Troll Fest

By thebookiee

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"Come One, Come All, Troll Fest is for you All! ... More

Copyright Statement
Troll Fest - Teaser/ Prologue
Tuesday, April Second - I'm Athletically Challenged

Tuesday, April Second, The Evening - The Twin Mania

51 5 5
By thebookiee

Chapter Two: The Twin Mania

[A/N] - Not Edited. Lots of Swearing. 

Tuesday, Second April: The Evening

“Hello little sis,” a sinister voice greets me as I place my feet on the threshold of my house, and I freeze instantly, but apparently, not soon enough.

I’m drenched.

Those dratted twins, it couldn’t be anyone else, had executed the oldest prank in the book. No, not the fart cushion, the other one.

A bucket of water suspended over the door, to drench an unsuspecting person. In this scenario, it was me.


Jake and Jason were home from college, and for the life of me I couldn’t fathom why. Maybe they had been sent back, the letters we got certainly threatened to do so. After all, they had let out all the animals and reptiles in the science lab resulting in a strike by all the female professors who wouldn’t walk the halls when frogs were loose.

“What are you idiots doing home?” I ask them as I walk inside, welcoming the warmth of the hallway, not even pissed about the bucket of water. This was a relatively small prank for them. Had I known they were coming, I would have hid myself somewhere. Probably somewhere really far, like Antarctica.

Both of them stand in front of me, grinning like the Cheshire cat, and I’m a little freaked out by the crazy glint in Jake’s eyes, but I shrug it off.

“So, you mean to say you don’t know why we’re here? No one thought of telling you?” Jason counter-questions me, smirking now.

“Oh no, I know why you’re here. Asking it out loud just gives me a kick.” I answer sarcastically, before adding, “No, you nutjobs, I don’t. So, spill. What’s going on?”

“Little sis-” Jason begins, but I interrupt him, “I’m only a year younger!”

“Don’t interrupt!” Jake admonishes me, and like a child Jason sticks his tongue out at me, pleased I’ve been scolded. We’ve walked into the kitchen by this time. I’m still drenched as I take the bar stool seat in front of the island, on which the boys are now perched.

“You are now looking at -” Jason starts, and then pauses for dramatic effect. I pointedly roll my eyes.

“The two judges for Troll Fest!” Jake completes his twin’s statement.

My eyes widen of their own accord, and I nearly jump up to strangle them both. Oh, this is bad. Very, very bad.

And, just then, I remembered him. Azazel.

Fuck. Things just went from bad to worse.

“What? Why? Don’t you have college?” I ask them, my mind still reeling from this unexpected and unwanted piece of news.

“Well, Ze, the college is giving us credit for supervising and judging a school competition. I must say, when the invite from Redford came, I was pretty surprised,” Jason says.

I snort. “Who else do you think they can call? All of your friends were nowhere close to you. And, I’m sure your college must have been happy to let to come.”

Happy was an understatement. They probably threw an early Christmas party in September. And, they dumped these two crackpots on us. God help us all.

“Yeah, still. Now we get to watch everyone get trolled and maybe troll a few ourselves.” Jake says, a wicked look in his eyes.

I get up and try to back away inconspicuously, like that is going to work. The boys have eagle vision.

“But, isn’t that against the rules?” I ask, as I near the kitchen door. I just want to take a clean shower before Nester got here.

“It isn’t when nobody finds out who did it.” Jason answers me, smiling slyly.

“Go have a bath sis, you stink. And, no there are no traps along the way.” Jake tells me, foiling my plan of sneaking away. Like I could have managed it.

“Yet.” Jason adds ominously.

I turn around and walk towards my room before the evil gits change their minds. My mind is feverishly trying to work out what this means. Having the twins as judges for a Trolling Fest, was seriously a potential threat to my life.

They could swing either way – they could want me to win, or they could want me to lose. Whichever it was, someone (I) was bound to get injured.

I walk into my room. Thankfully, I can’t spot anything out of order. The bookshelf to my right looks untouched, and so does my black colored bed. My closet looks the same as I left it.

My room is relatively simple. It looks like a teenager’s room, a bit messy, or as I, like the majority of my clan, like to call it – homey.

Luckily, I own the bedroom with the ensuite. So, I don’t have to share it with anyone. The twins are opposite to me. My parents live on the main level, i.e. near the kitchen. I had tried switching with them when I was sixteen and when the twins used to prank me almost every day. And, it wasn’t like there wasn’t enough space for their bed and stuff. They just didn’t want to try living opposite to the evil twins.

Gee, thanks mum and dad.

I dump my bag on the floor and go into the bathroom where I freeze. Those stinking idiots!

I speed down, only to find the kitchen empty. “You jack asses! I’m going to get you back for this.” I yell as I walk back into my room. I can actually hear sniggering from behind their door. Shameless.

I cringe as I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror as I strip. Those idiots hadn’t kept water in the bucket. It had been watery green hair dye. I was green now. I looked the female hulk, minus the muscles.

I came of the bath angrier than before. Apparently, whatever they had mixed with the water wasn’t going to come out anytime soon. So, now I was stuck with green hair, a slightly green face, since I had bent down and green limbs.



Nester, the punctual freak, rang the doorbell exactly at five. The time when we decided he would come over. I had been doing my homework. Yeah, I would like to get into a decent college. Not a crime now, is it?

And, because of that, they opened the door. Luckily for Nester, they were relatively prank free. Meaning, he was made to sit on a fart cushion. Usually, he would come right into my room. Today, he refrained. He had brought a guest along, two actually.

Danielle and Amy.

I racked my brains, I knew Danielle was the tomboy chick of our year, but Amy had just been trolled this evening. I wondered why both of them had come over.

As I enter the living room, I notice the extremely awkward atmosphere. The twins are on the sofa, having made Nester sit on the fart cushion. I had always nursed a suspicion that Nester was scared of them. Good, I can tease him about this later. I notice Amy looking at Jason with a confused look, and I wonder why. On the other hand, Danielle who was next to her on the other sofa was regarding Jake with a haughty look.

I look at Nester as I take a seat in my favorite armchair. Without a preamble, Danielle speaks up – “We,” she shares a look with Amy, “Uh I mean, I want to be allies.”

Before I can ask why or what or anything else, she continues.

“That prick Azazel told Sophie how to troll Amy and because of that she’s now out of the fest. I want revenge. And, the best way for that is the sister of the legends themselves – you.”

I’m stunned. So, she actually believes I have a shot at this. And, I could always use another ally. After all, that staring match hasn’t won me any brownie points with Azazel and his crowd.

“Fine. But, why is Amy here?” I ask. “Uh, no offence.” I add, glancing at the smiling Amy.  I’ve always found Amy sweet. She helped me pick up my strewn papers once. I had dropped them in the hallway. Thanks to my amazingly clumsy genetics.

“Well, the organizers didn’t mention anything about the trolled people helping their friends. Now, since I’m already eliminated, no one will pay attention to me. I’m free to do what I want.” She says, smiling evilly.

Well, well, well. Looks like sweet Amy isn’t as sweet as honey after all. This is good. Not, it’s great.

I stand. “Danielle, Amy and Nester, let’s go up to my room. Then these two idiots won’t be able to eavesdrop on us. They are the judges after all.” I say smirking.

I lead the three of them to my room. The twins gave us a dirty look as we walked out and I knew I would face the consequence of my sarcasm soon. But, this time, I would be prepared.

I had had my room sound proofed after my parents decided they would rather incur the cost of soundproofing than living in the room opposite the twins.

“Welcome to Battle Strategy 101.” I announce as I shut the bedroom door.


Authors Note –

Completely unedited.

I got an unexpected leave from college due to the pouring rains and so I was able to write.  I apologize for the terrible wait. I know I have been horribly sloppy with the updates. But, you have to understand that this year is the most important one. It’s like senior year – your future depends on your grades.

Please bear with me and I shall get updating real soon. Till then please keep reading, voting and commenting. If you spot a mistake, please let me know. I know it’s a short chapter, but it was all I could come up with. I mean, something is better than nothing right?

And, there will not be a cast list for this book. Except for Zianna – played by Emma Watson. I’m still unsure of where to set the book - America or England. Any help/suggestions?

This is dedicated to JackMchotfrost – you seemed to like the twins.

The song is ‘I gotta gotta pocketful of sunshine’. I’ve been watching that scene of Easy A. It’s so hilarious. If you haven’t watched that movie, go and watch it. NOW.

If you liked the chapter, please vote, fan and comment. It’ll make my day.

Thank you.

Lots of love,


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