Welcome to Gravity Parnormia...

By BlueCipher0

87.5K 3.3K 3.6K

Welcome one all to Gravity Parnormia! We are very sorry about the in convince about that fire a few years ago... More

Your on Night Duty
Are You Kidding Me?
Just Give Into Me
He's Not Here
His Heart
Scars are Revealed
Epilogue: We do so enjoy your company, please come back soon~

Unsuspected Late Night Visitor

10.7K 429 324
By BlueCipher0

+Gravity Parnomia: in Bill's cage+

Dipper sat on Bill's swing again as the said animatronic admired him from up close. Bill's elbows resting on his legs and his head set on his hands smiling.

"Bill, let me go please."

"Not a chance PineTree, not until it's close to opening time~" The bot replied happily. He brought a hand up to cup Dipper's cheek. "It's a shame to let you go though."

Dipper rolled his eyes and didn't fight, it would've just lead to futile results. He looked at Bill's face who looked at him with a wanting look. "What Bill?"

"Your singing earlier... It was amazing. Will you sing for me again?" Bill asked.

The teen shook his head. "I don't sing." He stated.

"Oh you can PineTree! I heard you earlier when you were in the surveillance room and when I was carrying you. Sing me a song PineTree~" The bot said to him and laughed.

"No Bill. I will do anything, but that." PineTree says gripping the swing handles.

Bill pouted and sighed. "Fine, but one of these nights I'm gonna get you to sing for me." He took his elbows off Dipper's lap and back up a tiny bit, but not enough for him to get off the swing. "Then if you won't sing for me.... You have to kiss me!" His eyes brightening up at the decision.

Dipper cringed at the option, but he really did not feel up for singing. 'The faster you kiss him the worse will be over.' He thought and nodded at Bill.

Bill's grin widened and waited for the brunet to kiss him.

Said teen did so quickly giving the bot a peck on the cheek. The bot never did specify where he should kiss him. As he pulled back, he was instantly pulled back, but this time kissing the lips of Bill.

"B-Bill..." Dipper stumbled saying into the kiss. Ah he was feeling it again, why did Bill always have a way to make him putty in his hands. He was a metal animatronic for peats sake.

A few moments of making out, Bill broke their kiss to give Dipper some air. Dipper leaned against the bot panting.

Bill hummed happily wrapping his arms around his human to hug him. "PineTree's kisses are sweet as always~" He smirked down at the brunet and lean his head down towards his ear. "My perfect PineTree."

Dipper shivered at the words and gripped the fabric of Bill's suit.

"HELP! DIPPER!" Someone screamed echoed.

Dipper responded quickly hearing the familiar scream. Using his might he pushed past Bill and ran out of the cage. 'Please let it not be who I think it is.' He thought as he ran while making sharp turns.

When he got there he saw a familiar bright pink sweater with a shooting star on it. His eyes widened and yelled at the animatronics. "STOP!"

Those animatronics surrounding the person stopped right away and moved back. They looked at Dipper blankly and waited for him to do something.

Dipper sighed and stared at the person on the ground. "Mabel what are you doing here?"

The female twin shakily got on her feet and ran into Dipper to hug him. "I-I thought that you've must have been lonely lately since you started doing night duty frequently now. So I thought I could come help you watch the restaurant, but..." She glanced back to look at the animatronics slightly afraid.

Her brother patted her on the head gently. "It's okay Mabel, they're not gonna hurt you. They have to get through me first it they wanna hurt you." Dipper chuckled and looked at the bots. "Guys this is my sister, Mabel, don't hurt her."

Pyronica walked over to her and held her hand out. "Nice to meet you. Sorry we didn't remember you earlier, if you haven't noticed it's quiet dark here, we usually see you with PineTree when we're performing on stage."

Mabel grinned happily at the bright pink flaming bot. "Nice to meet you too! I love your color and performances!" Her bubbly personality returning.

Pyronica looked at Dipper with a confused look.

"What?" Dipper asked her.

The pink animatronic covered her mouth. "Aren't you suppose to be with Bill?"

Dipper glanced away awkwardly. "He probably doesn't know where I am, since I kinda pushed him off me and ran to Mabel's scream." He laughed nervously.

"Oh PineTree~"A sweet familiar voice called his name.

"Oh no..." Dipper says. Mabel giving him a what-the-heck look.

Bill rounded the corner, look in their direction and only looked at Dipper. He smiled and walked over to him, but Dipper could tell the bot is mad at him.

Said brunet took a step back when Bill got in front of him. "Hi Bill..."

The animatronic picked up Dipper once more and carried him on his shoulder again like a sack. "Back to the cage we go PineTree, and no more escaping until opening time." He carried Dipper while said person crossed his arms and huffed.

As the two went out of sight, Mabel was left with the three other animatronics. Those three being Tad, Pyronica, and Giffany. "Can I ask what's going on between those two?" She asked the three bots.

Giffany smiled at her and giggled. "Our friend has taken a rather big liking to your brother Shooting Star."

Tad rolled his eye and sighed. "Bill's been obsessed with him ever since he's revealed himself to PineTree. Honestly I still wonder wonder how his interest in the dear boy came to be." He shook his head.

"Anyways Shooting Star, while your here why not have fun spending time with us." Pyronica said to her nicely.

"Um.. Okay, but can I check on my brother first? Please?" Mabel asked in a concerned tone.

The three bots looked at each other and shrugged. There would be no harm in her seeing her brother anyways. So the four of them went to direction in which Bill took Dipper with him.

+Main Room: Bill's Cage+

Dipper was on Bill's swing again, crossed his arms over his chest with a not so happy look on his face.

Bill had decided to hug him around the waist this time, pushing the swing back and forth lightly, rocking the both of them. The blond face had a relaxed smile as he nuzzled his face into Dipper's clothed body. Humming his own tune that Dipper could not really understand.

"Bro Bro?"

The brunet turned his head towards the door to see his sister happily relieved to see him. "Mabel, thank goodness your still okay." Dipper says.

"Of course I'm okay Dipper. Tad, Pyronica, and Giffany lead me here."

Dipper and Mabel started up a conversation which cause Bill to start get him annoyed.

'PineTree's attention should be on me...' Bill thought clenching his fist. He saw the three bots by the door and motioned them to come over.

Tad, Pyronica, and Giffiny came over and stood behind Mabel.

"And Bill right? I'm Mabel Pines, Dip Dot's twin sister!" Mabel grinned at the yellow bot.

Bill fake smiled at her. "Nice to meetcha Shooting Star! I already knew who you were, so no need for anymore info kid."

"You know how?" Dipper asked in a inexpressive tone.

Giving a real grin to Dipper, "Oh I know lots of things PineTree. Lots of things."

Dipper felt a shiver go up his spine at the creepy feeling as Bill said those words.

"Pyronica, Tad, and Giffinay. Show her around okay and don't disturb us."

The three boys nodded quickly hearing the stressed don't in his sentence and ushered the girl out of the room as quick as possible. So that they could avoid Bill's awaiting wrath if it so wished to be unleashed.

"Mabel!" Dipper shouted for her, but Bill pulled said boy to quiet himself.

"Your attention is to me PineTree only~" Bill says pecking a kiss onto Dipper's cheek.

The human only frowned at the yellow animatronic. 'I wish the night would just flash by already.' He thought and ran a hand through Bill blond hair. "Your hair is pretty soft, I thought it would've been more rough."

Bill laughed and didn't let Dipper stop playing with his hair. "I take care of it. I'm not gonna be one none maintained bot, I prefer more clean and appropriate form." He nuzzled his face at the nape of Dipper's neck and chuckled.

Dipper blushed a bit, but said nothing.

The yellow animatronic continued his humming for the rest of the time while holding him. Dipper kept quiet as he inspected the bot, self noting to write more about Bill in his journal later.

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