The Kidnapping Fifth Harmony...

By grumpycat922

37.7K 582 103

Life sucked. It always did. But it gets worse when you are regressed and degraded into something other people... More

The Beginning
A/N serious question


7.6K 131 6
By grumpycat922

Trigger Warning- Mentions of Rape and Abuse
"Mama come back". I cried softly watching them being taken away. It broke my heart and I couldn't handle it. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to talk to a lawyer and have him or her present with you while you are being questioned. If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, one will be appointed to represent you before any questioning if you wish. You can decide at any time to exercise these rights and not answer any questions or make any statements." I sat on the house steps ignoring the several officers that searched the house. I watched as they took away all my toys and stuffed animals. I had loved them so much. Everything was soon gone as well as my mommies. I had been left on the steps as an officer came over to me with the people I hated so much. "Ma'am it's time for you to go home now". The officer said it with confidence telling me he was happy he busted the "perps". "Y/N it's time to go home now. Once and for all". I look at them with fear running through my body. "Y-yes step-mother. Yes father". I sniffled as I was being picked up by my oh so loving father. I silently cried feeling his rough hands touch me once again. He was acting as if I weren't his daughter that he didn't use for years. He acted as if I was someone he loved. It was all an act and I was the only one who could see that. My step-mother looked at me with no concern in her eyes. She knew what was going on and she was glad that it would start again. I saw the van that the girls were in. Something erupted in me. I fought out of his arms and ran to the van jumping in the back pouncing on them. I could feel them holding on tight. The officers quickly looked and pulled me off. Before they did I got to say something to each of them. "I love you so so much, thank you for taking me away. I'll never forget you." The girls looked at me smiling weakly, some cried others blew air kisses at me knowing this might be the last time they see me. I was instantly put in the family car. They drove me to the all to familiar house. The house filled with my blood, screams, and tears. "Welcome back child".

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