It Runs In The Family (BDSM)...

By Princess1Peach

441K 5.8K 482

This is normal for me, this is what I have always known. Now I get to spend time with people who think I am... More

It Runs In The Family
Chapter Three- Ignorance Is Bliss
Chapter Four- Pair Assignments
Chapter 5
Chapter 6- You Are Mine
Chapter Seven- Killed On Impact
Chapter Either- Minor Freedoms
Chapter Nine- Meet The Kingma's
Chapter Ten- Expert Hands
Chapter Eleven- Out of Practice
Chapter Twelve- Leather Against The Skin

Chapter Two- Wrapped Around Her Finger

38.6K 482 23
By Princess1Peach

It Runs In The Family

Chapter Two- Wrapped Around Her Finger


      I was one of the last to leave the class room, and I found it kind of odd that Damon had lingered for as long as he did, but it made sense to me when he grabbed me, pulling me into a side closet without anyone noticing. He turned the light on in the room, turning me around so I was facing him, and he said...

Elle's POV-

      "Sorry for dragging you in here, but I wanted to get you alone so I could ask you something"

      His hands fell from where they had been at my shoulders grow when he had grabbed me down to my waist. His finger tips left sparks wherever they traveled, and I wasn't about to tell him to stop.

      "I have seen you glance at me throughout the first half of this day and I was wondering if there was anything going on between you and that boy you came in with. Is he already your Dom? Do the two of you already have a relationship established?"

      I was taken back by his question. I hadn't even stopped to consider that someone might read the sibling relationship I have with Aimes as something else. It was actually really funny. The two of us might be twins but we definitely are not identical. We always joke that between the two of us I am the pretty one and he is the funny one. As I was thinking about it I started to laugh a little, but Damon took my laughing as something else.

      "Are you mocking me? Why are you laughing at me?"

      He sounded quite mad, and I was actually really scared.

      " Aimes, the boy I came in with, is my brother. We are actually fraternal twins. I wasn't laughing at you, I just thought it was funny that someone would mistake us as a couple. I'm sorry."

      "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have over reacted. I just brought you in here because my father is the dean and he does most of the work on the pair assignments. I just have been noticing you throughout the day and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind being my partner. It seems as if you have some experience, and I really don't want to have to be the one to break one of these new subs. Would that be all right with you, to be with me me? You can say no if you want."

      "No, that actually sounds great. If you are the dean's son you might know my parents. My mom is Flora Kingma and my fathers are Alec and James Kingma. They own two BDSM night clubs down in southern Maine."

      "I've heard my father talk about them before, he even went down to visit them a couple weeks ago. If I had known you were going to be there I would have went with him."

      He was wiggling his eyebrows at me, making a joke out of his last statement. I laughed along, glad that the air was free of tension. He left before me, telling me to wait two minutes before following him. I did as he told me, just catching the rest of the group coming out of the Pre Calculous room.

      "Where were you?"

      Aimes was wearing a concerned look, his eyebrows drawn together and worry clear in his eyes.

      "I just had to talk to some one about something. Did anything interesting happen?"

      "Nothing interesting ever happens without you."

      He put his arm over my shoulder, whispering in my ear,

      "I know you were with that Damon kid. Did he hurt you? Do I need to go beat him up?"

      I pushed him away from me, partially afraid he was going to be immature and try to lick my ear.

      "No. We just talked, and now we have everything worked out. Have you talked to any girl yet?"

      "Not a single one. I guess I have to man up and go talk to them. Not everyone can be a social butterfly like you."

      We both walked into the lunch room together, grabbing trays and walking through the food line. I rolled my eyes as Aimes took one of almost everything. I grabbed a salad with chicken. He paid for the both of us, leading me to a table near the middle of the room.

      "Do you mind if I sit with you two?"

      It was Damon, his tray almost exactly the same as Aimes. Aimes nodded at him, saying, 

      "Sure. I'm Aimes, Elle's older brother."

      "Clarification, he is only 15 minutes older than me."

      Damon chuckled, sitting down next to me. I loved the way his laugh sounded, like a deep rumbling chortle.

Aimes' POV-

        I sat at the table with the two of them, watching how they interacted. Just in what I had seen at the table I knew they would be a good pair. Elle isn't completely submissive, and she needs a strong Dom to make her bend to his will.

        Both of my fathers had told me before I left that I needed to watch over Elle to make sure she didn't get hurt. I know that if I said she needed help they would both be rushing up here without a second thought. She has both them wrapped around her finger, but we love her for it, and I wouldn't want it to be any other way.


        Hey, so I wanted I tell you guys about the book that got me interested in BDSM. It is called Generational Sins by Samantha Blair and it is a real book, but a novel by a Wattpadian. I have read this book countless times not because of the sex scenes, but because of how beautifully twisted the story line is. This book is what got me interested in BDSM and I think you guys would really like it! Check it out and tell me what you guys think!

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