayn and Harry, refusing to acknowledge the look on Harry's face.

"That's really cute." Zayn said nodding his head.

"Yeah, I thought so too." I murmured. I was going to have to explain myself later, I could already tell. The question that hung in the air was, how could I not tell them about my new boyfriend?

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